"This..." Daoist He finally couldn't help asking, "My lord, may I ask my lord what this is?"

"This is a life-threatening dart." The Lord of Xichi Kingdom said an unremarkable name.

No matter in any era, it doesn't seem to be a very nice name to just call it a deadly dart.

But it seems that because they saw the miraculousness of this dart first, after He Daoren and others heard the name, they subconsciously felt that the name was very good.

The Lord of the Xichi Kingdom continued, "The hall just now was an illusion created by this life-threatening dart, and now it is the real scene. You have all been deceived."

"Now, do you know why I asked you to come here?" The Lord of the Xichi Kingdom directly held the deadly dart in his hand, and his whole body became a little blurred, as if he was about to escape. into the void.

"You two are powerful. I've heard about it for a long time. I've always wanted to make you work for me. It's just that you are just idle clouds and wild cranes. I guess you don't want to listen to my orders."

"That's why I came up with this method." The lord of the Xichi Kingdom directly hid the deadly darts, and the surroundings returned to calm again. The strange distortion and illusion disappeared again, as if it had never happened.

"I found this life-threatening dart a few days ago in the outer continent. At that time, Honghuang had a faint intention of reuniting. Many hidden secrets changed with the loosening of the law of the great way. It has to be noticed.”

"The life-threatening dagger is a magic weapon in the prehistoric era!"

The lord of Xichi Kingdom said that, but he couldn't help but feel proud in his heart.

Even if it is him, even if he is already the lord of the Xichi country, and his strength is already the strongest in the Xichi country, he will be very happy if he can get a magic weapon like the life-threatening dagger.

"I originally thought that if you don't listen to me, I will kill you, but I changed my mind just now."

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom smiled and said, "It would be a bit wasteful to kill you like that, why don't we go together and start our own business in this coming prehistoric world!"

Taoist He Yuyu looked at each other and understood what was going on in his heart.

The ruler of Xichi Kingdom has Xichi Kingdom as his backing, and at the moment when the Great Desolation repeats itself, he was the first to get the opportunity, not to mention his strength, he also got the Prehistoric Magical Weapon.

Calling them over this time has already made a plan, and they just feel that they are not wronged.

It's just that there is inevitably some emotion in my heart, but I dare not express it anyway.

"I am willing to assist the king!"

The two of them naturally did not say that before, they were bowing down to the Lord of Xichi Kingdom, but now they kneel down directly!


The ruler of Xichi Kingdom smiled arrogantly, and waved his hand directly, "Let's go!"

Naturally, we set off in the direction of Pagoda Island.

The battle of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom was not small, and three thousand demons were dispatched together, and blood-red demon clouds directly covered half of the sky.

Over the sky of Xichi Country, demons kept rising into the sky, directly joining the blood cloud!

This time, the head of the Xichi Kingdom made up his mind. After conquering the treasure of the Pagoda Island, he went directly to the Tang Dynasty and turned the Tang Dynasty into a demon kingdom!

"Long live my king! Long live my king!"

A group of demons shouted loudly, but the voice was not very pleasant, and they were howling like ghosts and wolves, as if they were killing pigs.


The ruler of Xichi Kingdom is extremely proud. Now that he has surrendered Taoist He and Master Yu, there is no one in Xichi who can threaten him, and he has obtained such a magic weapon as a life-threatening dart, and there is even a great treasure waiting for him to conquer.

Isn't this God's will?

It's my turn to be lucky!

In the front of the blood cloud, a demon with one head and eight arms turned into a giant tens of feet tall, with a crown of thorns on his head, and eight arms behind his head.

Inside the crown of thorns, the lord of the Xichi Kingdom sat on the throne, and behind him stood the "little sister" who had blocked the ancestor Minghuo in front of the palace.

Taoist He and Master Yu stood on two of the palms of the eight-armed demon.

On the other six palms, there is also a demon standing on each of them.

Patriarch Minghuo is seriously injured now, so he naturally has no chance to stand on top of the eight-armed demon.

And even if he wasn't injured, he was still in his heyday, and he didn't have the right to stand on that demon's arm.

Except for Taoist He and Master Yu, those who stood on the other six arms were all people of immortal demeanor.

Looks out of place with those grotesque demons below.

This eight-armed demon looks more like the eight-armed Vajra in Buddhism, with blue-faced fangs and glaring eyes, with a vajra-subduing circle slung across its neck, two giant snakes, one ice and one fire, under its feet. Hanging the magic pestle.

Behind and below the eight-armed demon, there is a dark and frightening demon.

The Patriarch Minghuo followed the eight-armed demon, surrounded by some old friends from the Xichi Kingdom.

"Minghuo, why did you end up like this?" a two-headed monster asked, "Thinking of your ancestor Minghuo, who is also a well-known figure in Xichi country, you were beaten so embarrassingly by the monks of the Tang Dynasty. You really lost my Xichi country. face."

"Hmph!" Patriarch Minghuo felt angry in his heart but dared not express it.

I thought if it was before, would you dare to talk to me like this?

"If you feel ashamed, it's time to get your face back, but... I'm afraid that you will lose face and lose your life!"

