Chapter 405 Dispersion

The change in Chuhe's body shape and the pressure brought about by it almost made the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom faint.

And the power that he was condensing to self-explode was gradually dissipating.

Because, from the bottom of his heart, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom really doesn't think that if he blew himself up at this time, he could still hurt Chuhe.

I only saw Chuhe's appearance as a giant, as if he came out of the wild.

The huge pagoda, in front of Chuhe at this moment, has once again returned to the appearance of a toy, and it directly rests on the palm of Chuhe.

Chu He looked at the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom at his feet, and said in a low voice, "Whipping mountains and moving rocks, this is one of the 36 laws of Tiangang."

Although Chuhe just said in a low voice, after the voice reached the ears of the king of Xichi Kingdom, it was like rolling thunder, which nearly shattered his eardrums and made his liver and gallbladder burst!

Whip mountains and move rocks?

Tiangang 36 method?

What is this all about?

He has never heard of it!

After Chuhe just said this, he didn't explain anymore, and directly reached out to grab the Lord of Xichi Kingdom.

It's okay not to move.

When Chuhe moved, the space around him suddenly became broken. It seemed that Chuhe's every move could not be tolerated by this piece of space.

After entering the prehistoric world in Nana's spiritual consciousness, Chuhe had some new insights into the spells he had practiced before.

Especially the comprehension of these 36 remnants of Tiangang, it is a higher level!

He also knew that these 36 methods of Tiangang transformation, even in the prehistoric times, were remarkable, enough to rank among the top cultivation methods.

Although what Chuhe got was only fragments, the power was not comparable to that of ordinary practice methods.

He turned into a giant now, but it wasn't puffiness, but the magnification of his physical body and strength in equal proportions!

It is said that after practicing this set of methods to the end, one's physical body can become infinitely huge, and even have the power to open up the world!

In fact, in the prehistoric age, various methods that can make the body bigger are common. It seems to be to reminisce about the Great God Pan Gu, or it could be said that the cultivation system at that time was like this, focusing on the strength of the physical body.

Therefore, most of Honghuang's methods have some supernatural powers of gigantism.

For example, the current Chu River has become a giant hundreds of feet high.

This height is almost ten times higher than the Altman that Chuhe knew in his previous life!

That is to say, the Ultraman in the previous life could not even reach the position of Chuhe's knee.

That is the size of the current ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

As Chuhe bent down and grabbed the lord of Naxichi Kingdom, the surrounding space was constantly distorted and shattered.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom also noticed that the confinement of the Four Elephant Pagoda seemed to have disappeared, so he wanted to flee immediately.

Are you still blowing yourself up at this time?

If he blew himself up, he would definitely die, but Chuhe... Facing the current Chuhe, he really didn't have any courage to say that his blew up could hurt Chuhe.

It's just that Xi Chiguo's thought of running away was quickly extinguished.

Because he found that his speed had become extremely slow!

Like a snail.

Although his thinking is still very quick, he can think up to three thousand thoughts in a split second.

However, his physical body couldn't move.

Even if you can move, you need to move slowly, very, very slowly.

It was as if someone had pressed the slow-motion button in his world.

It slowed down everything about him, and he couldn't pick up the speed at all.

But the speed of Chuhe is still as usual.

It's just that in the eyes of the lord of Xichi Kingdom, the speed of Chu River seems to have slowed down at the moment, or he hopes that the speed of Chu River can slow down now, so that his life can last for a while.

He didn't think it was possible for him to survive after falling into the hands of Chuhe.

After all, as far as he knows, Chuhe is definitely not that kind of good old man. On the contrary, Chuhe is with him to a large extent.


Finally, Chuhe's big hand approached directly, pinching the ruler of Xichi Kingdom.

Just now, the Lord of Xichi Kingdom felt that he could not move his body, but it was actually because he was too close to Chuhe.

The mass of the Chu River is extremely large now, and there is a strong gravitational force all over its body. The closer it is to the Chu River, the more it will be shackled by this gravitational force and unable to break through.

The lord of Xichi Kingdom stood at the foot of Chuhe just now, and the huge gravitational force made him move like a snail.

In fact, if the lord of the Xichi Kingdom could pull away from Chuhe earlier, this gravitational force would be greatly reduced. Although it would still affect his speed, it would definitely not be like it is now, where he directly Imprisoned like a snail, it just couldn't move.

This is a bit too exaggerated.

