What kind of magic weapon is this! ?

They all know that when Chuhe was born from the bottom of the sea, there were two magic weapons around him, one in the shape of a pagoda, and the other in the shape of a flag.

It seems that the command flag in the water is the magic weapon of Chu River.

But when did Chuhe put the magic weapon into the sea?

Why didn't they feel it all the time?

Even if the command flag hadn't appeared, they didn't even know that there was such a powerful spiritual treasure at the bottom of the water.

Moreover, both Mo Bubu and the little monk felt a trace of unusual aura on the command flag, which seemed to be the wild aura belonging to the reason.

This spirit treasure definitely does not belong to modern times, but a spirit treasure left over from ancient times!

The two of them made this decision almost immediately.

It's just that no one really guessed the true identity of this Lingbao.

I just know that this Lingbao seems to be a water-controlling Lingbao. Under the control of Lingbao, the sea water is constantly converging towards the Chu River.

Like blood vessels, they soon covered the entire body of Chuhe, followed by a heart made of seawater, muscles made of seawater...

Except for the bones that are still Chuhe's own, the other internal organs, muscles and skin are all filled with seawater.

Soon, Chuhe became a water man.

A water man with five sense organs and internal organs!

Directly condense the figure with water! ?

What is he going to do?

Is there a specific purpose for doing this?

No matter how you look at it, it is flashy!

"The best kindness is like water..." Chuhe has condensed a complete body of water, so he can speak naturally, which is exactly the same as the voice of Chuhe's body.

He raised his hand and looked at his palm, he could vaguely see the bones inside, but he could also see the fine palm lines.

The body formed by the condensation of water seems to be exactly the same as the human body, and even the fine hair has to be imitated.

Chuhe clenched his fists tightly, feeling that the strength in his body was extremely vigorous, as if the next moment he punched out, he could blow up the whole world!

"Is this... the power of the Great Witch?"

Chuhe thought to himself.

After obtaining the body of this great witch and refining it into an incarnation outside his body, Chuhe has never made a full-fledged attack. He can run wild with only the defense strength of his physical body.

As for using the power in the great witch's body, opening the formation with one punch just now was a small test.

And Chuhe knew that until now, he was planning to truly show the strength of this body!

Looking at the constantly beating Golden Crow True Fire in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu He's mouth.

It can be seen that the Golden Crow True Fire is constantly bursting and flickering, and it seems that it may explode at any time, and the clear anger of the life contained in it is also fully conveyed.

Chuhe can feel it, and everyone else can feel it!

Therefore, those people's eyes are not actually on Chuhe's body now, especially after Chuhe's body has been condensed, but after the others don't know why, they directly focus on the power that seems to contain the power to destroy the world above the Golden Crow True Fire.

"After all, it's still a big deal..." Mo Bufei sneered, "How can the Golden Crow True Fire be such a simple thing? He even dared to stand so close. If the Golden Crow is really hot at this time, as long as it is stained with the slightest bit, then even If you don't die, you have to shed a layer of skin!"

Mo Bubu only thought it was true that Chuhe was extremely powerful, but now that Chuhe was compared with Golden Crow True Fire, he still felt that the energy of Golden Crow True Fire was more majestic.

More importantly, he knew the terrifying power of the Golden Crow True Fire.

In the remaining memories of his previous life, he clearly knew that even the Da Luo Jinxian was seriously injured under the Golden Crow True Fire!

Chuhe is strong now, but limited by the rules of heaven and earth, his realm must not be too high. What is great is a golden fairy, or even a half-step golden fairy, or a powerful real fairy.

This kind of cultivation strength may be able to overwhelm them, but how can Chuhe resist the Golden Crow True Fire that can seriously injure Da Luo Jinxian or even directly burn him to death?

He didn't believe that Chuhe didn't know how powerful the Golden Crow was. After all, Chuhe's strength was so powerful. As it should be, such a powerful strength would match his knowledge very well.

You can't think about Chuhe's current strength, but your cognition is still at the level of ordinary people, right?

So Mo Bu Bui only thought that Chu He was making a big fuss, and he didn't even think that Chu He didn't know how powerful the Golden Crow was.

All eyes were on Chuhe and Jinwu Zhenhuo, and everyone was guessing what would happen next.

Perhaps many people have a lot of opinions on Chuhe, but now Layman Jianghe trusts Chuhe unconditionally. Watching Chuhe confront Jinwu Zhenhuo, his eyes are full of admiration.

After feeling the power of Chu River at close range just now, any doubts will no longer appear in Layman Jiang He's mind for a while.

"It moved!" Someone exclaimed, "He moved!"

"Is this courting death!? You actually touched the Golden Crow True Fire with your hands!?"

Some people were horrified after seeing Chuhe's actions.

I saw Chuhe actually took two steps forward, and then reached out to touch the dancing Golden Crow True Fire!

Although the body of Chuhe River is now made of water, those monks who are watching will not naively think that water cannot be ignited.

That is the Golden Crow True Fire, everything can be burned.

"How naive! Do you think the water on your body can resist the Golden Crow's real fire!?"

