Chuhe also looked intently.

All I saw was a few huge cylindrical stones suddenly appearing in the darkness in front of me.

It is unreasonable to say that it is a stone, because this stone is too huge, like a hill.

Cylindrical mountain?

The distance is still too far to see clearly.

"Xiaoyuan, go over there and have a look." Chuhe said, "If you can't support it, you must tell me in advance, don't force it, you know?"

When Xiaoyuan heard Chuhe's concern, she felt flattered.

In her opinion, Chuhe enlightened her, so for her, Chuhe is equivalent to rebuilding her parents.

How could Madoka not be happy to be praised by someone like a parent?

Although she has lived for tens of thousands of years, she is still just a little girl because she has just been enlightened.

"Don't worry, my lord, even if I go down a hundred thousand feet, I will have absolutely no problem!"

Saying that, Xiaoyuan led the Chu River to wander towards the lowered cylindrical hill.

When I came to the hill, I realized how huge the hill was.

I only saw that this cylindrical mountain was about ten feet wide and narrow, and its length reached nearly two hundred feet!

Compared with the huge Tongtian Turtle, although it still looks petite, it is definitely not a small mountain.

More importantly, the shape of this hill.

It looks like an elliptical cylinder, just lying on the seabed of the seabed, next to it is a deeper seabed abyss, and this hill lies across the seabed abyss.

I only saw the cylindrical hill extending obliquely upwards, with a little curved arc, and at the end, it showed a rounded ending, and there were no sharp spikes.

"What is this?" Madoka circled around the huge hill.

Chuhe was silent all the time, suddenly thought of something in his mind, and said, "This is not a hill, but...a rib!"

Chapter 431


Immortal Wu Hai inside the Four Elephant Pagoda was taken aback, "How is this possible!"

But after he finished speaking, he thought of the incomparably huge Tongtian Turtle.

If the bones of Tongtian Yuan were able to form fossils without decomposing after the death of Tongtian Yuan, then it would have such a length.

It's just that, even if a god like Tongtian Yuan is dead, the bones and flesh of his body still carry spirituality, and these spirituality will not disappear with the passage of time.

Even after 1 or 10 years, as long as someone with some cultivation level can still tell at a glance that this is the remains of a certain monster clan.

But on this so-called rib of Chu River, Immortal Wu Hai inspected it carefully last time, but found nothing abnormal.

I just feel that apart from the special shape, it is just an ordinary stone.

Master Wu Hai wondered if Chu He had misread it, because at first glance, it really didn't look like something that was formed innately.

But maybe this was left on purpose by the ancient Wu clan?

Perhaps the places where the Wu people lived at that time would deliberately build such huge stone pillars of unknown significance for some kind of ceremony, or simply because of the living habits of the Wu people.

These are all possible.

Why does Chuhe say it's a rib?

Not only did Master Wu Hai think so, but Xiaoyuan also said, "My lord, what kind of thing is that with such a big rib? Anyway, our Tongtian Turtle Clan doesn't have such a huge rib."

"Could it be some other beast?" Madoka wondered, "But...why didn't I feel any other aura on this rib, it just feels like an ordinary stone."

Chuhe said it was a rib, and Xiaoyuan would never doubt it, she was just puzzled.

Inside the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Master Wuhai, Patriarch Minghuo, and the Lord of the Nxichi Kingdom were all imprisoned in different corners of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Neither of them knew the true reflection of the other.

But Chuhe can feel it.

He could clearly feel the incomparable horror of Master Wuhai in the Sixiang Pagoda, Patriarch Minghuo, and the three thousand demons who hadn't died yet.

Only the lord of the Xichi Kingdom, amidst the horror, was still a little excited.

Chu He grinned slightly.

He knew what the Lord of Xichi Kingdom was excited about.

Thinking of this, Chuhe explained, "This is a rib, but it's not the rib of a monster, but... the rib of a witch clan in the prehistoric period."

"Witch Clan!?"

Immortal Wu Hai said in shock, "The Witch Clan is so huge!?"

In his impression, the Wu Clan should be about the same size as ordinary people, even if they were bigger, they would definitely not be so huge.

This rib is more than 100 feet long, how big is the Wu Clan with such a huge rib?

Isn't it going to go up a thousand feet?

