Could this be his chance?

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom couldn't help showing a smile.

And Daoist He and Master Yu both watched with itch.

Taoist He took the initiative just now because the matter involved Baota Island.

Taoist He and Mrs. Yu are also well-known figures in this Xichi country, and they can even be the guests of the king of the Xichi country. Naturally, they have coveted this pagoda island for a long time.

That's why they are so concerned.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom also saw the longing eyes of He Taoist and Yu Shitai, but he ignored them.

Instead, he calculated carefully in his heart.

That pagoda island has been confirmed to be a magic weapon, and that magic weapon has been in the shape of a stone for thousands of years, but it is only now that it reveals its true face. Needless to say, it must be because those people from Chu River were attracted by the treasure tower island The reason for going in.

What the lord of Xichi Kingdom thinks is whether this pagoda island has any connection with Chu River?

After all, according to the news of Minghuo Patriarch, Na Chuhe is likely to be an old man left over from the prehistoric times.

It may be precisely because of this that Pagoda Island has undergone such drastic changes.

But no matter what, Xichi Kingdom will never give up this opportunity.

"Hehe..." Suddenly, the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom smiled, and threw out the eyes of the multi-eyed monster, "The Pagoda Island is indeed a magic weapon left by the prehistoric, if it is not a magic weapon, it is a relic left by the prehistoric. "

"The multi-eyed monster has seen the process of the great change of Pagoda Island, don't you want to see it? Let's take a look..."

The two looked at each other, and then thanked the Lord of Xichi Kingdom one after another, and then began to watch.

After reading the information, the expressions of the two were different, but they both felt deeply shocked.

The multi-eyed monster's eyes can also be regarded as the supernatural power of the multi-eyed monster, and what is recorded in it is not just an image, it can even vaguely capture some of the breath at that time.

Master Yu and Daoist He are both powerful monks, so they naturally felt the almost suffocating powerful energy emanating from the pagoda island!

"This must be a great treasure!"

Taoist Crane came to his senses first, and he was even a little excited when he said the first sentence.

"If you can get..."

Having said that, he suddenly stopped, and turned his head to look at the ruler of Xichi Kingdom who was staring straight at him.

Daoist He's scalp tingled immediately, and he quickly changed his words, "If the lord can get it, he will be able to break through the shackles and dominate the prehistoric world!"

Chapter 386 Vicious Means

Taoist Crane felt as if he was being locked by some ferocious beast. He had never felt that kind of frightening feeling since he cultivated Shentong.

Now, this feeling as if he is about to become someone else's meal hits him again, how can he not be horrified?

Fortunately, his reaction is fast enough.

After saying this, the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom over there nodded slightly, "It is said that treasures are virtuous, but..."

"But the treasures in this Xichi country are naturally owned by my master of the Xichi country. I don't know what He Taoist Yushitai thinks?"

After finishing speaking, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom looked at the two people so coldly, putting his hand on the armrest and knocking continuously.

That strong sense of oppression directly shocked He Taoist and Master Yu too much!

Originally, the two of them only thought that even if their strength was not as good as that of the Lord of Xichi, the difference would not be too much after all, but now it seems that the strength of the Lord of Xichi has far exceeded their imagination!

At least one realm ahead of them!

Even if the two of them join forces, they probably won't be able to do anything to the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, and they may even be killed instead!

Listening to what the lord of Xichi Kingdom seemed to be asking, the two of them did not dare to neglect at all, because they knew that as long as they answered badly, they might end up in an extremely miserable end.

What these words require is their attitude. If they say that the treasures are virtuous, they will probably be killed by the king of Xichi Kingdom.

Although it seemed that they were enjoying themselves just now, as if they were family members, none of them actually regarded anyone as a friend, and they were just playing around.

"Master Shengming!" Yu Shitai directly hugged the child and bent down to the ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

She also no longer called the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom by his name, but directly called the Lord, obviously expressing ups and downs.

"Everything in Xichi Kingdom belongs to the ruler!" Yu Shitai raised his head, and looked at the ruler of Xichi Kingdom with winking eyes, "Including that treasure of Pagoda Island, and even me..."

"As long as the lord wants it, I will go and help you get that magic weapon back."

"it is good!"

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom suddenly stood up, and a phantom left his body directly and rushed into Yushitai's body!

And Yu Shitai also reacted the moment the master of Xichi Kingdom stood up, and wanted to withdraw quickly, but who knew that there was an invisible restraining force on her body that made people unable to move.

In just that instant, the phantom had already entered her body.

Master Yu's complexion suddenly changed.

"Xi Jun! What are you doing!?"

Yushi looked at the ruler of Xichi Kingdom with a cold face, while his divine sense kept sweeping back and forth on his body.

