After all, Chuhe is the right way anyway, and should not have such insidious and vicious methods.

"Senior Chuhe, I still hope that senior will save my life. From now on, I will volunteer to be the saddle for senior!"

Seeing Taoist He say such words to Chuhe, it is clear that he no longer takes the Lord of Xichi Kingdom and these three thousand demons seriously.

Those demons were also either frightened or angry.

Only the top demons on the arms of the eight-armed demons were already thinking about taking refuge.

In this way, Chuhe didn't spend a single soldier, and didn't even fight with the three thousand demons.

Just releasing the Four Elephant Pagoda already caused the three thousand demons to fall apart!

Especially the high-level three thousand demons are already alienated at the moment. If there is a chance, there must be a large number of them who will turn back to Chuhe's command!

The lord of Xichi Kingdom also thought of this level, he directly acted first, and the prohibition in the bodies of these demons was activated instantly.


A series of screams came instantly.

The other seven peak demons on the arm of the eight-armed demon curled up and fell on the palm almost at the same time, and some black smoke continued to rise from their bodies, which looked extremely terrifying.

Even before Chuhe made a move, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom had already used his high-end combat power in one pot!

Chapter 395 Killing back?

"My lord! Stop my lord!"

Yushitai rolled on the ground, a life-threatening sense of fear drove her to beg for mercy, "We have no two hearts, please let me go!"

After hearing this, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom was also very entangled.

On the one hand, he knows that these people are still his own people so far, and it seems very stupid for him to directly attack his own people, especially when there are foreign enemies.

But on the other hand.

The restriction on Daoist He was lifted mysteriously, so that the ruler of Xichi Kingdom still doesn't know what happened.

He also had to worry, worried that if the restrictions on the rest of these people were lifted, wouldn't he become a polished commander?

Although even if all the restrictions of these people are in contact, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom may not be afraid of them. After all, if he has his own strong cultivation base and life-threatening darts, even if they go together, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom will not feeling scared.

In the end, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom must win, it is nothing more than how long it takes.

What's more, it is very likely that there will be no way to kill all the people in the end.

According to the logic of the lord of the Xichi Kingdom, as long as there is no way to cut the weeds and roots, then you can be patient first, and once you make a move, you must cut the grass and roots!

No mercy!

It's just that the current situation is special.

Facing a Chuhe who doesn't know the depth, if he doesn't care about these top demons controlled by him, what if they really unite with Chuhe to deal with him?

The head of the Xichi Kingdom had to consider how much the Chu River played a role in this.

Therefore, he had no choice but to act first, at least to make these people no longer a threat.

This is equivalent to injuring the enemy eight hundred and self-injury one thousand.

After all, until now, these people are still their own people.

By doing this, the lord of the Xichi Kingdom is just harming his own people.

For this group of demons, they don't have high moral standards, but the three thousand demons below still feel a little chilled.

After all, this is the time to face the enemy with the same hatred. As a result, a He Daoist surrendered, and the lord of the country began to cleanse the upper class again.

It directly made them all feel insecure, and no one dared to think whether it would be their turn next.

On the contrary, they didn't feel how deadly the Chu River was at the beginning, and now, they don't feel that the Chu River is any threat. Instead, they began to fear and guard against their own lord.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom also knew that with the incident just now, it was almost impossible for him to take away the pagoda now.

Because until now, he still doesn't know how much Chuhe's strength is, and he has lost more than half of his strength before he even saw Chuhe make a move.

When the lord of Xichi Kingdom stopped urging the ban, those top demons were completely changed, and they became half dead like coke. If they were not supported by their top cultivation, they might have already lost their souls.

But even so, they are extremely weak now, and even a random little monster can be easily swallowed by them.

That's what the lord of the Xichi Kingdom did. As long as they are completely harmless, Chuhe will naturally not take the trouble to lift the restrictions on them.

And even if the restrictions on them are lifted, at least it will not add any burden to the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom.

The Taoist He next to the pagoda over there watched those tortured people feel worse than death, and couldn't help shivering in his heart.

If it wasn't for my chance and coincidence that I was exposed to the restriction on my body, I'm afraid that I would be like those people now, turning into a pile of rotten meat and coke.

