A bloody hole was left, and the multi-eyed monster directly stuffed the eyeballs it had just removed from its body into the eye sockets before giving up.

Chapter 380

Two more eyes appeared on the multi-eyed monster's face, which made it look like a person.

After he pressed his eyes, he looked around again, his eyes rolled around, and it didn't look much different from before.

In his eyes, the scenery began to pull in quickly, and he could even pass through the clouds and mountains, just like the legendary clairvoyance.

Everything is invisible in his eyes.

This is the ability of the multi-eyed monster. If not, why would he be asked to guard the gate of Xichi Kingdom?

He watched the ancestor Minghuo flying towards the direction of the king, thought for a while, then took out an eyeball from his body, and then threw it away.

The eyeball actually grew a pair of wings, and it disappeared so quickly.

The ancestor Minghuo came back but was seriously injured, and the army he was carrying disappeared, so we still need to report this matter.

Even if the report is late, it is not the same as not reporting.

After finishing all this, he turned his eyes to the direction that Patriarch Minghuo came from, trying to find out if anyone else was following.

As a result, there is only a piece of vastness, only a vast sea.

The multi-eyed monster muttered in his heart, is it true that the army has been wiped out?

Even the incredible prehistoric alien species like Tongtianyuan are gone?

He looked towards the sea again, but it turned out that it was okay if he didn't look at it, but he immediately got himself into trouble.

A strong light flashed in his eyes!

Before he could react, the multi-eyed monster let out a scream, then covered his eyes and fell down from midair involuntarily.


The multi-eyed monster covered his eyes with blood, which directly dyed his face bright red.

The whole person even hit the ground directly.

The incident happened suddenly, and there was no time to circulate the spiritual energy. The impact was solid, and even spit out a mouthful of blood.

A big hole was smashed out on the ground, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

Several little monsters ran over from a long distance, and suddenly saw the multi-eyed monster kneeling in the big pit, covering its eyes and screaming continuously.

"Master Multi-eyed! It's Master Multi-eyed!"

The little demon who came over immediately recognized who was in the big pit, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Master Duomu, what happened?"

"Master Duomu, do you need our help?"

His multi-eyed monster is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the ancestor Minghuo, and he can even take off the eyes transformed from his cultivation crystallization at will and eat them as snacks, but the multi-eyed monster is indeed a big man for these low-level monsters .

After all, this multi-eyed monster guards the border of Xichi Kingdom, so he has an errand, and he is a high-ranking figure.

These low-level demons still need to curry favor.

They looked at the miserable appearance of the multi-eyed monster, but they were also muttering in their hearts.

What's going on here?

In their hearts, the strength of the multi-eyed monster is very strong. In fact, the strength of the multi-eyed monster is not bad. Of course, it is not as good as the ancestor of Minghuo. It may guard the border of Xichi Kingdom. Apart from his strange ability, he himself The strength is also very important.

But now, the multi-eyed monster screamed in pain, and even his eyes, which were full of essence, couldn't stop bleeding. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he must have been seriously injured.

It's just that I didn't see people fighting in the sky just now. What's going on?

Zhi saw the ancestor Minghuo passing by, but the ancestor Minghuo was the minister of Xichi Kingdom, so how could he hurt the multi-eyed monster so much?

All the little demons were puzzled, but no one stepped forward to help.

Many little monsters even backed away a long distance, they were afraid that the multi-eyed monster would eat them to replenish their vitality now that they were seriously injured behind.

In Xichi country, this kind of thing is nothing. If you are not careful, you may be eaten by your own companion's demons.

Of course, there are also those who are not afraid of death and get closer. On the surface, they want to better rescue the multi-eyed monster, but in fact their eyes are full of greedy light.

To them, the multi-eyed monster is a great monk. Wouldn't it be great if they could take this opportunity to get some benefits from the multi-eyed monster?

Even... Even taking this opportunity to eat the multi-eyed monster directly, wouldn't that be a step up to the sky! ?

It is said that people die for wealth, and birds die for food.

These little monsters are neither humans nor birds, but in fact they understand this truth better than anyone else, and no one else is willing to bet on it.

The multi-eyed monster was still screaming in the big pit, but he also felt the approach of the little monsters around him, but there was darkness in his eyes.

Even if you take off your hand, you can't see anything. The feeling of darkness makes the multi-eyed monster feel boundless fear.

He directly reached out to dig out the two eyes on his face, and threw them out casually.

Seeing this, those little monsters immediately flew up to fight for it. In just a moment, a few little monsters didn't notice, and died directly at the hands of the people around them.

The multi-eyed monster took off two eyes from his chest and stuffed them directly into the eye sockets.

This time, he was finally able to see a little bit of light clearly, but everything in front of him was still blurry. It couldn't be said that he could see, but he could only say that he could perceive the light.

