Instead, a six-story and four-sided exquisite pagoda floated directly on the sea surface, and was still rotating continuously. You can vaguely see that each side of the four-sided pagoda has a carving that looks like a beast.

If you look carefully, the beast seems to have survived, making the king of Xichi Kingdom feel terrified.

This is just a glance from afar!

Not even close!

What a powerful magic weapon this must be! ?

Xi Chiguo's heart was far from being as calm as he appeared on the surface, and he even clenched his fists a little bit uncontrollably.

God helps me too!

God help me too! ! !

He only felt that this was an unprecedented opportunity for him, and he had to seize it firmly!


Xi Chiguo finally opened his mouth and said these two words coldly.

The eight-armed demon understood it, and the two ice and fire snakes directly became blurred, and the speed also increased a lot!

The power of three thousand demons directly covered half of the sky, and the ocean was divided into a huge gully by this huge momentum.

And the pagoda in the distance is just floating on the sea surface and spinning around. Around the pagoda, the waves show a prototype and spread from the base of the pagoda to the outside.

It was calm at the beginning, but the waves got bigger and bigger as they went to the back, and even turned into a tsunami of more than ten meters in the end.

Looking down from the top, with the pagoda as the center of the circle, it seems that the pagoda is alive, and the waves move with the rhythm of the pagoda.

Chapter 389 Meet Again

Just when the lord of Xichi Kingdom was about to approach the Pagoda Island, he ordered all his subordinates to stop.

The speed also directly slowed down.

At this moment, the Pagoda Island is within easy reach.

It can be seen that the pagoda island is no longer a stone, but a pagoda that exudes precious light and dazzles people!

Although I don't know what this magic weapon is, but as long as I look at the current appearance, I know that this pagoda is definitely a magic weapon!

Almost everyone was dazzled, those demons couldn't even breathe, a kind of greed born from the bottom of their hearts almost drove them crazy.

Those on the arm of the eight-armed demon also felt itchy in their hearts.

But because his life is in the hands of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, even if he is itchy, he can't take it away.

Every move of these people is actually under the watchful eyes of Xi Chiguo.

He didn't think much of the greed shown by these people.

After all, if there is no greed when facing such a magic weapon, is it still a demon?

"Hehe." The lord of the Xichi Kingdom suddenly smiled, and said to the ancestor Minghuo, "Minghuo, you said that the entire army of our Xichi Kingdom was wiped out, and the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was forced to surrender his throne. Guy, are you in this pagoda right now?"

Patriarch Minghuo hurriedly came out and said respectfully, "Report to the lord, I saw with my own eyes that this magic weapon sucked that person into it!"

The head of Xichi Kingdom nodded, "Since you know, are you willing to go in and persuade that one now?"

"Ah this?"

Patriarch Minghuo was stunned, never expecting such a statement.

"What? You don't want to?" The tone of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom changed slightly, but this slight change directly scared the ancestor Minghuo to death.

He suddenly thought of the scene in front of the palace before, and knew that if he disobeyed, then immediate death would be the best ending for him.

"Willing! Willing!" Ancestor Minghuo didn't dare to express it directly even if he had a million unwillingness in his heart.

It's all an excuse to go in and persuade Chuhe, even a rotten excuse. The Lord of Xichi Kingdom wants his ancestor Minghuo to take the lead and see if there is any danger.

If there is danger, he probably won't be able to resist it.

At that time, I'm afraid it will still be a dead end.

But now maybe this is the only way to go, at least we can hope that there are no terrible restrictions around this pagoda.

Patriarch Minghuo took a deep breath, and walked out slowly.

It's just that the speed is very slow.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom did not urge him either.

There is only such a small distance between left and right, so he can still afford to wait for a while.

It was only within a range of about [-] meters around this pagoda that the Lord of Xichi Kingdom and those demons concentrated their energy and put all their spiritual consciousness on Patriarch Minghuo and the pagoda.

And when Patriarch Minghuo came here, he already felt that half his life was about to be lost.

It's not that the pagoda fired any attacking light waves at him, but that the closer he got to the pagoda, the more powerful the pressure was, making him almost breathless.

Originally, Patriarch Minghuo was still walking in the sky, but the closer he got, with the huge pressure coming, it was difficult for him to keep the sky. This distance, like going down the stairs, kept falling.

After approaching the range of [-] meters, the ancestor of Minghuo was already close to the water surface.

You can only walk forward by stepping on the water.

And under the pagoda, the feeling of looking up at the pagoda is the most oppressive. The beasts on the pagoda seem to come alive, and they bark their teeth and claws at him. The next moment, it seems that he will directly turn into a meal for these beasts!

In the end, he didn't dare to go any further.

But the sound transmission from the Lord of Xichi Kingdom has already entered his head, "Go on! Go on!"

