As far as Mo Budong is concerned, his current strength is far from reaching its peak, but because he is the awakened Su Hui, his current strength is also at the ninth level of Xuanxian.

Even, among the monks from the Taiyi Sect, three of them have also reached the ninth level of Xuanxian, and they are only one step away from reaching the realm of true immortals!

Such a force is definitely at the top of the current known Dongsheng Shenzhou.

What's more, the Taiyi Sect even brought the most powerful magic weapon, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd Gourd, which was condensed by the spiritual root in the sect.

The Taiyi Immortal Gourd is the fruit that took 3 years to condense the spirit root of the fairy gourd. It bloomed in 3000 years and grew in 9000 years. After practicing, it finally became the magic weapon of this Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

The rank has already reached the level of the Houtian Lingbao!

Such a high-grade magic weapon also belongs to the highest level in the entire current Dongsheng Shenzhou.

With the help of so many monks with high cultivation bases and the top-level magic weapon such as the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, they can be said to be determined to win this time's competition for the inheritance of the Golden Crow!

And the reason for being so careful, besides the difficulty in obtaining the inheritance of the Golden Crow, is that there is a more important reason for fear of being contested.

Although the strength of Taiyimen on paper is already extremely strong, it is not that there is no competitor.

Chuhe continued to move forward, and soon found another group of people.

It is also another force that makes Taiyi Sect feel like an enemy.

Kobayashi Temple!

Xiaolin Temple is called Xiaolin Temple, but it is actually not small at all. It is the largest Buddhist strength in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Dongsheng Shenzhou was also a paradise in the ancient prehistoric era, and it was the most suitable continent for cultivation. How could there be no Buddhism in such a continent?

Although within the four major continents, the main strength of the Buddhist sect is not here, but with the huge strength of the Buddhist sect in the prehistoric times, within the four major continents, there are forces belonging to the Buddhist sect, and Dongsheng Shenzhou is no exception.

Xiaolin Temple belongs to the Buddhist sect left over from ancient times. Like Taiyi Immortal Sect, it belongs to a powerful sect with a strong inheritance and a very deep foundation.

And it has always been a bit difficult to deal with Taiyimen, after all, the two sides have different ways of people.

The so-called Dao is different and does not conspire with each other, but more often, the Dao is different not only because of not conspiring with each other, but even because of the different Dao, they are fighting against each other!

Over the years, I don’t know how many times there have been conflicts between Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple. Every time, there is a winner and loser for each other, and no one can completely eliminate the other. Gradually, people on both sides are not so The rattling.

It's just the hatred between each other, and no one has let go.

There is no large-scale conquest now, just because no one is sure to kill each other completely. If one party has a very strong strength, it is even confident that it can directly destroy the other party.

No matter which side it is, they will directly destroy the other side without hesitation!

This is the dispute of orthodoxy, from the prehistoric era to the present, it is the cause of several catastrophes in the prehistoric era, and it is also one of the root causes of the prehistoric chaos.

Chuhe watched Xiaolinsi's team silently.

I only saw that there were not many people in Xiaolin Temple's group, only about a dozen people, and everyone had a compassionate image, as if this time they were not going to hunt for treasures, but to save the suffering.

Chuhe felt a little uncomfortable looking at it.

It was really because the big-headed monks he met before gave him a really bad impression.

This group of people all stepped on a huge lotus flower. The leader of the group had long beard and eyebrows, which were all gray, and his eyes were squinted, as if they couldn't open them, but in fact, the flickering light emanating from him But very scary.

At least he is also a character of the ninth level of Xuanxian!

Chapter 464 Being Targeted

As a force that has been able to stand against the Taiyi Gate for so many years, Xiaolin Temple naturally has no shortage of high-end combat power.

It can even be said that Xiaolin Temple's top combat power is vaguely stronger than that of Taiyi Sect, but the number of people in Xiaolin Temple is not as large as that of Taiyi Sect.

After all, on the land of Dongsheng Shenzhou, although there are also Buddhist influences, most people still follow the Taoist way. The Buddhism represented by Xiaolin Temple is still a minority in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Therefore, the actual situation is that over the years, the Taiyi Gate has been the one actively attacking, constantly reducing the living space of Xiaolin Temple, but it can only do so, there is no way to directly eradicate Xiaolin Temple.

Chuhe's gaze also caught the attention of the old man standing on the lotus.

I saw the old man looked at Chuhe, then nodded slightly to Chuhe, "Amitabha, this time is extremely dangerous. I see that you have a big breast, why don't you just go back? It will also save you from dying in this vast sea above."

The monk seemed to say something compassionately, but in fact he still wanted to get Chuhe to leave here first.

It may not be safe for Chuhe to leave here, but it will definitely be beneficial to him if he leaves here. Naturally, there will be one less competitor.

Chuhe naturally ignored his words.

And the old man continued, "If you still want to move forward, maybe you can come to my Xiaolin Temple team, otherwise, you will be unable to support yourself and go further."

As he said that, the old monk waved his hand directly, and flew towards Chuhe as soon as he reached the lotus. It seemed that as long as Chuhe stood on the lotus, he could be led to the huge lotus they stepped on in Xiaolin Temple above and then sheltered.

Of course Chuhe didn't care about this.

From this we can also see the difference between Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate.

Kobayashi Temple has been in a relatively small group in Dongsheng Shenzhou for a long time, so they are naturally willing to unite various forces that can be united.

