Chapter 399 Peeping

Seeing that he could not attack for a long time, the lord of Xichi Kingdom was already a little impatient.

He knew the power of his myriad demon formation, and it was precisely because of this that he was even more shocked in his heart.

According to common sense, the power of the myriad demon formation that he is driving now is to condense all the energy of these three thousand demons on himself, and his strength has already broken through the limit that this world can accommodate.

Since it has already broken through the limit that this world can hold, it means that there should be nothing in this world that can resist this kind of berserk energy.

It's just that all his attacks and all his efforts didn't make any waves at all like a stone bull entering the sea, and he couldn't even penetrate the defense of this pagoda!

Until now, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom still doesn't know the origin of this pagoda, but he knows it clearly.

This pagoda is definitely much stronger than his deadly darts, because just now, he also quietly used the deadly darts to attack, but the results were all in vain.

The faint radiance hanging from the pagoda looked like a layer of paper, and it felt like she could break the defense just by blowing one breath, but the reality was that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the defense at all!

And now, this pagoda has suddenly grown bigger!

Originally, it was just floating on the top of the Chu River, and it was only a few meters in size, but now, the pagoda is growing rapidly, and the base alone seems to be at least several feet in size!

And as the pagoda continued to grow larger, there was an almost irresistible suction from above the pagoda.

This kind of suction is almost like sucking away all the soul of a person, making one's scalp numb and unbearable.

Even the current lord of Xichi Kingdom is terrified.

Because he suddenly discovered that the power of the three thousand demons condensed on his body was also sucked away by this pagoda!

If you don't run away, I'm afraid you will be sucked in directly.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom still remembers the scene when Patriarch Minghuo was sucked in.

That's not just sucking in all the body, even the soul, and even all the traces that exist in the world will be sucked in!

He is not willing to erase traces of his existence from this world, that would be more terrifying than death.


The Lord of Xichi Kingdom suddenly let out a loud shout, and a stronger force erupted from his body, but his body seemed to be a little unbearable, and many places cracked, revealing the white bones inside, and some wriggling The black breath seems to be the same as the entity.

Those black auras combined into countless shapes, sometimes like maggots, and sometimes like distorted souls crying out in pain.

Constantly entangled and twisted in the body of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

And the strength of the lord of Xichi Kingdom has also continued to rise to a higher level during this period of time!


The color between the sky and the earth suddenly changed, the originally gloomy sky turned dark red, and thunder continued to flicker around.

There were even streaks of thunder that wanted to bombard the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom, but they were counteracted by the black aura emanating from the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom.

But even so, it is still an apocalyptic scene that makes people almost breathless.

The sea water in the ocean still pervades the air, flying around. The originally colorless sea water, against the backdrop of these black red and lightning, has become colorful and constantly flashing dazzling light.

At this moment, the sky and the ocean seem to be completely intertwined, and it is no longer possible to tell where the sky is and where the ocean is, the sky and the earth, and the direction of space.

It seems that everything has returned to chaos.

The Chu River is located in the only peaceful place in the chaos, that is, under the Four Elephant Pagoda, its brows are tightly frowned.

He could see that the Great Array of Ten Thousand Demons used by the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom had already raised his strength to the apex, so that this piece of heaven and earth could no longer accommodate it, and the surrounding area was surrounded by broken voids, even faintly There is a feeling of wanting to return to chaos.

If the lord of the Xichi Kingdom is not stopped, even if Chuhe is protected by the Four Elephant Pagoda, there is a certain chance of getting lost in this chaos.

At that time, it will be terrible.

Although it will not bring any danger to Chuhe's life, once lost in the chaos, it is not up to Chuhe to decide when he wants to come out.

Moreover, the flow of time in the chaos is very strange, sometimes very fast, sometimes very slow, if you can't get out after entering, then it's not much different from being dead.

"So what if you are a relic of the wilderness!?" came the arrogant voice of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom. He had been completely attacked by the array of demons, and his own voice became extremely unpleasant.

It was as if there were thousands of other voices mixed in with this voice, which made people feel like ghosts were scratching their hearts after hearing it.

While he was speaking, he directly raised an arm and swung it down violently!

Immediately, a flash of lightning directly approved it!

This is a cyan lightning!

Mixed with the momentum of wind and thunder, it directly hit the Four Elephant Pagoda above Chuhe's head hard!


The Four Elephant Pagoda unexpectedly erupted with a sound that seemed like a bell, directly clearing away the surrounding chaos for a moment.

