And he had a hunch that if he touched the pagoda at this time, he might die here directly.

His eyelids kept twitching non-stop. With his cultivation level, everything made sense, and all premonitions had an 80.00% chance of happening.

He now felt that if he touched this pagoda, he might die, and if he really touched it, he would die directly in all likelihood.

Therefore, he didn't dare, he couldn't do it for a long time.

"My lord!" Daoist He begged, "This magic weapon is very weird. I'm afraid that if I touch it, something that I can't control will happen."

"Hehe, don't worry, you can't control it, isn't there me here?"

Hearing what the lord of the Xichi country said, Taoist He also knew that the lord of the Xichi country already regarded him as a consumable, and he just didn't take him seriously.

Taoist He stretched out his hand, and slowly touched the pagoda.

Not far away, Chuhe watched this scene with great interest.

But Baiyu Daojun and others around him were a little confused.

Especially the Patriarch Minghuo.

In his opinion, Chuhe has obtained the Four Elephant Pagoda, but why did he release it again?

Is he really confident that under such circumstances, he can still fight three thousand with one enemy?

If that wasn't the case, Patriarch Minghuo couldn't think of any other explanation.

But now, he is afraid that he supports Chuhe more than anyone else, and even supports himself more than Chuhe himself.

Because he has already betrayed the Xichi country, if Chuhe loses, then he will be punished by the Xichi country... that kind of punishment, even a top demon like the ancestor Minghuo would shudder.

Therefore, he very much hopes that Chuhe can win, and that Chuhe can directly destroy the country he lives in. It is best not to miss even a single demon!

Kill them all, leave none behind!

Xiaoyuan is probably the most open-minded among these people. She doesn't doubt Chuhe at all. In her eyes, the elder is the omnipotent elder.

Don't say that you are only facing three thousand demons now, so what if you are facing demons from outside the territory?

She happened to be in two extremes with Patriarch Minghuo, one was extremely afraid, and the other was not worried at all.

Only Baiyu Taoist was in a nervous mood. On the one hand, he felt that Chuhe had his reasons for doing so, and on the other hand, he felt that Chuhe's actions were a little exaggerated.

So he asked carefully, "Senior... what... what do you mean?"

"It's nothing." Chuhe shook his head, "It's just that the Four Elephants Pagoda has been sleeping for too long, and I'm a little hungry."

"Some... are you hungry?" Daoist Baiyu didn't understand what he meant for a while.

But the next moment he thought of the four-dimensional beast he saw inside the Four Elephant Pagoda!

Could it be... Could it be this meaning! ?

Thinking of this, Baiyu Daoist suddenly looked at the pagoda.

I saw Taoist He's hand almost touching the pagoda, but he just couldn't get off the last centimeter of his hand.

He was trembling all over, a huge pressure directly made him breathless.

He now has a feeling of being peeped by a powerful existence, and he also has a feeling that as long as he touches this pagoda, he will be directly swallowed by that indescribable powerful existence!

Ever since, his hand just stopped, and he couldn't press it down.

The lord of the Xichi Kingdom over there couldn't bear it any longer, and said angrily, "Taoist Crane! Do you want to die now!?"

After finishing speaking, Xi Chiguo's hands merged into sword fingers, pointing directly at Taoist He!

Daoist He was startled, the dark path was over, this was the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom activating the restraint in his body again.

Daoist He was already planning to wait for death, but who would have thought that the restrictions on him were not touched at all!

He suddenly turned his head to look at the lord of the Xichi Kingdom, but the uncontrollable surprise on the face of the lord of the Xichi Kingdom also flashed past.

Seeing Taoist He looking towards him, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom snorted coldly, "Since you don't want to touch, then come back, I keep you for other purposes."

Hearing what the lord of the Xichi Kingdom said, the Taoist He didn't come back immediately, but continued to stay around the pagoda.

"What's going on?" Daoist Baiyu frowned, "Why is Daoist He, who was so scared to death just now, unwilling to go back now?

Chu He laughed and said, "Because Taoist He is a smart man, he knows that leaving the range of the Four Elephant Pagoda now is a dead end."

Chapter 394 Gambling


Daoist Baiyu didn't understand what was going on for a while.

But Chuhe didn't continue to explain, "Keep reading and you'll know."

Daoist Baiyu nodded, vaguely guessing a possibility, and continued to look at the Four Elephant Pagoda with doubts.

