After finishing speaking, Mo Bubu directly mobilized all the mana in his body to stabilize the Taiyi Immortal Gourd under his feet, and used a secret method to connect the Taiyi Immortal Gourd with the six-petaled lotus.

In this way, the situation was barely stabilized.

He cursed inwardly.

Unexpectedly, one day there will be a time to join forces with Bald Donkey, what a bad luck!

As everyone knows, the monk at the Xiaolin Temple over there thought the same way.

I just feel that if it wasn't an accident, the two of them would definitely be fighting openly and secretly when they met, so how could they work together like they are now?

"As long as we can make it through, it can be regarded as a good fortune." The monk Xiaolin Temple said, still with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, hiding the fear in his heart very deeply, "Every drink and peck has a fixed number, today is our destiny." The catastrophe, as long as you get through it safely, you can get good luck!"

Mo Butong refrained from scolding out loud, but he was thinking in his heart.

When is this, are you still talking nonsense here?

It's really a bald donkey, three sentences can't be separated from the Buddhist scriptures!

It's just that no matter how annoyed he is, he will not turn his face now, but carefully manipulate the Taiyi Immortal Gourd under his feet, and move it desperately towards the outside.

The more he left here, the heavier he felt.

This is the Nanhai Demon Palace!

It is one of the locations of the ancient demon court, and there is a golden crow prince in it. How many natural materials and earth treasures, how many ancient inheritances are there, now, it has nothing to do with him.

As long as the current accident does not happen, he definitely has the hope of being promoted to the Golden Immortal Realm.

It's a pity that Chuhe, who was born out of nowhere, has messed up all the layouts, so that he has nothing to say now, and he has lost a lot of magic weapons.

Stopping the spread of the Golden Crow True Fire just now cost him a lot of things that he had kept in the bottom of the box!

Thinking of this, he looked at the figure of Chuhe who was wrestling with Jinwu's real body above the Demon Court, and felt even more resentful in his heart.

Although he knows that he is no longer Chuhe's opponent, how can he treat people like Chuhe who have ruined his cultivation and chance with normality?

Just let you be proud for a while!

I don't believe it, with my aptitude, given time, I might not be able to trample you under my feet.

And when that day comes, I will ask you not to live, not to die!

Mo Bufei thinks that he can't compare with the current Chuhe, but because his reincarnation is too late, so his strength has not yet reached the peak. Given time, he never thinks that he will still stop here.

Therefore, he naturally hated Chuhe for ruining his chance even more, but he didn't know that what he did to Chuhe just now was not a bad guy's chance?Or even ask people to die?

I only know how to blame others, but I don't know how to find reasons from myself.

And precisely because of this, he is more like a pure monk.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and Lao Tzu is the biggest!

The monk in Xiaolin Temple didn't say anything, but the hatred for Chuhe in his eyes was almost condensed into substance.

"Isn't Wuxiang Taoist?" the monk of Xiaolin Temple muttered softly, "He has become obsessed with demons, and in time, he will definitely become the enemy of my Buddha, but he still has some roots of wisdom, maybe he can transform it into my Buddhist sect Protector Arhat."

"Concentrate on preaching the Dharma for my Buddha. Only in this way can he wash away his sins, Amitabha!"

The monk from Xiaolin Temple recited a Buddhist name directly, then shook his head.

Seeing that the monk was still acting so pretentious, Mo Bufei looked down on him even more, but in the current situation, there was really no way for the two of them to help each other.

"Don't say a few words, it's better to quit first and then talk!"

With the joint efforts of the two, a faint light curtain emanated from the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petaled lotus, isolating all the dark fire and rain outside, and actually moved so slowly towards the outside, as if It's like leaving.

But soon, they discovered the abnormality.

"What's going on!? Why can't I move!?"

Mo Bu was startled, although in his perception, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the Six-petaled Lotus were still moving forward, but the surrounding scenery remained motionless, as if they were moving in a different dimension.

The monk at Xiaolin Temple couldn't maintain the posture of an eminent monk, and panicked, "The power of rules...this is the power of rules!??"

When Mo Bufei heard this, it was as if he had been hit by a sap to the top of his head, and suddenly he felt dizzy, as if his whole body was drained.

"How is it possible!" He said forcefully, the violent ups and downs of his chest, but it showed that he was not calm now, "The power of rules...that is, that is the method of Daluo Jinxian! No matter how strong he is, he can't do it It's just a golden fairy, how can you talk about the power of rules!"

"It must be some kind of blindfold!"

Mo Bufei calmed down, thinking that it was absolutely impossible to be a power of rules. If that was the case, then he wouldn't have to continue struggling today, just lie down and wait for death.

Da Luo Jinxian, what kind of character is that?

Even in the prehistoric period, there were still a few Daluo Jinxians! ?

The monk in Xiaolin Temple calmed down after being told by Mo Bubuyi, and said calmly, "Don't worry! Everyone, pour all your mana into the Lingbao!"

