"Layman Jiang He's cultivation is about the same as mine, so what if he is stronger than me? In the face of this huge power gap, the fact that he is stronger than me is almost negligible."

"What's more, he may not be as high as mine!"

"If that's the case, Layman Jiang He's words won't get in at all!"

"What's more, the words of this senior may not be spread out!"

With such an explanation, everyone understands.

I just feel that Chuhe is [-]% directing and acting on his own.

Even Cheng and Shangxian, who were sitting in the big formation, thought so.

Sitting in the big formation, he naturally sees everything clearly in his eyes.

The big formation is a huge pressure for outsiders, but it is a huge boost for Cheng and Shangxian who preside over the big formation.

Originally, after Chuhe suddenly lost the news in the big formation, Chenghe Shangxian's expression was not good.

Others may not know, but Cheng and Shangxian, as the people who control the formation, naturally know what Chuhe has done in the formation.

He actually did it, walking freely in the big formation, and even hiding himself under the big formation!

Until the end, he walked out of the formation unscathed.

The shock that this brought to Cheng and Shangxian was absolutely incomparable.

So much so that he wondered if he was dreaming.

But immediately, his mind gradually relaxed.

Perhaps, Chuhe just mastered some kind of secret art of shuttle.

Although this kind of secret technique is rare, it is not inconceivable.

Because in his opinion, if Chuhe is really so powerful, he can pass through the big formation swaggeringly, or even directly destroy the big formation.

But Chuhe chose to hide his figure and passed through silently.

Isn't it clear that he was afraid of being discovered by himself and would cast a thunderous blow, so he hid his head and showed his tail?

Cheng and Shangxian thought they had seen through the truth, and they naturally attached great importance to Chuhe, but they no longer had the initial shock and fear.

After all, he is still afraid of this large formation, otherwise he would not choose this method.

With this idea in mind, Cheng and Shangxian felt more confident.

Except for saints, no one in this world can count as exhaustive.

Their Taiyi Sect had already made sufficient preparations for this, but it was not their responsibility to let Chuhe take advantage of it, but fate.

At least he thought so.

Cheng and Shangxian also saw what Chuhe did in the formation just now, and sneered again and again.

Even if you can try to spread the news out of the big formation, so what?

Cheng and Shangxian knew that Layman Jiang He outside had heard Chu He's voice.

That's all.

How can you hear about Layman Jiang He?

Even if you heard it, do you still want to cross the big formation again under the condition that I am prepared?

Letting Chuhe slip in, Chenghe Shangxian felt extremely humiliated, after all, he had the Lingbao-level Taiyi Immortal Gourd in his hand!

Even a true immortal would have to drink hatred in front of him!

It's fine if you don't come in, if you still dare to come in, you will definitely come back and forth!

Chapter 492

Chuhe doesn't have so much time to think about these people's thoughts.

Just thinking about doing my own thing.

In short, no matter how anyone thinks, they can't stop Chuhe.

This is enough.

Cheng and Shangxian's icy eyes came out from the big formation, and they stared at Chuhe firmly.

He also heard what Chuhe said just now, but he didn't think it was the news of Layman Jiang He that reached him, because the big formation completely blocked the news, and it was impossible for Chuhe to hear it.

But he still knew what to say.

At this point, Cheng and Shangxian only felt that Chuhe was playing tricks.

After all, knowing such an answer was somewhat ambiguous, no matter what layman Jiang He said, Chu He could say he knew it.

And this kind of answer just proved that Chuhe didn't hear the request from Layman Jianghe outside now, it was just for show.

What Cheng and Shangxian could guess, other people would naturally guess as well.

In fact, when Chuhe said that he knew this sentence, many people laughed out loud.

He didn't answer whether he was going to bring people in, but he just answered that he knew. Doesn't it make it clear that he hasn't heard the news from outside and is still talking here?

It should be retreating next, right?

People thought so.

Anyway, the Chu River has already been installed, and at this time, it is only necessary to borrow the donkey from the slope to convey that Layman Jiang He outside does not want to come in, and then leave by himself.

In this way, Mobuyi and Taiyi, including Xiaolin Temple, will not express much about Chuhe's provocative words just now.

