It only takes one more breath to receive some powerful treasures of heaven and earth, but Layman Jiang He still forcibly endured it.

I would rather watch these treasures of heaven and earth, these medicinal materials that have been around for tens of thousands of years, slip through the cracks of my fingers, without stopping at all.

Although, he was very reluctant in his heart.

But for Chuhe's words, he always puts him first.

Since Chuhe said for a quarter of an hour, it will be a quarter of an hour, not a second more.

Since Chuhe said that this place is dangerous, it must be dangerous. Layman Jiang He just thanked Chuhe from a distance, and then turned into a streak of light and galloped outside!

However, the South China Sea Demon Palace is still surrounded by a large formation.

However, when Layman Jiang He came to the big formation of the Taiyi Gate, Mo Budong gave the order under twitching cheeks, opened a hole for Layman Jiang He, let him pass through, and did not make things difficult for Layman Jiang He .

Of course, it's all because of Chuhe.

After all, when Layman Jiang He was collecting those treasures of heaven, material and earth, it was actually quite eye-catching. It was a spiritual field that had not been discovered by anyone. The medicinal materials in it had passed tens of thousands of years. Guang and even Mo BuTong were a little excited.

There are even some medicinal materials that look like they are about to take shape, almost producing spiritual wisdom.

This level of medicinal materials is a must-have for many holy pills!

Even if you don't use it for alchemy, you can swallow it directly. As long as you refine it, you can make your cultivation even further!

It can even adjust the physical body, and even reshape the foundation!

No matter which one it is, it is enough to make many people excited, and even make many people crazy.

Especially now that the monks in the formation are all injured, this is the time when those medicinal materials are needed, but even so, no one dares to snatch them.

Are they really afraid of Layman Jiang He?

No, what they are afraid of is Chuhe!

The power of Chuhe's punch to open the big formation has been deeply imprinted in their minds, and it won't be cleared in a while.

Layman Jiang He came out of the formation without hindrance.

But after he came outside the big formation, he was immediately stopped by someone.

"Fellow Daoist! How is the situation inside? Why did you come out again? How is my master?"

Layman Jiang He was stopped abruptly, subconsciously on guard, but gradually relaxed after seeing that the person coming was not malicious.

"Your master? Who is it?"

"Taoist Wuxiang!" The man proudly said Chuhe's name.

"No thought Taoist!?"

Layman Jiang He was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the person in front of him, "'s your master!?"

Chapter 501 The feeling of heart palpitations

Hearing Layman Jiang He's question, the man couldn't answer for a while, then shook his head and said, "I take him as a master, but he may not know that there is me as an apprentice."

Layman Jiang He was a little confused, "How do you say?"

Hearing Layman Jiang He's question, the man began to tell about Chu He's preaching over there.

Layman Jiang He was even more dumbfounded after hearing this.

"It's... so powerful!"

Although I knew that Chuhe was extremely powerful, I still didn't expect that Chuhe had already reached the level where he could give a lecture!

And according to what this person said, I don't know how many people have been promoted to Xuanxian's cultivation base during the process of Chuhe's preaching, and there are even people who have made breakthroughs after Xuanxian. It may not be that they have been promoted to true immortals, but it is already appalling. !

Do you know how long Chuhe has been preaching?

100 years!

It even makes it clear that the time Chuhe preached was within these 100 years, and there are actually no 100 years!

In other words, in less than 100 years, after listening to Chuhe's preaching, he directly broke through Xuanxian!

Layman Jiang He's expression was somewhat dull.

He still remembers how painful it was when he was promoted to Xuanxian, it took nearly ten thousand years, 8000 years!

It took 8000 years for him to reach the cultivation base of Xuanxian from the cultivation base of a celestial being.

And it took less than 100 years to listen to the lectures under Chuhe's sect, and he broke through to Xuanxian?

And according to what this person said, not only one person broke through Xuanxian, there are not a few people who break through!

If there is only one person, maybe it can be attributed to the fact that this person is a genius, but what if there are many people?

So what to say?

Layman Jiang He fell into a sluggish state.

And that person didn't interrupt Layman Jiang He in a hurry, because he understood, understood what this meant, and if it was his own words, if he heard this kind of news for the first time, he might have it like Layman Jiang He The look now.

It took quite a while for Layman Jiang He to react, and he said excitedly, "You, what you said is true!? Taoist Wuxiang, is he really preaching?"

