It is not difficult to send them out, but he just wants to kill all the poor monks who plan to rush out!

This person's mind is so evil!

And all of this, in their view, is a clear proof that Chuhe has started cooperation with Taiyimen and Xiaolinsi!

it's over...

The last shred of hope in their hearts was also directly shattered, and there was no other way except to gnash their teeth.

Naturally, Chuhe couldn't see his complexion, because he was just a skeleton now.

However, those people rushed forward recklessly, which was beyond Chuhe's expectation. As for saying that Chuhe killed them on purpose... Chuhe just wanted to laugh.

The car was running normally, but the ants thought it was shady and cool under the car, but they didn't expect to be run over to death by the wheels. Could it be the car's fault?

The same is true of Chuhe's punch just now.

His current body is that of a great witch, possessing the tyrannical strength of a high-ranking golden immortal in his previous life!

Moreover, the Wu Clan cultivated their bodies, so their cultivation base was almost all in the flesh and blood. Although there was no flesh and blood, the bones were still intact, and the energy contained in them was naturally beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

As long as they get close to the fluctuations emitted by Chuhe's punch just now, they will surely die!

However, Chuhe didn't open his mouth to remind him, does he have this obligation?

Similarly, watching these monks die, Chuhe's heart did not fluctuate too much, and facing the resentful eyes of the rest, Chuhe was even more calm.

He has seen this kind of look a lot, so what?

Mo Bu Bui, who was standing behind Chu River, and the young monk from Xiaolin Temple were relieved to see Chu River like this.

It seems that Chuhe has agreed, or at least agreed to share the interests here with them.

Otherwise, why would Chuhe bother to kill those monks who were going to rush out?

All of this, in the eyes of these two people, is like a vote of honor.

The two looked at each other, and they could see a trace of relaxation in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, fortunately, Chuhe chose to cooperate.

If you don't choose to cooperate, it's hard to say what will happen...

Chapter 497

Chuhe didn't know that the things he did unintentionally turned into certificates of honor in their eyes.

But even if you know it, you won't think too much about it.

That's how Chuhe acts.

I saw that although the big formation was beginning to be damaged, and the outside scenery could be vaguely seen, no one dared to try to go out from this place.

Even if their wealth and life are in danger now, but after the lessons learned by the previous monks, even if they can live, they are not willing to die like this for nothing.

He could only look at Chuhe angrily, and at the passage opened by the huge arm.

And outside the big formation, those monks who had not entered the South Sea Demon Palace before also felt the change in the world, and then saw a big hand, a skeleton hand coming out of the big formation.

It's as if there is a huge skeleton giant in the South Sea Demon Palace.

Layman Jiang He knew that it was transformed by Chuhe, but he still couldn't help being excited.

How powerful this big formation is, he is very clear in his heart.

But Chuhe broke through the formation without any hindrance, how could he keep his heart from surging?

Breakthrough all methods!

He could see clearly that Chuhe didn't use any fancy spells, nor did he use any secret spells, because he couldn't feel any mana fluctuations on the skeleton, and he could only feel the purest and most powerful power !

The monks outside were whispering, and after the palm was opened, Layman Jiang He stood up, and the whispering began to turn into a loud noise.

"What is this!? What happened inside!? Whose arm is this!?"

"How do you feel...somewhat familiar?"

Some people didn't enter the South Sea Demon Palace not because of hesitation at first, but because they came too late.

And this one happened to be the monk he had heard before when he was preaching in the Wuxiang Shrine where Chuhe was.

He was not the monks in the hall, but just on the outside. After Chuhe talked to the end, he didn't continue to listen.

It's not that he thinks what Chuhe said is not good, but that he really doesn't understand, it's too profound.

Moreover, this person had a conflict with the monks who were vying for seats outside, so he had to end his lecture early, but he still regarded Chuhe as his master, but Chuhe might not remember that he was a disciple.

This is... this is the master! ?

His heart screamed wildly.

He felt this powerful aura!

And this breath is very familiar.

Add this crystal hand bone.

Although he has never seen Chuhe, he has heard it mentioned by others more or less. Chuhe is a powerful senior who cultivated under the sea, and his body looks like a skeleton.

In this way, isn't the person in this big formation the master?