Such a large object may not be a big deal to Honghuang, even a monk who has practiced the law of heaven and earth can have such a huge body shape.

But these body shapes are all transformed by mana, not real flesh.

But this Wu Clan, if this is really the rib of the Wu Clan, it means that the real flesh and blood body of this Wu Clan is so big, that is to say, the body of the Wu Clan is that big!

Only after the cultivator casts the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth can his image barely reach the size of the body of the Wu Clan.

"This... Could it be that this is the remains of a certain leader of the witch clan?"

Immortal Wu Hai said excitedly, "Otherwise, how could it be possible to have such a huge body!?"

He took it for granted that within the Wu Clan, the stronger the strength and the higher the status, the bigger the body would be.

Just like beasts and wild beasts.

After all, I still don't understand the Wu Clan, and even have some discrimination against the Wu Clan, even comparing the Wu Clan with those beasts that drink blood.

However, what he said was actually unreasonable.

According to Chuhe's understanding, among the witch clan, perhaps it is not whoever is huge is the strongest.

But those with the strongest strength must be extremely huge.

Like the legendary Kuafu, because of conflicts with the Yaozu, he chased and killed the Jinwu Prince of the Yaozu. As a result, he was thirsty on the road and drank up a river!

What size does that have to be?

Moreover, Kuafu ran on the ground all the time, that is to say, Kuafu can catch the golden crow flying in the sky with just a stretch of his hand. What kind of figure is this?

After doing this several times, this Kuafu is not the largest among the Wu Clan.

If it is said that the largest among the witch clan, it must be the twelve ancestor witches.

Back then, Gonggong Zuwu pretended to be Buzhou Mountain angrily, and broke Buzhou Mountain directly!

Buzhou Mountain is the legendary holy mountain!

It was the illusion of Pangu's backbone, and after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, it was because of a hole in the sky.

How tall and big does it have to be?

But Gonggong was able to break Buzhou Mountain directly, so how big should Gonggong be?

Chuhe doesn't know, because Chuhe has never seen Buzhou Mountain with his own eyes, let alone Gonggong, but Chuhe can imagine that it must be a giant like Pangu.

After all, these ancestral witches are transformed from Pangu's blood essence, and even the twelve ancestral witches can summon Pangu's true body, which is powerful enough to rival a saint!

Chuhe closed his eyes and thought about the first batch of lives bred on the prehistoric land in the ancient times, when everything was in the initial state of chaos.

They are a bunch of giants!

It's like a mountain, criss-crossing the Great Desolate Continent!

Those prehistoric monsters that call the wind and rain are all the dishes of these giants!

What kind of prestige is this?How powerful it is!

Even dare to fight for the position of the overlord in this prehistoric world!


Opening his eyes, Chuhe saw only this bone left in front of him.

"I don't know your last name. It's a pity to be buried in the deep sea and expose your body in the wild."

With that said, Chuhe waved his hand and directly put the rib into the Four Elephant Pagoda, just in front of the king of Xichi Kingdom.

The lord of the Xichi Kingdom was taken aback. Seeing such a huge rib of the Wu clan falling in front of him, he thought that Chuhe had seen through his thoughts, so he knelt down and begged for mercy, "Senior! I just I felt a throbbing from the deepest part of my blood, I just felt that looking at the bones is not good enough!"

"That's all, I have absolutely no other ideas!"

Chuhe's rumbling voice came, "You also have the blood of the witch clan flowing through your body, so it's normal to feel the induction. As for your thoughts... any thoughts you have are not important to me."

Chuhe didn't care at all.

In the Four Elephant Pagoda, what can be turned upside down?

At this moment, Master Wu Hai questioned, "Senior, senior..."

He stammered boldly, "Dare to ask senior, why did you decide that this is the remains of the Wu clan? There is clearly no fluctuation on it..."

Chapter 432

This question really made Master Wu Hai feel itchy.

He simply dared to ask directly.

Chuhe just laughed, "No fluctuation is the best evidence. What kind of fluctuation do you want to see? The fluctuation of the monster clan? Or the fluctuation of spiritual energy?"

"If you can see any fluctuations on this rib, then this is definitely not the remains of the Wu clan."

Master Wu Hai didn't know what Chu He meant.

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