Madoka said with certainty, "I hadn't transformed at that time, so I don't know how long ago it was...but I must have heard of it!"

Lord Baiyu was silent.

Since this period of time, his self-confidence has long since collapsed.

The loli-looking girl in front of her could be his aunt's aunt if she really wanted to rank her according to her age.

Moreover, Madoka's strength is stronger than him, and she has more knowledge than him.

Under such circumstances, Lord Baiyu appears to be so ignorant...

The interior of the Four Elephant Pagoda is actually unique, and it can even be said that there is another world, which is extremely huge and vast.

And the biggest feature of this four-elephant pagoda is that it can not only be used as a storage space, but also can accommodate living things.

Even if you practice inside the Four Elephant Pagoda, it is faster than outside, because the aura inside is more concentrated, and the rules are more perfect. Although it is definitely not as good as the rules of the Great Desolate Continent, it is still more complete than the rules of some small worlds. of.

In fact, just because it can accommodate living things, the Four Elephant Pagoda is enough to be among the spirit treasures.

Chuhe had always had a vague concept of the magic weapon before, but just now he had his own understanding of the magic weapon by asking the real person Wuhai.

Magic weapons are roughly divided into three levels.

That is magic treasure, spirit treasure, and supreme treasure.

And each level is divided into two levels.

That is, nature and nurture.

Chapter 425 Gourd Gourd Immortal

That is to say, magic treasures are divided into congenital magic treasures and acquired magic treasures, and spiritual treasures are also divided into congenital and acquired spiritual treasures.

And the treasure is the strongest magic weapon in the legend, and it is also divided into the congenital treasure and the acquired treasure.

Acquired will never be as powerful as innate.

And the acquired magic weapon always has a limit, but the innate one can break through the limit.

To give a simple example, in Chuhe's memory about the flood, there are quite a few treasures that can be called bug level, such as the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which is the legendary innate treasure.

If there is this magic weapon, as long as there is public deepening, it will be invincible.

Any defense will be blocked by this Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, the innate treasure of heaven and earth. Of course, there is a prerequisite, that is, you need to have merit.

Another example, like the Zhuxian Sword, the rumored Zhuxian Sword is the sword of the Lord Tongtian, and it is the saber of a saint!

It is also an innate treasure, and it is even rumored that the Zhuxian sword can kill a saint!

It is simply the number one killing treasure in the wild!

In addition, there are congenital treasures such as the Fortune Golden Lotus, the Fortune Jade Plate, etc., which also have their own functions.

All of them are so powerful that as long as you get one, you will be almost invincible.

Most of these innate treasures are in the hands of those saints, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see them. Even for most people, those magic treasures are legends.

In addition to these innate treasures, there are also some acquired treasures, but they are not as good as those innate treasures, but they are definitely in the first echelon.

For example, the legendary list of gods is an acquired treasure, and another example is the Fantian seal, which is said to be made from a corner of Buzhou Mountain.

There is also the legendary Twelve Capitals Heavenly God Sha Banner, which is the eye of the Twelve Capitals Heavenly God Shade formation.

Every shot is the level of acquired treasure.

And when the twelve rods are combined into one, it can reach the level of innate treasure, and even summon Pan Gu's real body, reaching the strength of a saint for a short time!

Which of these treasures is not famous?

In contrast, the Four Elephant Pagoda and the Tiger Soul Demon Knife in Chuhe's hands can only be regarded as Houtian Lingbao.

In addition, the Xuanyuan Sword and other magical treasures in the rumors are all acquired spiritual treasures, and their strength cannot reach the level of supreme treasures, let alone congenital spiritual treasures.

As for the remaining levels of magic weapons, they are rare for monks.

Although it is at the last level of magic weapons, in the prehistoric world, there are still magic weapons that are far below this level of magic weapons.

Therefore, even magic weapons are rare and rare in the prehistoric world. What most monks hold is not magic weapons at all, but just magic tools.

And Chuhe's shot is the magic weapon of the Houtian Lingbao level, and there are more than one, even in the prehistoric period, he can be regarded as rich.

But when Chuhe was thinking about the magic weapon, he suddenly felt a warning in his heart.

This made him look outside suddenly, and then he dodged to the periphery of Wuhai Temple.

This Wuhai Temple is located on the sea surface without any support. It is not built on an island, but is built on the sea surface. Using a special formation, such a huge temple can float on the sea surface. As for sinking.

After coming to the periphery of the temple, Chuhe immediately found out what was wrong.

It turned out that in the distant sky, there was a Taoist rushing towards here.

That Taoist looks like a fairy, with a gourd under his feet, and his cultivation seems to be very strong.

Especially the gourd under his feet, showing a purple-gold color, looks even more extraordinary.

At this moment, Immortal Wu Hai, who had been taken into the Four Elephant Pagoda, had also discovered this person's presence.

