It directly turned into a huge Tai Chi pattern, hovering over the sea.

And a radius of a thousand miles has almost become the envelope of this large formation!

After all, before this big formation was the mountain protection formation of the ancient sect, so the coverage is naturally not to mention.

As a result, those monks who had been hiding in other places before were all surrounded by this large formation and lost their support in an instant.

After the big formation was activated, those monks who were hiding in a radius of thousands of miles and planned to pick up leaks all turned their heads and fled, because they had already realized that if they continued to stay, the big formation would attack mercilessly!

They scolded as they ran, of course scolding them for eating alone.

But scolding, scolding, the speed of these people's escape has not been slowed down.

Because some people seemed not to believe in evil, or they were very confident in their hiding methods, but they were directly bombarded by the big formation and turned into residues all over the place.

With this kind of thing in front, where else will others stay?

Then a strange scene appeared, within the range covered by the big formation, no matter whether they were cultivators who were planning on those magic weapons or not, all of them were desperately fleeing.

And this is exactly what Immortal Wuxiang and Daoist Qingteng wanted.

Naturally, it is better to drive others far away first, and the rest are our own people, so that we can do it.

"Everyone, I have a hunch that the magic weapon is about to be born..."

Daoist Qingteng spoke suddenly.

Everyone looked at the calm sea at the moment, only to see that although the picture is calm at the moment, but under the sea, there seems to be some peerless beast hidden, which makes people shudder...

And the sea water began to flow towards the surroundings strangely. The middle piece seemed to have new sea water pouring up from below!

Chapter 443 The big one is coming

It seems that Chongbao is really going to be born!

Everyone is sure of this.

And at this moment, in the deepest part of the deep sea.

Chuhe controls the avatar outside his body, and is holding the command flag in his hand!

Chuhe really didn't expect that it took him a full 20 years to initially master this incarnation outside his body.

And it's just a preliminary grasp, and you can't use this avatar to do anything against the sky.

But even so, Chuhe paid a huge price!

Originally, I just thought that this incarnation outside the body could be successful with only a little soul, but in the past 20 years, Chuhe continued to increase investment, and finally even directly divided a small half of his soul into this incarnation outside the body. It is barely controllable.

But Chuhe didn't feel regret at all, he just felt extremely satisfied.

Because, at this moment, he who is controlling this corpse of the witch clan, or in other words, controlling his own incarnation outside his body, only feels a sense of power that has swelled to the extreme.

Although there is no mana at all, there is a kind of power that can crush everything.

This violent power even made Chuhe believe that if possible, he could punch a crack in the ocean directly.

Just relying on the strength of the flesh!

After Chuhe controlled the avatar outside his body, he walked out of the Four Elephant Pagoda directly.

Originally, Chuhe still had some worries about whether there would be any accidents in the six thousand miles of deep sea.

But in the end, Chuhe found that it was purely his own overthinking.

Nothing happened. Walking in the six thousand miles of deep sea was like walking on an ordinary road. There was no resistance at all, let alone any pressure.

In this place where even Xuanxian might be crushed when he came here, it is a miracle that Chuhe's incarnation outside his body did not feel the slightest bit of pressure and resistance.

Chuhe even began to think, what kind of powerful force would the great witch of the witch clan be if he was still alive?

In the past, there were legends in Chuhe's mind, and things that could not be concretized seemed to have become reality at this moment.

He thought to himself, if there is such a huge power, then it seems not impossible to shoot down the sun with just one arrow.

And after the Chu River came out, the black command flag began to move automatically without wind, and began to shake violently directly in the water, as if it had sensed the breath of its owner who did not know how many thousands of years ago.

He even pulled himself out from the bottom of the sea and started circling around the incarnation of Chuhe.

At that time, it was because of this that the vortex above the sea became so huge.

It was only then that everyone could see the huge command flag below and the figure of Chuhe's incarnation.

Chuhe also felt the joy and a sense of intimacy conveyed by the command flag.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the command flag fell directly into his hand.

The moment the command flag fell into Chuhe's hand.

In an instant, a large piece of information appeared in his head, all of which were the inheritance within the command flag.

He Chuhe thought well, this command flag is indeed a magic weapon unique to the Wu clan.

But not only the Wu Clan can use it, but only in the hands of the Wu Clan, can the most powerful power be exerted, or the user needs to have the blood of the Wu Clan.

Chu He is not sure if he has the blood of the witch clan, but he doesn't need it, because the current incarnation outside the body is the body of a great witch with serious roots and red roots!

