That is the sustenance of Chuhe, and it is also the reason why Chuhe can persist in guarding the formation after hundreds of years of hardship.

From that moment on, everything is irreversible!

"Please! We are going to die! Please forgive us! We know we are wrong!" Wang Changhu roared heart-piercingly.


"It is God's business to forgive you, but I will never forgive you."

When the voice fell, there was a scream from behind.

Several people crowded together, Wang Changhu still wanted to squeeze into the crowd, "Let me in! You have to protect me, I am your leader!"

"Why don't you think about what you did to us just now?"

"Still leading? You're shit!"

Those people pushed Wang Changhu in front of the little demon, hoping that the little demon would let them go after eating Wang Changhu.

The scream just now came from Wang Changhu.

What happened in the future, Chuhe didn't care, but after walking not far away, he could still hear three consecutive screams.

Obviously, not from the same person.

Come to the edge of the city.

Looking at the demonic and ghostly aura soaring to the sky on Wangwu Mountain, a swirling black cloud hovered above, like a volcanic eruption ending the world.

Full of oppression.

A steady stream of monsters appeared from the gap, and behind them, there were more and stronger legendary monsters.

At that time, it is still unknown to reproduce the ancient war between monsters.

Along the way, encounter monsters along the way.

Many of them are new, some don't know Chuhe at all, they should have appeared later, they thought Chuhe was an ordinary person and wanted to attack.

As a result, they were all beheaded by Chuhe.

Continue to move forward, not far away is Shicheng.

The stone city is not big, but there are many people in it. Judging from this range, Chuhe can definitely collect a huge amount of regret points!

This is not the one-and-a-half star like before.

After being ravaged by demons, the remorse value provided by these people is already much higher than before.

There are at least 10,000+ people in Shicheng, even if each person contributes ten points, there are more than 100 million people.

At that time, the system can definitely be opened to the next stage.

And the monsters reappeared in the world. Although Chuhe is still almost invincible, who knows if there will be big boss-level monsters in the gap in the seal in the future?

Improving one's own strength is also urgent.

Seeing that he was about to come to Shicheng, Chuhe slowed down, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

In the mountains more than ten miles away from the mountain city, the Chu River simply stopped.

"What are you hiding? Come out."

The moment these people appeared, Chuhe had already sensed their existence.

And at this moment, in the forest ahead, there seemed to be more than a dozen cold-faced men in blue clothes with tattoos on their faces.

These dozens of people all had cold faces, and their clothes were very distinctive, mainly blue, with machetes pinned to their waists, many of them had earrings in their ears, and strange hats on their heads.

Chu He frowned, "Witch Gu?"

It looks like it, and it smells like it.

Chuhe was already able to ask about the stench of corpses and bugs.

It must be the school of witchcraft, but Chuhe still doesn't know which one of the school of witchcraft it is.

"Who are you?" Chu He asked lightly.

Unexpectedly, the leader snorted coldly, "The one who wants to kill you!"

After he finished speaking, he took a sudden step forward!

Chapter 45

After the man stepped out, he didn't rush towards the Chu River, but scattered aside.

The few people in the back also spread out either forward or backward.

There was only one person, who was still fixed in place like a stake, motionless, as if even the wind could not blow a strand of her hair.

It feels like a pile of steel to Chuhe, without any emotional fluctuations, not even too much mana fluctuations, just like an ordinary person?

It's just that that horrible feeling is definitely not what an ordinary person should have.

"Ah Qing! Kill him!"

The blue-robed man in the lead revealed a sinister smile, "If you can't kill this person within a quarter of an hour, I'll pull out all your nails!"

The person who had been standing in the middle without moving suddenly raised his head and stared at Chuhe.

Chuhe's eyelids twitched slightly, only feeling a killing intent rushing towards him.

This kind of killing intent is very pure, not mixed with hatred or other emotions, just like people wantonly trampling grass, not caring whether grass has life or not.

And after seeing that man's pale face, a word came to Chuhe's heart suddenly.

The holy body of witchcraft! ?