When the rest of the people heard this, they poured all their strength into the six-petal lotus and Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

The Taiyi Immortal Gourd turned red and purple, and even sprouted a burst of greenness, and sprouts emerged from the mouth of the gourd, looking like a new spring.

And the six-petaled lotus is also extraordinarily delicate and beautiful, and the pink flowers are also in full bloom, and bursts of refreshing fragrance come from the lotus.

Obviously, the spirit treasures that have been infused with so much power have also begun to show their true strength!

"it is good!"

Mo Bubu was overjoyed, and the Taiyi Immortal Gourd under his intuitive feet erupted with a powerful force of life, which instantly reduced his pressure a lot.

Is this the power of Lingbao! ?

Even now I can't fully motivate!

With this spirit treasure, she will definitely be able to escape this time!

Chapter 507

At the same time, he was secretly rejoicing in his heart.

Fortunately, when I came this time, I paid enough attention to it, and even brought out the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, the treasure of the Taiyi Gate, otherwise, I would definitely die in it this time.

He was also delighted in the tyrannical strength of this Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

You know, the most peak cultivation level in his previous life was only a true immortal, and he was still some distance away from the Golden Immortal. How could a monk with such a cultivation level possess a spirit treasure?

In other words, he had never touched a spirit treasure in his previous life, and this Taiyi Immortal Gourd was the first time he had controlled a spirit treasure.

And from his heart, he has already regarded this Taiyi Immortal Gourd as his treasure.

"Don't worry, everyone. Although the old devil is strong, we won't do anything if we have the protection of the spirit treasure. On the contrary, the fight between the old devil and the ancient evildoers is a situation of two tigers fighting, no matter who wins or loses. , the one left will definitely not have too much power, when the time comes, it will be the time for us to slay demons!"

Mo Budong finally said a word of encouragement, "Everyone just needs to be steady, just be steady."

The monk from Xiaolin Temple also said, "Amitabha, today should be a catastrophe, but now the catastrophe has passed, and only good luck awaits us!"

Everyone was excited by what Mo BuTong and the monk from Xiaolin Temple said.

They choose to believe, because there is no better choice than this.

"Hmph! This devil has been lurking among us all this time. He wanted us to take the lead for him, but he was punctured. Now he can only face the real body of the Golden Crow by himself." Mo Bufei said, not knowing his Do you really think so in your heart?

"The Golden Crow is one of the founders of the ancient demon court. It is extremely powerful. Everyone has seen it just now. Even a little bit of sparks can burn itself to death. Such a god, the ancient times almost unified the prehistoric world. , how can he be subdued by this mere devil?"

The monk of Xiaolin Temple also said, "Just wait quietly. Whether it is the remnants of the demon court or the ancient demons, they are too small in front of Buddhism. If these two can repent, it may be a blessing to convert to my Buddha." way out."

They said so, but in fact they didn't dare to stay at all, they were desperately urging the magic weapon under their feet to move away quickly.

It's just that they seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, no matter how hard they tried, the six-petal lotus and the Taiyi fairy gourd remained silent.

It's as if he didn't listen to his orders.

What's going on here! ?

Lingbao has been pushed to the limit, could it be said that even so, he still can't escape?

its not right!

Obviously, I can feel that the power Chuhe throws here is getting weaker, but why does Lingbao not obey her orders?

Mo Bubu looked at Taiyi Immortal Gourd in astonishment.

I saw the Taiyi Immortal Gourd trembling slightly, in the direction of the mouth of the gourd, a golden light shone, and a few small characters appeared on the mouth of the gourd.

"Reverend Ming Dao..."

Mo Bubu couldn't help but read out loud.

I saw that the words written on the mouth of the gourd were the words Master Ming Dao!

Who is Ming Daoist?

Why does his name appear on my Taiyi Immortal Gourd! ?

Mo Bufei was stunned for a moment.

And the same scene also appeared on the little monk.

The six-petaled lotus that the little monk was stepping on trembled slightly, and on one of the lotus flowers, a solemn image of an arhat appeared.

Who is that! ?

The little monk was dumbfounded.

This six-petal lotus is the treasure of Xiaolin Temple, and he just borrowed it.

Looking at the situation, does it mean that the six-petaled lotus already has an owner?

Mo Bu Bui also thought of this, his heart was terribly gloomy, he just felt that this Mingdao real person must be the previous owner of this Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

It's just that for some reason, the related fetters were activated again.

Maybe it's because I tried my best to activate the Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

He stared at those words fiercely, just wanting to erase them all, but now is not the time, and it is not too late to say it after he goes out.

It seems that the defensive circle supported by the spirit treasure is getting stronger and stronger, and even the pressure on him is getting smaller and smaller. Except that the spirit treasure under his feet is not listening, it seems that he no longer has to worry about safety issues .

What he didn't know was that the energy emanating from the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petaled lotus did not simply belong to them.

While fighting the Golden Crow, Chuhe felt the six-petaled lotus and Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

Originally, with his ability, it was so simple to keep these two spirit treasures. Even if someone urged him to do so, he couldn't escape from Chuhe's hands.

But the result is that Chuhe failed to subdue these two magic weapons.

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