As a result, the real Wu Hai's avatar showed no signs of dissipating.

At first Chuhe thought it was because the four elephant pagodas cut off the breath of the outside world, but soon Chuhe found out that this was not the case.

Because even if Chuhe took the clone out of the Four Elephant Pagoda, the clone did not dissipate, and at the same time, the clone undoubtedly looked in one direction.

Chuhe instantly understood that Master Wu Hai was not dead, but escaped with a method he didn't know.

After figuring this out, Chuhe started chasing him directly.

The real Wu Hai, who had only a sliver of soul left, was not as fast as Chu He, so he could only hope that Chu He would not find him.

And he kept flying towards his palace.

Chuhe behind him is not in a hurry anymore, he wants to see where this guy wants to escape.

After all, this guy told Chuhe before that he was a monk from Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Chuhe knew that Dongsheng Shenzhou was nearby, but he didn't know exactly where it was, so he could take this opportunity to take a look.

After flying for about two quarters of an hour, Chuhe found that the aura around him felt a steady rise.

It is water, and the concentration of this aura is constantly deepening.

The surrounding sea water and air, including the clouds, also have a different feeling.

It seems to be lighter and wider, and even Chuhe feels lighter physically and mentally.

This feeling is very mysterious and difficult to describe in words, as if suddenly came to a more pure world.

And Chuhe also has a feeling that the rules here are more perfect, and the way of heaven is easier to ponder.

It is a mysterious and wonderful experience.

" Dongsheng Shenzhou?"

Unexpectedly, just less than ten thousand miles apart, it is another world.

Even Chuhe was a little puzzled, the world of Dongsheng Shenzhou was so suitable for cultivation, why did the demons of Xichi Kingdom hide on that island?

After thinking for a while, Chuhe himself had the answer.

Because although the rules here are more complete, it also means that the barriers of this world are more difficult to break through.

If it is strong enough, it is like the current Chu River. With the blessing of the power of the prehistoric, plus the power of the Tiger Soul Sword and the Four Elephant Pagoda, it can easily cross the border here.

But if you are an ordinary monk, there will be some insurmountable.

Biri said that the ruler of Xichi Kingdom, even in his heyday, with the blessing of the Great Demon Formation, it would be absolutely difficult for him to come here.

He will only feel pressure when he gets close, and he will feel an extremely strong sense of repulsion.

This sense of repulsion will make him unable to advance an inch. If he is forced, he may be crushed to pieces by the powerful rules of heaven and earth.

It can also be understood that if you don't break through the heaven, you can't set foot on this land called Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The real Wu Hai, who was being chased over there with almost nowhere to hide, scolded his mother anxiously in his heart.

He actually followed! ?

He has already come to Dongsheng Shenzhou, but he can still follow him! ?


His cultivation base obviously has not reached the level of a celestial being, so why can he pass through the barrier and come to Dongsheng Shenzhou! ?

And there was no slightest delay, as if the barrier didn't exist for him.

Immortal Wu Hai couldn't do it right away. Originally, he thought that he could block the Chu River by relying on that layer of barrier, so he would run away first and then talk about it.

Relying on this layer of barrier, Chuhe will never be able to get through, and he can also recuperate during this period of time, and even seek opportunities to fight back!

However, who would have thought that Chuhe could follow in without hindrance?

What kind of enemies have I provoked! ?

Master Wu Hai was crying in his heart.

Chapter 419 The reason

But no matter what, he still didn't stop.

Even knowing that the hope of escaping is slim, it is better than obediently catching him with nothing.

Chuhe used a method he didn't know to cross the barrier, so he had no choice but to accept his fate, and he could only speed up his speed in a way that almost burned his soul.

However, after Chuhe entered Dongsheng Shenzhou, he slowly slowed down and only kept a certain distance from Master Wu Hai to ensure that he would not lose the position of Master Wu Hai and prevent him from escaping.

And the spare energy is used by Chuhe to observe everything around him.

The question of how the Chu River crossed the barrier, which puzzled Master Wu Hai, did not exist at all for Chu River.

At this moment, Chuhe is putting part of his spiritual consciousness into the Four Elephant Pagoda, asking the Lord of the Xichi Kingdom.

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom doesn't really know much about Dongsheng Shenzhou, but when faced with Chuhe's question, he can only speak endlessly.

"...Senior, although our Xichi Kingdom claims to be Dongsheng Shenzhou, it is not. It is just a fragmented island of Dongsheng Shenzhou."

"It is said that Dongsheng Shenzhou is a blessed land of immortals and the upper realm. Xichi Kingdom has always had some extremely powerful demon kings. After reaching a certain level, they will ascend to the upper realm."

"It is rumored that this place is a paradise for cultivation. If you want to go further, you must make a breakthrough here."

The Lord of Xichi Kingdom has no more thoughts in his head now, he just thinks about getting back a dog's life after serving Chuhe comfortably.

The real Wu Hai, whom he had placed high hopes on, was also forced by Chu He to blew himself up.

Right now, the unconscious clone of the real Wu Hai is still standing beside him.

Now, he is directly inside the Four Elephant Pagoda, is there any possibility of escape?

"Unexpectedly, senior's cultivation base has already broken through the realm of heavenly immortals. Unfortunately, I still want to take the treasure from senior's hands. I really want to die."

