But your monk at Xiaolin Temple frowned.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

In his opinion, Chuhe is definitely a role worthy of attention, but looking at it now, he always feels that it is a bit stupid for Chuhe to do so.

His view is actually similar to that of Mo Bufei, but he thinks a little more than Mo Bufei.

He won't simply think that Chuhe is a fool, let alone think that Chuhe's doing this is all for show. He must have some deep meaning, but he still doesn't know it yet.

Thinking of this, the little monk couldn't help but look at Chuhe more.

Seeing that Chuhe is still calm and composed, it seems that he has not seen Mo Bubu's anger that has soared to the sky at all, or that he deliberately does not take Mo Bubu in his eyes, and intentionally provokes Mo Bubu.

The little monk was thinking about Chu He's thoughts, and Mo Bu Bui was also thinking about Chu He's thoughts.

It's just that both of them have fallen into the same misunderstanding by coincidence.

They think that Chuhe must be covering up something by doing this, and there must be some deep meaning, but they don't think that there is no reason why Chuhe does this.

Because Chuhe doesn't care!

Don't care about offending him, let alone offending that little monk!

At the same time, he doesn't care about everyone in the South Sea Demon Palace!

He just wants to achieve his goal, and everything else is just like floating clouds to him.

Do people still care about the shape of floating clouds?Will you worry about gains and losses because of the shape of the floating clouds?

But it was just a gust of wind.

Chuhe didn't even think about whether he would offend Mo Feifei by doing so, or whether he would be dealt with jointly by Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple at the same time.

Even if they join forces, so what?

Similarly, Chuhe didn't care about the attitude of these casual cultivators who were forced to menopause.

No matter whether they flatter or retaliate, or scold, it is like a breeze for Chuhe.

Just the chirping of ants.

If Chuhe cared a little, he would lose.

Facing the resentful gazes of these casual cultivators, and the imposing manner of Mo BuTong almost killing people, Chu He remained unmoved at all, just quietly watched the formation, waiting for Layman Jiang He's reply.

Chuhe thought that he had some fate with Layman Jiang He, so it would not be impossible to help him.

But at this moment, Layman Jiang He, who was hesitating outside, stood blankly outside the formation, looking at the formation in shock.

Chuhe's voice just now has entered his mind.

Not only him, but almost all the casual cultivators outside heard Chuhe's voice!

Most of the monks entered the Nanhai Demon Palace, but there were also quite a few monks who hesitated outside.

These monks didn't go in at the very beginning, they were annoyed at first, but after seeing the Taiyi Gate and Xiaolin Temple directly surrounding the South Sea Demon Palace with large arrays, they felt a burst of happiness in their hearts.

Although I don't know what happened here, but as long as I know that Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple are domineering sects, I will definitely not let these casual cultivators take advantage of it.

And these monks outside are still thinking that it might be a good thing for the casual cultivators inside not to take advantage, but if they take advantage, then for Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple... there may be a catastrophe!

As a result, the monk who was still sighing outside suddenly began to feel extremely lucky again. Fortunately, he hesitated when he started again and did not follow directly, otherwise, he might be trapped in it.

They didn't know what happened inside, but they also saw the turmoil in the big formation just now.

They even vaguely saw the Jin family gods composed of a group of monks shuttling left and right in the formation.

Struggling desperately.

It seems that they want to get out of this big formation.

But he was forced back by the big formation.

In this way, almost everyone knows what Taiyimen's intentions are, and they just want to monopolize the benefits inside!

And when Chuhe's voice came out, those casual cultivators who lingered outside were also horrified.

Unexpectedly, there are still people who can transmit sound through this large formation! ?

All eyes were on Layman Jiang He.

The shock in Layman Jiang He's eyes quickly disappeared, replaced by excitement.

Endless excitement!

This senior...has not forgotten me!

He hasn't forgotten me yet!

This is definitely a chance for me, a huge chance!

Layman Jiang He's heart was surging, he just felt that he had finally ushered in an orgasm after wasting so long.

