The monk Haoyan directly returned to the huge six-petaled lotus, and said to the crowd, "Exploring the ruins is important!"

Everyone nodded slightly.

And in the center of the six-petaled lotus, the young man who had been cultivating cross-legged also opened his eyes.

This young man has red lips and white teeth, looks very handsome, and there are nine ring scars on his head.

In the Buddhist sect, the ring scar on the top of the head is not something that anyone can touch at will. This is also obviously related to one's own strength and status in the Buddhist sect.

Ordinary monks don't have nine ring scars on their heads, maybe six ring scars at most, which means that the seven emotions and six desires have been cut off.

And the nine ring scars must be at the level of a golden immortal!

That is to say, it is possible to have nine ring scars on the head only after reaching the attainment status of Arhat among the Buddhist sects.

Arhat fruit status is almost a legendary cultivation level, how difficult is it to achieve it?

Up to now, Xiaolin Temple has not seen a monk of Arhat status for many years.

And this young man has nine ring scars on his head, which is really unbelievable.

"Amitabha." The young monk opened his mouth, "I have a feeling in my heart that the Golden Crow's life may be hanging by a thread, and it is also its weakest time. If you can subdue it, it will be considered a great merit."

The crowd cheered.

"In that case, let's go at full speed!"

The six-petal lotus of Xiaolin Temple also accelerated and rushed forward.

Naturally, Chuhe would not be left behind. He directly accelerated past the huge archway and accelerated towards the front.

The rest of the monks were shocked, but they also dodged one after another, fearing that the mighty golden dragon would harm the fish in the pond, so they all chose to bypass the golden dragon archway.

But the hotness in their eyes was hard to hide, even hotter than the flames spit out by the golden dragon.

If this pair of golden dragons can be subdued, although the world is great, where can they go?

This is the voice of many people.

And obviously, this is just the entrance.

Just the entrance already has such a grandeur, and if they continue to go deeper, what they can get has already made them salivate.

They can't help but start fantasizing.

What's more, some cultivators are obviously not cultivated enough to support them to continue walking, but they would rather use secret methods to sacrifice their souls and lives to continue walking!

Because this place is still in that scorching dryness, although it is on the sea, it is more like being in an oven. What is even more unbearable is that there is no spiritual energy to absorb.

In other words, those who can come here are already considered capable people.

Or some magic weapon that can replenish spiritual power.

And if it's just because of this that you came here, you basically don't need to explore further.

The dangers that follow will only get worse.

But even so, there were still some people who darted toward it without thinking about their own safety, just for the slightest illusory chance.

The way is so.

Although Chuhe walked in the front, but in this weird place, his consciousness could still spread a little distance, and he could see the miserable appearance of those monks behind him, so he couldn't help sighing.

Why is this?

Even if you really come to the depths, even if there is a treasure in front of you, do you think you can really take it away?

The people who come here are not some good men and women!

Being able to come in is just passing the first level, and being able to get the treasure alive from among these people is called real skill.

Moreover, they have to face the snatch that may appear at any time...

Chuhe knew that most people could only run with him.

Perhaps, there are also some people whose luck is against the sky, but he didn't find it.

Instead of thinking about him, Chuhe began to look around intently.

He is now in the second echelon of monks.

Those who walked in the front were undoubtedly the people from Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate.

These two teams are all determined to win the things in the South China Sea Demon Palace, and this dispatch also cost a lot of money.

Although Chuhe didn't know this, he could feel some clues just by looking at the magic weapon dispatched by these two factions.

Taiyi Immortal Gourd, and this six-petaled lotus.

It feels like the breath of Lingbao!

A magic weapon of this level is the treasure of the town card wherever it is placed, even the famous sects with profound backgrounds such as Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple.

Generally speaking, unless the sect is in danger of life or death, or there are other major events related to the survival of the sect, this level of town treasure will be used.

It is enough to show that Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate attach great importance to this exploration.

Chuhe is located behind Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate, and on his left and right, there are also a few monks who look like Taoists walking in the sky.

Chuhe's whole body was covered under the cloak, and some people cast curious eyes, but they couldn't see Chuhe's true face.

They obviously also regard Chuhe as a competitor in their hearts.

Of course, it is also an object that can be wooed.

"This fellow Taoist!"

Suddenly someone said to Chuhe, "It's dangerous ahead, why don't you go with us? If you're in danger, it's good to have someone to take care of you!"

