In fact, he also knew that there was a senior preaching in Wuxiang Shrine, but when he went there, it was almost the end, so he had no chance to listen to Chuhe's preaching.

Only then did they return to the South Sea Demon Palace.

He didn't communicate with the people over there either. If he did, he would know that they had already given a Taoist name to Chuhe, who didn't know the Taoist name - Wuxiang Taoist!

Layman Jiang He didn't connect him with the one from Wuxiang Shrine, because he thought it was too far off.

The one from the Wuxiang Shrine is a peerless man who can directly preach to the Xuanxian, and can even directly promote the Tianxian to the realm of the Xuanxian by virtue of the preaching!

Such a powerful monk, of course, has a lot of appearances, but Chuhe looks completely mediocre.

Therefore, he would not associate Chuhe with the one in Wuxiang Shrine.

The two continued to communicate, and Chuhe asked about what happened in the past 100 years.

Basically, it was Chuhe who was asking questions, and Layman Jiang He was answering.

And when the two asked and answered, they finally came to the edge of the South China Sea Demon Palace.

The dense fog in front has disappeared, replaced by a huge soap bubble-like thing that shrouds the ocean in front.

It's just that the bubble is so huge that with the naked eye, it's completely unknown how huge the bubble is.

I don't even know how far this bubble is from me.

The so-called bubble, everyone understands that it is an enchantment, and after the enchantment, there is the Nanhai Demon Palace!

Colorful colors emerged from the huge enchantment. If you look carefully, you can see many incomprehensible symbols of ancient demon scripts on it.

And what's inside is completely invisible.

People from Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate were all flying in the front, but after seeing the barrier, they slowed down instead.

At the bow of the treasure ship on which Taiyimen was riding, the reincarnated Mo Bubu looked at the huge barrier in front of him and couldn't help but excitedly said, "This is it!"

"As long as you enter, you can obtain the inheritance of the Golden Crow!" The little monk with nine scars on the six-petaled lotus flower spoke at the same time as Mo Bubu.

The people from Xiaolin Temple and Taiyimen all looked at the huge nodule in shock.

Just after breaking through the fog, Chu He and Layman Jiang He, who came here, also came behind them at this time.

Looking at the huge enchantment in front of him, Chuhe only felt that the little Golden Crow in his sea of ​​consciousness world began to look a little restless, as if he wanted to rush out of the barrier of nothingness and come back to time again.

"Golden Crow..." Chu He couldn't help muttering to himself.

470 Response

The aura that is so mysterious but so familiar to Chuhe comes from inside the barrier.

"What did fellow Daoist say?"

Layman Jiang He asked knowingly.

Chuhe was right next to him, did he shy away from saying the word Jinwu in a low voice, as long as he was not deaf, he could probably hear it.

What's more, a powerful monk like Layman Jiang He?

He asked this, just to confirm with Chuhe, out of politeness.

But at the same time, his heart was also shaken.

Naturally, he also had some channels, and he had already guessed that this place must be related to the Jinwu ruins. For this reason, he spent a lot of money to get a magic weapon that could ward off fire, which was the coir raincoat he was wearing.

Now that he heard the word Jinwu from the mouth of Chuhe, he became even more afraid of someone who didn't know his origin.

According to what Chuhe said, he is an outsider monk who came here a few days ago, and it was just a coincidence that he came to the Nanhai Demon Palace.

If this is the case, Chuhe can say the name of the Golden Crow just by seeing this enchantment?

Doesn't that mean that Chuhe has already felt the breath of the Golden Crow here, even if he didn't feel it.

Or, Chuhe recognized the origin of the enchantment, so he could tell the Golden Crow in one go.

But no matter what, Layman Jiang He didn't dare to underestimate this Wuxiang Taoist.

Just now, I just felt that there are many people in Xiaolin Temple's Taiyi sect, and I just wanted to find a helper, but now it seems that I don't know whether this helper is a helper or an executioner.

It never occurred to Chuhe that layman Jiang He, who was shouting to cooperate with him just now, would be wary just because of the word "Golden Crow" he said.

He just heard Layman Jiang He asked, so he said as usual, "I say, Jinwu."

"Golden Crow?" Layman Jiang He restrained his divine light, "That's a legendary fetish!"

Chuhe was noncommittal, but just looked at the enchantment in front of him.

Seeing this, layman Jiang He asked again, "If I had known earlier that this place is the habitat of the Golden Crow, I should have made preparations earlier. If I can take possession of this amazing fortune, I can burn its tail and transform into a dragon!"

The so-called "burning the tail and transforming the dragon" actually refers to the fish leaping over the dragon's gate, only because after the fish leaps over the dragon's gate, there will be a lightning strike, burning the fish's tail, and transforming the dragon.

"So what if we knew earlier? During the Golden Crow's prehistoric period, it was an emperor who was in charge of the heavens, and even the prehistoric times!"

"The good fortune of the splashing sky must be held in the hand to be good fortune, otherwise this good fortune will be a disaster."

Layman Jiang He was even more suspicious.

He knew the Golden Crow, and this was already considered knowledgeable.

The Golden Crow is not a secret among these monks, but it has long been extinct in the Great Desolate Continent. If it is not for its extensive knowledge or other chances, it may not necessarily know the name of the Golden Crow.

But Chuhe opened his mouth and said the Heavenly Court, and even said that the Golden Crow was the emperor who was in charge of the Heavenly Court and even the prehistoric times in ancient times!

