You can't play tricks on me! ?

What a shame!

And Chuhe's voice came again slowly, even with some regret, "So you don't agree to open the big formation?"

"Sigh." Chuhe shook his head, "Since that's the case, then I can only do it myself..."

After speaking, he raised his arm.

A crystal clear hand bone appeared in the eyes of everyone.

And that group of Golden Crow True Fire exploded into several sparks, as if it was stimulated, it kept beating!

Chapter 493 Sigh

Do it yourself?

What do you mean?

Could it be that he wants to attack the formation! ?

After Chuhehua said it, everyone was thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

And the meaning of this sentence is even more simple.

Since you don't open the big formation, then I will open it.

It's just that the simpler it is, the more they find it incredible and incomprehensible.

This is no less than the Taiyimen Zhenshan formation!

Why is it as simple as breaking an egg shell when you say it?

If this is the case, wouldn't the Taiyi Gate be destroyed by you?

When did such a strongman appear in China?

Even if there is, it can only be in the ancient prehistoric era!

Now these years, especially in the past 100 years, with the continuous repetition of the Great Desolate Continent, although there have been many people with tyrannical cultivation bases, the Taiyi Sect is still the top sect of cultivating immortals in China!

No one dares to challenge the Taiyi Gate, and no one can say with certainty that the Taiyi Gate will be destroyed directly.

However, directly breaking through the mountain protection formation of a sect is actually considered to have wiped out the sect.

Now that Chuhe said this, did he think he had the strength to destroy Taiyimen?


Really crazy!

No one will be optimistic about him.

Even Mo BuFong laughed back in anger, what the huge Chu He said was extremely absurd.

"Stupid!" Mo Bubu only said these three words, "How can this formation be so easy to break? You know, it is the formation with Taiyi Immortal Gourd as the eye of the formation!"

The little monk also nodded slightly, and began to wonder if he was too wary of Chuhe and took it too seriously?

It is true that he is capable, but now it seems that he is more like a mad dog!

Arrogant, do you really think you are invincible?

From the point of view of the little monk, those words said now have an answer.

He thought about what Chuhe said before, but he didn't think of a reason, but now, he thinks it's all because Chuhe is crazy.

Only crazy people would say such things.

"Crazy, crazy..."

The little monk also shook his head.

Everyone can see Chuhe's arrogance, but everyone doesn't believe that Chuhe has such strength, so they can only say that Chuhe is crazy.

Is it possible to make them believe that Chuhe really has such a punch that can blow up the entire formation?

However, Chuhe still doesn't care.

He just stretched out his palm silently, and under the illumination of the Golden Crow True Fire, the crystal clear bones appeared a little bit more agility out of thin air.

And Chuhe can feel the excitement contained in this body now!

It was the excitement of meeting an old enemy.

No fear, no fear, just the excitement of longing for a battle!

Chuhe knew where this excitement came from.

It's all because of the Golden Crow True Fire behind him!

What is wrapped in the Golden Crow True Fire is the reason why this incarnation outside the body is excited.

Chuhe counted the time.

After bringing Layman Jiang He in, he still has to subdue the Golden Crow True Fire, but because he is too close now, the Golden Crow True Fire has already stretched to the limit, and it might explode in the next moment, revealing The things inside will fight to the death with the body of Chuhe, a great witch!

Still have to wait.

So Chuhe said again, "Two fellow Taoists, don't be distracted, try your best to suppress the Golden Crow True Fire, and give me some time. If you can do it, I will give you some benefits later."

Mo Bubu was taken aback by the little monk, and then his seven orifices were filled with anger!

What does this mean?

Who do you think we are? !

What does it mean to delay you for some time? Could it be that in your eyes, we are just a helper?

Or is it that the Golden Crow True Fire is already in your pocket in your eyes?


What do you say that you are not stingy with rewards, who do you think you are! ?

Mo Fei's face twitched, and so did the little monk who had been silent all along.

The two looked at each other, and both saw murderous intent in each other's eyes.

Almost instantly, the two had decided to join hands to kill Chuhe first!

Otherwise, this lunatic doesn't know what kind of tricks he is going to make.

After hearing what Chuhe said, the others laughed out loud. They just felt that Chuhe's words were a little too outrageous. What does it mean to delay time for him?

And in the end, he did not hesitate to reward such words.

Such words are generally what the superiors say to the inferiors. Could it be that in his eyes, Mobu and the holy monk of Xiaolin Temple are inferiors?

If the two of them are inferior, how high can your own cultivation be?

It can't be Jinxian, can it?

"Hahaha! To be able to see such a scene before dying, it can be regarded as a visit to the Nanhai Demon Palace!"

"I really don't know how this stunned young man survived until now!"

"I guess maybe this guy has been retreating, thinking that his cultivation base is invincible in the world, and he doesn't know anything about the outside world."

"In any case, these words are too funny. I can't do it anymore. I want to laugh for a while, hahaha..."

"Mo Bubu and that holy monk can't help but make a move." Someone calmly analyzed, "Before these two people have been stabilizing the Golden Crow True Fire, but Chu He has repeatedly provoked, Xian Za guessed that they have reached a consensus Didn't you see that the two of them have slowly spread out and surrounded this black-robed senior?"

"It is estimated that this time, the black-robed senior is going to be finished..."

And just as he guessed, Mo Bubu and the holy monk from Xiaolin Temple shot at almost the same time.

One held a sword in his hand, majestic, and the other put his hands together, and a huge swastika was formed in front of him.

"One sword locks the world!" Mo Bufei sneered, "Seal!"

But following Mo Tongyi's beheading, there was no sword light rushing towards the Chu River, but a cage of sword energy was directly formed around the Chu River!

The situation is different now, so we should fix a range first, otherwise, what if the Chu River rushes around and disturbs the already restless Golden Crow True Fire?

And the little monk over there also made a move.

Unlike Mo Bubu, the little monk's attack was a thunderous blow!

He pushed out a palm towards Chuhe, and the palm instantly became bigger, with all kinds of symbols that should not be indiscriminately drawn on it. Wherever the palm passed, even the space began to distort and crack!

Before he slapped Chuhe's body, the momentum made the onlookers dare not look directly at him!

Although those people had already overestimated the strength of Mo Bubu and the little holy monk, they still made people almost desperate when they tried their best.

What kind of mighty force is this?

The sword formation directly blocked the Chu River. From the eyes of everyone, the sword formation seemed to be stronger than the large formation outside, and any of them could be sure of the murderous aura in it.

Even just one of the thousands of flying sword qi can destroy them physically and mentally!

And Chuhe was trapped in the cage of the sword qi, and the cage composed of the sword qi was still shrinking, and at the same time, that huge palm was constantly approaching, as if it was the next moment. To hit Chuhe's body and beat him to a pulp!

And at this moment, a faint sigh spread all over the place...

Chapter 494 Familiar

Chuhe sighed softly, only feeling a little difficult.

It's not that he feels that the current situation can't be dealt with, but that he doesn't know why every time he sincerely doesn't want to cause trouble, he always gets into trouble.

Could it be that my attitude just now was not sincere enough?

Maybe Chuhe knew in his heart that that kind of attitude might not be sincere to them.

But for Chuhe, if he is still willing to talk to you calmly at his level of strength, that is already giving you face.

However, shameless?

Even now you want to join forces to attack me?

The sigh came from Chuhe, and everyone heard it.

I heard the helplessness in it, and I also heard the impatience in it.

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