It was an old man wearing a coir raincoat who looked like an old man chopping firewood following the left rear of the Chu River.

"Why do you come here this time and everyone knows it well." The old man continued, "I don't think you are a monk of the sect, but you must be a casual cultivator. If this is the case, why don't I join forces? Otherwise, facing Xiaolin Taiyi gate of the temple, I'm afraid I won't be able to drink even a sip of the soup."

Chapter 469 Golden Crow...

If so, not only what I saw was different from what they saw, but the illusion inside even spoke to me!

Chuhe originally thought that everyone, as long as they were influenced by that golden lotus, should see the same things as him.

But now it seems that he is an outlier.

What the old man saw was a statue of a Bodhisattva, while what he saw was a statue of a Buddha. In addition, the Buddha statue actually left a sentence saying that it is related to my Buddha...

Moreover, Chuhe always had a faint feeling of being spied on, as if he was being missed by an existence he didn't know.

It is generally impossible for monks to make mistakes in their intuition, especially for monks of Chuhe's level.

It doesn't feel like this by accident.

Could it be that the eminent monk mentioned by the old man is not dead yet, but he is aware of himself, or is he aware of his secret?

Chuhe kept thinking in his heart, and countless thoughts came and went in an instant.

"Fellow Daoist, I still don't know what my title is..."

The old man suddenly asked Chuhe.

In fact, from the old man's point of view, the two have already decided to form an alliance, but Chuhe hasn't even revealed his life, which doesn't look like a posture of cooperation.

It's just that now the old man is catching up and wants to cooperate with others, so although the old man is dissatisfied, he still doesn't dare to explode.

When Chuhe heard the words, he just said two words lightly, "Chuhe."

"Chuhe? The old man muttered, "Do you have a title? "

Chuhe suddenly thought of something, and said, "Taoist Wuxiang."

"Wuxiang Taoist?" The old man seemed to have heard it somewhere, and finally thought of it.

Isn't this the name of the Xuanxian Wuxiang who fell a hundred years ago?

It's just that in this world of comprehension, there are countless people with the same name and surname, and the old man didn't care too much.

Regardless of whether they know each other or not, this set of greetings should still be said, the old man also introduced himself, "I am Layman Jiang He, maybe you have never heard of it."

Chuhe shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

The smile on Layman Jiang He's face froze immediately.

This was originally just a self-deprecating sentence of his, but actually Layman Jiang He's reputation is as loud as thunder, and everyone in the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou world doesn't know it, who doesn't know it?

This is a legendary casual cultivator who became famous 5000 years ago!

At that time, he was already a monk of Xuanxian level, and he left his own legends in various places in the land of Shenzhou.

Changed to the world he lived in before Chuhe, he, Layman Jiang He, was a proper hero of Shuangwen, but after 5000 years passed, he was trapped in the realm of Xuanxian without any top opportunities.

He didn't even touch the threshold of being a true immortal, so he came to this South Sea Demon Palace to try his luck.

He, Layman Jiang He, originally thought that Chu He would be surprised when he heard his name, but seeing Chu He's ordinary sentence that he had never heard of before, Layman Jiang He was speechless.

"Why?" Chuhe asked back, "Are you famous?"

Faced with this sentence, Layman Jiang He didn't know what to say.

But I only heard Chu He continue to say, "Hehe, Layman Jiang He, don't get me wrong. I haven't been here for a long time, and I don't know much about some things about Dongsheng Shenzhou."

Layman Jiang He was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked, "Fellow Taoist is an outside monk?"

"Which realm is the outside world?" Chuhe asked again.

Layman Jiang He said, "Fellow Daoist, what you said is very good. Now the scattered fragments of the prehistoric world are about to gather again, and the prehistoric world will repeat itself. At that time, all the worlds will be one world, and naturally there will be no concept of the outside world."

Chuhe didn't think so much.

And some of the questions of Layman Jiang He were answered with Chu He's words.

It turned out that Chuhe was not a native monk of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and it was no wonder that he had never heard of such a number one figure before.

Chu He's head was covered under the hood, and he was wearing a huge black Taoist robe, covering his whole body in the burqa, as if he was afraid of being recognized by others.

If it wasn't for deliberate camouflage, such a dress would be relatively rare in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Maybe it's not my human monk.

Layman Jiang He was still guessing Chu He's identity, and he also wanted to find a few friends to ask who this Wuxiang Taoist was after returning home.

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