No one can go against the will of the king, if he goes against it, the end will be worse than death!

Chapter 383 Name

And there will be no warning.

Just like what my junior sister suffered just now, as long as she dared to show the slightest resistance, that would be the end.

The ancestor of Minghuo was in palpitations, and he didn't know what was waiting for him.

But now there is no other way but to bite the bullet.

The little junior sister over there was tortured so much that life would be worse than death.

Still laughing.

It's just that the laughter and screams are mixed together, which is even more weird and creepy.

She seemed to enjoy the process, but also seemed to be disgusted.

Patriarch Minghuo couldn't tell, but he was really scared.

After a long time, the tormented little junior sister who had lost her human form fell from midair. At this moment, she could no longer be called a human being. She only had the basic shape of a human being, almost rotten flesh.

"Brother Huang...I like how Brother Huang treats me the most...Brother Huang..."

The delicate voice like a silver bell came out of this pile of rotten meat, which made the ancestor of Minghuo feel even more terrified in Maoguo.

"come in."

The voice of the country lord came again, ignoring the little junior sister who was a pile of rotten flesh, but said to the ancestor Minghuo, "What's the matter? It's better if there is something really important, otherwise, I will I can't forgive you."

Patriarch Minghuo shuddered and hurried in.

After walking into the palace of Xichi Kingdom, there was still a dead silence inside.

It has been through several gates before you can see a touch of inhabited atmosphere inside.

I only saw the main hall in the middle, supported by 99 stone steps, and the towering main hall was at the top.

Originally belonging to the royal family of the human race, it is naturally built with a majestic atmosphere and is very majestic.

But now, it only looks eerie.

The ancestor Minghuo resisted the fear in his heart and walked up the steps step by step.

It's just that every step he took, the feeling of oppression became stronger, and until the end, the ancestor Minghuo even reached the point where he had to rest for a while every step he took.

After finally climbing the 99 steps, the ancestor Minghuo was already sweating profusely, as if he had gone through a life-and-death battle.

The main hall was just ahead, and at the entrance of the main hall, two guards finally appeared.

They were two monsters with tiger heads and human bodies. Patriarch Minghuo didn't dare to neglect them, he bowed his hands to these two, and then hurried in.

After walking in, he found that there was another universe in the hall. In a daze, the ancestor Minghuo seemed to see Yingying Yanyan, as if there were countless beauties surrounding him, and he seemed to see many magic weapons standing on the shelf On top of that, you can take it away as long as you want.

There are also many treasures of heaven and earth, placed on a table...

It's just that these things are fleeting. After a closer look, Patriarch Minghuo has already arrived inside the hall.

Before he had time to see everything in front of him clearly, Patriarch Minghuo directly knelt down and said, "See the king!"

He was already trembling all over at this time, and he finally understood why the king said that if there was nothing important, he wanted him to look good.

Because at this moment in the main hall, the king is not the only one, but there are actually two monks who don't know how deep they are.

One of them, with a white beard and white eyebrows, looks like a fairy, and is wearing a Taoist robe. There is a crane beside him, which seems to be a fairy.

On the other side, there is a charming woman. She is wearing a light gauze, and her hot body is looming. It seems that as long as a person is willing, he can blow all the clothes on this person's body with a light blow. Walk.

And this person's abdomen is abnormally swollen, it looks like she is pregnant, and there is a baby in her arms, and at this moment, Ying'er is lying on this person's chest and sucking milk.

This kind of motherhood and the dazzling charm that exudes from her combine to form a very strange feeling.

And the one sitting on the top in the center is the ruler of Xichi Kingdom!

He doesn't look very old, he looks like a young man, his appearance is ordinary, he doesn't look handsome, but he is not ugly either, he has the appearance of an ordinary person, the kind that can't be found in the crowd.

But the ancestor Minghuo was most afraid of this person, even kneeling on the ground, his body was shaking non-stop.

The three people in the room were obviously the top demons, otherwise, they would not be qualified to be in the same room with the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom, and they would still have seats to sit on.

But on the contrary, although these three people are the top demons, none of them look like demons.

On the contrary, it was the short and withered figure of the Minghuo Patriarch that made him look like a demon heretic.

The other three are all like righteous monks.

"Hehe." The charming woman on the side covered her mouth and let out a chuckle, and made a breathtaking voice, which made people unable to help but dream about it, as if they couldn't control themselves just by hearing this voice.

The same is true for Minghuo Patriarch, who subconsciously looked at the woman, his eyes staring straight as if he had lost his soul.

