It's not that Chuhe's power is not as strong as he thought, but that there is another powerful power coming out of this magic weapon!

Moreover, Chuhe could feel that a powerful energy was brewing inside the Taiyi fairy gourd and the six-petal lotus. The reason why these two spirit treasures were not moving now was not because they were shackled by Chuhe.

It's because He Lingbao doesn't want to move.

Chuhe didn't bother to take care of it, and he was not in a hurry. He wanted to see who was hiding behind this spirit treasure?

Ever since, Chuhe focused more on dealing with the Golden Crow in front of him.

Jinwu seemed to have transformed into a fire bird, and his resentful consciousness kept trying to invade Chuhe's mind.

"The witch clan deserves to die! This prehistoric situation should be decided by my monster clan!"

"Seven Bones! All your people have been slaughtered by me. How does it feel?"

"I'll burn you to death! Burn to death the witch clan in the world, and burn you to death!"

In fact, the Golden Crow had already lost its self-awareness long ago, it was just a reserved resentment, and this resentment was particularly sensitive to Chuhe, the great witch's bodyguard.

Chuhe already knew that the reason why the Golden Crow died was because of the fight with his incarnation, the Great Witch named Qigu.

After this battle, Qigu fell to the deepest part of the ocean, and thus died.

However, Jin Wu dragged his remnant body to his own palace, arranged a formation, drained the spiritual energy of thousands of miles nearby, and condensed a restricted area, just to heal his wounds.

In the end, he was still no match for the number of days, so he died.

And now, millions of years later, two kings who fought in ancient times and lost their lives because of it, once again stand together in this piece of heaven and earth, vowing to distinguish the upper and lower!

And this time, the result doesn't seem to have so much suspense.

A mere soul lost, leaving only a remnant body supported by resentment, how can it be against the Chu River?

The outcome is already clear!

Chapter 508 Gong Gong!

Chuhe's body is as high as a hundred feet!

Although they are all skeletons, the power emanating from them is enough to support the world!

According to the rumors, Pangu's body evolved into a prehistoric state, Pangu's essence turned into the Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing, and Pangu's body turned into mountains, rivers, sun and moon.

The witch clan was transformed from Pangu's blood essence!

Possess the purest Pan Gu blood!

If it is said that other people, no matter whether they are human race or monster race, follow the path of one way to prove the Tao, only the witch race walks in the right way!

If the human race wants to go, they may become saints in the end, and saints may become like Hongjun when they go to the end.

Cultivate to the extreme, that is to prove the Tao with one's body, and then open the world!

How could such a powerful race be defeated if it wasn't for civil strife?

Time has passed, and the glory of the Wu Clan has become a thing of the past, and even the current Wu Clan can only be treated like a demon.

And the invincible monster clan that was once equally brilliant now has only a shell left.

There is no longer the glory of the prehistoric period, and even now, monks in some places will even hunt and kill the monster race as a material for alchemy.

The former overlord of heaven and earth can only hide his head and show his tail now.

How sad?

And now, the Lich War in this time and space seems to be the real climax of the Lich War.

The golden crow soared into the sky!

With great resentment, he swooped down, as if he wanted to use the most explosive way to solve the guy in front of him that he hated for millions of years.

And Chuhe also held up the black banner of Shensha.

In an instant, a phantom appeared on Chuhe's body!

The moment that phantom emerged, the whole world was silent!

Even everyone's thinking stopped for a moment.

I saw a snake-faced human figure emerging from behind Chuhe, stepping on a black dragon, wrapping a green python in his hands, and a huge strange and sacred phantom covered with black scales!

what is this?

Everyone present did not know.

No one dared to look at it carefully, because the moment they saw this phantom, they felt a stabbing pain in their souls. They couldn't help lowering their heads, not daring to look directly at it, and even dared not release their spiritual consciousness for fear of touching it. to this supreme being.

Mo Bubei was shocked with the monk from Xiaolin Temple, it can even be said to be horrified!

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the two of them.

Others may not understand this at all, but these two reincarnated figures have noticed something very terrifying on the phantom behind Chuhe.

It was an existence so ancient that they felt extremely small!

It is definitely a great power in the prehistoric period!

What the hell is that! ?

The two didn't know it in their hearts, but they knew that the existence of this thing was at least at the level of Da Luo Jinxian!

Although Chuhe mobilized phantom, even so, the power it radiated was enough to crush everything!

The flames that filled the sky began to slowly extinguish. Those Golden Crow True Fires flying around began to dim, and those invisible Yin Fires also began to gradually disappear. In the entire space, it was replaced by thick and insoluble flames. of water vapor.

It made everyone feel as if they were at the bottom of the sea, and even began to feel a little suffocated.