Lord Baiyudao didn't know, but Patriarch Minghuo had already thought of a general idea.

After all, he is from the Xichi Kingdom, so he knows what the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom is.

What's more, in Xichi's country, if you want to gain allegiance, you don't rely on your personal charm like the human race, or how much power or strength you have.

In Xichi Country, a place full of demons, there is only one way to gain loyalty, and that is to plant restrictions on people. Only by firmly controlling the life and death of others can you be said to be your most loyal subordinate.

The Patriarch Minghuo was also restricted by the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom, so he was very afraid of the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom.

But that restriction was planted a long time ago, and now it is not enough to worry about for the ancestor Minghuo. Later, the king of Xichi Kingdom did not re-plant the restriction in the body of the ancestor Minghuo.

Because the lord of Xichi Kingdom was already very powerful at that time, compared with the ancestor of Minghuo, it was like the difference between an elephant and an ant.

If the difference in strength reaches this level, there is no need to plant any restrictions. His strength is the best restriction.

However, Patriarch Minghuo knew that Daoist He was different from those top demons. For a period of time, they all claimed to be on the same level as the ruler of Xichi Kingdom. Nor has it reached a level far beyond theirs.

But now, Taoist He, Yushitai, and other top demons are willing to appear with the ruler of Xichi Kingdom. This in itself shows a problem, that is, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom has controlled them all.

There must be restrictions on Taoist Crane!

And the performance of Daoist He next also confirmed the conjecture of Patriarch Minghuo.

I saw that no matter what the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom said, the He Taoist over there would not leave the range of the Four Elephants Pagoda.

The conversation between the two also became interesting.

"He Daoist, what's the matter? You don't come back, and you don't want to touch the magic weapon. What do you want to do?"

Daoist He was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "My lord, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you back, I have other things to arrange for you."

"What if I say no?" Taoist He said slowly.

The lord of Xichi Kingdom was taken aback for a moment, and then his murderous intentions exploded.

But it doesn't say if you say no it will let you die.

Because now I don't know why, but his restraint on Taoist He is inexplicably invalid!

You know, this is a restriction planted by the life-threatening darts of the prehistoric magic weapon. Even the lord of the Xichi Kingdom has only the method of planting it, but has no ability to undo it.

What I said before, as long as the restriction is lifted for them, is naturally all wrong and a lie to them.

"Of course you can say no." The lord of Xichi Kingdom carefully considered his words, "But you also have to understand that if you say no, you will face the consequences."

When Daoist He heard what the Lord of Xichi said, he already understood half of it, and felt a lot more relaxed.

"What are the consequences? Am I going to die?"

"You may die."

Taoist He smiled, "Anyone will die, but I will never die now."

After finishing speaking, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Taoist He knelt down out of thin air!

It's just that the direction of kneeling is not the lord of Xichi Kingdom, but Chuhe!

The three thousand demons were all shocked when they saw this scene!

But he saw Daoist He shouting at Chu Hedao, "Thank you, senior, for helping me lift the restraint on me!"

This remark caused an uproar in the audience!

Especially the other peak demons standing on the arms of the eight-armed demon.

Yu Shitai even stood up directly, with only a few ribbons fluttering in the wind all over her body.

What! ?The ban... the ban was actually lifted! ?

It is conceivable that these people were shocked.

Before that, they had already made plans to serve the ruler of Xichi Kingdom for the rest of their lives. After all, the prohibition on them was planted by the prehistoric magic weapon, and it was so profound that even if they wanted to break it , have no clue.

But now, the restriction on Taoist He was lifted so quietly?

Could it be that he was lying?

For such a big event, they must think about many possibilities.

It's just that this may just pass through their heads and be cleared immediately.

Taoist He has no reason to lie.

Because if he lied, just because of his act of kneeling down to Chuhe, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom would directly kill him through the restriction planted in his body!

But now.

He Daoist was still standing there intact, without any signs of dying.

Everything shows that what he said is true!

The restriction on him really disappeared!

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom also stood up abruptly at this moment, "He Taoist! Double-faced, treacherous, I will kill you!"

The Taoist He, who had no restrictions, also sneered, "You designed a sneak attack and planted restrictions on me, otherwise, how could I be with you, a young man like you?"

"Now I'm just throwing away the darkness and turning to the light!"

In fact, Taoist He is not gambling?

If he goes back now, he will definitely be held accountable by the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom. If that is the case, he will simply throw himself into the Chu River.

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