This made Layman Jiang He even more suspicious.

Although the Golden Crow is said to be a divine object, it is even called a divine beast, but it is still a monster race, so how can it bear the title of Emperor of Heaven?

Could it be that this fellow tricked me?

Layman Jiang He's expression changed when he heard the words, and then he laughed, "According to what you said, this Heavenly Court was actually established by the Monster Race Jinwu?"

Chuhe frowned, knowing that he had made a slip of the tongue.

But he has been here in Dongsheng Shenzhou for a hundred years. Although he has not wandered in Dongsheng Shenzhou during this time, he has heard some rumors after all.

As far as he knows, the inheritance of Dongsheng Shenzhou is considered complete. If there is a connection, some monks can also know the name of the heaven.

It's just that now, according to Layman Jiang He, the Heavenly Court they talk about is not the same as the Heavenly Court in the mouth of the Chu River.

"Who can tell clearly about the prehistoric times?" Chu He shook his head, "Maybe?"

Layman Jiang He also shook his head, "Since you are not a monk in our world, I have to tell you something. Heavenly Court only said that it is not a secret for me, Dongsheng Shenzhou, but Heavenly Court is not a monk. It is my human race's Heavenly Court, which was established by the human race, how can the monster race dare to call itself emperor?"

Chuhe frowned, and there must be some twists and turns that Chuhe didn't know.

Maybe the inheritance has been broken, or maybe someone did it on purpose?

He suddenly remembered that when he was fighting with the ruler of Xichi Kingdom that day, Immortal Wuhai suddenly stepped in, and because of this, he was surrendered by Chuhe, and because of this, he knew the remains of the Wu clan in the deep sea. By chance, I practiced the art of incarnation outside the body.

On that day, when Immortal Wuhai first appeared, facing the technique of whipping mountains and moving stones in the 36 Tiangang fragments of the ancient method used by Chuhe, he also asked whether Chuhe was a man in the heaven, or To elucidate and cut off teaching people.

So far, since the teachings are known here, the inheritance must not be cut off, but how does this definition of the heaven become the establishment of the human race?

And according to Wu Hai's real person, there should be another force named Tianting here, otherwise he wouldn't have asked that question back then.

Seeing Chu He frowning, Layman Jiang He continued, "Fellow Daoist, I am also thinking about you. When you first arrived here, some things are unclear, but you should know that trouble comes from your mouth."

After all, he looked at the monks who stopped ahead and said, "Whether it's Xiaolin Temple or Taiyi Gate, they can be regarded as extremely powerful in this area, but compared with the Heavenly Court, they are still far behind."

"It's just that today's court has not shown up in Dongsheng Shenzhou for a long time, but now that the world is in chaos and the prehistoric is returning to its throne, the heavenly court will return sooner or later. It seems that you are lying like you just now, fellow Taoist. If the heavenly court, which is very important in Taoism, finds out, it will be you who reach the sky. Cultivation, the Heavenly Court will definitely not let it go."

"Fellow Daoist, don't think I'm alarmist. What you said about the Heavenly Court was built by the demon clan, and it can still be said to shake the foundation of the Heavenly Court. No matter what, they will not just sit idly by."

After hearing this, Chuhe laughed instead.

Layman Jiang He was taken aback, for a moment he couldn't figure out what Chuhe was thinking.

What he said just now was half-truth and half-false, not all to deceive Chuhe, but it was inevitable that it was exaggerated to make a beating.

Unexpectedly, Chuhe ignored him completely, which made Layman Jiang He a little at a loss.

"Fellow Daoist, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Chuhe looked at the enchantment and felt the familiar fluctuations belonging to the Golden Crow. The memory of Chuhe's refinement of the incarnation of the witch clan before him also appeared in front of his eyes like a magic lantern.

How is heaven?

What about the Golden Crow?

On that day, my body was also marked in the heaven!

Layman Jiang He was taken aback by Chu He's unintentional display of fighting spirit.

Just as he was about to say more, he saw that the huge barrier in front of him began to shake a little.

Everyone's expressions changed, and there was a smile on the corner of Chuhe's mouth.

There was a response... Did you feel the aura of the witch clan that I belong to in this incarnation outside of me?

Chapter 471 Qualifications

The people of Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple who were in front of the barrier saw that the barrier suddenly shook, and it seemed to be on the verge of falling, and a terrifying energy vortex burst out from the inside out.

It made people unable to stand still and had to retreat.

Both Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate came prepared, but even so, they still had to avoid the edge for the time being, and at the same time they couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

As expected of the South China Sea Demon Palace!

This is the palace where the Prince of the Demon Court lived. Originally thought that millions of years had passed, if it was not turned into a pile of fly ash, how much power would remain?

How can it be ordinary people who can only know that they can build a demon court in the prehistoric world only after seeing them today? Now that millions of years have passed, just this barrier makes them fearful. Isn't that enough to explain?

This Demon Court is actually the Heaven Court.

Now there are other people in the heavenly court orthodoxy, and it seems that some people deliberately covered up that period of history.

Even if it is not covered up, the inheritance is now extinct, and all the monks don't know what happened in the ancient times.

I just know that the monster clan was so powerful in ancient times that they were so arrogant that they tried to establish a power to rule the prehistoric world.

Nowadays, the monks of the human race don't understand it anymore, but relics from that period are also released from time to time, which makes people have a scrappy understanding of that era.

This demon court is the contemptuous name people at this time have for the heavenly court established by the demon clan at that time.

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