Unexpectedly, he opened his mouth to say that he wanted to kill Master Wu Hai, and also said that he could not kill them?

Simply hilarious!

"Your ignorance and arrogance make me wonder if you are real or pretending, or do you just want to die? Want us to help you understand?"

The person at the head no longer had the initial anger, he just finds it funny now.

Looking at Chuhe, it's like watching another joke.

"This is the Wuhai Temple, even in Dongsheng Shenzhou, it is also a famous place. Above this Dongsheng Shenzhou, which power will not give us Wuhai Temple a face?"

"My family's head, Master Wu Hai, is one of the most powerful people in Dongsheng Shenzhou! If you dare to say that, aren't you afraid that you will not be able to seek death, and that life will become worse than death instead?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with him? Solve it quickly, so that the ancestor won't be in a bad mood when he wakes up from seclusion and sees this joke."

The leader nodded, "It's reasonable, if that's the case, then let's take action together and take down this arrogant garbage!"

After finishing speaking, the leader rushed out directly.

Although they said that Chuhe was extremely arrogant and that Chuhe was a piece of rubbish, just now Chuhe clearly walked out of the mountain guard formation alive in their eyes!

What is the existence of the Mountain Protecting Formation?

These disciples of the Wuhai Temple couldn't understand it better, and asked themselves, if they accidentally triggered the formation of the Wuhai Temple, they would definitely not be so calm, and there was a high probability that they would directly die in it!

After all, this big formation is prepared to deal with Xuanxian, even people above Xuanxian!

And their strength, Dingtian also guessed the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal.

In other words, just when Chuhe came out of the big formation unscathed, it has proved Chuhe's strength.

Although they felt that Chuhe was crazy and came to provoke Wuhai Temple, they would not underestimate Chuhe's strength.

So a shot is a thunderbolt, and it means that everyone unites together and uses it directly as a killer move!

In other words, it was their strongest move, the pursuit of directly killing Chuhe in seconds!

Just, unfortunately.

It's a pity that this trick didn't hurt Chuhe, not even a single hair of Chuhe.

After they used this trick, they lost Chuhe's figure.

When the Chu River reappeared, it was already above sea level.

Five elements escape!

This is one of the first supernatural powers that Chuhe obtained. The Five Elements Escape sounds simple and unpretentious, but in fact, it is an extremely powerful escape technique.

With the improvement of Chuhe's strength, those tricks that were not used before can now be mastered.

The more his strength improved, the more Chuhe felt the subtlety of the Five Elements Escape, which might even be stronger than the 36 Tiangang fragments, perhaps not as good as the 36 Tiangang changes as a whole, but compared to one of the magical It is definitely a lot stronger.

"What a great move!"

They had never seen such a powerful escape technique, and they thought it was because Chuhe was too fast, it was just a body technique.

"Mobilize the big formation! Use the power of the big formation to imprison him!"

These people also started to shout crazily, and the monks inside the Wuhai Temple directly began to control the eyes of the formation, and then began to expand the power of the formation.

Suddenly, Chuhe felt that strong pressure came again, this time, it was directly wrapped in it, as if he had entered the mercury, or entered the deep sea.

That kind of huge pressure is enough to deform a piece of steel.

But these pressures have no effect on Chuhe!

36 Tiangang fragments, supernatural powers, whip mountains and move stones!

After the activation, the strength of Chuhe's physical body has directly increased by not just a step, but by relying on the strength of his physical body alone, he can toughen Xuanxian, and even the heavenly immortals above Xuanxian need to spend some money to deal with Chuhe. effort.

In short, Chuhe's strong physical strength directly withstood the huge pressure of the formation.

Even with ease.

But the outsiders didn't know, and thought that Chuhe was already trapped and couldn't move.

"Hahaha!" The leading disciple laughed loudly, "Do you know why the Wuhai Temple is called the Wuhai Temple? You can see why the Wuhai Immortal is called the Wuhai Immortal?"

"Did you know that this big formation is called the Wuhai Great Formation!"

He sneered, "Have you ever entered a sea that is ten thousand feet deep? Have you entered a sea that is as deep as one hundred thousand feet?"

"It's pitch black there. Even if you have the cultivation base of a celestial being, if you don't have a powerful method to support it, you will definitely not be able to reach that place. If you force it in, you will only be directly crushed by the huge pressure!"

"Not even the soul can escape!"

"As for us Master Wuhai, we are called Master Wuhai because we got the Tao and under the abyss of the sea, and this grand formation was created by my ancestor, Master Wuhai. Enormous pressure!"

"Now, just one thought from me can crush you to pieces!"

The man said to Chuhe coldly, "tell me, why did you say that just now, what is your purpose?"