Although Chuhe put him in the Four Elephant Pagoda, he didn't directly cut off his connection with the outside world. Therefore, he could clearly feel that this person was his fellow Taoist—the Great Immortal Gourd Gourd .

How is he?

Why is he here! ?

Immortal Wu Hai wailed in his heart when he discovered that the person who came was actually the Gourd Gourd Immortal.

It's not because he has any enmity with this Gourd Immortal, if there is really an enmity, Master Wu Hai should be happy now.

It is really this gourd fairy who has kindness to him.

The Gourd Gourd Immortal should know by name, he is not a human cultivator, but a gourd vine who has cultivated the Tao, and his cultivation level is just enough to break through the Celestial Immortal. His strength is within this Dongsheng Shenzhou. Not to mention strong.

If you want to be called a strong man in Dongsheng Shenzhou, you must at least reach the rank five of the Celestial Immortal!

As for the Great Immortal Gourd Gourd, although it is called the Great Immortal in its name, it is really only the cultivation level of an immortal.

Moreover, this Gourd Gourd Immortal was already a Celestial Immortal many years ago. For thousands of years, his cultivation has stayed at the rank of a Celestial Immortal, and he has never entered it again.

When Immortal Wuhai came out of the mountain, he was only an Earth Immortal, but with the help of the Gourd Gourd Immortal, he successfully broke through the cultivation level of a Celestial Immortal. I still miss the kindness of Gourd Immortal.

So, I specially gave him a jade talisman, telling him that if he is in danger, he can crush the jade talisman, and someone will come to rescue him when the time comes.

And this jade talisman is just figured out.

If the jade talisman was crushed over there, Immortal Wuhai would know, and if real Wuhai crushed the jade talisman, the Immortal Gourd Gourd would naturally know too.

Coincidentally, this time, the Great Immortal Gourd Gourd was nearby and discovered the signal of the real Wu Hai, so he came directly to rescue.

How did he know that the so-called rescue was all a lie from Master Wu Hai, he was caught by Chuhe and his life was in danger, not to mention that Hu Daxian's cultivation level was far lower than his?

But it's just food delivery.

Chuhe didn't know this, and thought that his movement was too loud, which alarmed the monks here.

I saw the gourd fairy stepping on the gourd and flying towards the Wuhai Temple.

He didn't stop until he came to Wuhai Temple, and looked at Chuhe vigilantly, "Can you see the real Wuhai?"

He asked directly.

Chu He was taken aback, and looked at the Four Elephant Pagoda in his hand, "Are you here to find Master Wu Hai?"

Great Immortal Gourd Gourd nodded and said, "That's right, you can see him?"

Chuhe didn't know how to answer, so he just smiled and said, "I see."

"Tell me, please, where is he?

The Gourd Immortal saw that Chuhe was only the strength of an Earth Immortal, and subconsciously ruled out that the monk in front of him was forcing the real Wuhai to ask for help, so he was still polite.

"he is……"

Chu He pointed to the Four Elephant Pagoda in his hand, "I put him away."

Chapter 426 Jade Talisman

Could it be that he was desperately fighting Chu He for the real Wu Hai?

But if Immortal Wu Hai can't beat this one in front of him, how can the disciples of Immortal Wu Hai not be as tall as Immortal Wu Hai combined, how can they stop Chuhe?

They are already beginning to waver.

But Chuhe's next move almost broke them down.

All I saw was that Chuhe summoned him casually, and a ray of flame flew out from his sleeve.

The flame looked like it was alive, and it was good at facing the wind, and it went directly towards the cover formed by the big formation.

What a flame! ?

The terrified pupils of the leading disciple reflected the traces of burning flames.

From such a distance, you can feel a creepy and dangerous feeling. Just looking at it makes your eyes tingle, and there is even a terrifying feeling that your eyes are going to be burned!

It seems that as long as the flame is contaminated with a trace, it will be directly burned to ashes!

They had never seen this kind of flame before!

And what shocked them even more was that the flames directly burned the Wuhai formation.

You must know that this Wuhai formation is definitely a formation of the water attribute among the five elements, and it is born with a certain degree of restraint against the fire attribute.

And the needle's eye of this large formation is exactly a handful of spring water taken from hundreds of thousands of feet deep sea!

It can be said to be one of the things with the strongest water attribute in this world.

With this kind of thing, there is no way to burn any flames.

Moreover, this Wuhai Temple is above the sea, the vast sea, under the action of the Wuhai formation, the water element can be said to be inexhaustible.

Here, for the fire attribute, it is the most restrained place by nature.

But the problem is, so many conditions combined, still can't stop the flame from burning!

All I saw was that the protective cover propped up by the Wuhai formation was already covered by this layer of flames, and the flames were still burning the protective cover, and the protective cover quickly became thinner visible to the naked eye.

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