It's just that he suddenly felt a palpitation for no reason, and then seemed to feel a trace of fleeting fluctuations belonging to the fire.

Patriarch Minghuo is an expert in playing with fire, and he has studied the fire path quite deeply. He was almost sure instantly that there was indeed a wave of fire wave just now!

It's just very weak, and this bone fluctuation is also very strange.

The Patriarch Minghuo thought that he could control all fires in the world, and his control over flames was far superior to that of ordinary people, and he could even fetch the real fire of the Golden Crow, but he was still very unfamiliar with the fluctuations of this flame.

But intuitively, the Patriarch Minghuo believed that the fluctuation of this flame, in terms of power level, would definitely not lose to the Golden Crow True Fire!

He resisted the urge to turn around and look for the source of the flame fluctuations, and continued to fly forward.

Because he was worried that this was a trap set by Chuhe.

Although Patriarch Minghuo is very confident about the flames, if he is asked to say who is better than himself in the flames, there may be one candidate, and that is Chuhe!

Thinking of Chuhe, Patriarch Minghuo gritted his teeth again, feeling that he wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood, but he was not strong enough, so he could only think about it.

But if you can get the help of the king...

The ancestor of Minghuo gradually slowed down with a sullen face, and even landed directly in the end.

Ahead, we arrived at the palace of the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom. In order to show respect, Patriarch Minghuo came down and walked directly on the ground.

"You go."

Minghuo Patriarch said to the few monsters who accompanied him all the way, "Here, you are not qualified to enter yet."

Those monsters all nodded, and then looked enviously at the hall in front.

At the front of the main hall is the city gate, on which there are only two words - Xichi.

This is the place where the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom lives!

It is said that the Xichi Kingdom was also a human kingdom a long time ago, but it was stolen by a group of demons at some point, and the people of the Xichi Kingdom also became the demons' dishes.

Now this former palace of the human race of the Xichi country has become the palace of the demon king of the Xichi country.

Patriarch Minghuo took a deep breath and walked in.

There are no guards, and no patrolling daemons.

Although this is the place where the lord of the country is, it looks dead silent.

There are no guards here, and no demons patrolling.

Because if someone breaks in, it will be a dead word.

Stronger than Minghuo Patriarch, if you go in without notification, there is only one end, and that is death!

To outsiders, his ancestor Minghuo is already the top powerhouse of Xichi country, but the ancestor Minghuo himself knows that the gap between himself and the king of Xichi country is fault-like!

If the king wanted to kill him, he would have no room to resist at all, and there would be only one end, and that would be death!

Moreover, the lord will never let him go because of his status. In the eyes of Minghuo Patriarch, even if all the demons in the Xichi Kingdom are dead, as long as the lord is still there, then the Xichi Kingdom will still be there!

"Master!" When he walked to the gate, Patriarch Minghuo suddenly stopped, and then directly knelt down on the ground, "See you, Minghuo!"

As proud as the Patriarch Minghuo, when he knelt down to the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom, he had no psychological burden at all, as if kneeling to the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom was a matter of course.

This only shows that in the heart of Patriarch Minghuo, the fear of the king is already deeply rooted in his bones.

In this country where there is no morality, no etiquette, and no rules, if you want to gain people's respect and fear, there is only one thing - to have great strength.

The lord of the Xichi Kingdom is such the most powerful demon in the Xichi Kingdom!

Chapter 382 Little Junior Sister

The ancestor of Minghuo directly knelt in front of the gate, knelt down after saying the words of begging to see him, and did not dare to get up until he got a reply.

He was even more apprehensive, feeling that the days seemed like years.

After all, the lord of Xichi Kingdom asked him to go to crusade against Datang, but now he is the only one who came back.

If the king is really angry, he may really be killed.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed to be only a few seconds, but it seemed to have passed for centuries, when Patriarch Minghuo's face turned pale, a sound came from inside.

I only heard a burst of charming laughter from far and near.

The ancestor of Minghuo raised his eyes slightly, and saw a little girl with bare feet and wearing a red dress, walking towards this side with a smile while dancing.

Her smile is like a silver bell, and people can't help grinning after hearing it.

After passing through the deep city wall tunnel, the girl's face was gradually exposed.

All I saw was that this little girl, who looked like seven or eight years old, had... but a horrible look on her face.

The four eyes grow in the four directions of the baby girl's face, up, down, left, and right. Although there are many eyes, none of them stand in the right position.

Between the eyes is a round mouthpart.

Numerous barbed teeth grew from the inside of the round mouthparts, opening and closing, looking extremely terrifying.

It was hard to imagine that the silver bell-like laughter that sounded extremely pleasant came from this monster's mouth.

Hearing this laughter, Patriarch Minghuo couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, but in a daze, he seemed to think of something again, surprisingly put his hand into his mouth, and bit it hard!

The finger was almost bitten off by the ancestor Minghuo himself, and his smile disappeared instantly, turning into a face of pain.

It's not that Patriarch Minghuo has gone crazy, it's that he thought of something terrible.

