What do you mean?

Is it resignation?

"It must be resignation, what if you don't resign yourself to fate? Didn't you see that when Mo Bubu and the little holy monk attacked just now, the black-robed senior didn't dodge at all! It was clearly intentional!"

"I don't think I can avoid it? Hmph!"

"In any case, compared with the killing moves of the two seniors, the big formation that only cares about isolation is still not as good. Maybe the killing moves of these two seniors are not as good as the big formation, but the intensity of this kind of killing, But it is far beyond the big formation!"

"Even if he has some way to get through the big formation, but in the face of absolute strength, all tricks are useless, there is only a dead end!"

"She asked for it all on her own. If he hadn't been saying and doing this all the time, how could he have ended up like this?"

"Huh! This is a typical toast without eating and drinking. If he had followed our advice from the beginning and taken us out of the big formation, perhaps such a thing would not have happened."

"And how about we give him some of what we have gained in the South China Sea Demon Palace in return?"

"Originally there was a win-win opportunity, but he didn't choose, but chose a dead end. It's really... hum!"

Everyone felt that Chuhe was bound to die.

The little monk still has different uses, all of which are his unique skills at the bottom of the box, and he only wants a quick victory!

The sword array kept shrinking, and it was about to come to Chuhe's body, and the breath on the huge palm had almost reached the tip of Chuhe's nose.

It's just that Chuhe didn't pay attention at all, but quietly stretched out his hand, and then... the world changed color!


A bolt of lightning strikes out of thin air!

Above the Nanhai Demon Palace, the climate changed by the big formation instantly became turbulent, and gusts of wind blew past.

Dark clouds rose out of nowhere, thunder flickered, and the downpour poured down like a pour!

Everyone's expressions changed in horror!

They are all monks at the Xuanxian level, so it is easy for them to change the sky, but the current situation is a bit unusual.

The rain poured down, soaking all their clothes.

In the seemingly ordinary scene, it reveals something unusual.

Unexpectedly... the rain actually... unexpectedly wet the clothes! ?

All the monks were horrified!

Who are they?It's a monk, a monk at the Xuanxian level!In the eyes of mortals, that is an out-and-out fairy!

How could it be possible for mere rainwater to contaminate them?

No matter how heavy the rain is, no matter how fierce the rain is, even if they enter the water, their clothes will not be stained by the water!

But now, the rain is pouring down unscrupulously, and they, as the powerhouses of the Xuanxian level, can't stop it at all. Even if they desperately prop up the means of defense, the rain still ignores everything and hits them on the ground. body.

Not only hit them, but also hit their hearts.

Mo Bu Bu, who has always been extremely chic and looks like a banished immortal, now seems to be drowned, his whole body is exposed to the rain.

He is also horrified!

Looking at the little monk again, his body was already drenched, those raindrops hit the little monk's bald head, and it was even a little funny.

But no one could laugh. This sudden and weird scene almost made everyone's heart sink to the bottom.

What exactly is going on! ?

What the hell is going on with this rain?

Why can't it be stopped?

But this rain... just ordinary rain, it didn't cause any harm to them, it just wet their clothes.

But that was appalling enough.

Even the bursting and beating Golden Crow True Fire behind the two of them was suppressed a bit.

Mo Bubu and the little monk looked at Chuhe in amazement, could it be... Could it be him! ?

It can't be the effect of some formation left in the South Sea Demon Palace!

This Nanhai Demon Palace has been dug three feet long ago like a plow. If there is such a large formation, it must have been discovered long ago.

Instead of waiting until now to happen.

But if it is said that Chuhe did it, but there is no connection between Chuhe and the heavy rain, the rain also fell on Chuhe.

The two of them were in doubt, and there was even a faint feeling of fear in their hearts.

Must be quick... must be quick!

Once again, the two made the same decision by coincidence!

By now, they already knew that they might have underestimated Chuhe, but they had no other choice. Now they can feel at ease only when Chuhe is dead!

A strong and dazzling light suddenly burst out from the sword array, swallowing the Chu River in an instant.

And that huge palm also accelerated suddenly, to the second level, it came towards Chuhe, and hit Chuhe's body heavily!

