This flame directly ignited the formation!

This is simply incredible!

The big formation is an invisible formation, and the things formed are also invisible energy.

In addition, this large formation is of water attribute, what kind of flame can burn this large formation?

They couldn't think of it, and even began to wonder if they had some hallucinations. All of this was just a means used by the mysterious stranger in front of them.

But in fact, no matter how they comfort themselves, no matter how they persuade themselves, they can't change the fact that the flames are burning!


And with a crisp sound, they were dragged directly into the abyss.

Great formation, shattered!

That click was like the sound of an eggshell cracking. Although it was very slight, it was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of all the disciples of the Wuhai Temple present.

This made them extremely proud and felt extremely at ease.

This allowed them to gain a foothold in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and even slightly resist Xuanxian's formation!

To be... just burned through by this weird flame?

Even, it was burned directly! ?

Why is this! ?

What the hell is this flame! ?

They couldn't imagine what it would be like if the flame burned them.

It is estimated that there will be no feeling. The high probability is that the moment the flame is contaminated, it will ignite the body and soul. According to the characteristics of this flame that can burn an invisible large formation, there is a high probability that the soul wants to escape. If so, it is impossible.

Will be burned directly!

With the shattering of the formation, the surrounding area suddenly became deserted.

Almost two-thirds of the people who were shouting at Chuhe to kill them fled in an instant!

Although they are from Wuhai Temple, they are disciples of Wuhai Daoist.

However, if they were to be buried with Master Wu Hai, they probably would not be reconciled.

And the remaining people who didn't escape were not because of their loyalty to Master Wu Hai, on the contrary, these people were staying to gamble.

"Senior! This junior bumped into senior, and I hope that senior will punish him!" The man who looked like a big disciple stayed behind, and even knelt down directly facing Chuhe, "But this junior is willing to make up for it!"

"The real Wu Hai has done a lot of evil. In fact, I can't bear it long ago, but this old devil Wu Hai is so powerful. Even if I want to kill the thief, I can't recover. I can only bear it silently, thinking about it slowly. If One day, if you get the chance, you will definitely kill this old devil!"

That big disciple looked heartbroken, and really thought about that.

"Senior is now my next chance!" The eldest disciple looked at Chuhe, kowtowed and said, "Now I can finally say what I think without pretending!"

"I also hope that senior will eliminate all evil and kill the old devil Wuhai. I am willing to lead the way for senior!"

At the beginning, this big disciple was called Chuhe Garbage and Wuhai Daoist Patriarch, but now he is called Senior Chuhe and Wuhai Daoist Laomo.

Just a leading party.

I don't know what Master Wu Hai will think when he finds out.

And now Master Wu Hai really knew about it, but what he cared about was not the betrayal of his favorite disciple, but the strange flame!


In the depths of the hall, Master Wu Hai, who was protected by layers of formations, couldn't help but marvel, "Even when you were fighting with me, you didn't use your full strength!?"

"What is this flame!? Why can I still feel the terrifying temperature above even though it's so far away?"

Master Wu Hai only felt that his scalp was numb, if he still had scalp.

The feeling of being almost burned to death lingered in his heart all the time.

Obviously the flame was not in front of him, but it seemed to be burning in his heart!

What shocked him even more was that Chuhe hadn't used all his strength!

Immortal Wu Hai is sure that if Chu He used the flames that could burn through Wu Hai's formation, he would never even have a chance to explode himself!

Even Master Wu Hai had a feeling that if Chuhe released this kind of flame to burn his avatar back then, then his own body would also be affected, even if it was thousands of miles away, even his own body would be affected!

He only feels extremely regretful now, if he still has intestines, his intestines must be full of regrets by now.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world to take.

Why, did you provoke such a monster? !

Master Wu Hai's heart was extremely complicated, he was swallowed up by remorse, and what remained was fear, a fear that penetrated deep into the marrow of his bones!

He looked at the jade talisman calling for help in his hand, hesitating whether to crush it or not.

If it is crushed, no accident, his closest friend will come to rescue.

But now it seems... there is a problem.

If friends come, they will be taken down by Chuhe... What should we do?

Just as she was thinking, she saw that Chu River had already come to the sky above the main hall.

Immortal Wu Hai crushed the jade talisman in his hand without hesitation!

Chapter 427 Taiyi Gate

"Huh?" The Gourd Gourd Immortal was taken aback, and asked back, "What do you mean?"

"Hehe, it means that the real Wu Hai offended me, and all I beat was a remnant soul, and then I put it away." Chu He patiently explained.

Then with a wave of his hand, a stream of light suddenly appeared in the Four Elephant Pagoda, and the stream of light whirled around and finally stopped between the Chu River and the Gourd Gourd Immortal.

