Taoist Baiyu regretted in his heart, and thought, since he will know sooner or later anyway, why don't you tell me now?

As if he had seen through Baiyu Daoist's mind, Chu He smiled and said, "The Great Way, karma and reincarnation, I can tell you now, but have you thought about whether you want to bear the karma or not?"

Daoist Baiyu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt a sense of great terror in a trance.

Subconsciously, he shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it later."

Chuhe shook his head and stopped talking.

Cause and effect cause and effect, cause and effect.

Now these things have involved the Great Conferred God War, involving countless great powers.

It can no longer be simply measured by common sense.

Even if such secret things seem harmless, if they are known, it will inevitably not involve cause and effect.

For example, if Chuhe really told Baiyu Taoist, it would be tantamount to planting this seed in Baiyu Taoist's heart.

As a practitioner, if you know such things, why don't you explore them?

But if you go to explore, you must bear the risk.

If he dies on this path of exploration in the future, wouldn't it just confirm the cause and effect of today?

Or when he was searching, he released a certain power, and that power was a villain, and when he was born, he caused mourning everywhere, and part of this huge cause and effect will eventually be inherited from him. .

Therefore, Chuhe didn't tell all the things, one is for Baiyu Daojun's consideration, of course, the most important reason is that if he tells it, he will bear the cause and effect himself.

Chuhe is not like in the past. Things are too involved now, so we must be more careful.

After being reminded by Chuhe, Baiyu Taoist no longer asked about the prehistoric matter, but looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Chuhe.

"Since senior knows where this is, is there a way out of trouble?"

Chuhe pondered for a moment, then immersed his mind in the prehistoric space of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The moment Chu River entered the space of its own Sea of ​​Consciousness, a ray of prehistoric air overflowed, and the four beasts around suddenly screamed loudly, as if they had come alive, they all looked up at Chu River in the middle.

How could anyone be able to bear the might of a divine beast?

Daoist Baiyu suddenly felt that he couldn't help himself in the two-legged battle, and almost fell to the ground.

The fear in his heart is even more emotional, thanks to the fact that I still call myself a Daoist, and now facing the magic weapon that has lost its master for thousands of years, I almost lose my mind, so how can I call myself a Daoist?

He made up his mind to change the name of the Dao after the matter.

Now he is convinced that he absolutely cannot bear such a big name.

Madoka over there was also swaying, and under the roar of the divine beast, she could barely maintain her human form.

Although she is a wild alien, she is nothing more than a wild alien after all.

And in front of her is a serious beast!

This divine beast located in the thought tower is not a magical illusion, but a genuine divine beast!

On the outside of the Four Elephant Pagoda, it seems that because of the name of the divine beast, great changes have taken place.

The appearance that originally looked like a stone tower began to shake violently.

Soon, the stones outside began to fall off, revealing the main body of the Four Elephant Pagoda filled with precious light.

And the fluctuations caused by this also made the surrounding sea area constantly churning.

A tsunami was even brewing and flew towards the nearest small island!

Chapter 379

The power of the tsunami is not great, just a small range of wave fluctuations.

And go to Pagoda Island, or the land around the Four Elephant Pagodas for thousands of miles without inhabited people.

The monsters who were originally in charge of guarding the Pagoda Island also went to Xichi Country with the ancestor Minghuo.

For a period of time, no one noticed the anomaly here.

Seen from mid-air, the strange rock that was originally called Pagoda Island has lost its original appearance, and the outer layer of pitch-black reef has almost fallen off.

It also revealed the original appearance of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

I only saw four sides and six floors of the Four Elephant Pagoda, each of which is different, and can be distinguished from the color alone.

Cyan in the east, white in the west, red in the south, black in the north.

It just corresponds to the Qinglong Baihu Suzaku Xuanwu.

There are six levels, and each level also has a corresponding painting.

It's just that the reef outside is still not clean, so it's not clear what's on it.

Just these, already showed the extraordinaryness of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

At this moment, in Xichi Country, thousands of miles away, apparently no one has noticed the abnormality of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

After sucking the whole body of a monster, the ancestor of Minghuo regained his strength slightly, but he was still very weak. If the journey of thousands of miles was placed before, it would not be said that it would happen in a blink of an eye, but it would be too late. It doesn't take long.

But now, he walked for nearly an hour.

Only then did he see the outline of Xichi Kingdom.

Xichi country is said to be a country, but in fact it is just an island.

It is said that this Xichi country was once connected to the land a long time ago, but later it became lonely overseas for unknown reasons.