The lord of Xichi Kingdom was half flattering, half serious and said, "If you can discover the true cultivation of senior earlier, why bother?"

"It's all my fault that I was blinded by the magic weapon. Otherwise, if you think about it with your heart, you should know that the senior can live from the prehistoric to the present, how can he be an idler?"

It is too late for the lord of Xichi Kingdom to regret now.

I only thought that I was smart all my life, so how could I be so confused once?

But in fact, what he doesn't know is that now the prehistoric situation is repeating itself, and the secrets are unknown, let alone him, the lord of the Xichi Kingdom, and even the more powerful monks of Dongsheng Shenzhou, are also blinded by the secrets.

It is impossible to measure good or bad.

In other words, good and bad fortune are unpredictable in this world now, and even the top monks may perish in this obscure secret.

Just like the catastrophes in ancient times, even quasi-sages may fall, let alone "mortals" who can't reach the level of immortals?

"You're wrong." Chuhe shook his head, "I didn't live from the prehistoric to the present, nor do I have the realm of a celestial being."

The lord of Xichi Kingdom suddenly raised his head, wanting to ask how is this possible?

But he still swallowed the question.

This kind of thing, if Chuhe told him, he could listen, but if Chuhe didn't tell him, he couldn't ask.

"It's just a little chance." Chuhe was noncommittal, and continued to ask the lord of Xichi Kingdom about Dongsheng Shenzhou.

At the end, he asked the ancestor Minghuo who was so frightened and lost his mind a long time ago that he didn't dare to say a word beside him.

Ask him where he got the Golden Crow True Fire back then.

To this day, the ancestor Minghuo didn't dare to mess with Chuhe any more, so he had to tell the truth.

The Golden Crow True Fire can be regarded as the adventure of the ancestor Minghuo, he is the only one who knows in the whole Xichi country, even if the lord of the Xichi kingdom wanted to force the ancestor Minghuo to tell where the place is, the ancestor Minghuo would rather die Not from.

In the end, after careful consideration, the ruler of Xichi Kingdom did not kill Patriarch Minghuo, but thought about it later.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Golden Crow True Fire is not too helpful to the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom, otherwise, no matter how much the ancestor of the Minghuo would rather die than obey, the ruler of the Xichi Kingdom will never be cruel. keep him.

He would rather not get this thing himself, and he would never let others get it. This is the arrogance he cultivated as the lord of Xichi Kingdom.

But now, the location of the Golden Crow True Fire, which was considered more important than his own life by the Patriarch Minghuo before, he has stated without any concealment.

Even though there are other people around besides Chuhe, the ancestor Minghuo doesn't care at all now.

"Oh?" Chuhe showed a look of interest after hearing the description of the ancestor Minghuo, "So you mean that the Golden Crow True Fire is actually in the territory of Dongsheng Shenzhou, but it was accidentally leaked out ?”

"Although the territory of Xichi Kingdom can be regarded as a small thousand world relying on Shenzhou, how can it compare with the great world of Dongsheng Shenzhou? If a divine fire like Golden Crow True Fire comes to the world, I am afraid that the entire Xichi Kingdom will not be burned!"

When the ancestor Minghuo said this, there was obviously fear in his words.

Although his name is Minghuo Patriarch, he has also studied the Dao of Fire for thousands of years, and has his own understanding and confidence in the Dao of Fire, but he still can't help but feel fear when talking about the Golden Crow True Fire.

The first is that he has seen the fear of the Golden Crow True Fire, and of course the most important thing is that this guy has been burnt out of the psychological shadow by Chuhe's Golden Crow True Fire.

Back then when Chuhe released the golden crow-like divine beast, it burned up three thousand demons with just a soft cry!

The power can be called terrifying!

Ancestor Minghuo is confident that if the Golden Crow True Fire is allowed to rage in Xichi Kingdom, no one can control it, even the king of Xichi Kingdom will flee.

He might not die under the Golden Crow True Flame, but it would be extremely difficult to block or extinguish the Golden Crow True Fire.

This is exactly what made ancestor Minghuo fear Chuhe, and it may also be what he fears most about Chuhe.

Because even in the face of the lord of the Xichi Kingdom and the real Wuhai, who is already a celestial being, Chuhe is still able to handle it with ease, and he didn't even use his full strength!

What would have happened if the Golden Crow Divine Beast had been released at that time?

The Golden Crow's real fire is extremely terrifying, even if it is contaminated by the avatar, it may directly burn the fire to the real body, maybe the real Wuhai will die just like that!

The Patriarch Minghuo forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, and continued, "The Golden Crow True Fire is very powerful, it must have burned through the barrier between Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xichi Kingdom, so some leaked out, so I got a piece of it." thread."

Chapter 420

After Chu He finished speaking, he looked directly into the palace, thinking that Master Wu Hai could come out for the sake of his disciples.

But what Chuhe didn't know was that the real Wu Hai was at the end of his strength, and he was a mouse who had been cornered. The extreme fear was arrogance.

He is still thinking about how to deal with Chuhe.

No plan to come out.

But those disciples of the real Wu Hai didn't know what was going on. Hearing what Chu He said, they thought that Chu He was just a psychopath who came looking for trouble.

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