The Lord of the Xichi Kingdom asked himself this kind of magic weapon, if it was given to him, he would have to devote at least a hundred years of sacrifice to master it.

And how long has Chuhe been in control of the Four Elephant Pagoda now?

Even if Chuhe's strength is stronger, even if Chuhe is a remnant of the prehistoric era, and may have some unknown method of quickly refining magic weapons, he can't just put it in the prehistoric period in less than a day It can be regarded as a powerful magic weapon for refining, right?

Therefore, the only flaw here is Chuhe!

As long as Chuhe can be killed now, everything will be relieved!

Of course, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom knew that Chuhe was not easy to kill, but now this was his only chance.

Because his current body, which is composed of ten thousand demons, has the possibility of almost disintegrating.

It's not that he can stay stable in this realm all the time, but he can force himself to stabilize in this realm through the Great Demon Formation.

After such a long period of consumption, the time he can still maintain Tian Wu's real body has been continuously decreasing.

That is to say, he must fight to the death while his strength is still there, otherwise, even if he wants to desperately, it will be too late.

"Yes, you forced me!"

The four heads of the Lord of Xichi Kingdom roared at Chuhe at the same time, "Now, let me out, from now on, you and I will not interfere with the river, otherwise, even if I blew myself up, I will kill you!"

When he said this, he also continuously gathered energy towards his body. It can be seen that his body began to swell, and his energy also began to have a sense of unstable flickering, as if there would be a flash in the next moment. Like an explosion.

Daoist Baiyu, who was watching the battle in the Four Elephant Pagoda, saw this scene, and two words immediately appeared in his mind.

Blow up!

What is the strength of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom?

Now his strength has exceeded the limit that the current world can accommodate, if he blew himself up...

How strong should the power that burst out be?

If the difference in cultivation is one level, if the lower level self-destructs, at least the one with the higher level can be seriously injured.

And if two people are in the same state, and one blew himself up, the other has almost no chance of surviving.

Now, it seems that although Chuhe's strength is stronger than that of the king of Xichi Kingdom, those are all brought by the Four Elephant Pagoda. If there is really no Four Elephant Pagoda, I don't know whether Chuhe can subdue it Lord of Xichi Kingdom.

That is to say, at least in the eyes of Lord Baiyu, Chuhe and the ruler of Xichi Kingdom are both in the same realm.

And if the ruler of Xichi Kingdom chooses to blow himself up, then Chuhe River is definitely in danger!

Even he who stays in the Four Elephant Pagoda will be in danger.

So he subconsciously yelled, "Senior! The news is that he blew himself up!"

It doesn't matter whether Chuhe heard it or not.

In fact, Chuhe heard it, but ignored him.

Instead, he just silently looked at the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, with an inexplicable smile on his lips...

Chapter 404 Bigger

It is the last resort for the ruler of Xichi Kingdom to threaten Chuhe with self-explosion.

After all, after this trick is used, it is likely to seriously injure or even kill Chuhe directly.

But one thing is certain, that is, he himself will definitely die, otherwise it would not be called self-destruct.

In other words, as long as he uses this trick, he will die together, and he will die, but Chuhe may survive.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom only hoped that Chuhe could see his determination and realize that if he blew himself up, his life would be in danger, so he let him go.

Even the lord of Xichi country has already thought about bargaining with Chuhe.

In the worst case, just give all the treasures of heaven and earth and cultivation resources that I have treasured to Chuhe.

It's just that, the master of Xichi Kingdom had calculated thousands of times, and he didn't think that Chuhe would ignore him at all, and just smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up.

It seemed that he didn't care at all that he was going to blow himself up.

How can it be?

How could he not be afraid of blowing himself up?

In such a small space, even if he can fly out, even if he can fly very fast, he is bound to be affected!

And it is a serious threat to life!

That being the case, why is he not afraid?

Why does he still dare to laugh?

How did he laugh?

A series of questions emerged in the mind of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, making him unable to figure out what Chuhe meant.

In the end, he just felt that Chuhe was playing tricks and bluffing.

Therefore, he snorted coldly without stopping at all and continued to condense energy in his body, still looking like he was about to explode.

"Chuhe, stop pretending. If I blew myself up, it would be very powerful. Even you might die in it!"