While speaking, everyone in Xichi Kingdom had already arrived on the vast sea, and they all felt the inexplicable fluctuations from ahead!

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"What is that? What a powerful wave!"

The three thousand demons below have never seen the great changes in Pagoda Island, so they naturally don't know what the purpose of this trip is, and they don't know where the source of this fluctuation is.

But their strengths are all real, and they can naturally feel the breath that seems to be connected to the ancient times.

All of a sudden, three thousand demons advanced into an uproar!

Their discipline was not very strong in the first place, and they came together only under the restraint of the master of Xichi Kingdom and other high-level demons. Now after feeling this kind of breath, a group of demons suddenly started to mess up.

"There must be some powerful monks in front, otherwise, the fluctuations in this bone would not be so agile!"

"Otherwise, in my opinion, this fluctuation should come from the battle between two monks, so it brought such a strong aura."

"Is there a possibility that this fluctuation actually comes from the birth of a certain magic weapon?"

Some demons also proposed this conjecture, but it was quickly rejected by other demons.

"The birth of a heavy treasure? Hehe, how powerful does this magic weapon have to be to bring out an aura that makes us all feel powerful and even trembling?"

Some demons didn't bother to argue, "If such a treasure is really born, why did the lord bring us here? Wouldn't it be good for him to come and take away the treasure by himself?"

The demons below talked a lot, but after all, they didn't come up with a clue. On the contrary, the people above the eight-armed demon above said nothing, just staring at the front without blinking.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom, sitting in the crown of thorns of the eight-armed demon, sat up straight, his eyes glowed with a faint gray-blue light, and in his eyes, the scene in front of him was rapidly being pulled in!

The scenery next to him retreated rapidly, until he saw an object shining with golden light, he couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in his eyes.

If you forcibly close your eyes, you will very likely hurt yourself.

The lord of Xichi Kingdom immediately stopped his supernatural powers.

Although it is still far away, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom has already faintly felt the threat.

However, there was no panic on his face, on the contrary, his face was full of joy!

Because he is already determined to obtain this magic weapon, the more powerful the magic weapon is, the better it is for him.

When the Xichi country was spying on the pagoda island, the other demons above the arms of the eight-armed demon were also using their own means to observe quietly.

The result was naturally obvious, they were all shocked by the divine light on the pagoda island.

I just feel that I have never seen a magic weapon with such power.

But at this moment, the words "prehistoric and strange treasures" also appeared in their hearts one after another.

This is definitely a prehistoric treasure!

It's no wonder that the lord of the country is so motivating and mobilizing people this time, it turns out it's all because of this treasure!

They are all enlightened, but it is inevitable that they will be greedy. They only think that if they can occupy this treasure, they may also be able to fight against the ruler of Xichi Kingdom?

Maybe even directly over one head!

Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

These few are all top figures in Xichi Kingdom, and they have the same cultivation level as Taoist He and Master Yu.

Moreover, it is the same situation as Taoist He and Master Yu. They are all controlled by the king of Xichi Kingdom with life-threatening darts. resist?

"I'm afraid it's not... after the king gets this kind of treasure, he will immediately sweep away the world!"

Someone sent a voice transmission, "If that's the case, we, as generals under the lord, can get some benefits."

These people are all controlled by the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom, so they are naturally a little uneasy, but now there is no way to resist, so they can only think about these things to comfort themselves.

The speed of the three thousand demons is very fast, the most important thing is that the huge eight-armed demon with two snakes on his feet is extremely fast, forming a mist-like atmosphere around his body, and those demons with relatively low cultivation bases are here In this mist, he was also led forward at an extremely fast speed.

This eight-armed demon is definitely an amazing 'thing'.

It's just that now it seems that the eight-armed demon is more like a tool man, a magic weapon, without showing too many personal thoughts.

With the rapid advancement of speed, the pagoda island in front could only be seen with supernatural powers, but now even ordinary people can see the bursts of rays of light in front with their naked eyes.

The surrounding clouds were dyed colorful by the light emanating from the pagoda island.

Even people who don't understand anything should know that something auspicious must have happened there.

The closer they got, the more excited these demons became.

Because the aura of heaven and earth in the vicinity is much thicker, and it contains some higher-level law powers!

These are all the high skills that they could only capture for a few years or decades after retreating, but now, there are many floating in the air, and they can be captured without much effort.

Even with the large number of these three thousand demons, every one of them can easily capture the pure power of law.

The Lord of the Xichi Kingdom even stood up directly from the throne, staring straight ahead without blinking.

"Congratulations, Lord!"

The big bosses standing on the arms of the eight-armed demon suddenly opened their mouths and bowed to the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, "Congratulations to the ruler for winning this magic weapon!"

The three thousand evil spirits also spoke directly, "Congratulations, Lord!"

It looked as if the lord of the Xichi Kingdom had taken the magic weapon of the Pagoda Island into his hands.

The head of the Xichi Kingdom smiled and did not respond, but just looked at the pagoda island.

In his eyes, the original shape of Pagoda Island has disappeared.

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