All of them, no matter what kind of magic weapon they wear, no matter what kind of body protection technique they support, they can't stop the water vapor from invading.

Almost instantly, everyone's clothes were soaked through!

The few monks who supported the joint attack technique were like ducks in water in the Golden Crow True Fire, and those violent Golden Crow True Fire avoided these people.

But now, these people seem to have turned into landlubbers that fell into the sea. They just feel that the water vapor is instilled into their nostrils and pores unconsciously. The feeling is as if they are about to explode. !

The feeling of suffocation surrounded them, and the fear of death enveloped them directly.

The monk in Xiaolin Temple is still not much better. Although they have the support of Lingbao, they can't mobilize all the power of Lingbao now, so they are still a little powerless.

The water vapor seems to be just ordinary water vapor, but it has the effect of eroding people's mind and spiritual power. The moment their bodies are soaked, they seem to become ordinary people.

It was as if a passer-by walking in the wilderness suddenly encountered pouring rain, strong wind and thunder and lightning. At this time, the pedestrian had nowhere to hide and could only stand in the wilderness and face all this, while the pedestrian's heart was full of love for Tianwei. Awe, and the bleakness of the future.

This is how Mobu et al feel now.

This vapor has already changed their mentality.

They didn't even discover it themselves.

This is definitely an extremely powerful force, enough to touch the most fearful and soft place in everyone's heart, making people dare not contend with it.

And Chuhe is at a critical moment.

I saw him holding the Shensha Banner, and the phantom behind him became more and more solid, even as if it was about to condense into reality!

The incarnation of Chuhe, who originally only had bones, seemed to have an extra layer of flesh and blood, just like the real body of the water god Gonggong descending!

The feeling of mastering power and rules flowed in Chu He's heart, which made him roar to the sky involuntarily!

After everyone heard this roar that seemed to come from the prehistoric, they were even more terrified. Everyone was struggling to support, just hoping to end all this quickly.

Regardless of whether they can survive in the end, or die directly in it, everything is fine, they just want it to end quickly, because this is really too tormented.

They only feel that they are like duckweeds on the strong wind and waves, they can only move with the waves, and they have no autonomy at all. The feeling of uncontrollable powerlessness is the most unbearable thing for these monks.

At the moment when the Chu River roared up to the sky!

The heavy rain poured down like broken beads, forming a rain curtain directly in front of everyone. No one could see the distant scene through the rain curtain, only a vague outline could be seen.

And the Golden Crow also gradually extinguished the flames around it in the heavy rain, revealing its golden yellow body.

"Gonggong! Gonggong!"

The resentment erupted by the Golden Crow was even stronger, but there was also some fear in it.

Chuhe is neither happy nor sad at this time, as if everything has nothing to do with him, he is now in a mysterious and wonderful realm.

This is also the first time that he has integrated so deeply with the Shensha Banner, and it is also the first time that he has put all his strength into the Shensha Banner.

And it was only at this time that he realized how eccentric the existence of the Shensha Banner was!

Chapter 509 Qi Qiran

The Shensha Banner is worthy of being the treasure of the prehistoric witch clan!

After pouring all his strength into the Shensha Banner, Chuhe felt the powerful power contained in it that did not belong to this era.

What is contained in the Shensha Banner is the rules for the Dao and the Dao of Heaven.

Just by relying on the Shensha Banner, he can use a stream of water to turn the current thirty-mile radius into his own domain!

And this is just one of the magical functions of the Godly Banner, and there is a magical formation in the Shensha Banner, the Great Godly Formation!

Everything is like a simplified version of the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals.

And this Shensha Banner is also like a simplified version of the Shensha Banner of the Twelve Capitals.

According to the rumors, the Twelve Capitals Heavenly Demon Banners are magic weapons of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, each of which is of the highest level. All the gods are in a big formation!

And the fusion of the twelve ancestral witches can even summon Pan Gu's real body!

That is the power of a sage, and no one can contend against it!

And the formation of the gods and demons of the twelve capitals is also one of the top formations in Honghuang, and it is not inferior to the formation of Zhuxian!

And this Shensha Banner was born out of the Twelve Capitals Tianshen Banner.

The Heavenly God Sha Banner of the Twelve Capitals is held by the Great Ancestral Witch himself, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches are the twelve biggest leaders of the Great Desolate Witch Clan. The leader is called Dawu.

And these great witches will have the opportunity to obtain the Shensha Banner personally refined by the Twelve Ancestral Witches as a magic weapon.

Coincidentally, in Chuhe's incarnation of the big witch named Qigu, in his previous life, as a big witch under the water god Gonggong, he happened to get the Shensha Banner refined by the water god Gonggong as a magic weapon.

Although this magic weapon has not reached the level of supreme treasure, it is also a top grade among spirit treasures!

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