But fortunately, Chuhe didn't let it go, and continued, "People of the Wu tribe, what they practice is only their own body, the purest body!"

"The Witch Clan is like the physical training of the Human Clan. They only practice physical skills, not spiritual power, and they don't practice any kung fu."

Chuhe affirmed, "However, it doesn't mean that there are no exercises in the Wu clan, it's just that the exercises in the Wu clan are different from the exercises in the general sense mentioned by the monks."

"So, after the death of the witch clan, its flesh and bones will not emit any evil energy, or aura, and the second is an ordinary bone, but this bone is very hard!"

Chuhe continued, "It is difficult for ordinary magic weapons to leave a mark on this bone."

Just as I was talking, I saw that after the rib in front was taken into the Four Elephant Pagoda by the Chu River, the sea water in front became turbid, but the turbidity quickly sank under the huge pressure of the sea water, and it was restored again. become clarified.

After the clarification of the sea water, under the gaze of the two searchlight-like eyes of Tongtian Yuan, there is only a neat rib on the edge of the abyss by the sea!

The rib just now was a single one that was split off from this rib.

And here's another row.

Chuhe didn't hesitate, and directly took the whole row of ribs in.

After some more careful searching, some isolated ribs were found, and half a vertebrae.

Continue to go down, and continue to find the tibia, hip bone, hand bone, etc. of the remains of the witch clan.

But they couldn't find the skull of this witch clan.

Chuhe even thought in his heart, could this be the legendary Xingtian?

In the end, the skull was finally found tens of thousands of feet below the abyss.

And this skull is exactly the remains of the Wu clan that Master Wu Hai said.

I saw that huge head lying quietly at the deep bottom, with a lot of sea mud on it, it didn't look like a skull, but like a house.

"That's right here!" Immortal Wu Hai said, "The animal bones that I saw earlier that recorded information about the Wu Clan are inside this ruin."

Now the real Wu Hai also knows that the so-called relic is probably the head of the remains of the Wu clan, but he called the relic by Shunkou, so it is still called the relic now.

Chuhe nodded.

I even thought in my heart, why did the body of this witch clan become torn apart?

Why is that animal bone inside the skull of this witch clan?

To be precise, the animal bone was in the mouth of the witch clan.

Could it be that the witch clan fought so hard with something that he used up his teeth to kill the monster, but he also died here?

These are all Chuhe's guesses. It's hard for Chuhe to say whether it's possible, but he just thinks it's probably not the case.

Because in this case, it is impossible to explain the writing on the animal bone.

"Senior, if you want to take away the animal bone, you must be very careful, because the pressure here is already extremely huge, why don't you let me do it for you... I would rather die than bring you the relic... "

Immortal Wu Hai took the initiative to invite Ying, thinking of showing off in front of Chu He.

Because these relics have been explored, he has completely lost its use value for Chuhe.

Although Chuhe had already said that he would let him go, how could he believe it easily before he really let him go?

It is very unlikely for a monk like Chuhe to lie. Master Wu Hai also knows about such things, but after all, this is a matter of his own wealth and life. Well, the real Wu Hai has really lived in vain all these years.

It's just that the idea he made hadn't been realized, and before he even finished speaking, he saw that the ruins had disappeared!

Chuhe directly received it into the Four Elephant Pagoda. If there is anything in it, just look back and take a slow look.

Master Wu Hai was dumbfounded, and swallowed his words back.

"Senior is amazing...Senior is invincible..." After he could only say a few words in resentment, Master Wu Hai closed his mouth.

In fact, before this, Master Wuhai also wanted to say that all these relics would be taken away, but this place is hundreds of thousands of feet deep under the sea, the pressure of this place and the spiritual power of this place are greatly restricted.

Although he is an immortal, the strength he can display here is quite limited.

Those magic weapons for storage are simply useless here, otherwise, how could Master Wuhai leave these relics until now to make Chuhe cheaper?

And up to now, the real Wuhai is still constantly amazed by Chuhe's strength.

Being able to take this relic away directly under such an environment can only show that Chuhe still has spiritual power to drive it in such a place. Of course, more importantly, this Four Elephant Pagoda is definitely a treasure at the level of Lingbao !

Otherwise, in this environment, it cannot be used at all.

What is the origin of this pagoda?

Master Wu Hai didn't know the name of the Four Elephant Pagoda, but felt that this pagoda was a bit outrageous. Not only could it trap people, but it also formed a world of its own, like a small world.

It can also have all kinds of incredible powerful functions.

But in fact, these are relatively basic functions that real Wuhai can see. In fact, there are complete four-elephant beasts in the four-elephant tower for driving!

That is a complete, peak-strength four-element beast!

It’s just that for Chuhe, the load to drive the peak Sixiang beast is too great, and since Chuhe got the Sixiang Pagoda, none of the opponents he has faced is worthy of Chuhe’s use of the Sixiang. The gods and beasts dealt with it.

What is the use of a bull's knife to kill a chicken?

If it's not needed, then Master Wu Hai naturally won't have a chance to watch it.

"Is there anything else interesting here?"

While Chuhe was distracted to check the information recorded on the so-called animal bones in the ruins in the Four Elephant Pagoda, he asked the real person Wuhai.