"But—" Xi Chiguo said this, and suddenly turned a corner, "But we are all the pride of heaven, you and I are the people who have traveled the farthest in this world, why do we die here?"

"Could it be that just because of such a misunderstanding, are we going to die for each other?"

"The world of great contention is coming, we can have more!"

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom continued, "Let me go, as long as you let me go, I swear that from now on, I will never be your enemy again, and in the future, as long as you find me, I will help you at any time Do something within my ability!"

Since Chuhe didn't open his mouth to negotiate conditions, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom couldn't really just blow himself up, right?

Ever since, he couldn't help but talk about the conditions.

Moreover, in the view of the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom, he was already full of sincerity in doing so.

First of all, he promised not to be an enemy of Chuhe from now on. This oath alone, in the eyes of the king of Xichi, is enough to give Chuhe face.

And then he promised to help Chuhe with one thing.

This promise is even more precious in the eyes of the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom.

After all, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom always feels that he is powerful, and his chances are always very good. When the flood comes, he can definitely soar to the sky and become a big boss.

He believes that Chuhe can also see how far he can grow as long as he is given some time.

From this point of view, his promise is very precious.

However, Chuhe didn't reply at all.

While this made the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom astonished, he was also a little annoyed.

It is said that cultivating immortals is weak, but now it seems that this is not the case.

You guys are a little too greedy!

It's just that he just thought about it in his heart, and he still said, "Hmph! Are you still not satisfied with this?"

"Hehe, no matter, today I am inferior to others, I admit it, since you want the lion to speak up, then I will give it to you!" After finishing speaking, the head of the Xichi Kingdom said with pain, "In the treasury of the Xichi Kingdom, there are All the treasures of heaven and earth that I have accumulated over the past thousand years are also given to you!"

However, Chuhe still didn't speak after hearing this.

The four faces of the lord of Xichi Kingdom twitched at the same time, took a deep breath, and said forcefully, "Over the years, I have collected all the secrets of the prehistoric times, and some things left over from the prehistoric times, and I will give them all to you!"

Chuhe was a little interested, but he still didn't speak.

The lord of Xichi Kingdom finally couldn't hold back anymore, "I've already given you everything I can give you! What else do you want!?"

"Don't bully me too much! Haven't you thought about what kind of revenge you will face if you can't kill me today!?"

The ruler of Xichi Kingdom was a little hysterical, because his energy began to fade, and Tianwu's avatar, which was forcibly condensed with the Great Demon Formation, gradually began to lose its hold.

If he blew himself up at this time, he would still be a threat to Chuhe.

But if the time of Tianwu's real body passes, even if he threatens to explode himself, it will not be able to scare Chuhe at all.

How to do?

The ruler of Xichi Kingdom was extremely entangled.

If he blew himself up now, he would definitely not be reconciled.

But if he doesn't blow himself up now, his strength will drop rapidly, and he will directly lose the only point that threatens Chuhe.

In the midst of this entanglement, the power condensed in the body of the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom has become more and more concentrated, and even has produced extremely high temperatures.

Now, the dantian in the lower abdomen of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom is like a bomb, his whole body is red, and he doesn't know when it will be detonated!

"Chuhe! I'll give you another three seconds. If you still don't agree, I'll blow myself up!"

"You let me die, and I won't let you live!"

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom directly stretched out three fingers and began to count.



"Chuhe, if you don't speak again, you will never have another chance!"

"Hehe." Chuhe finally spoke, not really speaking, but just laughing.

But it still relaxes the tense nerves of the ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

He looked at Chuhe and felt that his threat had worked, "Do you understand?"

"Hehe." Chuhe didn't answer his question, but said to himself, "Don't tell me, do you really think that you can hurt me if you blow yourself up?"

Saying that, Chuhe took a step forward, and his size suddenly became bigger.

Every step you take, your body size will become bigger.

In the end, he was already tens of feet tall, the size that the avatar of Tianwu, the lord of Xichi Kingdom, who looked so huge at first, could be kicked as a ball.

At the very beginning, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom thought that Chuhe was only using ordinary spells, so what's the use of becoming bigger?

Could it be that after becoming bigger, the cultivation base will also become bigger?

But soon, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom gradually lost this idea.

Because he found that in the process of Chuhe's growth, his cultivation base, strength, and most importantly, the sense of oppression, are gradually growing bigger step by step!

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