The charming woman licked her lips and unbuttoned her clothes a little, as if she was very hot.

The ancestor Minghuo's eyes were red, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Xi Jun, is this man for me?"

The woman looked at the ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

The lord of the Xichi Kingdom is called Xi Jun, and this woman is not called the lord, but Xi Jun. She is obviously a ruthless person who is on the same level as the lord of the Xichi Kingdom.

"It's really considerate of me." The woman's face was flushed, she looked a little dazed, and said coquettishly, "Xi Jun knows that I can't do without a man, right? Then I'll be impolite..."

After finishing speaking, he actually walked towards the ancestor Minghuo with the child in his arms. The wind brought by the walking seemed to be alluring fragrance, and the figure of the whole person was even more graceful.

The ancestor Minghuo's face was dull, and the corners of his mouth were drooling, like a wild beast, as if he was about to pounce on him in the next moment.

But at this moment, a basin of cold water was poured down, directly waking up Patriarch Minghuo from that strange hallucination.

"If you want it, you'll want it after I've asked what happened." The time the Lord of Xichi Kingdom spoke, he pulled Patriarch Minghuo out of that illusion.

The woman cast a reproachful look at the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom, then twisted her waist and went back to sit down, just sitting down carelessly with her legs spread apart.

The ancestor Minghuo's eyes became straight again.

But he heard the cold snort of the Lord of Xichi Kingdom.

He trembled suddenly, and quickly turned his gaze back.

The woman's teasing voice came from the ear, like a magic voice.

The old Taoist with white beard and hair on the other side never spoke, but just lowered his eyelids, watching what happened in front of him.

"Tell me." The ruler of Xichi Kingdom said in a low voice, "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Report to the lord!" Minghuo Patriarch said tremblingly, "It's not good for me to attack the Tang Dynasty. The whole army led by me was wiped out, and even the Tianyuan was snatched away..."


The Lord of the Xichi Kingdom didn't have any unexpected emotions, nor did he have any fluctuations in anger, he just said softly.

Then he said lightly, "Then why didn't you die?"

Patriarch Minghuo suddenly lost his soul, and hurriedly said, "Master! I... I came back after going through untold hardships, just because I want to tell the Lord some important news!"

"The person who killed my Xichi country is a remnant old man!"

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom was taken aback for a moment, and the woman also restrained her smile and looked at Patriarch Minghuo. Even the old Taoist who had always lowered his eyes opened his eyes.

Prehistoric old?

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom muttered silently.

"Do you know that person's name?"

"I know!" Patriarch Minghuo breathed a sigh of relief and said eagerly, "That mighty man calls himself Chuhe!"

Chapter 384 Information

"Chu River? Chu River?" After hearing the name, the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom immediately fell into deep thought, as if he was thinking about something.

But after thinking for a long time, I didn't think of anything.

He could only continue to ask, "Did this person say his Dao name?"

"He said...he said he didn't have a dao name..."

Ancestor Minghuo was afraid that the ruler of Xichi Kingdom would not believe him, "What I said is true, that prehistoric old man named Chuhe really said so!"

The head of Xichi Kingdom frowned.

You don't even need a Taoist name?

Could it be that he dared to use his real name while walking in the prehistoric times?

The ruler of Xichi Kingdom was a little uncertain for a while.

"You two, have you ever heard of this powerful man named Chuhe?"

The Taoist shook his head directly.

The woman smiled and said, "It sounds like a man? Then it seems that we must meet in the future..."

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom frowned and said, "In the prehistoric world, there are hidden dangers everywhere. If someone knows his real name, there will be many unstoppable evil spells that can kill people thousands of miles away. Since this person is a relic of the prehistoric era, why doesn't he understand?" at this point?"

He said and looked at Patriarch Minghuo.

Patriarch Minghuo only felt the pressure was enormous, and hurriedly said, "The lord! He didn't claim to be a relic of the wilderness, but I guessed based on his means..."

After speaking, the ancestor Minghuo directly told all the things that happened at that time.

The three Lords of Xichi Kingdom were all lost in thought when they heard this.

During this process, their expressions also fluctuated.

"You mean, that man called Chuhe summoned a three-legged divine bird? Then the flames spewed out by the divine bird directly burned all the troops of the Xichi Kingdom to death?"


Minghuo Patriarch affirmed, "And I have another guess..."

"What guess?"

Patriarch Minghuo glanced at the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, and then said in a low voice, "I guess that three-legged divine bird is the legendary Golden Crow!"

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