Even among the people on the vortex just now, there are several monks at the level of immortals, and even one of them has already turned seven ranks of immortals!

This is considered a master in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

But such a master, without any ability to resist, was swallowed directly,

What the hell is down here?

What is the magic weapon?

Immortal Wuxiang and Daoist Qingteng were horrified in their hearts. These two people with the highest cultivation bases thought so, and those with lower cultivation bases than them would only be more shocked.

But at the same time, they all had more exciting thoughts in their hearts.

This heavy treasure was just born, and it has already demonstrated such a powerful power. If it is really directly subdued, wouldn't it just soar into the sky?

It's more than just soaring into the sky, it can simply become the top existence in the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou!

As long as there is such a magic weapon to protect him, even monks at the Xuanxian level like Immortal Wuxiang and Daoist Qingteng can fight!

If he could bring out the full strength of this heavy treasure, he could even kill such a strong man directly!

The lower the cultivator, the more excited they are, because their desire for strength is stronger than anyone else.

But when it came to monks at the level of Daoist Qingteng and Wuxiang Daxian, the two of them felt a little worried.

At their level, nothing is more important than stability.

But this time, they all felt a strong sense of danger by coincidence, even a feeling... that could threaten their own lives!

Xuanxian's intuition is already very accurate, even more accurate than those immortals who specialize in divination.

But at the same time, in their intuition, there is also a kind of opportunity hidden.

That is, this is a very dangerous action, but you may also get some unexpected opportunities from it, even opportunities that are much greater than the previous lifetime of practice!

That is to say, in this event of Chongbao's birth, one must be careful, and there will definitely be a very important moment of decision.

If you choose the wrong one, the most serious consequence will be death, and if you choose the right one, you will get a great opportunity.

And they always have a vague feeling that the chance is not on the magic weapon itself, which makes it even more confusing.

Just like that, super masters like Wuxiang Daxian and Qingteng Zhenren frowned and said nothing, while those monks with relatively low cultivation bases all flushed, looking at the ever-expanding Vortex, excited.

The stronger the magic weapon, the happier they were.

It would be best to drag Immortal Wuxiang and Daoist Qingteng into the water directly, so as to give them a chance to pick up the leak.

They thought so, but they also knew the danger, but this did not prevent them from being excited.

The opportunity to change their destiny is right in front of them, they must consider whether this is their only chance in this life!


Suddenly someone shouted, "Look under the vortex!"

Everyone stared intently.

I only saw that under the vortex, the shape of a pagoda has reached an image that everyone can see clearly!

All the monks who have inquired about it in the Wuhai Temple before know that this pagoda belongs to a strange monk who does not seem to belong to Dongsheng Shenzhou, or is just a little-known little character in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Naturally, Chuhe's going to Wuhai Temple could not be hidden from these people.

But they didn't take Chuhe seriously. They only thought that Chuhe got this pagoda-shaped magic weapon accidentally in Dongsheng Shenzhou, so he came out to kill Master Wuhai, and it must be for revenge.

And the shadow of the pagoda that suddenly appeared now directly connected them with Chuhe.

Could it be that the monk has already reached the bottom of the sea?

Some of them think so, but most of them don't think so.

Because the pressure on the bottom of the sea is extremely huge, even Wuxiang Daxian and Qingteng Taoist priest are unable to go down.

Even if one can reach a relatively deep place by relying on a magic weapon, in that case, under the great pressure of the ocean, the consciousness cannot be spread out, as long as it is spread out, it will be crushed directly!

So, maybe the pagoda below is not the magic weapon of that mysterious person?

But another one?

"That is the command flag!? That is definitely the command flag!"

Someone shouted again.

In the deepest part of the vortex, a huge command flag was constantly spinning around the pagoda.

"What the hell is that!? There are two magic weapons of this level at once!?"

Many people know that there are two magic weapons below, but not many people know that one of the two magic weapons below is a pagoda and the other is a command flag.

Now that they clearly saw the appearance of these two magic weapons, they were all very excited.

Because the two special-shaped magic weapons, the pagoda and the command flag, generally have special functions.

That is to say, it is very difficult to refine these two kinds of magic weapons. Of course, their power is generally the most powerful among the same magic weapons.

And there is also an unwritten rule among monks, that is, the weirder the magic weapon, the greater its power.

The two magic weapons that appear below perfectly fit their imagination of magic weapons.

And, it doesn't stop there!

"Then... what is that!?"

Some people practice the supernatural powers of the eyes, and they can see things that make him dumbfounded all at once.


Chapter 442


"What is that? It seems to be the figure of a giant?!"

Gradually, more and more people began to see the strange images under the vortex.