"Hehe." The head of the Xichi Kingdom chuckled, "Master Yu, didn't you say you wanted to help me retrieve the magic weapon? Don't worry, I was just worried that you were not strong enough, so I lent you some magic power on purpose."

"Now do you feel that your spiritual power is abnormally active? You even feel that your spiritual consciousness is much stronger?"

Listening to the explanation of the king of Xichi country, Master Yu's heart sank more and more, because she found that the situation in her body was exactly the same as what the king of Xichi country said.

But this doesn't seem like a good phenomenon at all.

At their level, it doesn't mean that the spiritual power in the body becomes active and the consciousness becomes sensitive is a better thing. For them, stability is everything.

For any fluctuations in the body, the cause must be found and then eliminated.

As a result, Yushitai now only knows that the ruler of Xichi Kingdom must have used a method, but he doesn't know what method he used. This is the most terrifying thing.

However, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom continued to say, "I can help you to improve your cultivation level within a certain period of time,'s not without a price."

"What price?!"

Master Yu gritted his teeth and asked.

"The price is...hehe, your own spiritual power may be overdrawn, and you will not be able to raise any spiritual power for a certain period of time. Of course, it is only for a period of time, and it will be fine after this period of time."

"You!" Master Yu felt extremely annoyed upon hearing this.

For a monk who cannot use his cultivation base and spiritual power, isn't that almost like a dead person?

If that's the case, then anyone who comes here can kill her!

What a vicious method!

It's just that after Master Yu thought about this, the anger on his body suddenly dissipated like a tide, and he returned to that coquettish state, "Master, you are really serious, if you want to control others, just say so." , why bother?"

"You may not know, I have long wanted to be manipulated by you..."

Now that the little life is in the hands of the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom, Master Yu has no other choice but to lie down and be a little girl, which is the best choice.

On the other side, Daoist He's face changed again and again, he didn't believe that he could escape.

In my heart, I just lamented that the lord of the Xichi Kingdom was a bit too vicious to sneak attack.

Originally, if he joined hands with Master Yu, he would have the opportunity to contend with the Lord of Xichi Kingdom, but now Master Yu has bowed his head and proclaimed himself a vassal. With the ups and downs, what means does Daoist He have to resist?

As the eyes of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom fell on Taoist He, he knew that it was time to make a decision.

There is no other way. After thinking for a long time, Taoist He finally bent down to the Lord of Xichi Kingdom, "Master, since... since there is such a method that allows people to improve their cultivation in a short period of time, Taoist He Dare to want to let the king bestow it on me..."

It's against my will to say this to be true, but what can I do if I don't say that?

As soon as Taoist He finished speaking, he saw the Lord of Xichi country casually pointing towards him again, and a phantom once again entered into Taoist He's body. Soon, Taoist He also felt that kind of unusual activity, the spirit Consciousness is also extremely keen.

If Realize doesn't know what it means, He Daoist might be really happy. After all, a gentleman becomes sharper and his spiritual power becomes more active. Although it will make his cultivation unstable, it may bring some unexpected s consequence.

But in the end, it can make one's own strength play a better role within a period of time.

It's just that now that he knows what it is, of course he won't be happy anymore. On the contrary, he already hates the Lord of Xichi Kingdom in his heart.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom didn't care about the attitudes of these two people at all, and said, "You two, I know what you are thinking in your heart. I guess all you are thinking about now is how to kill me so that you can release the wounds on your body. Ban it?"

"Don't dare!"

Both of them shook their heads quickly.

But the Lord of Xichi Kingdom laughed, not believing what the two of them said at all.

"It's okay to tell you the truth." The lord of Xichi Kingdom continued, "Do you know why I invited you here? Do you really think that I'm just looking for you to reminisce about the past?"

"Hehe." The Lord of the Xichi Kingdom suddenly clapped his hands in fear, and the inside of the hall suddenly went dark, as if it were an illusion, and everything became distorted.

And amidst this distortion, a strange shadow looms...

Chapter 387

It was something that looked like a dart.

It's like a small dagger, with an inexplicable light emitting from it.

And that distortion came from the dagger.

He Daoren and Yu Shitai looked at this dart, and their hearts were beyond shock.

what's going on?

They looked around, only to find that they were still in the hall just now, but now they have appeared on a square, as if the hall just now did not exist at all!

illusion! ?

Taoist He and Yu Shitai thought of this at the same time, and it was exactly this that they were terrified of.

It can influence them silently, and even make them not know that they are deeply trapped in hallucinations, and even now they can't tell whether the current scene is an illusion or the hall just now is an illusion!

The two stood there blankly.

And Minghuo Patriarch knelt in the corner like a little chicken, his body trembling.

Everything that happened in front of him was no longer within his control, or even beyond his comprehension.

I can't even say anything, just like an ant watching a group of elephants walking, if you are not careful, you will be trampled to death.

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