After hearing Taoist He's explanation, Taoist Baiyu knew the seriousness of the problem, and he was terrified in his heart, "Senior, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid that there will be no firewood!"

"It's better for us to take a step back first, wait until the time of the Great Demon Formation has passed, and slowly map it..."

"It's too late." Taoist He lowered his head weakly, "Already, it's too late..."

His voice just fell.

The Zisha Yinfeng whirling over there suddenly stopped!

Then it collapsed inward like a tide.

Wait until the line of sight can be seen clearly before discovering.

The lord of the Xichi Kingdom has changed his appearance now!

It doesn't look like a human at all!

What I saw in midair at this moment was a strange creature with a body like a tiger, but with four human heads and four tails behind it!

The purple evil wind was sucked in by one of the heads opening its mouth.

The Zisha Yinfeng that the top experts must guard against, as long as it touches it, it will be hurt and even life-threatening. The Zisha Yinfeng is swallowed by him like this!

"This... what is this!?"

Although it has been known for a long time that demons generally grow up to be weird, but this huge monster in front of them still makes Baiyu Daojun and others dumbfounded.

More importantly, the powerful arrogance emanating from this monster now.

This breath seems to come from the wilderness, infinitely long and far-reaching, and at the same time full of evil violence, making people shudder just by looking at it.

" the power of righteousness..."

The voice of the distorted Lord of the Xichi Kingdom came from one of the heads. He seemed to be intoxicated in it, enjoying the power to the fullest.

And Chuhe looked at the monster, thinking in his heart.

This monster...why does it look familiar?

Why is it so like a legend...

Is it really that descendant?

Chapter 398

What Chuhe thought of was the legendary one and his powerful prehistoric power.

According to the legend, that mighty man has eight heads, a body like a tiger, and eight tails.

His speed is extremely fast, he controls the law of wind, and he is the incarnation of wind.

This one is the Ancestral Witch of the Wind, one of the legendary Twelve Ancestral Witches—Tian Wu!

Chu He looked at the completely deformed Lord of the Xichi Kingdom in front of him, still somewhat puzzled.

He had never seen what Zu Wu looked like, and the current appearance of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom was only somewhat similar to the legendary Tian Wu's appearance.

Maybe it's because of the large array?

There was a flash of inspiration in Chuhe's head, and he caught the key!

They said that this great formation of ten thousand demons was created based on a remnant corner of a formation in Honghuang.

What is this formation?

For a moment, what Chuhe thought in his head was the famous Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons!

This large formation needs to be composed of twelve ancestor witches, which can condense Pangu's real body and emit the power of a saint!

Could it be that this Great Formation of Ten Thousand Demons has something to do with the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Gods! ?

Chuhe only thought that it might not be big, but this big formation, including these demons, might have some connection with the witch clan, and maybe even the blood of those witch clan remained!

After all, some of these demons are monsters, some are humans, and some are neither monsters nor humans, but a race born with strange shapes and various abilities.

Isn't it corresponding to the legendary witch clan?

The race in the ancient prehistoric world may be standing in front of him at this moment, Chuhe only feels a little excited.

And what interests Chuhe even more is the great formation left over from the prehistoric times!

"It seems that this trip is not for nothing..."

Chu He opened his mouth lightly, and looked at the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom, as if he was looking at prey.

He Taoist didn't know where Chuhe's confidence came from, and thought Chuhe was crazy.

Daoist Baiyu was also under great pressure, but he still chose to believe in Chuhe.

Naturally, Xiaoyuan didn't need to say much, in her heart, Master Chuhe was invincible.

Only the Patriarch Minghuo is trembling at this moment. Facing this kind of battle, his remaining strength is really not enough to look at, and even a little carelessness may fall under the aftermath.

"Hehe, it's too late for you to regret it now." The Lord of Xichi Kingdom suddenly set off a gust of wind and came to Chuhe as if teleported.

He is huge at the moment, like a small mountain, standing in front of the Chu River, the huge sense of oppression makes Taoist He and Taoist Baiyu almost have an urge to kneel down!

