Even mere snakes, insects, ants and mice dare to call themselves heaven?


At this moment, the Taiyimen treasure ship retreated slowly, standing at the bow of the boat, Mo Bubu felt the strong wind blowing against his face, making his clothes rustle.

"Sure enough, it's very imposing. Before entering it, I was almost hurt by this imposing manner. It is worthy of being called the Nanhai Demon Palace!"

With his hands behind his back, Mo Butong looked vigorously at the barrier that was constantly twisting, expanding and collapsing in front of him.

Could it be that he sensed my breath, that's why there was such a change?

As he thought so, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Thinking of his second life as a human being, he feels superior to others, and his cultivation base is now the top among these monks. If he goes a step further, he will get the meaning of a golden immortal!

Now that a great opportunity is right in front of him, how could he not be excited?

He turned his gaze slightly and looked to the other side.

I only saw your huge six-petal lotus slowly retreating from behind the barrier.

As if aware of Mo Bubu's gaze, the young monk on the six-petaled lotus turned his head and met Mo Bubu's sharp gaze.


Mo BuTong's pupils shrank slightly, obviously seeing how extraordinary this little monk is.

"Chenghe, who is this person?"

Mo Bufei didn't look back, and asked Cheng and Shangxian who were standing behind him.

Chenghe Shangxiangui is the Taishang Elder of the Taiyi Sect, and he is cautious when facing Mo Bubu, "Responding to your lord, this person... I don't know, maybe it is the young genius newly found by Xiaolin Temple, who brought him here to experience right?"

Mo BuTong sneered, "Young genius? Take a closer look, is there such a young genius in this world?"

Cheng and Shangxian didn't dare to be careless when they heard the words, so they quickly looked at it intently. This was incredible, he just felt dizzy and couldn't look directly at it!

"This... why is this!?"

Chenghe Shangxian said in horror, "When did Xiaolin Temple become so powerful!? I, Taiyi Sect, don't even know about it!"

He was terrified in his heart, originally thought that this trip would be accompanied by all kinds of differences, the chance of the Nanhai Demon Palace here must be captured by the Taiyi Immortal Sect, but now there is suddenly such a person in Xiaolin Temple, the deadly enemy of the Taiyi Sect A big brother who doesn't know the depth, he is inevitably a little nervous.

Cheng and Shangxian thought that their cultivation had reached the profound level, but they only knew that there were mountains beyond the mountains when they saw Mo BuFong.

Seeing that unknown monk in Xiaolin Temple now, I am even more terrified!

He can't even look directly at him, what kind of cultivation is he already! ?

It's no wonder that Cheng and Shangxian were terrified. Suddenly there was such a powerful person inexplicably, and he was still standing on the opposite side of him. It's good that he can still maintain a calm face.

"Hmph!" Mo Bufei snorted coldly, "I thought you knew it beforehand, but you didn't even know I'd heard it."

"Honorable, calm down!" Cheng and Shangxian hurriedly bowed their heads, "I...I really don't know, if I knew, why didn't I tell His Holiness?"

Na Mo Fei didn't say anything after hearing the words, and said after a while, "If I'm not mistaken, then the little monk must be the same as me, reincarnated and recultivated."

"That doesn't know his cultivation level..."

"I still can't see clearly how much he has cultivated now, but this aura... is definitely not something to be taken lightly. He must have been an Arhat in his previous life!"

"Arhat fruit position!?"

Cheng and Shangxian were taken aback for a moment, "Then...doesn't that mean he has reached the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal?"

The cultivation realm of Buddhism is different from that of Taoism, but it is only different in name.

The golden immortal monks of the Taoist school correspond to the Arhat status of Buddhism, and the Taiyi golden immortals who go up are naturally the Bodhisattva status.

And the Daluo Jinxian above the Taiyi Jinxian, according to Buddhism, has become a Buddha when he reaches the Daluo Jinxian.

As long as the Daluo Jinxian is behind, that is the realm of the Buddha.

"Are you scared?" Mo Bubu glanced at Cheng and Shangxian disdainfully, "It's just a golden fairy, so what?"

He said so, but in fact his heart was pounding.

After all, he never broke through the realm of golden immortal in his previous life, and now this little monk must have been an Arhat in his previous life.

Could it be that he had no chance to reach the Golden Immortal Realm in his previous life, and he still couldn't reach it after reliving his life?

Mo Bubu's eyes were slightly cold.

"Those bald donkeys are different from my Taoist sect. No matter how powerful they practiced in their previous lives, they still need to practice hard in this life. Once they suddenly realize, they can inherit many of their previous lives."

"I just don't know if this monk has achieved enlightenment."

Just as he was talking, the little monk over there also looked towards this side.

Putting his palms together directly at Mo BuTong, Langsheng smiled and said, "Amitabha, fellow Taoist, I see a golden wheel flashing in the back of your head, which is precisely related to my Buddha."

"Why don't you switch to my Buddhist sect, with your aptitude, given time, you will eventually become an Arhat."

When Mo Bufei heard this, he felt a sudden chill, and even got goose bumps all over his body.

He sneered secretly.