Before he came to the Nanhai Demon Palace, he also went to the Wuxiang Shrine. He was very unwilling to learn the news that the lectures were over there. Continue to listen to Chuhe's sermon.

But when he went back, he found that he was one step late.

That's why he came here to the South Sea Demon Palace, wanting to try his luck here, but because he came too late, he didn't even enter the South Sea Demon Palace, and was blocked by the formation.

Now that he saw that Chuhe might be inside, he felt extremely happy.

This time, by accident, I actually met the master!

He was so excited, his eyes turned and turned, and finally he took out a paper bird from his sleeve, stored some information on it, and let the paper bird fly.

The paper bird disappeared almost instantly.

This is his unique secret book, which can transmit news at an extremely fast speed, and just now, he has spread the news that the master appeared here.

Although I don't know what happened to the master inside, but judging from the movement coming out of it, there should be some conflicts.

Although he knew that with Chuhe's strength, everything could be wiped out, but they, as disciples, had to come to help!

Previously, there was no aura on the surface of the South China Sea, that was because of the Nanhai Demon Palace, but now the enchantment above the Nanhai Demon Palace has long been broken, and the aura of the South China Sea has long since returned to normal, so there is no need to worry about what will happen to the paper bird Accident.

And if that wasn't the case, he definitely wouldn't have come outside the South China Sea Demon Palace so soon.

Seeing the huge skeleton hand open its palm, and then Layman Jiang He jumped on it, he wished that the one standing on the master's palm was himself!

Previously, due to my own reasons, I couldn't continue to listen to the master's lectures, but this time I met him, it must be a hidden opportunity, and I will never miss it again.

Chuhe didn't know what was happening outside, but just followed what he had promised layman Jianghe, and arrested layman Jianghe from outside.

Standing on Chuhe's palm, Layman Jiang He blushed with excitement.

There was nothing he could do about this powerful formation, and he just shuttled through it so calmly!

After Chu He brought Layman Jiang He in, he did not completely destroy the formation.

For Chuhe, everything is done from the heart, and everything he does is willful.

After Chuhe brought Layman Jiang He in, Cheng and Shangxian, who presided over the formation, hurriedly presided over the restoration of the formation.

It's just that there is a power that is so pure that any energy close to it will be smashed in the gap of the big formation that was pierced by Chuhe forcefully. No matter how hard they try, they can't repair this hole.

So much so that in the end, Cheng and Shangxian finally gave up and stopped repairing the hole.

Because he knows that although this hole is transparent, the information outside can be seen from here, and the information inside can also be seen from the outside.

It doesn't even look like there is any obstacle in the middle, and if you want to pass, it seems that you only need to use a small trick.

But Cheng and Shangxian, who tried to repair this hole, knew that anyone who tried to pass through here would only be crushed by the remaining power!

There will be no second possibility.

But there were still some people who did not give up. After seeing Chuhe pull out his hand, some people rushed in immediately.

As a result, it naturally proved Cheng and Shangxian's conjecture.

The man turned into a puddle of flesh and blood without any surprise.

All the monks inside felt their hands and feet were cold, and they looked at Chuhe with even more resentment.


Why give us hope and then let us despair! ?

Isn't this fun! ?

It's a pity that Chuhe doesn't pay attention to them.

Seeing that Chuhe brought Layman Jiang He in, Mo Bufei raised his brows behind him, took a deep breath, and put on a warm smile.

"Hehe, since Fellow Daoist has decided to agree to our proposal and explore the South China Sea Demon Palace with us, then..."


Chu He was taken aback, and asked directly, "Who said you agreed to your proposal?"

Mo BuFong's expression froze, and the expression of the little monk in Xiaolin Temple became extremely ugly.

"If you didn't agree to our proposal, why did you kill those monks who wanted to escape?" Mo Bufei's expression turned cold.

"Oh, you said this..." Chuhe laughed, "What does it have to do with you to kill them? What does it have to do with him?"

"Kill them, what's the matter with them?"

Chapter 498 Soaring into the Sky

What Chuhe said made everyone shudder.

The meaning is obvious.

Killing you...what does it have to do with you!

As long as you think about the meaning, you will feel as if you have been directly immersed in ice water, cold and suffocating!

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