In fact, it is the vajra dharma body mentioned by Jiangwumen, or the witchcraft boy, including the witchcraft holy body known by Chuhe, which is actually one kind of thing.

To be precise, the Wugu Saint Body known to Chuhe is her real name.

The reason why Jiangwumen called him the Vajra Dharma God is actually just to make it sound less evil, but in fact, the method of refining the holy body of witchcraft is extremely cruel.

Jiang Wumen said to the outside world that the Vajra Dharma Body is trained with corpses, but this is not the case.

It is also possible to refine witchcraft body with corpses, but it is absolutely impossible to refine witchcraft holy body.

Ordinary voodoo bodies are actually like the corpse-refining method used by some mummy sects in western Hunan. After the corpse-refining method is successfully practiced, they are called bronze armored corpses, or silver armored corpses, and so on.

The refining method of witchcraft body is different from the traditional corpse refining method. The witchcraft body is trained with Gu insects, and the final manipulation of the corpse is also controlled by Gu insects, which is fundamentally different from the Taoist corpse refining method.

And the refining method of the Witch Gu Saint is even more cruel!

There is no similar method in Taoism.

If you want to refine the holy body of witchcraft, you must first find some more qualified virgins. Because women are yin, the success rate of using women will be higher.

That's right, refining the witchcraft holy body is not 90.00% successful, but there is a probability of failure, and the probability of failure may be [-]% nine!

It may even be lower, only one out of hundreds or thousands of people will be successfully refined.

Moreover, the objects to be refined must be virgins under the age of seven who still retain their innate energy, and they must be those virgins whose family conditions are good and who have been well-clothed and well-fed since childhood.

That is to say, the girl needed for this kind of witchcraft holy body refining must be a girl with good family conditions, who is loved by thousands of people.

The reason for choosing this way is because these virgins need to generate great resentment.

During the refining process, they will torture the virgins in various ways. Only those who have experienced a good life and have the experience of being favored can generate great resentment under such a huge contrast.

And at this time, they will put Gu worms on the refining object.

This process will kill a large number of people, and it is not possible to proceed to the next stage until the last one survives!

Chuhe knew the cruelty of this method. When he saw it in the daozang left by his master, he almost vomited.

And the reason why his master knew it was because, in the relatively early era of Master Baixing, at that time, Jiangwu Sect was still a crooked sect!

Master Baixing even personally shot and killed many people who descended from the Wumen.

But who would have imagined that after so many years, Jiangwumen, a sect that is so rotten to the bone, could join the Daomen?

Looking at the pale, bloodless and torn girl in front of him, Chuhe could imagine what kind of torture she had endured.

For no reason, an unknown fire arose in Chuhe's heart.

He doesn't hate the girl in front of him, even if the girl is full of killing intent towards him now, what he resents is the so-called descending witch sect!

Chuhe has never thought that he is a good person. The reason why he is angry is not because of kindness and compassion.

It's the angry Jiangwumen who wantonly trampled on their human dignity.

"Ah Qing, do it! Hurry up, I'll let you eat a piece of meat tonight, haha!"

The people around shouted at Ah Qing as if they were commanding a dog.

The light in Ah Qing's eyes flashed, "Meat, Ah Qing wants to eat meat... Ah Qing don't want her nails pulled out..."

Saying that, Ah Qing stepped on the ground.

With a bang, her body rushed directly to Chu River like a bolt of lightning!

Chuhe's pupils shrank!

What a great speed!

At the critical moment, Chuhe directly cast the Fumo Town Demon God Light Curse!


Ah Qing punched Chuhe in front of him, and a golden light burst out suddenly.

Chuhe was shocked back by a huge force, and Ah Qing also flew out backwards.

She turned a few times in the air and stood firmly on the ground.

Chuhe only felt that most of his spiritual power had been dissipated under this blow!

After all, although the Divine Light Curse has amazing defensive power, it also consumes mana very quickly.

Just now, most of Chuhe's spiritual power was exhausted!

Fortunately, Chuhe's physique is already extraordinary now, he is a bardo body, and his spiritual power recovers very quickly.

But even so, Ah Qing couldn't stop her tireless attacks.

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