These bald donkeys, after millions of years have passed, are still cheating and abducting.

Whether people in the world believe in Buddhism or Daoism, they can choose for themselves. How can there be a preacher as good as you?

Not wanting to lose his momentum, Mo Bubuan snorted lightly, "Stop talking and saving energy, so that you won't be unable to escape later."

But seeing the little monk shook his head, "Amitabha, with your second highest aptitude, it would be a pity if you don't learn Buddhism."

"The second qualification?"

Mo Bubu was taken aback, is there anyone here who has higher aptitude than himself?

Seeing that Mo Bu Bui was like this, the little monk turned slightly to look at Chu He.

In his opinion, Chuhe is the one with the highest qualifications among these people, and also the one he fears the most!

Chapter 472

Mo Bubu also followed the monk's gaze and saw Zhou Ye who was stepping on the golden lotus.

Although the golden lotus Zhou Ye was stepping on was derived from the six-petal lotus, Zhou Ye did not surround the six-petal lotus like other monks who stepped on the golden lotus, but fell far behind.


When seeing Zhou Ye for the first time, Mo BuFong's pupils shrank.

Why was such a person not discovered before?

What did the monk mean just now? Could it be that this person's aptitude is still higher than mine?

Mo Bufei couldn't help feeling puzzled.

He was a true immortal in his previous life, and he was one step short of reaching the realm of a golden immortal. In this life, he has already reached the ninth level of a mysterious immortal. If he wants to, he can reach the realm of a true immortal with a little effort .

Moreover, as a human being in his second life, he naturally got some opportunities, and now his aptitude is much better than that of his previous life.

He is even confident that if he can get the inheritance of the Golden Crow this time, it is possible to reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal and even the Daluo Golden Immortal from then on.

Zhou Ye also noticed Mo Budong's eyes.

Standing on top of the golden lotus, Chuhe looked at Mo BuFong and the little monk looking towards him, and just smiled.

Of course, this smile is only from the bottom of my heart. After all, he is now showing off as the remains of the Witch Clan outside his body. Not to mention a piece of flesh, not even a hair on his body.

The whole thing is just a crystal clear skeleton.

Seeing Chuhe raised his head, Mo Bubuyu looked directly at Chuhe.

Without showing any weakness, I want to scan Chuhe and see Chuhe thoroughly.

As a result, he only found that his spiritual sense seemed to have swept through the air. If Chuhe was not still standing there in his eyes, he would never have found that there were people here just by relying on his spiritual sense!

Moreover, Chuhe was wearing a wide Taoist robe and a huge hood, completely covering his body under the clothes.

Mo Budong couldn't see even a trace of Chuhe's appearance under the hood.

Could it be that this Taoist robe is not a contract?

Mo Bubu was stunned. Faced with such a scene, he could only guess that the Taoist robe worn by Chuhe was a magic weapon, which could shield his consciousness and prevent peeping.

Otherwise, how to explain it?

Could it be that Chuhe's strength is too strong, so he directly shielded his consciousness, and even made him unable to see even a strand of skin under the robe?

The little monk was not as aggressive as Mo differentiating, but looked at Chuhe with a smile, saw Chuhe's gaze sweeping over, and nodded slightly to Chuhe.

"Amitabha, I see that you have a predestined relationship with my Buddhism, why don't you join my Buddhism?"

"With your aptitude, it's not uncommon to find an arhat status in the future."

This monk is also scornful, thinking of recruiting as soon as he came up.

All the people over there just rolled their eyes, their heart is so brazen, and only Buddhists can do it.

He was thinking about how Chuhe would answer, but he found that the young monk's face changed suddenly, and he immediately shouted angrily, "Crooked ways! How dare you mess with my Buddha's heart!?"

Mo Bu was taken aback.

what happened! ?

I saw the little monk looking at Chuhe with a serious face, and several eminent monks from Xiaolin Temple next to him also gathered together, and the tense atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out.

The little monk's complexion changed again and again, and then he waved his hand to let the crowd disperse, and then took a deep look at Chuhe, "Amitabha, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, you have the root of wisdom, I don't care about you , After this incident, I will ask you if you are willing to take refuge in my Buddha."

"By then, I hope you won't disappoint me."

After the little monk finished speaking, he closed his eyes and turned around. The huge six-petaled lotus also spun around and went directly to the side.

And from the beginning to the end, Mo Budong didn't know what happened.

Layman Jiang He, who was standing beside Chuhe, already had a numb scalp.

After being peeped by Mo BuTong and the little monk who didn't know the depth one after another, Layman Jiang He, who was standing beside Chu He, was also under tremendous pressure.

His cultivation base is not as good as that of Chuhe. Although he is already at the peak among the Xuanxians, he is still a lot worse when facing reincarnated people like Mo BuTong and the little monk. The monk's consciousness swept over him, and he had the urge to turn around and run away.

Only now did he realize that he had underestimated the background of Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple, even if he wanted to find a companion to work with him, it would be extremely difficult to drink some soup.

More importantly, before this started, it seemed that this mysterious companion of mine had already been targeted by Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate.

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