Before coming to the South China Sea Demon Palace, he even made a special fortune-telling for himself, and the result he got was auspicious.

All kinds of things along the way made him give up hope, until he was in front of this big formation, he was almost desperate in his heart.

With this big formation as a barrier, he can't even think about entering the South Sea Demon Palace. Since he can't enter the South Sea Demon Palace, what good is there?

His divination skills have never been strong, and this time he just took it as a good omen, but he didn't expect his mistakes to be so outrageous.

But it wasn't until now that he realized that it wasn't his fault.

It's just that my chance is not in this Nanhai Demon Palace, but in this senior expert I met!

Chapter 491

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

God finally opened his eyes!

After so many years, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in his life.

Must catch!

Must catch!

He has already decided to agree to Chuhe and enter the big formation.

Layman Jiang He didn't know what method Chuhe would use to let him pass through the formation, so he didn't think about it. Anyway, with this senior's ability, it should be easy for him to get in.

He didn't even think about whether he would be in danger.

At this time, everything he has is on Chuhe's body.

Layman Jiang He took a deep breath, saluted the formation respectfully, and then spoke...

Inside the big formation.

Chuhe still stood there motionless.

His patience was limited, if Layman Jiang He didn't respond, he wouldn't really beg him to come in, he was just looking at the fate of the same road, so he wanted to give him some benefits.

But if he can't grasp it, that's his problem.

At this time, the sneering voices of those casual cultivators in the formation had already been heard.


"Do you really think your voice can be heard? Playing tricks!"

Since Chuhe doesn't help them, he is an enemy to them!

It seems outrageous, but the house is the most real in this situation.

Especially in this situation where they are almost out of ammunition and food, and everyone is an enemy, it seems normal to be hostile to Chuhe.

"Your dear friend, why are you a thief!?"

"Obviously as long as you are with us, it is definitely not a problem to rush out of the big formation, but you don't pay attention to us at all. This is clearly because you want to join forces with Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple!"

Some people said angrily.

But there are also people who are thinking carefully, "If he really wants to join forces with Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple, why does he have to provoke Mobubu? I think it's better not to make a judgment so early..."

"It's obviously a posturing!"

Someone immediately reprimanded, "You can all see how powerful this formation is. If it weren't for the combination attack technique we used just now, we wouldn't even be able to communicate with each other so close. The most terrifying thing about this formation is not the suppression , but isolation!"

"But he just transmits the sound directly to the outside. Is this possible? It's obvious!"

"But he did it anyway, so what if it's not a posturing?"

These people are certainly not fools, but they don't seem to be very smart now.

What's more, no one would have thought that in their eyes, this grand formation that even immortals can't get through, is like a piece of paper in Chuhe.

It's so unbelievable that no one wants to think in that direction.

"Hmph! Snake and Mouse both ends, neither stand with us, nor give Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple face, I don't think he can go far!"

These monks can only think secretly, if the curse can curse people to death, then Chuhe must have a hard time now.

"Well, I see."

Suddenly, Chuhe suddenly opened his mouth and said something inexplicable.

It seemed to be speaking to the outside of the formation, but there was no sound from inside the formation.

What is he doing! ?

This is the question on everyone's mind. Is it because he asked a question to the outside just now, but he didn't receive a reply for a long time, and felt that he couldn't save face, so he directed and acted himself?

This idea was widely circulated among these monks.

"Hmph! Don't even think about how powerful this formation is. Even if you have the ability to send out your own voice, how could that layman Jiang He outside be able to pass the news in? You just don't know what to say!"

Many people cast disgusted eyes.

Those who didn't think of the joints for a while were also taken aback after hearing this sentence, and then laughed out loud.

makes sense.

They don't deny Chuhe's strength, after all, he can cross the formation, but many people know the layman Jianghe outside.

"I know the Layman Jiang He mentioned by this senior just now. He is a casual cultivator, and his strength is not weak. He is on the same level as me." The man sneered, "But I also broke into the big formation just now. , just entered, and was almost torn to pieces by the berserk energy!"

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