"Golden Crow!?"

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, and then they were silently shocked.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom even stood up, "Are you sure!?"

"I... this... I'm not sure, but that kind of divine bird burned to death the army of the Xichi Kingdom with just one breath. What else can it be if it's not the Golden Crow?"

"Besides, I got some Golden Crow True Flames because of adventures, and I am very familiar with them. It must be because of this reason that the Golden Crow didn't kill me."

"After that, Chuhe kept me by his side and came directly to Xichi Country, in order to find the place where I found the Golden Crow True Fire."

"All these together, I am somewhat sure that your three-legged divine bird is the Golden Crow."

Minghuo Patriarch poured out all his guesses like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

He himself dared not hide anything.

And these speculations are reasonable and seem to be the truth.

The biggest problem is that these people have never seen the Golden Crow, but have only heard of the legend of the Golden Crow faintly, so they are not sure that it is the Golden Crow.

Even so, this news is enough for Xichi Guoguo to take the initiative.

A possibly alive Golden Crow? !

Even in the prehistoric world, this is a big deal, right?

Unlike Datang, Xichi Kingdom knows more about the flood, especially some legends about the ancient flood, some of which have been passed down to the present.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom, the Taoist priest and the woman were all a little excited.

"You said, it was the Golden Crow who killed the army of the Xichi Kingdom during the whole process?"

"That's right, the one who wiped out the army of the Xichi Kingdom was... probably the divine bird of the Golden Crow." Patriarch Minghuo didn't dare to say for sure.

The lord of Xichi Kingdom nodded slightly, "If it's really the Golden Crow, a bunch of weak chickens and evil spirits are indeed no match for it. You are lucky to survive."

Minghuo Patriarch naturally didn't dare to say more.

Then the Lord of Xichi Kingdom said again, "You said, when those Da Tang monks fought against Chu He, Chu He was the one who made a move, and seriously injured the Emperor of Tang?"

"Yes, that's right."

Xichi Country is just to make sure that everything that the Minghuo Patriarch just said has been very detailed.

What really interested the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom was the powerful bone-blade magic weapon in Chuhe's hand that could directly split the sea in the description of the ancestor Minghuo!

For some reason, he always felt vaguely familiar with this divine weapon.

It's like I've heard of it somewhere, but I can't remember it.

There seems to be a kind of bondage in the dark.

"There is actually the aura of the great sage of the demon clan on top of the magic weapon?" The lord of Xichi Kingdom asked again, "Could it be that you felt wrong?"

"I don't know...but that aura is really terrifying. For some reason, after feeling that aura, the first thing I think of in my head is the Great Sage..."

"Hehe, as expected of an old man from the wilderness, he really has a lot of treasures on him." Your woman's face was flushed and she was confused, "I just don't know if his treasure is very powerful or not."

The Taoist also said, "Now the flood is about to repeat itself, but it has not yet fully unfolded. Even the old man of the flood should not break the rules of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. If you want to catch him, now is the best chance."

"Otherwise, when the prehistoric times reappear and the rules of the avenue are sound, then the Chu River will soar into the sky and be difficult to subdue."

Everyone understands what this Taoist means.

The general idea is that the current rules are still incomplete, and there are still rules, and the strong who limit this side of the world cannot reach a commanding height.

The reason for this is that the Dao of Heaven does it unconsciously, because if there is no restriction, the stronger the strong, the greater the damage to the rules of the world, and may even destroy the entire world in the end.

Therefore, before the prehistoric situation repeats itself, even if someone is at the top, he can only be at the top within the rules of this world.

Unless the prehistoric world really reappears and the rules are sound, only then can the cultivation base truly grow infinitely and reach the saint!

But now, in the world of Xichi Kingdom, even with the highest cultivation, they have the confidence to subdue him!

Because the three of them are all people at the apex of this world.

"What He Taoist said makes sense." The Lord of Xichi Kingdom nodded, and then looked at the woman, "What do you think, Mrs. Yu?"

"Hehe, I naturally want to see that boss earlier, and get to know his baby well..."

She trembled as she spoke, and slumped on the chair.

This evil and charming person is actually the teacher?

It's so evil!

The Lord of the Xichi Kingdom pondered, looked at the ancestor Minghuo and said, "You did a good job, trapping the Chu River in the Pagoda Island with a trick, but judging from his ability, the Pagoda Island may not be able to trap him , at most 49 days, by then he will definitely get out of trouble."

As the lord of Xichi Kingdom, he naturally knew about the mysterious Pagoda Island. He even let a ray of spirit enter into the Pagoda Island, but what he saw was completely different from what Chuhe saw.

He didn't see the beast, and he saw everything inside the pagoda.

It just feels trapped in a place that seems to be dark and deep space, like a cage, but no one controls it, and the key to the "cage" seems to be hidden in the darkness.