Who else could it be if it wasn't the remnant soul of Immortal Wu Hai?

"Reverend Wu Hai, what are you doing!?"

Immortal Gourd Gourd saw that Master Wu Hai really had only a wisp of remnant soul left, and was extremely astonished.

He knew the real Wu Hai's strength. He had already reached the sixth rank of the Celestial Immortal. Even in Dongsheng Shenzhou, he could be said to be a master.

It is almost impossible for such a person to be beaten into such a state, leaving only a wisp of soul lingering on. This is clearly the result of Master Wu Hai's exhaustion of all means, and finally self-destructing to become like this.

In the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, who can survive Wu Hai's self-destruct and still be alive and kicking?

Very few!

And the strange monk in front of him was definitely not among those few people.

"Gourd Gourd Immortal." Master Wu Hai said guiltily, "I shouldn't... I shouldn't have sent that distress signal..."

"This...what the hell is going on?" Immortal Gourd Gourd was a little stunned when he saw that Master Wu Hai didn't call him for help, nor did he make any resistance.

Wu Hai said, "I lied to you, there is no treasure at all, I just want someone to come and save me."

"But now there is no need." Master Wu Hai shook his head, and after knowing Chu He's strength, he already knew that if the gourd fairy did something, Chu He would definitely deal with it like chopping melons and vegetables.

It's just useless, there's not a shred of hope.

If this is the case, then it would be better not to let the gourd gourd gourd make a move, so at least maybe he can get a way out.

"Senior." The remnant soul of Master Wu Hai directly knelt in front of Chuhe, showing absolute submission and respect, "This man is the Great Immortal Gourd Gourd. His cultivation level is only a turn of the immortal, and it will definitely not cause any harm to you. threat."

"And he has nothing to do with this matter, please let the senior let him go."

Who would have imagined that the original real Wu Hai crushed the jade talisman with the mentality that as long as someone comes to save him, even if he can't save himself, at least he can be buried with him.

As a result, after someone really came, they had to risk offerings to him to plead for mercy.

"Oh?" Chu He looked at Master Wu Hai, "Give me a reason."

When Master Wu Hai heard what Chu He said, his heart sank, and he was worried that he would really hurt his few friends who were on the road of cultivation because of self.

"Senior... Gourd Gourd Immortal... Gourd Gourd Immortal is a spiritual root cultivated into a human body. It is conceived by the essence of heaven and earth and born with the luck of heaven and earth. If you kill it, you will lose your merit and luck. .”

Master Wu Hai had no choice but to bite the bullet and say these words.

He never thought that these words could move Chuhe, but at least they could make Chuhe hesitate.

However, after hearing these words, Chuhe nodded directly and said, "Very good, you convinced me."

After finishing speaking, Chuhe looked at the gourd fairy, "I won't make things difficult for you, but I also want to ask you a few questions."

The Gourd Gourd Immortal is also a heavenly fairy, and he is still the body of the spiritual root. Naturally, his wisdom is needless to say. Although he was a little confused at the beginning, but now he has seen through almost everything.

I have calculated all the ins and outs clearly in my heart.

He didn't dare to disobey Chuhe's words, and asked instead, "If it's just a few questions, it's fine, but, after I answer these questions of yours, can you not kill Master Wuhai?"

"it is good."

Hu Hu Daxian originally thought that Chuhe would ask him a reason, or that he would put forward many conditions, but he was already thinking about how he should answer if Chuhe asked such a question.

But what never expected was that Chuhe agreed directly.

Immortal Wu Hai was also overjoyed!

This is the first time that Chuhe explicitly agreed to him not to let him die!

Unexpectedly, there will be another village!

Originally, I thought that I might die, but who would have thought that there would be an unexpected turning point under such unexpected circumstances?

"Then... then you can ask."

Hu Hu Daxian also found it incredible. Instead of relaxing his vigilance, he looked at Chuhe more nervously.

According to his calculation, if Chuhe makes a move, he will never be able to escape, and if he escapes now, he will definitely be caught by Chuhe.

More importantly, if he escaped, the life of Master Wu Hai would be threatened, and he might die because of it.

Therefore, Immortal Calabash did not dare to leave, nor could he.

But I heard Chuhe chuckle, "Don't be so nervous, it's just that I'm a little curious when I meet a monk with spiritual roots for the first time."

The Gourd Gourd Immortal nodded, "It's indeed a little strange, but as long as it is contaminated with spiritual energy, a stone can become a spirit after a long period of time, let alone a spiritual root that is already miraculous?"

"Then what kind of spiritual root are you in human form?"

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