So when facing Chuhe, they intuitively felt that Chuhe could come to this place, which was already deep in the forbidden area, so they naturally had some skills. If so, they could add Chuhe to their forces, That is certainly a good thing.

That's why he invited Chuhe to go with him.

However, if Chuhe really stood on the huge lotus, it would mean that he had hit the trick of these old monks.

This huge lotus looks ordinary, it seems that it is just a magic weapon.

But in fact, this magic weapon is not simple!

It is said that this magic weapon is the six-petal lotus left by the senior monk of Xiaolin Temple, the golden fairy level, when he sat down. As long as the lotus is sitting on it, the speed of practice will become extremely fast, and it also contains a lot of Buddhism.

If people who practice Buddhism sit on it and practice, they will be able to make great strides in one day.

This is also the reason why it is said that although Xiaolin Temple has a small number of people, it can compete with Taiyimen in terms of top combat power, or even faintly overwhelm it.

With such an artifact of practice, the practice of the eminent monks of Xiaolin Temple is naturally extremely fast.

In addition, this six-petal lotus has another magical effect, that is, this lotus contains a lot of Buddhist principles, as well as some insights about Buddhism.

Those who are Buddhist monks will naturally speed up their practice after standing on this lotus, but if they are not Buddhists who come to this lotus... they will also feel the principles of Buddhism, and more importantly, It is very likely that you will be influenced by these Buddhist principles and change your mind.

In other words, as long as Chuhe goes up, in the eyes of those old monks, Chuhe will definitely give up his previous path, turn to Buddhism, and become a disciple of Buddhism directly from then on!

For the eminent monks of Xiaolin Temple, all of this is to promote Buddhism, but for others, it is a bit disgusting.

Now Chuhe doesn't know the purpose of the six-petal lotus. If Chuhe knows, he may think that the so-called six-petal lotus looks very holy, but it is actually a magic weapon.

It can change people's thinking and make people surrender. If this is not mentioned, almost everyone will think it is a magic weapon.

But in fact, this is the magic weapon of Buddhism.

Moreover, in Buddhism, there are many similar magic weapons, most of which affect people's soul and make people wholeheartedly devoted to Buddha.

It is precisely because of this that the expansion of Buddhism's influence is so fast.

After the old monk threw out the golden lotus, he found that Chuhe did not stand on the golden lotus as he said.

The old monk couldn't help frowning, and then said, "My friend, don't be nervous, if you don't want to go with us, this golden lotus will be given to you."

"This golden lotus is separated from the six-petaled lotus flower of my Xiaolin Temple Spirit Treasure. As long as you step on it, although the forbidden area here is terrible, it is enough to protect you."

After finishing speaking, these eminent monks didn't pay any attention to Chuhe, just folded their hands together towards Chuhe, and then accelerated the six-petal lotus under their feet to leave the place.

Looking at the golden lotus spinning in front of him, Chuhe couldn't help frowning slightly.

Really that kind?

Am I blaming them wrong?

Although Chuhe is powerful, he does not have the ability to see through other people's minds at a glance. Seeing Jinlian in front of him, he couldn't help hesitating.

In the end, he still stepped on the golden lotus.

The moment he stepped on it, Chu Hebian felt a faint coolness emanating from the golden lotus, which made people feel comfortable all over. read.

It contains many Buddhist principles.

Chuhe seemed to see an image of a huge Buddha in a trance, and said to him, "My Buddha is merciful... The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the shore is right when you turn back..."

Chuhe froze for a moment, subconsciously put his hands together and bowed to the Buddha as a disciple.

But at the next moment, a powerful force burst out from Chuhe's soul, which directly awakened Chuhe.

He put down his hand and looked up at the huge Buddha vigilantly.

Seeing the huge Buddha shining with golden light all over his body, he let out a surprise, then opened his eyes that were always slightly squinted, and stared straight at Chuhe.

Chuhe was also surprised.

He originally thought it was just an illusion, but now that he saw the giant in the image of Buddha in front of him, there was such a change in posture.

Could it be... Isn't this a hallucination?

Seeing the next moment, the giant in the image of the Buddha chuckled, "You have a destiny with my Buddha, but the chance is not there now. When the chance comes, you may be my disciple."

After speaking, the Buddha disappeared immediately.

Nothing seems to have happened above the calm sea.

Chuhe is still standing on the golden lotus, but his heart is unavoidably gloomy.

He knew that everything just now was not an illusion, not some illusion left by the magic weapon in advance.

The huge image of Buddha just now is definitely the avatar of a certain Buddhist power.

It seems that the golden lotus that those old monks gave him just now, as long as they stand on it, will alarm that powerful divine sense, and then directly brainwash those who stand on it.

With such a disparity in realms, those who stand on the golden lotus will almost have no chance to resist, and will be transformed into Buddhists directly.

But the strange power in the depths of Chuhe's soul stopped the attack.

But that force was too powerful, and it even directly alarmed the master behind this divine thought.

And let the big Buddha say this to Chuhe.

In other words, now Chuhe is being targeted...

Chapter 465 South Sea Demon Palace

And he was still being watched by Buddha.

Listening to the meaning of the last sentence of the great Buddha, it seems that he wants to accept Chuhe as his disciple.

What is destined to be with my Buddha is simply disgusting to Chuhe.

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