"If you don't die like this, I will directly restore all your cultivation bases, and I will give you benefits that you can't think of!"

Up to now, Patriarch Minghuo has no other choice. If he moves forward, there is still a ten-thousandth chance of not dying and getting huge benefits. But if he retreats directly now, there is no suspense. He will be tortured to death by the ruler of Xichi Kingdom!

Patriarch Minghuo has no choice. Although he knows that if he continues to take another step forward, it is very likely that he will be doomed, but there is no other way now. Even if there is a cliff in front of him, he can only choose to jump down. .

In desperation, as long as he gritted his teeth, he took a step forward and stepped into the halo shrouded in the pagoda.

In the eyes of the evil spirits outside, the figure of the ancestor Minghuo was like a shadow, stretched instantly, and directly entered the pagoda, and then everything was calm, only the waves were still rushing outward .

In addition, all traces and breaths of Patriarch Minghuo disappeared.

Even the ruler of Xichi Kingdom couldn't detect the traces of the ancestor Minghuo's existence just now.

It seems that after the pagoda sucked in the ancestor of Minghuo, it not only sucked in people, but also sucked in the breath of his existence in this world.

Moreover, the lord of Xichi Kingdom has a very terrifying premonition.

In his mind, the image of Patriarch Minghuo is slowly fading away!

He held on desperately, and directly condensed everything about the ancestor Minghuo into a jade slip, and then transformed it into his own hands.

And there is no memory about the ancestor of Minghuo in his mind, but it is irreversibly and slowly disappearing.

Until the end, the memory of the ancestor Minghuo disappeared completely!

The face of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom changed dramatically!

Originally, he thought that it was just an ordinary way to subdue a magic weapon. Even if he encountered some dangers, it would not cause any major losses.

But just approaching this pagoda, without even making a move, just aware of the power of this pagoda for the first time, almost gave birth to a terrifying feeling for the king of Xichi Kingdom to turn around and run away!

And the ability of this pagoda seems too weird?

If people are directly taken in, then there seems to be nothing incomprehensible. Similar magic weapons can be found everywhere in Xichi country and even in the whole cultivation world.

But after taking the person in, the traces and aura of this person's existence in the world, even in the memory of others, were erased!

This ability can be called terrifying, and even the king of Xichi Kingdom feels fear!

If he hadn't realized something was wrong in advance and had written down all the information of Patriarch Minghuo, he might have forgotten Patriarch Minghuo completely.

And the most frightening thing is that the information about Patriarch Minghuo recorded on this jade slip that he has now recorded is also slowly disappearing.

The lord of Xichi Kingdom, who was frightened, hurriedly made another copy.

And the Patriarch Minghuo, who was sucked into the pagoda, thought he would die.

But he never expected that he would meet an acquaintance here again.

Inside the pagoda, Chuhe looked at the ancestor Minghuo who suddenly appeared inside with an inexplicable smile...

Chapter 390

The moment he saw the Chu River, Patriarch Minghuo suddenly felt his scalp tingle, and he just wanted to escape from this place quickly, and he didn't want to stay here any longer.

He had no idea that Chuhe was still here intact!

I can only see that the inside of this pagoda is also shining with precious light, and the space inside looks extremely huge, as if there is another world.

And Chuhe and Xiaoyuan, transformed from Baiyu Daojun and Tongtianyuan, stood in front of Minghuo Patriarch.

"What a coincidence, we met again."

Chu He narrowed his eyes and said something casually.

Patriarch Minghuo shuddered and said quickly, "Senior Chuhe! I'm here to inform you!"

"The Lord of Xichi Kingdom already knew that you were trapped in this pagoda, and brought three thousand demons here, intending to capture you and take this magic weapon away!"

The Patriarch Minghuo directly sold the owner of the Xichi Kingdom without any burden in his heart. All he wanted was to be able to survive. As for other things, they could only be considered after he survived.

If you die now, it's useless to think too much.

"Oh?" Chuhe smiled, "So you risked your life to inform me here on purpose?"


Ancestor Minghuo was excited, "Senior, I have long been impressed by your demeanor. I don't want to help the evildoers anymore. I just want to seek the true meaning of happiness like you, and I don't want to be a demon anymore!"

"That's why I came here to inform you and let you prepare early."

Minghuo Patriarch said, "It would be best if you take action to destroy Xichi Country. This country is full of blood and disasters, and the human race can only be used as rations in this country. It's like hell on earth!"

Ancestor Minghuo said this somewhat from the heart, he really wanted Chuhe to kill all the monsters in Xichi country.

Because after he said those words just now, he stood on the opposite side of Xichi Kingdom.

With his strength, he is absolutely unable to resist the Xichi Kingdom, and he may be retaliated against.

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