After the refining of this witchcraft holy body, it is a way to break through all magic, all relying on the exaggerated power cultivated by Gu insects!

No spells needed, absolute power is the most powerful spell!

"What the hell! Did you release the water on purpose!?" Someone around scolded angrily, "Hurry up! Otherwise, today will definitely make you feel better! Anyway, no matter how much you torture me, you won't die. I'll let you have a good taste tonight. The punishment of the new research!"

A gleam of fear flashed in Ah Qing's pitch-black eyes.

What Chuhe saw was only heartbreak. Didn't she know that with her own strength, she could beat these people who threatened him into meatloaf with just one punch?

A well-trained witchcraft holy body is definitely stronger than the entire Jiangwumen!

If Ah Qing is willing, he can directly sweep the Jiangwu Sect!

But it's a pity that the Wugu Saint Body has been tortured by Jiang Wumen since she was a child. Although she is powerful, in her eyes, these ordinary people are real demons!

She didn't dare to resist at all, not to mention the restriction left by the Jiangwumen in her body?

Thinking of this, Chuhe's eyes light up slightly.

How about, let me help you untie the chains that bind you!

Chapter 46-Awakening

After Ah Qing was threatened by those people, her attacks became more and more fierce.

It is simply a fighting machine!

As if tireless, they launched life-threatening attacks again and again!

It seems that he doesn't care whether he will get hurt or not.

It's a life-for-life style of play!

Moreover, Chuhe didn't feel too strong mana fluctuations on Ah Qing's body. She was able to send out such a powerful attack because of her strong physical strength!

While dodging, Chuhe looked at the people who descended from the witch sect around him.

I could only see disdain in those people's expressions, as if watching wild animals fighting each other, full of banter.

Although Ah Qing's strength was incomparably huge, his moves were much inferior. During the tossing and turning of Chu River, Ah Qing rarely touched Chu River.

Those around were getting impatient.

"I order you! The person must be dealt with within a quarter of an hour!"

Ah Qing stopped, shook her body, and uttered a strong and weak voice that contrasted with her strength just now, "But...but the order is to leave the whole body, if I attack with all my strength..."

"What the hell! How dare you talk back!?"

The leader flicked his hand and whipped out an extra black whip, and slapped Ah Qing hard.

Ah Qing, who was as fast as lightning just now, did not dodge or dodge, and endured the whip alive.

It directly tore Ah Qing's clothes to pieces, leaving a bloodstain on his back.

"I don't care what you do, my order is, within a quarter of an hour, get rid of this bug!"

"Otherwise... I'll fry you in a frying pan, you know I'll do it!" A tyrannical excitement flashed in the man's eyes.

Visible fear flashed across Ah Qing's eyes, and her body was trembling.

Chuhe watched all this keenly, and was keenly aware of Ah Qing's emotional fluctuations.

It stands to reason that after the witchcraft holy body is practiced, there will be no emotional fluctuations, it is completely a killing machine.

But at this moment, Ah Qing showed emotion of fear more than once.

This shows that, in fact, this witchcraft holy body has not been fully practiced yet.

Or in other words, Ah Qing's humanity is not lost.

"Why are you still standing there!? Why don't you hurry up!"


Ah Qing responded coldly, raised her head and stared at Chuhe with a pair of dark eyes.

Chuhe is not playing hide and seek, but has already thought of a perfect solution.

"The five thunders rectify the law - the fire and thunder burn the sky!"

Chuhe pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, and the sky dimmed instantly.

The expressions of those people from Jiangwu Sect suddenly changed.

"It turned out to be the five thunders!"

They retreated quickly, but said to Ah Qing, "Stand in front, don't retreat!"

Ah Qing originally wanted to rush up to deal with Chuhe, but upon hearing the orders from the people behind, she had to stand in front of them to protect them.

Chuhe controlled Leifa and didn't use all his strength.

He didn't want to kill Ah Qing directly.

Otherwise, directly using the innate magic method of turning beans into soldiers and summoning heavenly soldiers who are not afraid of pain and death, wouldn't it just be able to restrain this witchcraft holy body Ah Qing?


The thunder continued to gather, and in an instant, lightning flashed in the air.

Chu He pointed.

Fiery red thunderbolts descended!

Ah Qing tried her best to block it, but still another slash fell directly on the descendant of the Jiangwu Sect behind.

a bit!

Being struck directly by the thunder mixed with fire attributes, the outside is scorched and the inside is tender, the dead can't die anymore!

There was a burnt smell in the air.

Ah Qing watched this scene in disbelief.

The person who looked like a god in her heart was... killed by such a weak lightning?

In the process just now, most of the lightning struck Ah Qing's body, but because Chuhe controlled the force, it only left a few scars on Ah Qing's body, and did not cause fatal injuries.

And for Ah Qing, the pain these lightnings brought to her, and the torment those people behind her gave her were simply tickling.

But it was this tickling thunderbolt that directly killed him, the god who had tortured her countless times!

Because Ah Qing was tortured by these people since she was a child, a fixed thinking pattern has long been formed in Ah Qing's heart.

That is, these people are invincible, these people can bring her infinite torture, these people are gods!

But at this moment, the god died before her eyes.

Still died under this tickling thunder and lightning.

Could it be that gods can also be killed?

"What the hell!" The leader, who was startled by Chu He's strength, swung his whip at Ah Qing's body again, "Why are you standing there!? Hurry up and continue attacking me!"

Ah Qing's body trembled, and the pain and torment of the past once again occupied her mind.

But the curvature of the corner of Chuhe's mouth has already lifted.

Ha ha, it was exactly as I expected.

It seems that your control over the holy body of witchcraft is not as strong as you imagined, if that is the case... haha.

Chuhe moved!

He rushed straight to Ah Qing.

In the eyes of those few people, this was a suicide-like action. They excitedly said, "Quick! Kill him! Kill him!"

Ah Qing also quickly punched Chuhe.

But at this moment, Chuhe has already got out of the way.

Chu He's purpose was not to fight Ah Qing head on, but... to rush to the person headed by Jiang Wumen.

The man was terrified, and just about to avoid it, he heard a shocking pop sound coming from his ear.


Chuhe immediately cast the curse of restraining the gods, which made the man's body freeze in place for a moment.

But Chuhe didn't take advantage of this opportunity to attack him.

Instead, it was stuck in front of him.

From behind, Ah Qing's punch had already arrived.

Chuhe got out of the way!


The punch was empty, but it hit firmly on the man who was immobilized by Chuhe with the curse.


A stream of blood mist exploded!

The man was directly smashed into pieces by Ah Qing's punch and exploded!

The power of this punch is enough to split mountains and rocks, let alone hitting people?

At this moment, Ah Qing also stopped suddenly, looking at her hands in horror.

"You! You actually killed the elder brother!? You don't want to live anymore!?"

Someone next to him whipped out a whip and hit Ah Qing on the body, "After you go back, you will definitely be cut into pieces!"

Ah Qing was unmoved, looked at the pieces of meat on the ground, looked at her fist, and muttered to herself, "I...I killed a god? Can I kill a god?"

When the people around heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

Chuhe said lightly, "They are not gods, they are just human beings, and if they are killed, they will die."

"Are they human? People are killed...will die?"

This passage had a huge impact on Ah Qing, especially what Chu He said, they are just humans, not gods!

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