After trying for 49 days, using all the mantras of formations and supernatural powers, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom finally found the "key" to get out of trouble, according to his guess.

If his cultivation base is a little lower, he might be trapped in this pagoda island forever.

This is the basis for his guess that the Chu River will be trapped for up to 49 days.

After all, Chuhe is a relic of the prehistoric age. Judging from the information heard from Minghuo Patriarch, he is very powerful.

It is estimated that 49 days may not be able to trap.

"Let's take action, take advantage of this time to set up a large formation around Pagoda Island..."

It's just that before he could finish his sentence, an evil spirit with a tiger head and a human body suddenly knelt down facing the gate, "Report to the lord, there are many strange words about the great changes in Pagoda Island!"

After finishing speaking, the tiger-headed monster opened its hand, and an eye with wings flew out, "All the information is here!"

Chapter 385

"Great change on Pagoda Island?"

The king frowned, stretched out his hand and calculated.

But I just feel that the secret is obscure, and I don't know what happened for a while.

As the lord of the Xichi Kingdom, although he does not practice the way of the Emperor, he is not like the Emperor who knows everything that happens above him, but he can calculate it within his own domain. It can still be done no matter what major changes happen.

But, this time, he didn't feel anything.

This is the weirdest thing.

According to common sense, no matter what happened or not, as long as it is calculated, it will always get a feedback from the Dao.

If something happens, the feedback may be stronger, and if nothing happens, the feedback may be weaker, but no matter what, there will be a clear feedback.

But now, the lord of Xichi Kingdom calculated for a long time, but he didn't feel anything, not to mention any feedback, he didn't even feel any emotion at all.

His frown became deeper and deeper, even if he didn't read the message from the tiger-headed monster, he knew that something serious must have happened.

"The origin of the Pagoda Island is mysterious. For so many years since our Xichi Kingdom was established, people have always wanted to find out the secrets of the Pagoda Island, but for countless years, no one has been able to know what is going on."

He Taoist stood up and said as he walked, "Some people say that it is a magic weapon left by the prehistoric era, and some say that it is a genius treasure left over from the prehistoric era. Of course, some people say that it is just an ordinary stone. That's all."

"But no matter what it is, the Pagoda Island is full of mystery. For thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, there has been no movement..."

The Taoist Crane went directly to the tiger-headed monster, lowered his voice, and said, "Now, you are saying that Pagoda Island has undergone tremendous changes? Do you know what will happen if you spread false news?"

The tiger-headed monster directly fought with both legs, and knelt down on the ground.

"Hmph! I want to see what kind of drastic change this pagoda island is."

As he said that, Taoist He was about to reach out and pinch the eyes of the multi-eyed monster that was already in midair.

It's just that Taoist Crane directly caught a hole.

All I saw was that the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom made a move and directly took the eye in his hand.

"He Taoist, Mrs. Yu, please stay safe and don't be impatient, and wait for me to see what's going on."

After finishing speaking, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom directly entered his consciousness into the eyes of the multi-eyed monster.

In an instant, all the information that the multi-eyed monster saw through this eye was transmitted to the eyes of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

What I saw was that on the distant sea surface, the stone-like pagoda island that had been unchanged for thousands of years actually emitted some light and began to tremble violently. The stone villages above fell off, revealing the precious light below.

Xi Chiguo's eyes suddenly froze!

Even breathing became a little short.


That pagoda island is really extraordinary!

It really is a magic weapon left over from the prehistoric times!

Xi Chiguo's heart suddenly felt itchy.

As the lord of Xichi Kingdom, he naturally knows a lot about Pagoda Island. In fact, some people have always speculated that Pagoda Island is a magic weapon left over from the prehistoric times.

But no one has been able to really get anything from Pagoda Island.

Back then, the head of the Xichi Kingdom risked his life to investigate the Pagoda Island, so why didn't he want to take the Pagoda Island as his own?

It's just that all attempts have failed.

So much so that the head of the Xichi Kingdom put this matter behind him.

But who would have thought that the great changes in this pagoda island would be ushered in now?

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom watched without blinking his eyes, but this piece of information quickly disappeared.

It's just because the huge dazzling light erupting from the pagoda island cannot be blocked by the multi-eyed monster at all, and in the end there is only a burst of white light left in the field of vision.

If it was an ordinary light, how could the multi-eyed monster not see clearly?

That can only show that the personality of the light is so high that monsters like the multi-eyed monster who are famous for their visual perception can't look directly at it.

Seeing this, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom has already decided in his heart that this is a magic weapon left over from the prehistoric times!

And from the looks of it, the status of this magic weapon is not low.

If it can be obtained... then even in the coming prehistoric and chaotic times, one can have the power to protect oneself, and one can even rely on this magic weapon to realize one's grand ambition and hegemony!

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