From a long distance, one could see a black aura lingering in the sky of Xichi Country, and even the sea water began to become deeper, and the waves became larger.

Before they got close, a surge of evil spirit and resentment swept over directly.

If there are righteous monks here, they will definitely feel their scalps go numb.

This Xichi country seems to be shrouded in evil and resentment, and the outermost layer of black air is obviously evil.

Only in the most evil and deepest places can there be evil spirits.

This is a great tonic for evil monks. Ordinary evil monks will work hard to find the evil spirit, and even kill tens of thousands of people. The formation is to condense that little bit of Yin evil spirit.

But here, the boundless evil spirit directly enveloped the Xichi Kingdom!

It can be seen from this that how much anger and grievances have accumulated in this Xichi country.

The ancestor of Minghuo finally returned to the sky above the Xichi country, and his nervous heart relaxed a little.

After taking a deep breath of the evil energy here, he only felt refreshed, and the wounds on his body began to heal slowly.

This place can be called a Jedi for those who practice the righteous way, but it is indeed a treasure land for evil spirits like Patriarch Minghuo. Just coming here, he can feel his own body slowly recovering. better.

Just came to the sky above the Xichi country, and before it landed on the Xichi country, several black shadows rushed up from below.

But there are a few demons that look like humans, but are covered with weird tattoos.


Before the following questions were finished, I heard the demon following Minghuo Patriarch say loudly, "Scared your dog eyes, give me a good look, this is Minghuo Patriarch, I am They are the guards of Pagoda Island, and they have important matters to attend to, if they stop them, they will eat you alive!"

After hearing that, the tattoo demon actually put his fingers on the eyeballs, and then pressed hard, and even directly dug out the two bloodshot eyeballs.

It's just that the eyeballs are still rolling in his hands.

"Let me be careful and quiet."

After the demon finished speaking, he threw his two eyeballs in front of Patriarch Minghuo and those demons, and looked them up and down.

"Forgive me, ancestor!" The demon's two eyeballs saw the face of the ancestor Minghuo clearly, and after sensing the breath of the ancestor Minghuo, he turned into a mouth on the eyeballs and said, "A certain It's just a routine, I hope the ancestors don't take offense."


Minghuo Patriarch sneered, "You old, multi-eyed monster with dizzy eyes, you have the nerve to take on the important position of guarding Xichi Kingdom with your eyesight?"

After speaking, he went straight to the depths with one hand.

The eyeballs screamed strangely and were about to run away, but one was still caught by the Minghuo Patriarch.

"Since you don't have eyes, you might as well give them to me."

After speaking, he directly threw the eyeball into his mouth.

The eyeball was still screaming, shouting no.

But it was still full of juice from being bitten by the yellow teeth of the ancestor Minghuo.

Withered and skinny like a child, Minghuo Patriarch smiled strangely and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked at the multi-eyed monster again.

I saw the multi-eyed monster already knelt down, "Ancestor atonement! Ancestor atonement! I just... just didn't see the guard of honor of the ancestor, and even saw the army following the ancestor. Step forward to intercept, and I hope that the ancestors will not be blamed!"

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed with his head with only one eye left.

Patriarch Minghuo's heart sank when he heard the words guard of honor.

Naturally, he needs a guard of honor when he travels, as well as the large army he brought with him to the conquest hall this time.

It's just... who would have thought that all those people would be killed!

Even almost died himself?

Thinking of this, the ancestor Minghuo stopped talking, snorted and flew forward directly.

It took a long time for the multi-eyed monster to stand up and let out a long sigh of relief after seeing the ancestor Minghuo walking away.

He looked at the direction where the ancestor Minghuo left, and cursed secretly, "You must have suffered a defeat, and you are extremely arrogant in front of me. I think how should you explain in front of the king?"

Without the army, without the guard of honor, and even Patriarch Minghuo himself was seriously injured, how could the multi-eyed monster fail to see what happened?

He silently cursed the ancestor Minghuo in his heart, stretched out his hand to touch the dark hole in his left eye, and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Afterwards, he put his hands on the collar, and then violently tore it on both sides.

The clothes are all ripped open, revealing the skin and more tattoos, and...

There are also dense eyes on the chest of the multi-eyed monster!

I only saw the former body of the multi-eyed monster, with densely packed eyes growing on the chest and abdomen. Now these eyes turned their pupils curiously and looked around when they saw the light.

The multi-eyed monster carefully selected it, and then targeted the brown eye on the left chest.

Like a knife, the finger was directly inserted through the gap next to the eye, and then ignored the scream of the eye, and pulled it out fiercely!

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