Madoka turned her head away a little unbearably, "These demons are too cruel to treat their own clansmen like this? If they treat foreigners, I can't even imagine what it will be like."

Daoist Baiyu also sighed, "Senior is still kind enough to prevent them from going to Datang, otherwise, wouldn't Datang be ruined?"

Whoever wanted to hit Chuhe shook his head, "I don't let them go to Datang, just because the black bear spirit is now the emperor of Datang, I don't want my friends to encounter these demons, it's not because of my kindness."

Daoist Baiyu suffocated, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Could it be that Chuhe stopped these three thousand evil spirits not for the sake of thousands of innocent people in the Tang Dynasty, but just for his own friends not to be harassed?


He also thought of Chuhe's past, and knew that Chuhe was not joking.

Daoist Baiyu wants to persuade Chuhe that with great ability comes great responsibility, and he should make more contributions for the sake of the human race when this world of great struggle is coming.

It's just that the words came to my lips, but I couldn't say them again.

Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering.

After knowing what Chuhe experienced, Baiyu Daoist really couldn't say these words out of his mouth.

And thinking of himself, isn't he also so selfish and ruthless?

If you don't have righteousness yourself, how can you force others to do it?

Suddenly, Daoist Baiyu thought of the meaning of freedom that Chuhe had been talking about before.

Happy... Happy...

Does Xiaoyao mean abandoning everything regardless?

he does not know.

But what he knows is that even though the reason given by Chuhe is only because he doesn't want his friends to be harassed.

But objectively, he did stop the three thousand demons and prevent Datang's life from being destroyed.

How to comment on the twists and turns?

In terms of the results, Chuhe is considered kind, right?

Lord Baiyu is still struggling with these.

This is something he has to think about and face on the way, but Chuhe has already skipped this stage.

The avenue is ruthless, the way of heaven is ruthless, and the rules are ruthless.

"Chu River!"

A roar from over there interrupted Baiyu Daoist's contemplation.

I saw that the lord of the Xichi Kingdom had left the crown of thorns step by step, and was approaching the Chu River continuously.

"Good means, good skill!"

The lord of Xichi Kingdom suddenly laughed, "Unexpectedly, I, Xijun, can still see such a big man in my lifetime!"

"Sure enough, the World of Great Controversy has arrived!"

The lord of Xichi Kingdom smiled and paused in mid-air, "I heard Minghuo talk about you, and I know that you have also been misunderstood and called a demon."

"But I know that you are not like this, you and I are the same way."

"The world slanders you, slanders you, and beats you into a demon. Why don't I do the same?"

"They say I am a demon, then I am a demon! They say I am dirty, then I am dirty!"

"I want them to be afraid of me, afraid of me!"

"How much I want them to hate me, how much they will be afraid of me when they see me!"

"Chuhe! The lord of Xichi Kingdom stretched out his hand, "Come back with me!" "

Chapter 396 Battle

This impassioned speech can be said to be very moving.

In addition, when the lord of the Xichi Kingdom was speaking, he also mobilized some power of rules, so this agitation became even stronger.

Even Lord Baiyu couldn't help being influenced, and wanted Chuhe to agree.

However, after seeing Chuhe's gaze, Baiyu Daoist suddenly woke up.

Some fearfully glanced at the ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

The ruler of the kingdom of demons is truly extraordinary!

It was just a few words, and he was bewitched silently. If he hadn't been alerted by Chuhe, he wouldn't even know that he was in it.

Thinking of this, Daoist Baiyu felt a little worried.

It's not that I'm worried that Chuhe will be bewitched by the words of the Lord of Xichi Kingdom.

After all, he was alerted by Chuhe just now, which means that Chuhe must not be bewitched.

What he was worried about was that Chuhe would think it made sense even if he was not bewitched!

After all, from the perspective of Chuhe, it seems that it really is the same thing.

It can be said that the misunderstanding and slander he suffered has not been resolved until now.

When he was in Dragon Palace, Lord Baiyu also saw with his own eyes how the people in the world where Chuhe lived treated Chuhe.

It is clear that he regards Chuhe as an evil spirit, even an existence more evil than evil spirits.

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