At this moment, the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom seemed to be transformed into a strong wind, constantly directing the knife-like wind blade and the blue lightning to continuously bombard the Four Elephant Pagoda.


The Four Elephant Pagodas are still solid.

As for the Chu River under the protection of the Four Elephant Pagoda, there was no panic.

He looked at the scene outside like the end of the world, as if he was watching a movie.

No matter how powerful and realistic the special effects in electronic music are, they will not affect the audience in the cinema.

He now has such a feeling.

No matter how powerful the lord of Xichi Kingdom is, he cannot break through the defense of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Even a poem suddenly came to Chuhe's mind at this moment.

"It's easier said than done for an ant to grow from a locust tree to exaggerate a country, but an ant may shake a tree!"

Now the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, who thinks he has broken through the limit and is invincible, is nothing more than a mayfly in the eyes of Chuhe.

This kind of power, for the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom, may mean shaking the world and the top.

But for Chuhe, who has really experienced the true power of opening his eyes to the sun and closing his eyes to the night, all this is like a breeze blowing on his face...

And Chuhe doesn't want to drag on any longer.

Because for some reason, he actually felt the slightest feeling of being watched by someone...

Chapter 400

This feeling of being spied on is so faint that Chuhe would not be able to find it if he did not observe carefully.

In fact, this feeling of being spied on was when the lord of the Xichi Kingdom presided over the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Demons, piercing all the void in this area and creating chaos.

From that time on, Chuhe had a faint feeling of being peeped out of the chaos.

This feeling is very strange, indescribable, and there is no evidence.

But now, with the madness of the king of Xichi Kingdom, the damage to the surrounding space is getting bigger and bigger, and the area of ​​chaos is getting bigger and bigger, and the feeling of being spied on is getting stronger and stronger for Chuhe.

Even Chuhe has a feeling, if the feeling of being peeped at the beginning is like a person looking here unconsciously from a long distance away.

So the feeling of being spied on now is more like a person who is very close, staring at you intently.

These two feelings are completely different.

So even Chuhe felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's been so long, it should be over."

Chuhe suddenly spoke.


The Lord of Xichi Kingdom also thought about what Chuhe's first sentence would be after the battle started, but what he never expected was that Chuhe's first sentence would be this.

What does it mean?

What do you mean, it's time to end after making trouble for so long?

Could it be that you have worked so hard, almost desperately, to organize the Great Demon Formation, and even risked your life to forcefully break through the realm, in your eyes, you are making trouble?

Are you kidding me?

A feeling of being insulted came to my heart directly, and the ruler of Xichi Kingdom roared angrily.

"Chuhe! I will kill you!"

After finishing speaking, he attacked Chuhe even more crazily, and the deadly dart jingled back and forth on the Four Elephant Pagoda. It seemed that he was completely crazy.

In fact, for the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom, behind the madness, he has not completely lost his mind. At least now he can clearly know what he is doing and what he wants to do.

What's more, in the depths of his crazy heart, there is also a kind of greed that cannot be erased.

He was really envious of the four elephant pagodas in Chuhe's hands.

Moreover, he always felt that the Four Elephant Pagoda should be his own. After all, the Four Elephant Pagoda had been on the land of Xichi Kingdom for countless years, and Chuhe was just an outsider who took away the Four Elephant Pagoda!

Now Chuhe didn't make any moves, just relying on a four-elephant pagoda to resist all the attacks of the king of Xichi country.

How could the ruler of Xichi not be jealous of Chuhe?

How can you not be angry, not resentful?

In his opinion, all of this should belong to him!

Chuhe has no opinion on this.

Those who have virtue live in treasures, this sentence is fart in Chuhe's view.

Those with powerful treasures should live there!

Whoever is stronger is eligible to obtain the treasure. If a weak person gets the treasure, it may be a disaster for the weak person.

Seeing that the lord of the Xichi Kingdom has gone mad for the Four Elephant Pagoda, Chu He just shook his head slightly, and said silently, "Four Elephant Pagoda, I have already seen your defense methods. Now, Let me see how you attack."

After finishing speaking, Chuhe looked at the already huge Four Elephant Pagoda in midair.

And the Four Elephant Pagoda seemed to rise directly into the sky in response to Chuhe!

Daoist Baiyu and Xiaoyuan standing beside Chuhe were shocked!

Chuhe can be calm because of its strong strength.

But Baiyu Daojun can't do it!

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