Even Chuhe felt a little unexpected.

It was not until the lord of Xichi Kingdom was caught in his hand that Chuhe finally realized how strong he is now.

It's just that he still doesn't know how far he has reached.

Because, since Chuhe went out to sea, his strength has been rising rapidly, especially after entering the prehistoric world within the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's like being opened up to Ren Du's second channel, even when eating, drinking and sleeping, I feel that I am making rapid progress!

Especially in the prehistoric world of your consciousness sea space, you are releasing real prehistoric aura all the time to nourish Chuhe's body, making Chuhe's physical body constantly stronger!

Before defeating the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty at sea, Chuhe did not exert all his strength, and now he is pinching the king of the Xichi Kingdom, Chuhe also did not exert all his strength.

Even Chuhe wanted to try it out. How strong would he be if he let go completely, used all his hole cards, and released all his strength?

But in the haze, Chuhe also had a premonition.

Now is not the time.

If this is the case, it will definitely destroy one world.

Even if you want to try your own strength, you have to choose a place and a time.

Perhaps, Dongsheng Shenzhou, which preserves more Dao laws, has a larger area, and has more mystery, is an excellent place to go.

These things flashed through Chu He's mind, and he had caught the Lord of Xichi Kingdom before his eyes.

I saw that Tianwu Zhen, the lord of the Xichi Kingdom, was almost unable to hold on, and began to show signs of collapse.

But Chuhe just pinched it hard, and countless screams erupted from the body of the Lord of Xichi Kingdom.

In the next moment, jets of pitch-black aura burst out directly from the body of the Lord of Xichi Kingdom.

Then these black auras seemed to want to flee, but they were all swept away by the divine light in the Chuhe Pagoda and fell on the screen one after another.

I only saw those black auras transformed into various appearances when they left the body of the Lord of Xichi Kingdom.

Take a closer look, isn't this the three thousand demons from before?

The time for the Ten Thousand Demon Formation presided over by the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom has come, and Tian Wu's real body also collapsed, gathered on him, and the three thousand demons who provided him with energy and acted as the eyes of the Demon Formation all came from him. body falls.

Re-transformed into individuals one by one.

Chapter 406 Appearance

These evil spirits had always been on the body of the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom before, and together with the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom, they condensed into the final appearance of the formation of ten thousand demons, which was the real body of Tianwu.

But now, the great formation of ten thousand demons withered, and the three thousand demons fell even more.

Although the three thousand demons had been possessing the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom to provide energy for the Lord of the West Chi Kingdom, but during this process, they also watched the whole process.

In other words, they have seen the power of Chuhe in the process!

Therefore, after they reappeared, except for some who still wanted to escape, almost all others knelt down to Chuhe.

On the surface of the sea, three thousand evil spirits suddenly knelt down densely!

The disappearing eight-armed demon also knelt directly on the surface of the sea.

Originally, the eight-armed demon looked extremely terrifying and majestic, but now, it honestly pressed all eight arms on the screen, and its head was also attached to the sea.

And that Mrs. Yu and others knelt there and didn't dare to lift their heads.

They all found that they underestimated Chuhe.

After seeing the battle between Chuhe and Xichi, they also had a basic judgment on Chuhe.

That is... this person must not be provoked!

Speaking of fighting with the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom just now, but in fact, they all knew in their hearts that it was not a fight at all, it was a unilateral crush by Chuhe.

Except at the very beginning, when Chuhe didn't make a move, the lord of Xichi country could still attack, but when Chuhe made a move, the lord of Xichi country had no room to fight back.

Crushing, it's simply one-sided crushing!

Before they met Chuhe, they would never have thought that the ruler of Xichi Kingdom would lose, and he would lose so badly.

Because in their hearts, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom is the strongest and most powerful.

It is even so powerful that the rules of this world cannot accommodate it.

But in front of Chuhe... Such a powerful person is like a little chicken.

There are three thousand demons crawling under the huge Chu River.

He holds a four-elephant pagoda in his hand.

The other hand spread out, and among them was the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom who had almost died of breath.

At the same time, Chuhe's voice also came, "Hand over the Great Demon Formation and the prototype diagram of the Great Demon Formation, and I may spare your life."

"The formation... the original form of the formation is not a certain formation, but an ancient battlefield..."

As soon as the Lord of Xichi Kingdom heard that there was still hope for life, he hurriedly said, "I will give you the formation map of the Great Demon Formation!"

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