But at this moment, what the two of them thought in their hearts was unprecedentedly consistent.

This is also one of the reasons why the two of them can reach this Xuanxian realm.

"No matter what kind of demon it is, we can't retreat today!" Daoist Qingteng said to the people behind him, "Dongsheng Shenzhou, when did you talk about the Taoism and the heretics!?"

"In my opinion, there is a demon underneath. If we allow it to wreak havoc, then what face do we have to say that we are righteous!?"

These words were sonorous and forceful, but the people behind him had little response, just because he was standing in the team of Sanxian now.

On the other hand, the monks in the serious sect responded enthusiastically.

"Senior is right! No matter what kind of monster it is, we can't let it harm the land of Dongsheng Shenzhou!"

Upon seeing this, Great Immortal Wuxiang also said, "Dear friends of Sanxian, it seems that besides the treasure hunt, there is also a big battle today. The aura carried by the skeleton below is definitely not from our righteous path, it must be a demon from the bottom of the sea." Heretics!"

"Even if we want to get this magic weapon first, we must kill this beast!"

Great Immortal Wuxiang continued, "I won't talk nonsense about helping justice, I will just say one thing, if you kill this beast, it's unknown who the magic weapon will fall into, but if you let it escape, this magic weapon will definitely be with you." We are out of luck!"

"I promise, if I get the magic weapon in the end, everyone's benefits will be indispensable!"

As a Sanxian, Wuxiang Great Immortal naturally knows what those Sanxians are thinking best.

For these Sanxians, they are extremely flexible about morality and morality. They can be upright when they need it, and they can be crazy when they don't.

In the final analysis, it is all for their own benefit, and without the protection of the sect, they can only be more cautious, and they can only think of themselves as much as possible.

The words of Immortal Wuxiang hit their hearts.

And even if he can't get it, Wuxiang Daxian will definitely not go back on his promise.

Looking at these monks, there is also this powerful Tai Chi Qi Formation, including the two mysterious immortals Wu Xiang and Taoist Qingteng.

With so many masters in command, coupled with such a powerful formation, even if the top monks from Dongsheng Shenzhou come, they have to avoid their edge. If they fight recklessly, it is difficult to say who will win.

Now that there is already such a powerful force guarantee, what else is there to worry about?

Just start charging!

"Slay demons and demons, and uphold justice! This is what us monks should do!"

"Now that the monster is right in front of you, the magic weapon is secondary. The important thing is to kill the monster first!"

Almost without much discussion, these people have already defined Chuhe as a demon.

It seems that no matter in any world, as long as one's own interests are involved, the person on the other side will be called a devil even if they are benevolent.

Just like that, Chuhe became a demon again, again without his knowledge.

The Chu River below the surface of the water, at this moment, maintains the incarnation of the body of the Wu clan, advancing rapidly in the water.

After all, this big witch belongs to the public tribe, and has a very deep understanding of the way of water, and now everything is cheaper than Chuhe.

As an incarnation outside the body of the controller, Chuhe is like a fish in water in the water.

It's just that there is no way to put away the command flag and pagoda.

You can only hold one in each hand and quickly move upwards in the water.

But when it was about tens of thousands of feet away from the water, Chuhe realized something was wrong.

It is daytime right now, but there is no sunlight in the deep seabed, and no sunlight can shine into such a deep ocean.

But at this moment, even though it is tens of thousands of feet away from the sea surface, the Chu River has already seen some light, and even a huge Tai Chi figure above the sea surface is slowly rotating.

Big array?

Chuhe thought silently in his heart.

Why is there a big formation here?

Chuhe didn't know how much commotion he had caused, and thought that these things were not aimed at him.

But soon, he found that he was wrong.

Because when I was staring at the big formation, the big formation suddenly had a reaction, and the light became stronger several times in an instant, directly making the dark seabed deep in the Chu River extremely bright.

"It's really a demon! A whole body of skeletons!"

"Such a huge body must not be a human race. Could it be that some ape became a spirit and turned into a demon after death?"

"It must be so! Look, the red light in the skull's eyes is not a good thing to look at!"

Chapter 445 Green Willow Swordsman

These people have begun to label Chuhe mercilessly for their own desires.

Even this reason can be found.

"Is there anyone willing to go down and check?"

Master Qingteng opened his mouth, and the loose immortals around him were eager to try, "I'll do it!"

"Let me do it. I have a deep understanding of water, and I can display stronger strength in water. Even if I can't beat it, I won't die in it."

"Let me do it, at least I have the strength of a fairy!"

They almost fought for the opportunity to investigate in the past.

Daoist Qingteng and Wuxiang Daxian really don't know what's up for grabs, don't they know that this is almost a fatal thing?

They know, of course they do.

But for these low-level monks, is there any better way for them?