"Will there be any backup?"

"How can there be a second hand? That is the true fire of the Golden Crow! As long as it is contaminated with it, it will be a disaster! What the hell is he doing!? Does he really think he can deal with it, or really don't know?"

"Hmph!" Someone snorted coldly, "It doesn't matter if he knows it or not, just keep reading and you'll find out..."

Chapter 500 Master

Chuhe ignored the noise of these people.

It's not a risky move for him to reach in, at least in Chuhe's view.

Now the water around him is not ordinary sea water, but real water condensed from the Chu River passing through the Shensha Banner.

The so-called true water is actually the essence of water.

The ancestral witch represented behind the Shensha flag is Gonggong, and Gonggong is the ancestral witch who controls all waters in the world.

It can be said that he has completely controlled the water path!

Back then when Gong Gong raged against Mount Buzhou, and the resulting torrential flood, was it really just an ordinary flood?

Ordinary floods can drown immortals?

Ordinary floods can drown the incomparably powerful creatures in the flood?

Even pose a threat to the entire Primordial Continent?

As long as you have a little understanding, you will know that the flood at that time was not an ordinary flood, but a huge real water!

That is, the real water of the body that is now condensed.

Gonggong controls the way of water, which is the practice of a quasi-sage, and even together with other ancestor witches, he can display the strength of a saint!

In terms of Jinwu's ability to control fire, it is definitely not as strong as Gong Gong's ability to control water.

Of course, among the Golden Crow clan, there are not those who do not have quasi-sage cultivation.

At that time, the demon clan who ruled the heaven was the quasi-sage cultivation base!

It's just that the rise of the Yaozu was carried out at the same time as the decline of the Wuzu. In the end, the rising Yaozu only fought a tie with the declining Wuzu.

Now the constantly beating Golden Crow True Fire in front of Chuhe actually felt the strong aura of the enemy on Chuhe.

Belongs to the breath of the witch clan!

A monk like Mo BuFong would only feel that the aura on Chuhe's body was a little weird, but he couldn't tell what it was.

But this group of Golden Crow True Fire, or something wrapped in this Golden Crow True Fire knows who this breath belongs to.

That's why the Golden Crow True Fire would explode more and more. If Chuhe hadn't used the Shensha Banner to suppress it below, maybe the Golden Crow True Fire would explode now and directly burn everything in the Nanhai Demon Palace!

Unlike other monks, Chuhe naturally knew the power of the Golden Crow True Fire.

After all, he still has a little Golden Crow in his body.

At that time, when the Golden Crow was spraying, the three thousand demons turned into fly ash. Although those demons were not strong, the Golden Crow was only a child at that time, and it was obvious that the little Golden Crow did not use all its strength at that time.

What's more, Chuhe has also seen the Golden Crow in its prime in his spiritual consciousness!

Therefore, in terms of understanding of Jinwu, Chuhe definitely far exceeds these people, and it can even be said that Chuhe far exceeds most people in the world today.

After all, Golden Crow is a distant vocabulary, and few people know about it. Although there are quite a few exercises that bear the name of Golden Crow, there are only two words of Golden Crow. So, I'm afraid many people don't know it.

Chuhe felt the energy of the Golden Crow True Fire in front of him, and could clearly perceive that if the Golden Crow True Fire exploded, the Nanhai Demon Palace would be destroyed directly, and those who stood outside to watch, seemingly far away People can't hide at all!

Those two large formations will also be directly destroyed, and even the Golden Crow True Fire will continue to spread.

According to Chuhe's estimate, it will not stop until it reaches the entrance archway of the Nanhai Demon Palace.

At that time, this place will directly turn into a sea of ​​flames!

How many of those monks could escape?

Chuhe didn't know, and didn't think about it, because it had nothing to do with him.

It's not because of them that he is holding on to the Golden Crow True Fire now, but because he wants to find out.

However, some people should still be reminded.

"Jianghe Layman, there is still a piece of spiritual land in the southeast corner of the Nanhai Demon Palace. Since you have come, don't go back empty-handed." Chu He suddenly said to Jianghe Layman, "I'll give you a quarter of an hour, no matter how tidy it is. If you still haven’t tidied it up, go away immediately and retreat to the entrance, otherwise, you will be in danger.”

What Chuhe said is very straightforward, there is no need to hide it.

When everyone heard what Chuhe said, there was also a commotion.

Only Mo BuTong and the little monk have been calm for a long time.

These monks all watched Layman Jianghe thank Chuhe excitedly, and then flew towards the southeast corner of the Nanhai Demon Palace without stopping, where they found a spiritual field hidden in the formation. Naturally, there are many treasures of heaven and earth, and even some elixirs are in the surrounding buildings.

Although that place has been submerged in water, it still doesn't appreciate the medicinal effects of these heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

A quarter of an hour, a full quarter of an hour.

Layman Jiang He immediately backed out, although he also felt a little regretful, after all, this place could not be explored in a quarter of an hour, and there were still a lot of treasures left that were visible to the naked eye.

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