Looking at these monks, Chu He suddenly felt sad, and couldn't help shaking his head, "Could it be that Master Wu Hai didn't tell you anything after he escaped?"

"What did you say? Master Wuhai escaped back? The ancestor has been practicing in closed doors in the palace!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!? Do you want to die now!?"

"Hehe." Seeing that these people's reactions didn't seem to be fake, Chu He just chuckled, "It seems that you have been abandoned by Patriarch Wuhai, and he just wants to use you to delay some time."

"What?!" The leader was taken aback, watching Chuhe step by step in horror, and slowly walked out of the gravitational force field condensed by the big formation, as if the pressure of the deep sea and abyss did not give Chuhe Do any harm!

"Increase the circulation of the large formation! Increase the circulation of the large formation, quickly, quickly!"

The man shouted frantically, and the person who presided over the formation was also trying his best, but he still couldn't help Chuhe.

The immense pressure, to Chuhe, is like a breeze blowing on his face, and he is not disturbed at all.

Originally, they sneered at what Chuhe said, but now, seeing Chuhe strolling around in front of the big formation, they also began to doubt.

To be able to perform like this under the big formation, the strength is at least at the same level as that of real Wu Hai.

Could it be... Could it be that what he said was true?

Immortal Wu Hai didn't know when he went out, and then escaped with serious injuries. This person... really came to chase and kill Immortal Wu Hai! ?

Just thinking of this possible reality, these people couldn't help turning pale.

If this is the case, what should I do! ?

Chapter 421 Don't Kill

"Burn through the barrier? Can the Golden Crow True Fire burn through the barrier of the two worlds?"

Chu He muttered to himself.

But in fact, he is not very suspicious of what the ancestor Minghuo said.

Chuhe himself has experienced the Golden Crow True Fire, and it can be regarded as one of the most terrifying flames in the world.

Even in the prehistoric world where strong people are like clouds, this Golden Crow True Fire is definitely the top flame, and quite a few strong people have fallen under this flame.

Even, during the great catastrophe, ten golden crows appeared on the prehistoric land at the same time, almost causing the same harm as destroying the prehistoric world!

Fortunately, in the end, nine of the Golden Crows were shot down by the great witch called Descendants, otherwise, the entire Great Desolation would have been overwhelmed.

Saying this may be a bit alarmist, but it is enough to show the strength of the Golden Crow at that time.

After all, at that time, the emperor and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who were the leaders of the demon clan and the lords of the heavenly court, were also transformed by the Golden Crow, which shows how powerful the Golden Crow is.

And the reason why the descendants were able to shoot down the Golden Crow did not mean that the witches were stronger than the monsters, it was because the descendants, as great witches, were the most powerful existence after the ancestor witches, and even to some extent, Houyi's ability It is already very close to Zu Wu.

Coupled with the blessing of the divine bow, a few young golden crows were shot down.

Those are the old calendars of the past, and Chuhe can feel the surge just by thinking about it.

Chuhe suddenly looked in the direction of the sun.

Even in the Four Elephant Pagoda, the Chu River can see the sun, which is the magic of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

The sun in Dongsheng Shenzhou is no different from the sun in the earth world, including the sun in the world of Xichi Kingdom and the world of Datang. They are all the same sun.

According to rumors, the sun is also transformed by the Golden Crow.

A single sun can maintain the yin and yang of the Great Desolate Continent. What kind of powerful force is this?

It is also said that the sun was transformed from the left eye of Pan Gu after the creation of the world.

That is to say, that sun was the eye of the Great God Pan Gu back then!

It is an extremely remarkable existence.

Chu He withdrew his gaze and continued to look at Patriarch Minghuo, "Continue talking."


The ancestor Minghuo had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue talking, but he had almost finished what he said just now, and there was not much useful words to say, but he just said that place more clearly.

After Chuhe nodded, he told him to shut up.

Suddenly, Chuhe looked outside again, and then Chuhe disappeared.

Outside, Chuhe appeared, holding a pagoda and looking in one direction.

All I saw was an extremely huge palace on the surface of the sea over there. The palace was built directly on the surface of the sea without any support.

It looks beautiful, as if it is the place where the fairy is located in the legend.

Chuhe noticed that the remnant soul of Master Wuhai flew directly into the palace.

"Is this flying in to seek shelter? I don't know whose palace this is..."

But no matter who it is, Chuhe never thought of leaving.

The second is to speed up and come directly to the sky above the palace.

As soon as he came here, Chuhe could feel an extremely strong resistance, and a colorful stream of light began to emerge over the entire palace.

A semi-circular cover was directly formed, covering the palace directly.

This is clearly the large formation of the palace.

Moreover, the level of this formation is so high that it can block Chuhe's figure.

That repulsive force is very huge.

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