After all, Chuhe is only provocative with words, and has not actually acted. At this time, they will definitely not take it lightly.

If you want to make a move, you have already made a move. If you don't make a move when Chuhe is provocative, you will be guilty.

Everyone clearly understands this point.

And sure enough, just as they thought, Chuhe walked in the opposite direction of the formation.

Facing everyone's contemptuous gazes, Chuhe remained unmoved, and he didn't even think about why there were so many such gazes around him.

What's the use of ants' resentment and ants' liking?


And everyone thought they had seen through Chuhe's thoughts.

"Scheming is really a good hand. He made enough gestures. In the end, he didn't lose much, and he didn't provoke disputes. I guess that's what he wants?"

"I just want to show that I'm not afraid of you Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Sect, so that Taiyi Sect and Xiaolin Temple will be afraid... It's a good idea, but, don't you think everyone is a fool? "

"Who can't see what's going on in your heart?"

"Humph! Hypocrisy!"

Faced with this kind of abuse, Chuhe did not refute, but after he left the edge of the formation for a while, he stopped directly and turned to look at the formation.

How did he stop! ?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they were all startled. They felt as if they were being watched by Chuhe, and they felt uncomfortable and unspeakably horrified.

Could it be that they heard our words, so they want to...do something to us! ?

Thinking of this, those casual cultivators suddenly felt their scalps go numb.

Although they talked about Chuhe unscrupulously just now, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are not afraid of Chuhe.

For them, they were already in a desperate situation, and they had long been outspoken. Chuhe and the others would scold them just like those bald donkeys in Xiaolin Temple.

But when they were really stared at by Chuhe, the feeling of their hairs bursting still made them feel lingering fear.

It's just that Chuhe just glanced at them, and his eyes didn't stay on them, as if they didn't exist.

But this feeling of ignorance was not met with much anger.

After all, at this time, being ignored is the best thing.

Mo Bufei's laughter stopped abruptly. Originally, he thought that Chuhe would stop here, which was the same as what those monks thought. Seeing that Chuhe suddenly stopped again, he frowned.

The same is true for the little monk at Kobayashi Temple.

He said softly, "I have a premonition that something inside this Golden Crow True Fire is about to be born..."

It's just that what he said was not Chuhe, but the Golden Crow True Fire.

Because at this moment, the Golden Crow True Fire was beating even more violently, as if it was about to explode the next moment!

Mo Bufei also felt this, so he was also very excited now. Although he was a little puzzled as to why Chuhe stopped, he still focused most of his attention on the Golden Crow True Fire.

But at the next moment, the sudden words from Chuhe made Mo Butong's face twitch, and he couldn't help but leave to kill Chuhe with a sword!

I only heard Chu He's leisurely voice, "Can you open a corner of the formation, my fellow Taoist is going to come in now."

Mo Bufei couldn't leave now, and he even wondered if Chuhe knew this, so he deliberately wanted to provoke him.

"You really want to find death!?"

When the casual cultivators saw this scene, they all laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! I thought he could do something, but this is the end?"

"Pfft!" Those people laughed exaggeratedly, "After making a fuss for a long time, I still begged on the head of Taiyimen, what is this? Is he a fool?"

"How can this kind of monk become a monk? And his cultivation level is higher than ours. Is there any reason?"

"It's so stupid! Being able to cultivate higher than ours is probably just because of better luck than us, and... I don't think it may be because his luck is better than ours."

"Could it be that he is so stupid because he is not a human being?"

Before, many people saw the crystal clear hand bones under Chuhe's black burqa.

"So that's it, it's just an evil heretic, which makes people laugh."

Even the little monk from Xiaolin Temple, who has always been stern, couldn't help laughing, "Fellow Daoist Mo, don't be angry. In my opinion, we were thinking too much just now. It's not that this friend has any deep meaning, but that he is simply A neurotic."

"You can't even say this kind of words, your brain should not be very bright."

The veins on Mo BuTong's head were throbbing violently, and he was really annoyed to the extreme right now.

Not only was he angry because of Chuhe's words, but he was also angry that he was fighting wits with such a fool, and was still racking his brains to guess what he was going to do.

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