If it is said that the barriers between Dongsheng Shenzhou and the outside world cannot be entered without the strength of the gods, then the big formation here is stronger than those barriers.

After all, those barriers are just unconscious spontaneous actions between heaven and earth, and the purpose is not to stop some people, but because the rules of Dongsheng Shenzhou are too strong, so people from the outside have to go through that barrier if they want to enter.

As for the current big formation, if you want to enter, even if you have the strength of Xuanxian, you can't do it, and if you rush in rashly, your life may be in danger.

All I saw was a few bolts of lightning suddenly shot out from the colorful streamer cover of the big formation, rushing directly towards the Chu River.

Chuhe dodges, and the lightning strikes an empty space, but the momentum is very frightening, and there is a full blow with the strength of the Xuanxian level!

As expected of the Great Mountain Protecting Formation, this kind of formation can only be organized by one sect, and it is also the last barrier of this sect.

If the mountain protection formation is broken, it basically means that the sect has perished.

Although the lightning is not fatal to Chuhe, Chuhe doesn't want to be hit casually, after all, the feeling of being hit by thunder is not very comfortable.

I saw Chuhe slowly pulled away and stood directly outside the big formation, that is, outside the palace.

And the fluctuation caused by the big array quickly aroused the ideas of the people below.

I saw dozens of people who looked like Taoists flew out of the main hall, as if they had disturbed a nest of swimming fish, and came directly outside the main hall to confront Chuhe.

"Where did the savage come from!? Wuhai Temple also dare to break into it? Could it be that you are impatient with life!?"

That person reported his family name, claiming to be Wuhai Temple.

Chu He was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself, did the real Wu Hai escape to his hometown?

"Who is Master Wu Hai here?" Chu He asked directly.

But he heard an angry shout from over there, "Shut up! Master Wu Hai is the head of our Wu Hai Temple, so damn it!"

After finishing speaking, the man directly raised his hand, and a flying sword flew towards Chuhe at a very fast speed, and the shot was a killer move, coming directly to the vital part of Chuhe.

Chu He frowned, waved his sleeve lightly, and the sharp sword lost its aim and flew towards the other side.

"Why do you need to fight and kill?" Chu He frowned, "Remove the formation and let Master Wu Hai come out. I don't want to kill him yet, and I still need him to answer some questions."

"As for you, I won't kill you either."

Chuhe only felt that doing so was the best of benevolence. After all, Immortal Wu Hai attacked him first, and even if he was not that strong, he might have been killed by Immortal Wu Hai.

As a result, now that Chuhe came to Master Wu Hai's old lair, he didn't go on a killing spree, and even planned to let Master Wu Hai go, and didn't intend to embarrass Master Wu Hai's disciples.

Isn't this the utmost benevolence?

However, after hearing this in the palace, Master Wuhai was even more frightened. At the same time, because in the palace and in his lair, he also had some confidence. I sent out several messages and wanted to invite some of my friends to come and help out!

Chapter 422 Betrayal

The so-called four loves have immortal poverty!

If I have to die, fellow daoist, can you also sacrifice your life to fight for a chance for me?

In the face of life and death, there is no friendship at all!

Master Wu Hai hesitated before, but after seeing the imminent danger, he crushed the jade talisman without hesitation, and begged the nearest friend to come quickly!

This jade talisman was made by Master Wu Hai and a few like-minded fellow Taoists. It has no special function except that it can send out a message after being crushed.

All the nearest holders of this jade talisman can receive the message.

There are only two possibilities for crushing this kind of jade talisman. The first possibility is to find some magic weapon or relic, or some kind of natural and earthly treasure.

But there are also enemies, outnumbered, and if you want to get it, you must need someone to help.

At this time, you can crush the jade talisman and fight with your friends.

Of course, there is also the second situation, that is, encountering a desperate situation, almost dying!

If you crush the jade talisman at this time, it can be regarded as calling for help. It was agreed between the few of them that if they encounter someone who is in danger, they must never leave their lives alone!

Even made a vow to do it!

But it may be difficult for them to comply.

Daoist Wu Hai and these fellow Taoists have similar levels of cultivation. If he is in danger and sends out this news, then other people who receive the news also need to think carefully.

What if it is free after arriving?

Master Wu Hai also took this into consideration, so the signal he sent was not a distress signal, but a distress signal.

The difference is one word, but the meaning is very different.

In the jade talisman, a spiritual thought of Master Wu Hai was condensed.

The content written by the divine thoughts is that he met a great old man who had many magic weapons and some other treasures, but this old man had just been born, and his strength had declined, so he could not display the full strength of all the magic weapons.

But even so, he was still no match, so he asked for support.