No, only this fighting mentality!

Maybe it worked?

Immortal Wuxiang said, "Stop fighting, you go."

As he spoke, he pointed to a monk.

The monk was dressed in a pure white Taoist robe, and he looked very dusty. He had the demeanor of a fairy when he stood there, but in fact he was already at the level of a fairy.

And he really has a very deep understanding of the way of water.

Of course, Wuxiang Daxian was not randomly appointed, but had his own considerations.

"After you go down, don't come into contact with that demon, just observe first, if there is any danger, come back immediately, understand?"

The man nodded, "Thank you Daxian for reminding me."

Just now he didn't even open his mouth to fight for the place to enter the water, as if he was confident that he would find him.

Daoist Qingteng over there didn't have much opinion on this candidate, and even nodded.

Because this person is from their Taiyi Sect!

That white Taoist robe is the symbol of Taiyimen.

This person is one of the strongest among the contemporary disciples of the Taiyi Sect, and is the second senior brother among the contemporary disciples.

This time, Daoist Qingteng came out to let him practice and learn a lot.

Of course, the most important reason for agreeing to this second senior brother to go into the water is to have absolute confidence in him.

His own cultivation base is already at the seventh rank of the immortal, and he is one step away from reaching the eighth rank of the immortal.

In other words, he himself has reached the cultivation level of the late Celestial Immortal, even in this Dongsheng Shenzhou, he can definitely be regarded as a strong man.

If such a strong man died just because of the investigation, it would be too funny.

"Be careful when you go down." Taoist Qingteng said via voice transmission, "Try to communicate with that skeleton, and you must tell us the name of our Taiyi Sect. It would be best if you can make that demon obediently hand over the magic weapon. No, and you don’t have to face it.”

"In my opinion, you are not the opponent of the demon. If the demon does not have the magic weapon in his hand, maybe he can't do anything against you, but the magic weapon in the demon's hand is definitely not to be underestimated. Do you understand?"

"Teacher understands." The man saluted Elder Qingteng, then stood up gracefully, and went directly into the bottom of the sea.

The other monks also had no opinion on choosing Swordsman Qingliu of Taiyi Gate as the candidate to go down to investigate.

After all, Swordsman Qingliu is the second senior brother of Taiyi Sect, and his strength is enough to crush them, so no one will gossip if he is allowed to go down.

And for the swordsman Qingliu who had just gone down to the sea, this matter is even more important.

As he dived, he thought to himself.

Where is the trouble?

If you are really dissatisfied, just kill him with a single sword!

As the second senior brother of the Taiyi Sect, and the most famous Green Willow Swordsman among the younger generation, he is naturally extremely conceited.

The most important thing is that his whole life has been smooth and smooth, and he has never encountered setbacks. It seems that in his eyes, everything is so simple and everything is so natural.

He even thought that if the demon really didn't listen to dissuasion, he would definitely draw his sword to compete with him, otherwise, if his imposing Qingliu swordsman, the second senior brother of Taiyi sect, ran away like that if he couldn't move his sword, Isn't it to make people laugh?

In his heart, it is obvious that his reputation is more important.

And those monks above the sea also have their own thoughts.

"As expected of Swordsman Qingliu!" Some female monks said, "Not only is the cultivation level top-notch, but also the xinxing is top-notch. He is not surprised by favor or humiliation, and he accepts orders in the face of danger without any complaints."

Someone even said, "That's the second senior brother of the Taiyi Sect, maybe he can inherit the position of the head of the Taiyi Sect in the future, what's more, the Taiyi Sect itself is also training him as the next head of the Taiyi Sect. The temperament is also what it should be.”

"He didn't have to take any risks." Someone sighed, "Those casual cultivators are fighting against the sky, wanting to gain a little chance, so they just want to go down and investigate. As the second senior brother of the Taiyi Gate, he wants to What chance is there?"

"He probably didn't have to take the risk, but he went down anyway."

Many people admired Swordsman Qingliu, and of course many people sneered at it, thinking that it was just a disguise. Most of these people were casual cultivators.

But the attitudes of these casual cultivators are the least cared about by those well-known monks.

Because in the eyes of those people, casual cultivators can't be seen at all.

I don't know if the Swordsman Qingliu below can hear the above words, but there is a high probability that they can't hear them. If they can hear them, with the character of Swordsman Qingliu, he must give an impassioned speech.

Swordsman Qingliu quickly dived to a depth of [-] feet.

Here, he already felt a kind of pressure. If he continued to go down, it would be fine, but if he continued to go down, it seemed that more spiritual power had to be wasted.

And the Chu River is just below.

Swordsman Qingliu looked at the Chu River, which was only a hundred feet away from him, and stopped.

In the eyes of everyone, it was Swordsman Qingliu floating directly above Chuhe's head.

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