But these things didn't bother him for too long, after all, there were still things to do in front of him.

Besides, with so many backgrounds, Chuhe is really not worried, and even has a little expectation. He wants to see what level he is now?

That buddhist boss seems to be at least at the level of a golden immortal.

Of course, Chu River has not yet reached the level of Golden Immortal. According to the ancient saying, the current Chu River is only in the Realm of True Immortal, that is, above Xuanxian and below Golden Immortal.

Of course, this realm is also at the top level now, but Chuhe has a feeling in his heart that even if Jinxian comes to him, he may not be afraid!

With the Four Elephant Pagoda God Sha Banner on his body, plus the external incarnation of this great witch of the Wu clan, even Jinxian may not be unable to touch it.

This is also where Chuhe's confidence lies.

He is not a reckless person. Since this so-called forbidden area in the South China Sea is called a forbidden area, it is naturally a very dangerous place. If it was before the Chu River, he would definitely not come here, but it is different now.

If you are still cowering under this background, what kind of immortal are you still looking for?

Just find a hole and bury yourself.

Because sooner or later you will die.

Chuhe continues to step on the golden lotus, and the current golden lotus has little influence on Chuhe. After the initial influence, the current golden lotus is more like a means of transportation.

It is impossible to form any effective preaching to Chuhe, let alone transform Chuhe into a Buddhist.

But one thing to say, Chuhe still thinks that the golden lotus is good as a means of transportation.

Just like that, Chuhe stepped on the golden lotus and set off slowly.

On the huge six-petaled lotus in front, several old monks looked at each other and then smiled.

Because in their view, since Chuhe stood on the lotus, he must have been transformed into a Buddhist.

At that time, Chuhe will no longer be an enemy, but a help.

In this case, this time coming to the forbidden area of ​​the South China Sea, the confidence will naturally be a little more.

Gradually, some fog began to appear ahead.

Above the surface of the sea, a huge mist filled the air, and the strange thing was that the divine sense in the mist could not extend much forward, and everyone could only observe the situation within a radius of one mile.

For a monk, this is almost like a blind man.

In this case, how to move forward?

As a result, the speed of these monks all slowed down, and they began to move forward at a slow pace.

It was here that Chuhe started to catch up with the big troops.

The monks of Xiaolin Temple and the huge treasure ship of Taiyi Gate appeared here one after another, and the Chu River was in between.

And behind them, there are many monks, most of them are monks who are in groups of three people, and before them, there are also some monks, some are casual monks, and some are small sects.

It seems that the news of treasures in the forbidden area of ​​the South China Sea is not only spread among these top sects, but also in the channels of casual cultivators and small sects.

But in fact, there are still very few people who really know what will happen here. Most of the monks followed after seeing that the big sects such as La Taiyi Gate and Xiaolin Temple were mobilizing their troops to go to the forbidden area of ​​the South China Sea. Know what to expect here.

But they can probably also guess that there must be some kind of magic weapon that will appear here. Only in this way will Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple mobilize so many people and so many masters!

Some people also combined the previous legends of the forbidden area in the South China Sea to speculate that there must be some important treasures born here, just like the magic weapons and inheritances that originally belonged to the prehistoric times that appeared in various places in the past 100 years.

Some people also think that there will be a relic here, a relic belonging to a certain boss in the prehistoric era!

This is also what most people want to happen.

Because if there is only one magic weapon or one inheritance, then those casual cultivators or people from small sects will not even be able to drink soup, and they will definitely be snatched away by those big forces.

But if there is a whole piece of ruins, then any major force will definitely not be able to take care of the ruins completely. They will only go to the most important part, and they will not be able to see all the other parts.

If you're lucky, it's not just as simple as drinking soup.

If they are lucky, those small sects or casual cultivators can even get the most powerful magic weapon in the entire ruins in some inconspicuous places!

In the past, there is no such precedent.

And such things abound!

Although it has happened so many times, for the big forces, it is still impossible to completely collect the relics, just because if it is a relic, as long as a battle breaks out, it will inevitably damage the relic. What should we do about inheritance?

So those big forces will only establish a circle at the outermost edge, and no one is allowed to enter.

But if you have already reached the edge of the ruins, then it is too late to say anything, and you can only take the first step to seize those places that seem to have some more important magic weapons.

For example, the alchemy room, the refining room, and the place where the owner of the original ruins practiced in seclusion, etc.

In these more important places, there are often some more important discoveries and inheritances, while in other places, the chances of discovering these are much smaller.

In any case, the sudden thick fog had already excited the monks here.

Because this thick fog has never been recorded before, and some people have explored here before, but they have never heard of the heavy fog.

Even at this moment, on the treasure ship of Taiyimen, a Taishang elder of Taiyimen was excitedly saying to everyone, "I explored this place 3000 years ago, but it was just a vast ocean, and there was no fog."

"Now this kind of thick fog that can block sight and hinder people's consciousness suddenly appears here. Something must have happened."

"According to past experience, there is a high probability that this place is a relic!"

"These thick fogs are the formations activated by the ruins to prevent others from exploring."

