How arrogant do you have to be to say such a thing?

How confident are you in your own strength to say such a thing?

Or to put it another way... What kind of temperament is a person who can say such a thing?

Mo Bubu couldn't help shivering. Even though his cultivation had reached this point, he still couldn't help being shocked by the indifference in Chuhe's tone.

Most importantly, he seems to have heard of similar words...

That was still his last life, and those big Luo Jinxians almost always did this in every fight!

They are so powerful that they can even destroy the entire world.

If they fought desperately, the whole world would not know how many people would be killed or injured.

But do they care?

not give a damn about!

This is the sentence, destroying you, what does it have to do with you! ?

Mobu swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a thud.

He suddenly realized that he was wrong.

I was so wrong!

From the beginning, he speculated that Chuhe was based on the fact that Chuhe was a strong man, but he still speculated that they belonged to the same level of strong men.

What's even more wrong is that he used his own heart to speculate on Chuhe, judged others by himself, and felt that Chuhe did all these things with deep meaning, and he was thinking about what he would get in the end.

But as everyone knows, what Chuhe did was all out of his heart, without any other meaning.

What he said was literal!

If you understand it in this direction, then everything before it makes sense.

The little monk over there was also sweating continuously.

He obviously thought of this too.

What to do... One wrong step, one wrong step!

What should we do now in this situation! ?

Fortunately, they were still thinking about how to divide the spoils, who would have expected that Chuhe didn't care at all!

He came here just to find something he was interested in, as for the rest, he didn't care at all.

He didn't care how many people died, he didn't care about the fight, even if there was shouting and killing, or even the darkness, he didn't care.

He cares, he has said it.

That is this Golden Crow True Fire, and what is wrapped in this Golden Crow True Fire!

Suddenly, both of them thought of the sentence that Chuhe said before, which made them extremely angry at that time.

I remember that Chuhe asked them to stabilize the Golden Crow True Fire, and if they did well, he would reward them generously.

Both of them felt it was an insult to them at the time.

But now it is this an insult to them?

This is obviously a big opportunity for them!

If Chuhe really rewarded them, how could it be bad?

But it was too late. They had joined forces to deal with Chuhe just now.

Although it didn't hurt Chuhe, they were sure that Chuhe would never give up easily.

Yes, they know that Chuhe doesn't care about anything, but he will never care about the disrespect and murderous intention of the two of them just now!

How to do! ?

The two looked at each other, and then quickly backed away!

What else can I do! ?


The farther you escape, the better!

It really doesn't work... Let's fight to the death!

As for the Golden Crow True Fire...they were really not sure what benefits they could gain from Chuhe's gaze.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Chuhe just sneered in his heart.

Now you know you ran away?

But... can you escape?

Just now, the two of them dealt with Chuhe with all their strength. It was with murderous intentions, and it was impossible for Chuhe not to feel it.

That being the case, it is absolutely impossible for Chuhe to let them go.

However, there are more important things right now...

Looking at the Golden Crow True Fire in front of him, Chuhe could feel the vigorous breath of life in it.

The Golden Crow... is not the Golden Crow that has transformed from the primordial world of his sea of ​​consciousness, but the real Golden Crow that still exists in the real world!

If it is an adult, it is a Golden Crow with the level of a Da Luo Jinxian!

Chuhe just watched, just watched.

It seems that nothing has moved, but it seems that everything has changed.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the rain above is getting heavier and heavier!

And the sea level has also started to rise strangely!

It's as if something wants to be born under this water.

Mo Bubu and the little monk soon came to their respective formations.

Above the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, Mo Bubu had a gloomy face and said nothing.

Cheng and Shangxian felt great pressure.

He didn't understand why Chuhe forced them back with one word?

Hasn't Chuhe already handed in the nomination certificate, shouldn't he be a partner now?

Why does it feel like a snake and a scorpion to Chuhe now?

He couldn't help but said, "Holy Son, the Golden Crow True Fire is the essence of the South China Sea Demon Palace, and it's also where the inheritance lies. How can we leave it alone?"

Mo Bui didn't say a word, and didn't answer for a long time.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's not that simple to want the inheritance of the Golden Crow True Fire... That's the Golden Crow True Fire! The Golden Crow True Fire that can burn everything!"

This is also the reason why Mo Bufei has not left until now.

The answer lies in Jinwu Zhenhuo!

He and the monk from Xiaolin Temple surrounded the Golden Crow True Flame for a long time, but didn't make a move, because they only felt that it was extremely dangerous, and if they acted rashly, they would probably be burned into a pile of ashes.

That's why they planned to let these monks die in order to seek opportunities.

However, even so, they are not very sure.

Now that Chuhe is standing in front of Jinwu Zhenhuo, can he be unscathed?

Don't believe it, don't believe that Chuhe can still remain unchanged in the face of such a powerful Golden Crow True Fire.

Although now Mobutong has admitted the strength of Chuhe, it doesn't mean that he is really willing to give up all of this.

The same is true for Xiaolin Temple over there. They didn't rush to disperse, and it seemed that this was their idea.

The two looked at each other in a tacit understanding.

Both also saw the heaviness in each other's hearts.

Originally, I thought that the two of them would fight to the death, but now, they have started to join forces instead. I have to say that it is really good fortune.

There will always be flaws... don't worry...

Mo Bubu comforted himself in a low voice, but none of his eyes left Chuhe and Jinwu Zhenhuo in front of him.

So much so that the anomaly of the sea level below the Chu River was not found much...

And Chuhe naturally doesn't care what they think.

So what if they plan to take advantage of the people next to them?

Chuhe didn't care, because he knew that he was not the crane whose mouth was clamped by the mussel, but a dragon!

A divine dragon that has soared into the sky!

Chapter 499

The rain is still falling, but now no one pays attention to why the rainwater can wet their fairy body.

All eyes are on Chuhe.

To be precise, it is looking at the sea water at the foot of the Chu River.

A moment of effort passed.

The sea water kept rising and had already submerged the entire South China Sea Demon Palace, only some buildings remained firm in the sea water.

But the seawater at the foot of the Chu River is increasing, until finally, it directly touches the feet of the Chu River.

The seawater took the shape of a hole, nothing more than an upside-down funnel, like a cone.

At the foot of the Chu River is the highest point of the sea.

And through this huge seawater cone, one can see that in the innermost part of the seawater cone, there is a huge black triangular flag that is churning.

what is that! ?

It was this flag that caught all eyes.

When Mo Bubu and the holy monk from Xiaolin Temple saw the flag, they had to look sideways as if their eyes had been burned.

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