It just happened to be able to display the full strength of this command flag.

In fact, this command flag alone cannot fully display its strength, because it is a set of command flags, a total of twelve, and when combined together, it can directly summon the ancestral witch phantom.

And the command flag that Chuhe got represents the Water God Gonggong!

That is to say, as long as Chuhe is willing, he can summon the phantom of the water god Gonggong Zuwu. Although it is not as powerful as the phantom of Zuwu summoned by a combination of twelve roots, it is enough to reach the level of a golden fairy!

What's more, the strength of Chuhe's body is now at the level of Jinxian, and Chuhe has a premonition that the strength of this witch's body is even at the level of Daluo Jinxian, stronger than Taiyi Jinxian.

Otherwise, the great witch would not have become the team leader and took over the command flag.

After Chuhe subdued the command flag under the sea, he felt it casually, and felt that the command flag was infinitely useful.

Not only is it as simple as being able to summon the Gonggong phantom, but even this Lingqi has the ability to control water, and it is extremely powerful.

After all, this big witch also belonged to the Gonggong tribe at the beginning, and he was born with the ability to control water. Coupled with the addition of the command flag, he is simply invincible in this sea!

Chuhe was overjoyed. The more he checked the command flag, the more surprises he could get from the previous side, which only made him feel very happy, and he directly studied it on the seabed for a month!

This embarrassed the monks above.

They all thought that this magic weapon was about to be born, but after a month passed, nothing happened.

It cannot be said that nothing happened.

During this period of time, under the sea, various powerful fluctuations came frequently, and there were bursts of powerful breaths from within the sea.

Even the vortex appeared a few times, but they all disappeared quickly, and once, the ocean with a radius of thousands of miles was directly frozen, and the cold air below directly made the low-level monks who formed the large formation above a little unbearable.

Fortunately, this kind of thing came and went quickly, and soon there was no sound.

Daoist Qingteng and Wuxiang Daxian haven't closed their eyes for a month. They are always waiting, but the older one hasn't come yet.

And just when they started to doubt, and even thought about taking the initiative to attack, the big one really came.

I only saw the sea that was originally calm, and suddenly there were waves again, but this time the waves did not attract too many people's attention, because they all thought that this time it would be like the previous month, but it was The magic weapon below is just getting nervous again.

But soon, they realized something was wrong.

Because they saw through the sea... saw the pagoda and the command flag, which seemed to be rising slowly!

The monk above woke up instantly, and the formation was activated instantly.

"Attention everyone! Big one, it's really here this time!!"

Someone shouted and looked excitedly at the water.

And Immortal Wuxiang and Daoist Qingteng are also ready to fight!

Chapter 444 Demon?

"The big array spreads out and expands the range!"

Wuxiang Daxian was worried that the heavy treasure in the water would escape after it appeared, so he issued such an order.

From their point of view, Chongbao has spirits. If possible, they must be subdued by force. If they cannot be subdued by force, they can only wait for Chongbao to choose his master.

And each magic weapon will have its own character.

In order not to have any accidents, they are ready to prevent any other situations from happening.

"Then... what is that!?"

Someone looked towards the sea and exclaimed, "Why does the command flag seem to be in that skeleton's hand!?"

Everyone looked at it one after another, but they only saw that the command flag and the pagoda were floating up, but the command flag was directly held by a huge skeleton, and the pagoda was also given by that huge skeleton. Hold it in your hand.

It feels like these two magic weapons belong to this skeleton.

Immortal Wuxiang and Master Qingteng's complexions were pitch black.

What these monks noticed, the two of them, as the strongest people this time, naturally felt it long ago.

They have already begun to wonder, what is this skeleton?

Is it really a monk?

But what monk can maintain this huge skeleton form?

It seems that it has never been heard of on the land of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Is it an evil heretic?

Dongsheng Shenzhou has not had evil heretics for a long time, and judging by his appearance, he is similar to the legendary evil heretics.

"Hmph! No matter what it is, this time the magic weapon has to be scrambled to determine who will get it!"

Both Wuxiang Daxian and Qingteng Daoist didn't want to give up. After all, in their perception, although there is a huge danger this time, there is also a huge opportunity, which must be seized.

The so-called pursuit of wealth and wealth, if you keep retreating, maybe there is no risk, but you won't get much gain if you keep retreating.

If you want to make yourself stronger, you have to bear the dedication that ordinary people can't afford.


Wuxiang Great Immortal and Taoist Qingteng, although their security is different, one is a noble-born Taiyi Sect Supreme Elder, and the other is just a Sanxian.

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