"Senior, I could only reluctantly come here at the beginning. If I continue to go down, it will be too much..."

Chapter 433

This is the abyss under the sea, and it is already a little bit reluctant to squeeze in the giant turtle, but beside this abyss, there is a crack several tens of feet wide, which is naturally deeper.

Looking down, I saw only darkness, and the sea water here was already extremely cold.

It's not like the outside world here, as long as it reaches zero degrees, it can freeze.

Here, the temperature has reached the point where it can freeze spiritual power!

And in the crack that exudes the cold air, it will only become more dangerous, the pressure will be greater, and the danger will be greater.

"If I continue to go on." Wu Hai continued, "There can only be two endings. The first one is because the pressure is too great and I can't bear it, so I explode and die."

"The second result is that I withstood the pressure, but I couldn't bear the cold enough to freeze my spiritual power. I was frozen to death, and then I fell into the depths of this abyss. In the end, Chen couldn't bear the pressure, and the body still died. Burst open."

Chuhe smiled, "You are interesting."

"Senior!" Seeing Chuhe, Master Wu Hai didn't seem to intend to leave immediately, so he said hastily, "Senior, the crack in the abyss below cannot be penetrated by a creature as big as Tongtian Yuan!"

"I can shrink in size." Madoka retorted.

Immediately, Master Wu Hai said, "Spiritual power is needed to maintain the reduced size, but how long can you maintain the following situation? At that time, won't you just be unable to hold on and just want to change back into your original form?"

"If you transform into the original form in such a narrow place, wouldn't you be stuck directly in the rock, unable to get up or down, and you can only be trapped there!"

It would be polite to say that he was trapped there, but according to the meaning of Wu Hai's words, after entering, he would definitely die.

Xiaoyuan was speechless by Wu Hai's real person, and she couldn't refute at all, but she still said unconvinced, "Isn't there still an Elder Master? The Elder Master will naturally have a solution!"

In Xiaoyuan's heart, Chuhe is almost omnipotent, so he has [-]% trust in Chuhe.

Even if she agrees with what Master Wu Hai said, as long as she goes in, she will inevitably encounter some dangers, but Madoka is not afraid of these dangers at all.

Anyway, Master Chuhe will definitely save her.

When Master Wu Hai heard this, he was speechless for a while, and then continued, "Senior Chuhe is powerful, but a clever woman can't cook without rice, and the environment here doesn't use a little bit of spiritual power. If you are really trapped in There, not only you are in danger, but senior Chuhe is also in danger!"

"My lord will not be in danger!"

Xiaoyuan said angrily, "The Elder Master is the Elder Master, there is no way the Elder Master is in danger!"


Master Wu Hai only felt that people were numb, like Tongtianyuan, he knew it was a divine beast of Chuhe, so if he said too harsh words to Xiaoyuan, it would be to say too cruel words to Chuhe, so he didn't dare to speak harshly to Xiaoyuan. What Madoka said was too exaggerated.

But it's about your life!

If Chuhe and the others were all trapped here, wouldn't that mean that Master Wu Hai would also be trapped here?

Doesn't that mean that he will sink here forever, or even die here?

This kind of death is absolutely unacceptable to Master Wu Hai, that's why he tried so hard to persuade him.

"I'm also doing this for the good of seniors..." Master Wu Hai wanted to continue.

But I heard Xiao Yuan scolded, "It's for your own sake, right? Coward!"

Immortal Wu Hai had nothing to say, he just begged Chu He not to get overwhelmed.

But obviously, he underestimated the Chu River and overestimated the abyss.

I saw Chuhe chuckled, then flashed his body, and entered the Four Elephant Pagoda directly, and then the Four Elephant Pagoda emitted a brilliant light, and also took the Tongtian Turtle in.

In this abyss, there is only one Four Elephant Pagoda still spinning alone.

Seeing that Chuhe had come to his side, Master Wu Hai said in shock, "Senior, if you come in, then who will control this magic weapon!?"

If this magic weapon is allowed to fall, that is also a solution, but this magic weapon always needs someone to control it.

Is it controlled here?

Chuhe ignored him, and directly controlled the Four Elephant Pagoda to continue diving towards the crack in the abyss.

He is not for other things, but to find something in this abyss crack.

A thing that originally belonged to the Wu clan that belonged to the remains of the Wu clan.

In another space of the Four Elephant Pagoda, I saw that the skeleton of the huge witch clan had already been pieced together. Beside the skeleton, the ant-like Lord of the Xichi Kingdom was bowing down to the skeleton.

He could feel, feel the powerful attraction coming from this bone, and an extremely sad emotion.

Seen from a height, the skeleton is complete and terrifying, and it can be clearly seen on the skeleton of the right hand that the bones of the fingers are still connected together, as if maintaining a holding posture.

That is to say, before this Wu Clan died, there must be something in his hand!

This is what Chuhe wants after.

In this abyss, the consciousness cannot spread at all. Even the consciousness of Chuhe can only cover a radius of more than ten miles.

This is already the limit, if it is real Wu Hai, it is estimated that the spiritual consciousness will not be released at all, all of this is extremely normal.

In this deep sea abyss, it is terrifying to be able to spread the divine consciousness!

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