The girl in front of her is not the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, but the personal attendant of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

She has always been like this, anytime and anywhere, she will make this kind of silver bell-like laughter that makes people want to laugh along with her.

But if you really laugh along with this laughter, the girl will come to you directly and ask you why you are laughing, and do you think she is ridiculous.

At this time, no matter how you answer, there is only one end, that is to be swallowed by her suddenly huge mouthparts, and directly crushed into minced meat!

If Patriarch Minghuo had the confidence to resist the magic of laughter when he was at his peak strength, at least he could bless himself for a quarter of an hour without laughing.

But now his strength has long since lost one out of ten of his peak period, and he can only use this kind of lower book to interrupt the process of being possessed.

"I would like to ask my junior sister to inform the lord that Minghuo has something to report again!"

Minghuo Patriarch endured the pain in his hand, and said to the girl, "Thank you!"

Calling this girl Little Junior Sister is not really the relationship between Minghuo Patriarch and her as a senior brother and sister, but the girl's name is Little Junior Sister, or she likes to be called Little Junior Sister the most.

If she was called by another name, she would definitely go berserk, and then directly tear up the person who called her by the wrong name.

"Senior Brother, why are you so polite?" This demon called Junior Junior Sister, when she meets a man, she will call someone else Senior Senior Brother. If someone had a nightmare face, they would definitely make people think that she was really a cute little junior sister.

Patriarch Minghuo has been looking at that horrible face, not because she likes to look at it, but because if she doesn't look at it, the little junior sister will be unhappy, and her life may be in danger at that time.

"I'll go and inform you the king, but...but senior brother, don't forget the agreement between us."

The little junior sister's voice suddenly became resentful, as if she had been abandoned by her beloved lover.

Patriarch Minghuo's scalp felt numb all of a sudden, and he felt a chill rushing directly to Tianling Gai.

He knew what that meant.

This is one of the magical powers of the younger junior sister. What the younger junior sister wants to say next will forcibly form a cause and effect with him. When the time comes, the ancestor Minghuo will have to do what the younger junior sister said, otherwise, it will be impossible. It is a violation of cause and effect, a violation of the oath.

It may even directly lead to death!

"At the beginning, you agreed to..." Little Junior Sister looked at the pale Patriarch Minghuo and stepped forward to hug him in heartache.

The ancestor Minghuo is also a dwarf, a skinny old man, and this little junior sister looks like the size of an eight or nine-year-old child.

The two stand together at the same height.

The little junior sister gently hugged Patriarch Minghuo's shoulders, and pointed her face at Patriarch Minghuo's.

That huge tone was facing Patriarch Minghuo.

What is different from that sweet sound is that the stench emanating from this mouthpart is enough to make a person of the level of Patriarch Minghuo feel dizzy, and there are also huge dense teeth with some brown teeth hanging on them. slime, even flesh hanging on it.

Even Patriarch Minghuo wanted to vomit after seeing it.

"... As you said, when you see me again, the first thing you do is hug me and kiss me..."

That beautiful voice sounded again, but Minghuo Patriarch couldn't help but want to kill himself by biting someone.

But he still resisted and stretched out his head...

If she doesn't listen to the little junior sister's words, with her personality, it is very likely that she will really kill herself!

At this moment, a voice came, which was no different from a fairy sound to the ancestor Minghuo.

"Let go of him and let him in."

The voice sounded a little thick and thick, like the voice of a big, tall, fat man.

But in the ears of the ancestor Minghuo, this voice is the most beautiful voice in the world!

That's right, the owner of this voice is the Lord of Xichi Kingdom.

And after hearing this voice, the little junior sister was still a little reluctant, "I haven't played enough with the senior brother yet!"

The voice sounded like she was being coquettish, and also seemed to be expressing some resentment and dissatisfaction.

"Brother Huang always keeps people in the deep palace and prevents them from seeing their sweethearts. Now that they finally get to meet Senior Brother, Brother Huang won't let us have a good relationship? It's too ruthless... Ahhhh ah!"

Before the little junior sister finished speaking, there was a scream.

The ancestor Minghuo took the opportunity to retreat quickly.

And at the moment when Patriarch Minghuo left, a bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket hit the little junior sister.

Her hair was instantly blown up and turned into fly ash, and her whole body seemed to be thrown into the plasma, almost deformed by the lightning strike.

After the thunder and lightning, there was another invisible heat wave, like an invisible cauldron, directly covering the little junior sister for cooking.

In just a moment, the skin and flesh of the little junior sister began to swell, and the whole body swelled up rapidly, and the screaming sound was endless.

The ancestor Minghuo was also stunned by the scene in front of him, he stepped back a few steps, and almost sat down on the ground.

After the little junior sister endured the pain of cooking, it was not over yet, and countless wind blades struck.

A whirlwind was directly formed, constantly circling around her.

Slices of meat as thin as cicada's wings were cut off, it was impressively Ling Chi!

Patriarch Minghuo gulped down a mouthful of saliva, he knew that this was the master's handwriting.

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