If he just sent a distress signal, saying that he was besieged by an old monster in the Wuhai Temple, and even his soul was shattered, leaving only a little remnant soul lingering, then would Master Wuhai really treat those people? Come to the rescue without hope.

But after sending out such a signal for help, Master Wu Hai can be sure that if someone receives this signal, then he will definitely come!

Because this is also a huge opportunity for them!

And this opportunity is definitely a surefire profit for them!

No one would refuse such an invitation.

Even Master Wu Hai planned to write some information in it, saying that after defeating this prehistoric old man, the treasures he got would be shared equally.

But after all, Master Wu Hai still didn't write this message.

The reason is very simple, although after writing this way, it may make them come to the rescue more quickly, but it may also make them aware of the abnormality, and feel that it must be a fraud if they are so generous and directly split half.

Therefore, even in this request for help, Master Wu Hai was also intriguing.

I just hope that someone will come to rescue him soon.

This is the only thing he can look forward to, and it is also his only chance of life right now.

He didn't think Chuhe would let him go, especially after he did that to Chuhe.

"Senior, just ahead." Master Wu Hai's eldest disciple, who has now become Chu He's leading dog, is directly in front, releasing all the restrictions and formations.

As Daoist Wu Hai's eldest disciple.

In the absence of anyone to preside over the Wuhai Temple, he is the supreme host of the Wuhai Temple, with extremely high authority.

All the formations inside were untied by him in the master's way.

Although Immortal Wu Hai is also in this hall now, he only has a remnant soul left, and his strength has dropped to negligible.

Even if he can't deal with his own disciples, let alone Chuhe?

He also didn't have the ability to control the formation of the Wuhai Temple, so he could only watch helplessly as the disciples he cultivated brought his enemies to him step by step.

Master Wu Hai's heart is really cold.

If it is still possible, he absolutely does not want this result.

Especially the betrayal of his beloved disciple made Master Wu Hai feel an unspeakable pain.

After all, Master Wu Hai even wanted to train him as his heir before, but who would have thought that this person would not only be ungrateful to Dade, even if he escaped, Master Wu Hai might feel better.

But what Wu Hairen couldn't accept was that this guy actually rebelled directly!

You might as well run away!

"just in front!"

The big disciple had already brought Chuhe to a gate, "Senior, be careful, there are still some formations inside, but because the old devil Wuhai retreated, I can't grasp the formations inside."

"But since it's where the old devil Wuhai retreated, the formation inside must be very sharp. Although the senior's magical skills are world-class, he must not be afraid, but it's better to be careful."

Chu He took a look at this greasy-haired and flour-faced disciple, only to see that he was trembling and extremely respectful in front of Chu He. He didn't know that he thought that Chu He was his master, and that real Wu Hai was his enemy.

Although Chuhe disdained such people, he didn't say anything.

In short, having him lead the way really saved a lot of trouble.

Most importantly, in Chu He's opinion, if real Wu Hai saw this scene, it would probably hurt him more than any killing move.

This is indeed the case.

Immortal Wu Hai was already in great pain in his heart. Remorse for himself, fear for Chuhe, and resentment towards these rebellious disciples were intertwined in his heart, making him almost unable to breathe...

If he could still breathe.

The present him is just in the form of a remnant soul, who can barely maintain a human form, and can barely maintain a human form.

All the cultivation bases, even a thousandth of them are not needed now.

Originally, he planned to rely on the big formation to resist Chuhe, but he didn't expect that the big formation would not be a problem for Chuhe at all.

He has already crushed several jade talismans, only thinking that the rescuers will come sooner.

He really didn't want to die like this.

In this world of great controversy that is about to start, this should have belonged to his era, and he didn't want to call it a day.

And at this moment, the door was suddenly opened.

The formations and restrictions inside were activated instantly, but they couldn't help Chuhe at all.

It's just that the rebellious disciple next to him suffered.

Although this level of attack was only a blow that the real Wu Hai in the remnant state could send out, it was naturally not a concern for Chuhe.

But compared to his lover, who was a few small realms behind by a big realm, it was fatal.

Chapter 423 The Ruins

The man tried his best to block it, but to no avail, he was soon directly invaded by the crazy restriction, and sewage began to emerge from his mouth, as if his whole body had turned into a spring.

This is the core skill of Wuhai Master, Wushui Kungfu.

This disciple is also practicing Wushui Kungfu, but his strength is still not as good as that of Wuhai Patriarch who is in the state of remnant soul. In addition, the Chu River is not obstructed, which directly leads to this disciple being under the influence of kung fu and prohibition. It becomes impossible to survive and die!

And just when this man was about to die, Chuhe made a move.

Only seeing Chuhe waved his hand casually, the invisible aura connecting this disciple was directly cut off by Chuhe, and he also directly collapsed on the ground.

"I... my cultivation level!? My cultivation level!"

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