The man nodded proudly, "That's right, that's right!"

Layman Jiang He was ecstatic!

This is where my chance lies.

He even thought of turning around and going back to worship Chuhe directly as his teacher now!

After all, Chuhe has already opened the altar to preach.

What does it mean to preach from the altar?It means that Chuhe will start to establish its own orthodoxy!

Otherwise, why start preaching?

Among the monks, the understanding of the Tao is definitely the most precious thing. If someone preaches the Tao publicly, it means that they want to spread their Tao.

Looking at the big sects of the present, at the beginning of their establishment, the ancestors preached publicly, and then gathered a group of people, and then established a sect.

And Chuhe has started to preach now, doesn't that mean that Chuhe is going to start to arrange his own power?

No wonder Layman Jiang He was so excited. He thought that with the good relationship he had formed with Chuhe, if he made a request, Chuhe would not refuse, right?

Even if you can't enter the hall to be an introductory disciple, you can be an outer disciple, or even a registered disciple!

"Great, great!"

Layman Jiang He exclaimed, "My Dao is flourishing! In this world of Daoist disputes, it is definitely a happy event for my Daoist sect to have such a peerless figure as Xiang Daoren willing to give a lecture!"

"Indeed." The man was also honored.

After all, he is also Chuhe's registered disciple. Of course, Chuhe doesn't admit this.

But as long as they listened to Chuhe's sermon, they all thought so.

"Just now I have notified my brothers and sisters with a secret method that the Wuxiang Shrine is nearby, and they will come soon..."

Hearing this, Layman Jiang He's smile froze, and he said quickly, "Quick! Tell them not to come here, just wait at the entrance!"


The man said with some dissatisfaction, "I'm waiting to come to see the teacher, how can I stop at such a long distance?"

Layman Jiang He directly repeated what Chu He had said to him, and the man's face instantly became ugly.

"Teacher will never say empty words without proof. Since he said so, then... there must be danger inside, hurry up!"

Layman Jiang He originally thought that it might take some time to convince this person, but what he didn't expect was that there was no need to persuade him at all, he would accept it directly and leave immediately.

It seems that this should be the absolute confidence in Chuhe.

But as long as you think about it, you know that it must be so.

After all, he saw Chuhe preaching with his own eyes, so naturally he would not have any doubts about Chuhe's words.

The two hurried towards the entrance.

Since Chuhe said that only here is the safest place, they naturally wouldn't take it as a deaf ear.

Soon, the two saw the huge archway and the two huge golden dragons on it.

In fact, it was just as lively here, and many people were thinking of attacking the golden dragon, but even though the golden dragon had died, it was now more like a magic weapon, but it was not something monks like them could easily deal with.

After using some methods and dropping a few corpses, no one dared to do anything, but they all surrounded the golden dragon, thinking of a way.

Seeing Layman Jiang He coming out from the direction of the Nanhai Demon Palace, everyone's eyes instantly focused.

Some don't know what the two are doing.

Especially when they saw the speed of the two people, it was obvious that they were running for their lives.

But there was no one chasing behind the two of them, and there was no danger in sight.

Could it be that he got benefits from the Nanhai Demon Palace and was afraid of being robbed by others, so he came out of it in a hurry?

Many people thought so, and the eyes they looked at the two began to become unkind.

They all came here later, which means that they have lost the opportunity to enter the South China Sea Demon Palace. They know that if they go there under such circumstances, it is definitely a waste of work. It is better to fight The idea of ​​these two golden dragons.

And it was the first time they had been here for so long that they saw someone coming from the direction of the South China Sea Demon Palace.

"Two friends! Why are you in such a hurry? But what happened later?"

The two of them were silent, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they came outside the archway. Seeing that the situation behind was still calm, the two of them looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

"Two friends?" Someone continued to ask and answer, "But what happened later?"

Layman Jiang He pondered for a moment, and said to the crowd, "It's better for you to stand outside this archway, there is danger inside."

Everyone was stunned. Many people really followed the advice and came directly to the outside of the archway, but many people didn't care.


Why did I not see it?

All I saw was peace and calm from here to the Nanhai Demon Palace, and there was no sign of danger at all.

They only thought that Layman Jiang He was playing tricks.

But there are also a very small number of people, those with exceptionally keen perception, who just feel restless, as if a sharp blade suddenly hangs above their heads, and they don't know when it will be killed directly.

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