In a trance, they seemed to feel that they were in the wilderness, and felt their own smallness and insignificance.

What is the top cultivation?

What supernatural powers are invincible?

Just ants!

In the face of the real flood, they are inferior to children.

Chuhe just looked at the lord of the Xichi Kingdom. This almost deterrent atmosphere did not shake him at all.

Because about Honghuang, Chuhe already knew something about it.

Just the prehistoric spirit can't scare Chuhe.

Facing the dominance of the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom, Chu He just said a word, "Take the formation diagram of the Great Demon Formation and the blueprint of the Great Demon Formation, which is a corner of the Great Desolate Formation, give it to me."

"I can promise not to kill you."

Chuhe carried it on his back with one hand, and dragged the four-elephant pagoda that was spinning around with the other hand.

Just look directly at the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom, at this seemingly incomparably powerful existence that has even broken through the shackles within this period of time and reached a state that cannot be touched in this world!

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom was obviously stunned for a moment, and then all four heads looked at Chuhe.


"Hey hey hey!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"


The four heads let out different laughter, intertwined together, as if they were howling ghosts and wolves.

Daoist He and Patriarch Minghuo immediately lowered their heads from the air, and fell into the sea with a plop.

As for Lord Baiyu and Xiaoyuan, under the protection of Chuhe, they didn't get too much dustpan.

At this moment, Chuhe has slowly thrown the Four Elephant Pagoda in his hand.

The Four Elephants Pagoda floated in the mid-air above Chu River's head, and then bursts of rays of light poured down from the Four Elephants Pagoda, covering Chu River, Baiyu Daojun and Xiaoyuan in it.

Seeing the appearance of the Four Elephant Pagoda, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom roared angrily, and shot a whirlwind from his mouth towards Chuhe and the others!

This whirlwind is like a blade, directly cutting through the surrounding space, distorting the space in this area.

Wind blades were bounced away by the glow of the pagoda.

One of them flew to the sea.

The moment it hit the sea, the sea was quiet first, and then directly set off a huge wave!

It's like infusing the element of wind into the sea water.

The heavy sea water actually floated up and flowed around like the wind!

This power is nothing more than moving mountains and filling seas!

Daoist He and Patriarch Minghuo had no power to resist at all, they were wrapped in the strong wind turned by the sea water and hovered above the sky.

And the fluctuations caused here have also loosened the rules of the world of Xichi Kingdom.

However, all of these added up did not break the glow of the seemingly thin Four Elephant Pagoda!

The lord of the Xichi Kingdom was shocked, even horrified!

He clearly knows the strength of the move he is using now, which is already far beyond the limit of what this world can accommodate!

But now, there is nothing he can do about this small pagoda?

What kind of magic weapon is this! ?

After the king of Xichi Kingdom was shocked, his greed became even stronger, and he sacrificed the life-threatening dart directly!

The life-threatening dart directly became invisible, as if it was a breeze, mixed in the squalling wind, everything the cutter encountered, even the space!

A series of cracks hovered around Chuhe for a few feet.

He could clearly feel that a powerful existence that was enough to threaten him was wandering outside.

If it weren't for the protection of the Four Elephant Pagoda, even Chuhe might not be able to withstand being poked by this thing.

But now that there are Four Elephant Pagodas, everything is just floating clouds.

This is the magic weapon used by the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit back then!

It's not a resemblance, and it's not a counterfeit product, but an authentic, authentic, authentic product that is as good as a fake!

This magic weapon may not be ranked among the top few in the environment where there are so many powerful magic weapons and all kinds of magic weapons flying around the sky, but it is definitely not the worst. After all, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is known as the first fairy in the world. How can it be ordinary?

Even in the prehistoric period, this magic weapon can be said to be powerful, let alone now when all magic is withered?

Seeing that the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom had tried his best, but he couldn't break through the defense of the Four Elephant Pagoda, Chuhe felt that it was almost done.

He directly recited the formula silently, and the Four Elephant Pagoda suddenly became bigger!

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