But Daoist Qingteng and Wuxiang Daxian still didn't say a word, just looked at the bottom of the sea silently, but there was already a storm in their hearts.

They were also wondering what that humanoid thing was! ?

If you look carefully, you can only see the human-shaped thing, just under the command flag and the pagoda. It can't be seen clearly, but you can roughly see that it seems to be a huge skeleton!

The skeleton looked crystal clear, as if it was made of jade, although it couldn't be seen clearly, one could still feel a solid precious light from it.

"Could it be... Could this be the source of that strange fluctuation?" Daoist Qingteng thought silently in his heart.

And Immortal Wuxiang also thought of this, he and Daoist Qingteng glanced at it, and then said in a voice transmission.

"Daoist Qingteng, what do you think?"

"How else can I see? Naturally, I see with my eyes."

Great Immortal Wu Xiang replied, "Hehe, if you and I cooperate, we can still get the magic weapon, or there is still a chance to get the magic weapon, but if you don't want to cooperate, I won't force it."

Daoist Qingteng over there was silent for a while, and then said, "I felt a strange fluctuation on that strange skeleton. It seems that it is not someone, but a magic weapon..."

"One, a magic weapon in human form."

Immortal Wuxiang pondered for a moment, and said, "Yes, I also have the same feeling, it is indeed a magic weapon in human form."

In fact, what the two of them said is not wrong. The incarnation outside the body is actually a strange magic weapon, and it can be understood in this way.

The most important thing is that this incarnation of Chuhe is so special that it is the bones of a witch clan. I don't know if anyone refined the bones of the witch clan as an incarnation in the prehistoric period?

The energy of the Wu clan contained in the remains of the Wu clan was stimulated by the Chu River. In the eyes of these monks, the strange fluctuation did not seem like a certain person, but like some kind of strange magic weapon.

Immortal Wuxiang and Daoist Qingteng quickly reached a consensus, only thinking that the humanoid thing must be a magic weapon!

It's definitely not that someone has got there first.

This is something both of them are sure of.

Because the two of them already represented almost the most powerful combat power in Dongsheng Shenzhou, but even so, they still couldn't get close to such a deep seabed, so who else in Dongsheng Shenzhou could do it?

The answer is no one.

Since no one can do it, it must be just a human-shaped magic weapon.

As for the saying of the immortals left on the bottom of the sea in the prehistoric era, it just flashed in their heads, and no one took it seriously.

"Everyone, set up a big formation!"

Immortal Wuxiang suddenly said, "I have a feeling that Chongma will be born soon!"

I only saw the ever-expanding vortex on the surface of the sea, and it actually showed a trend of shrinking again, and it became smaller and smaller, and in the end it became calm directly. It seemed that the huge vortex had never appeared before. Same.

Everyone knew that the opportunity had come, so they responded to the call and directly formed a large formation.

Immortal Wuxiang directly transmitted the key points of the formation to the ears of every monk, and they just had to follow this.

Over there, Qingteng Daoist also arranged for his subordinates and other monks to arrange formations.

They are not setting up two sets of formations, but working together to set up one set of formations!

A burst of Tai Chi!

This formation requires the cooperation of many monks, and it is the formation of Zhenshan who fights the sect.

This is a set of formations that Immortal Wu Xiang got when he had an adventure in the past. It is a large formation of a certain sect in ancient times, but with the passage of time, that sect finally disappeared into history.

And this great formation was finally obtained by Wuxiang Great Immortal. In fact, relying on this great formation, Wuxiang Great Immortal could have directly established a sect, but Wuxiang Great Immortal, the so-called Sanxian, and has reached the realm of Profound Immortal, so naturally he has found it made his own way.

Establishing a sect did not conform to his Tao, so he did not choose to establish a sect, but he also did not choose to throw away this formation, but simplified it a little and became this Tai Chi Qi formation.

Daoist Qingteng over there also cooperated with Wuxiang Great Immortal's formation.

In this formation, the two of them are the ones with the highest cultivation, serving as the eyes of each other.

Even the two directly switched positions, Daoist Qingteng came to the group of loose immortals, and became a monk "in the system" among the group of loose immortals, and Immortal Wuxiang also came directly in front of the Taiyi Gate , becoming the only Sanxian among this group of sect disciples.

This is where the subtlety of Tai Chi Qi Formation lies.

The two of them with the highest cultivation base are the yin and yang eyes of Tai Chi, and they each preside over half of the big formation.

If Immortal Wuxiang was alone, he would actually not be able to use this great formation, and would need someone to cooperate, so Master Qingteng was not afraid that Immortal Wuxiang would have any tricks. After all, Taoist Priest Qingteng still had this vision.

Under the auspices of the two, the big formation was quickly formed.

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