The multi-eyed monster was terrified, even more terrified, "My eyes!? My eyes!"

The multi-eyed monster groaned, "What the hell is that? What the hell did I see!?"

"Just by looking at it, it almost abolished my multi-eyed supernatural power? What is that? What is it!??"

The multi-eyed monster recalled what he saw just now, and directly expressed all the doubts in his heart.

Those little monsters who were vying for his eyes also paused for a moment, and they were also terrified in their hearts.

What does the multi-eyed monster mean... just saw something just now and turned into what it is now?

Although they are all little demons, they are also experts in cultivation. They know that if what the multi-eyed monster said is true, it would be a terrifying thing.

This kind of situation will only happen when people with low cultivation base look directly at those monks with extremely high cultivation base, or even so high that they can't be seen.

Or in other words, someone specifically targeted the multi-eyed monster and used some tricks on him.

Otherwise, with the multi-eyed monster's cultivation base, it would definitely not be like this.

But I heard the multi-eyed monster continue to shout, "Quick! Inform the lord! There is a change in Pagoda Island in the southwest sea area! There may really be a pagoda in Pagoda Island!"

The multi-eyed monster yelled nervously, and then continued, "I still have something to tell the lord personally, you protect me, if I die and the news is not notified, you will be buried for me!"

He knew that he was in danger now, and he could only rely on this to save himself.

Sure enough, those little demons trembled after hearing what the multi-eyed monster said.

Now if you want to eat the multi-eyed monster, you have to think about it.

If the king is really angry at that time, it will not be as simple as death.

"I'm going to report right away!"

One of the little demons with wings flew up directly, and flew towards the interior of Xichi...

Chapter 381 The Lord

After the multi-eyed monster heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and directly endured the pain and sat cross-legged to meditate.

He recalled the scene just now, and his heart was still trembling.

At that time, he was only stimulated by a bright light, and then he almost lost consciousness. When he thought about it later, the scene at that time slowly came to mind.

He only saw in the direction of Pagoda Island, a pagoda shining with golden light, and the soaring aura scattered in all directions, directly setting off a tsunami, and the reefs on Pagoda Island were also falling off inch by inch, revealing the ingenuity of his confidant underneath the body of the tower.

There are also phantoms that look like prehistoric beasts wandering around the pagoda.

And the reason why his eyes went blind was because he saw the phantoms of these divine beasts.

One of the phantoms of the bird-like beast seemed to be aware of the peeping, and directly spit out an invisible flame.

The flame directly burned all his eyes from thousands of miles away, and even almost destroyed his multi-eyed supernatural power directly!

He also tried to use his own eyes to report the news just now, but those eyes on his chest were already lifeless, and all the essence had been lost.

Today, he can no longer be called a multi-eyed monster.

The strength of his whole body has been severely damaged. Now he is almost able to tear him to pieces with just a random little monster, or even a random wild beast.

Just like this, all kinds of thousands of miles were attacked by a phantom.

If this is next to the pagoda, wouldn't it be turned into fly ash?

The multi-eyed monster was terrified, so he came up with a way to protect himself, but what should he do in the future?

After meditating for a while, he basically understood that his meridians and sea of ​​consciousness were severely damaged by that invisible flame. Even if he is not dead now, it will be extremely difficult to recover his cultivation in the future.

It may even be impossible to restore her cultivation from now on, and she can only be a low-level little demon.

If this is the case, in this Xichi country, it would be better to die...

The multi-eyed monster looked into the distance, regretting in his heart why he took one more look so curiously, if he didn't look, there would be nothing wrong with it.

Although it can be said that it is an early warning for Xichi country, it can make Xichi country more prepared.

But if he had a choice, he would definitely not do it. He would rather preserve his cultivation.

As for the safety of Xichi Kingdom?

Does it have something to do with my multi-eyed monster?

Although Xichi Country is called a country, in fact, the demons in it don't have a strong sense of belonging to Xichi Country, they are just forcibly kneaded together and live together on this land.

Beyond that, there aren't many common aspirations or ideals.

If the Lord of Xichi did not appear, the Xichi Kingdom would still be a piece of sand.

The multi-eyed monster looked in the direction of the interior of Xichi, and now he only wanted someone to come to rescue him as soon as possible, and it would be best for the Lord of Xichi to come in person.

The lord of Xichi Kingdom has always been very clear about rewards and punishments. He is very tolerant towards the demons under his command and often gives some benefits. Otherwise, it would be difficult to make these rebellious demons obediently obey orders only by means of thunder.

Therefore, the multi-eyed monster is looking forward to the arrival of the king, and maybe it is not impossible to restore it directly.

And where the eyes of the multi-eyed monster can't reach, the ancestor of Minghuo is also flying without saying a word.

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