This potential word is more straightforward to explain.

It's just that Chuhe was not sure about facing the two of them head-on, so he chose to overwhelm them, not to show how strong he is, but to let the two of them know that even if they join forces and can't hurt him with a single blow, that's enough .

It is estimated that next, it is time to discuss the conditions.

Now that you have demonstrated your own strength, at this time, you can stand on an equal footing and negotiate conditions.

Mo Bubu and the young monk from Xiaolin Temple seemed to have guessed what Chuhe was thinking, but they couldn't do anything about it.

I just think that Chuhe is a blatant conspiracy!

Because he didn't intend to hide at all, from the crazy things he did at the beginning, to now resisting the full blow of the two of them, he has already gained momentum!

Mo Budong was not sure about dealing with Chuhe, and the monk from Xiaolin Temple was also not sure about dealing with Chuhe.

Both of them were very gloomy in their hearts. Originally, they thought that everything in the Nanhai Demon Palace was shared equally between them, but now that Chuhe appeared, they had to share some with him.

The two of them exchanged eyes, and they both confirmed that Chuhe's share must be indispensable, but how much to give to Chuhe, we can leave it alone, after all, we still need to do it again.

The monks outside were dumbfounded for a long time when Chuhe was able to resist the blow of the two with all their strength.

All the ridicule and jokes towards Chuhe before now seem to have turned into a fist, hitting them hard in the face.

Unexpectedly...he is really that strong!

It can resist the full blow of Mo BuTong and the holy monk from Xiaolin Temple!

How high will his cultivation base be! ?

Those who scolded Chuhe before are now looking uglier and regretful at the same time.

I just felt that it seemed too early and too arbitrary to make a judgment at that time.

However, because of the current power of Chuhe, they are all gloomy in their hearts.

But in the deepest part of his heart, there is still a trace of resentment towards Chuhe.

Since you have such a strong strength, why didn't you show it earlier?

If you had shown it earlier, how could we treat you like this?

Didn't you do this on purpose to push us to the opposite side?

What good does it do you?

These people thought in their hearts, but they dared not ask.

Even if it is asked, there will be no results.

Because these are just their imaginations.

In Chuhe's mind, he never considered any of their opinions.

"It seems that Mobubu and the holy monk from Xiaolin Temple will start to have a good talk with this skeleton venerable..."

"What will we talk about?"

"What else can it be? It's nothing more than how to divide up our interests..."

These people are almost desperate.

And Mo Bu Bui and Xiao Lin Si really spoke to Chu He just as they thought.

"No wonder it is so rampant, it turns out that there is a reason for it... Are you that Skeleton Venerable?" Mo Bubu asked with a cold face, but he no longer had the initial disdain and sharpness.

Although the words are still sharp, there is less arrogance inside.

The little holy monk from Xiaolin Temple also said, "Amitabha, since the benefactor has such great strength, why don't we join hands and tidy up this place..."

Both of them are pragmatic people. Seeing that Chuhe is so strong, they don't intend to fight against Chuhe.

Just thinking about sharing the meat that was already in their mouths with other people, they inevitably felt a little uncomfortable.

However, Chuhe didn't reply to them.

In other words, Chuhe didn't reply them positively.

I saw that Chuhe still opened his mouth, and a voice came from the crystal skull.

"Let's wait until I bring that old friend over to settle the matter between us."

After finishing speaking, Chu He stretched out his hand suddenly.

A huge phantom with a skeleton arm suddenly flew out of Chu He's hand!

He rushed directly into the huge formation that looked huge and full of coercion!


There was a large array of Lingbao sitting in the Taiyi Gate, and there was a muffled sound in an instant!

A crystal clear phantom of a huge skeleton arm, like a giant in the sky, pierced into the formation, piercing the formation directly!

Chapter 496 Choose cooperation?

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth changed, and almost everyone was made unsteady by the shock wave generated by this huge force, almost falling from the void!

The gloomy formation made a tooth-piercing sound.

Chenghe Shangxian who was sitting on the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, his eyes were tearing apart at this moment.

His heart was terrified, even his fingers were trembling, and the handprints could hardly be formed!

how is this possible! ?

As the person in charge of the formation, Cheng and Shangxian knew everything about the formation well, but at that moment, he clearly felt that the formation was about to collapse!

It was an unrivaled force.

It is not the power of the five elements, nor the power of divine consciousness, nor any spiritual power or magic power!

That force, the purest force, was like an ax that could split the world, like a hot knife cutting butter, and rushed directly into the formation without hindrance.

This incomparably strong formation that isolated the inside and outside began to fall apart almost as soon as this force entered!

Cheng and Shangxian turned pale, and hurriedly mobilized all their mana to repair the formation.

But to no avail at all.

That huge arm just passed through the formation directly, and the gap where the arm passed through also left a lot of flaws in the formation.

Those Sanxians who were in the formation, who were stunned at the huge arm, saw the outside scenery through the gap in a trance.

They were shocked.

The formation... broke! ?

The formation was broken by Chuhe's punch! ?

This is the thought in almost everyone's mind.

Afterwards, they were ecstatic!

Opportunity, this is an opportunity!

There will never be such an opportunity again, and we must take advantage of this opportunity to rush out!

So, the monks who were stunned by this scene and couldn't speak while standing in the rain just now rushed towards the raging flames like desperate moths.

Cheng and Shangxian were powerless to stop them, and the disciples of the Taiyi Sect in the big formation also used all their strength to maintain the big formation, just barely maintaining the operation of the big formation, that's all.

Other than that, they can't do anything.

He could only watch helplessly as these monks took advantage of the chaos and rushed into the formation.

And just when they thought that these monks would take advantage of the gap in the formation to escape.

A scream followed!

Even what came was no longer screams, but muffled noises!

What I saw was that there was a huge skeleton arm in the middle of the big formation that seemed to be like a dark cloud. When the arm stirred, it opened a gap in the big formation, and the outside could be seen through the gap.

And all the gaps are around the skeleton arm.

Those monks who wanted to take this opportunity to rush out also rushed in the direction of the skeleton's arm.

But when they came to the side of the skeleton's arm, they were shocked to find that the gravity here seemed to have increased thousands of times in an instant!

In just an instant, someone couldn't hold on anymore and directly bumped into that arm.

It looked like suicide.

The moment he hit it, that person turned into a pool of blood mist!

There is no room for resistance at all.

The other monks wanted to stay away from that arm as much as possible, but the powerful force field from the arm made them unable to move at all.

Originally, in their view, this was a passage to escape, but after coming here, they realized that this passage leads directly to hell!

"Master Skeleton! You are so cruel!"

"Even if you don't help us, why do you want to kill us!?"

"Don't you know that your lips are dead and your teeth are cold!? Don't you really think Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple will let you go!?"

"Ahh! Please, please, please let go, please!"

One after another screams and begging for mercy came from the gap in the big formation.

This makes the follow-up people dare not move forward at all!

And those who are still struggling in it are gnashing their teeth and cursing Chuhe, "Trap! This is a trap! This demon has already planned to join forces with Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple! This is his certificate of honor!"

"You are so ruthless! I curse you, your soul is broken!"

"You must die a terrible death!"

With the disappearance of the last few screams and curses, everything seemed to be calm again, except for the faint smell of blood emanating from the vicinity, and the blood mist still floating in the formation proved that everything just now was not illusory!

He... actually really hurt the killer!

Those monks who followed behind and didn't have time to go in looked at Chuhe with even more hatred and fear while feeling lingering fear!

With such a method, it can directly punch a hole in the formation!

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