When the two were added together, an extremely strong fluctuation erupted, making everyone afraid to look directly at it.

And after the violent roar, everything seemed to be calm again!


Someone thought this way and looked inside.

There was only one figure, to be precise, a skeleton standing quietly where the black-robed man was standing.

The black robe was not a precious magic weapon, and under such a powerful force, it just fell apart and turned into crumbs.

"Is this... dead? Was it directly bombarded into a skeleton?"

Mo Bubu and the monk from Xiaolin Temple obviously didn't think so, their pupils shrank, and they backed away almost subconsciously!

Of course they don't think that it was their tricks that turned Chuhe into what it is now, but that Chuhe was originally like this!

"That's... what is that?? Why does it look familiar!?"

Looking at the crystal clear bones and the red light in the depths of Chuhe's eye sockets, someone suddenly seemed to think of something.

"That's... that's the Skeleton Venerable that appeared 100 years ago! Didn't he preach in Wuxiang Shrine? Why did he appear here!"

The one who recognized Chuhe was from Taiyimen.

Because they didn't know the name of Chuhe, they called Chuhe the venerable skeleton.

In any case, the grand formation of Taiyi Gate stopped abruptly the moment Chuhe showed his real body, and then continued to operate crookedly.

Chapter 495

Mo Bu Bui also learned of Chu He's identity at this moment.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this one!

Mo BuFei's pupils shrank, and his heart turned a thousand times.

After finding out Chuhe's identity, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The little holy monk from Xiaolin Temple over there has already sent a voice transmission, "It's not the same, do you know this person?"

"Don't you know?"

Don't ask me differently.

The little monk naturally knew it too.

After all, more than 100 years ago, there was a venerable skeleton on the sea, and there was a lot of trouble, and most importantly, there were two magic weapons accompanying the venerable skeleton!

It must be a magic weapon of the Lingbao level!

One is a triangular black flag, while the other is a six-story pagoda with four sides.

Naturally, some people made up their minds about these two magic weapons at the time, and the Taiyi Sect failed there, and many people were lost, and the reputation of the Taiyi Sect was also dropped a lot.

And from that time on, marked by the birth of a Skeleton Venerable, during the 100 years of serving, the land of China was almost stormy, there were often rumors of the birth of Lingbao, and some old monsters that had been hidden for many years appeared endlessly.

For a while, the mainland of China became no longer peaceful.

And this time, Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple almost came to the Nanhai Demon Palace in full force. In fact, they also planned to quickly gain a foothold before the end of this precarious time.

That's why I took the risk to come here.

If it was later, who might be the first to get here.

But after all the calculations, I still didn't expect that this person would follow.

"Hmph! This Skeleton Venerable has such a great name and strength. We tried our best just now, but we only damaged his clothes completely, while his body was not harmed at all!"

Mo Bubu snorted coldly, and continued to communicate with the holy monk of Xiaolin Temple.

The holy monk of Xiaolin Temple hesitated for a moment before saying, "In my opinion, he may not be injured, but he just acted as if he was not injured. I don't think that under the full blow of you and me, even Jin Xian To avoid the edge for now, even if he is strong, can he reach the level of a golden immortal?"

Mo Bu was silent.

In fact, that's what he thought too.

Now the rules of heaven and earth are still incomplete, and it is extremely difficult to reach the Golden Immortal. To this day, it is unknown whether there are any Golden Immortals on the land of Shenzhou.

At least, no bright golden fairy came out to walk.

That is to say, no matter how powerful Chuhe is, can he still surpass Jinxian?

Now Chuhe looks intact, but maybe he has been injured.

"Hehe, it's not bad for you to think so." Mo Bufei agreed coldly, "It's just that if he can dodge, why should he resist? If it will hurt him, it's even more impossible for him to resist. It's just that Now he just did that, didn't he know that the holy monk reconciled?"

"It's very simple." The little monk said with a gloomy face, "Shi!"


Mo Bu Buyi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought of what the little monk wanted to say.

"If that's the case, it makes sense..."

What the two of them thought was actually very simple.

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