Mo Bufei stood at the bow of the ship, with his hands behind his back, and said in a low voice, "This is the Nanhai Demon Palace. These thick fogs... are very familiar. I have experienced them in my previous life."

As soon as Mo Bu Bu started to speak, the others stopped their mouths and things in their hands, and looked at Mo Bu Bu Bu.

"If there is nothing wrong, at the end of this fog is the Nanhai Demon Palace!"

Nanhai Demon Palace!

Everyone in Taiyi Sect was refreshed when they heard this.

In fact, they call this place the South Sea Demon Palace, not that this place is really called the South Sea Demon Palace.

The Demon Palace is just a scornful name, in fact, it is called Nanhai Tiangong!

Just because in ancient times, it was the Yaozu who established the Heavenly Court, so naturally this place will also be called the Heavenly Palace.

What's more, this place is where the Golden Crow lives, and the Golden Crow is the master of the Heavenly Court, so it is reasonable to call it the Heavenly Palace.

Even Mo Bufei was a little excited, "The fog here seems to have weakened a lot. If it was in the previous life... If you don't have the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal, and you don't have a unique magic weapon, you will definitely die under this fog .”

"But now, these thick fogs are only obstructing the line of sight and hindering people's consciousness, and there are no illusions. It seems that tens of thousands of years have passed, and the restrictions here have still become relatively loose..."

Chapter 466 Archway

Mo BuFong in the previous life was just a small character, and he never thought that he could really get the inheritance of the Golden Crow when he came here, and in the end he died as expected.

But now, after an unknown number of years have passed, the restrictions here have begun to become extremely loose.

This also rekindled hope for Mo Budong.

That is the inheritance of the Golden Crow!

Even here, as the Heavenly Palace of the South China Sea, it is the residence of the Golden Crow, and the magical medicines and medicines in it are still inherited. If they can be obtained, even in the prehistoric era, they are enough to make people soar into the sky!

Let alone now?

"I'll lead the way, full speed ahead!"

Relying on the experience of his previous life, Mo Bufei said to everyone, "Be careful, don't inhale too much of this mist."

When everyone heard the words, they quickly held their breath, and even put up a protective film around their bodies, so that the fog could not touch them.

At the edge of the fog, many monks are hesitating whether to go in, but the treasure ship of the Taiyi Gate has already got into the fog directly.

With Taiyi Sect taking the lead, everyone else gritted their teeth and got in.

After all, it has come, if it retreats in this place, what is it?

Most of these monks have the mentality of gamblers.

But in fact, the vast majority of practitioners are gamblers, and they are all very lucky gamblers. They grow up in gambling with the sky again and again.

And this time, they firmly believed that they could win, that they could beat Tian Banzi!

Without this indomitable attitude and momentum, then the path of practice can be said to be cut off at this point.

Chuhe also rushed into the fog with these people.

The Taiyimen monks on the treasure ship over there once again found the Chu River which was relatively close, and saw the golden lotus at the foot of the Chu River.

The moment they saw the golden lotus at the foot of the Chu River, many people laughed.

"Those hateful bald donkeys, and using such low-level means, what is the difference between such an act and a monk?"

Someone said dissatisfiedly, "Where is this a Buddha? This is clearly a demon."

Mo Budong obviously also discovered Chuhe, and listening to the monks behind him, he couldn't help but snorted, "In the ancient prehistoric era, I don't know how many prehistoric powers were forcibly saved by just saying that they were destined for my Buddha. Transformation, became the protector of Buddhism."

"There are also those magic weapons that turned out to be taken away for the same reason. That kind of behavior is really called a robber."

"Just to remind you, if you hear this sentence in the future, if you are destined to be with my Buddha, if you are not strong enough, you should run quickly. Otherwise, although it is unlikely to die, in the next half of your life, it is estimated that you will only be able to live a half life. dead."

Everyone nodded yes.

Chuhe didn't hear these words, otherwise, he would be surprised that the contradiction between Buddhism and Taoism is so intense?

It has come to this point!

Of course, even if he heard it, he wouldn't care.

Now he is carefully feeling a familiar feeling contained in this thick fog.

That seems to be... like the Golden Crow?

The little Golden Crow in Chuhe's Sea of ​​Consciousness World once broke through the boundary between illusion and reality because of the real fire of the Golden Crow, and flew out from the space of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, so Chuhe is also considered close I have felt the breath of the Golden Crow.

Now in this thick fog, there is also a faint scorching aura belonging to the Golden Crow.

It seems that these thick fogs did not appear because of the cold, but because the heat evaporated the ocean, and then mixed with the breath and flames of the Golden Crow, so it became the current kind that can block people's sight and make people's consciousness in it blocked, even burned.

Chuhe had already realized in his heart that the heavy fog was likely to be produced in this way, so he had no scruples when he was walking, and flew forward like a rampage.

The people on the treasure ship of Taiyimen also sneered when they saw the Chu River suddenly speeding up and rushing into the thick fog.

"Buddhism is really a good method. Just find a monk at random and let him go to explore the way like sending him to death..."

Mo Bufei chuckled, "We're also speeding up, there won't be any danger in this thick fog."

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