In his opinion, if he could get the Golden Crow's real body earlier, he would be able to break through the shackles earlier. Most importantly, if he got the Golden Crow's real body, he could threaten that monk who also reached the Golden Immortal realm.

Maybe you can get a lot of benefits from this.

Following the words of Master Myeongdong, all eyes turned to Chuhe.

Among them, Mo Budong's eyes are the most fierce.

He only felt that everything that happened now was caused by Chuhe!

Naturally, he wished Chuhe would die.

So, without waiting for Chuhe to open his mouth, he directly said to Master Mingdong, "Supreme! This person just turned his body into a huge figure, and fought with the Golden Crow. The Golden Crow has been dead for a long time, and the remaining spirit is still very ferocious." , but was subdued by him in the end, the Golden Crow is on this person!"

Mo Bubu gritted his teeth and said, "The so-called treasure in the world is home to those who are virtuous. This person is a devil who treats human life like nothing. He is the same character as the Golden Crow. They are nothing more than evildoers. Please act quickly!" , kill this person, and give justice to the person who died in this catastrophe just now!"

He spoke harshly, as if he had killed Chuhe by saying such words, and the resentment accumulated in his heart for a long time also disappeared a lot.

And just after Mo Budong finished speaking, the little monk over there suddenly said, "Amitabha, senior, this person is quite capable, we are not his opponents, senior should be more careful when he makes a move, so as not to be hurt by this person arrive."

The monk from Xiaolin Temple spoke secretly, and it seemed that he was reminding Master Mingdong not to underestimate the enemy, and it was for the sake of Master Mingdong.

But in fact, Chuhe was roasted on the fire!

After all, Daoist Myeongdong is the cultivation base of a golden immortal, and his body is extremely powerful. It can be said that being born means invincibility!

And the monk still said the same thing, saying that he was worried that real Mingdong would be hurt by Chuhe.

Isn't this secretly saying that you Myeongdong real person is probably not as good as Chuhe?

How could the arrogant real Myeongdong stand such words?

But it's not that he can't see that the little monk wants to kill someone with a knife, it's just that Master Mingdong doesn't care.

Anyway, in his opinion, Chuhe must be killed. Just because the golden crow is on him, Master Mingdong has no reason to let Chuhe go.

Only by killing him can Master Mingdong get rid of that weird state of almost becoming a weapon spirit.

So, Chuhe, please die first!

Chapter 519

Master Mingdong sneered, and said, "You little monk, you can talk interestingly, but you have too many eyes. Don't tell me you monks are like this?"

When the little monk heard Master Mingdong say this, cold sweat immediately flowed down his head, but he still suppressed the great fear and said, "Senior, what you said is wrong! It's not that the monks have too many eyes, but the monks are compassionate... ..."

"Hehe, don't say such things anymore, I don't like to hear them." Master Mingdong sneered, "The monks are merciful? If this is really the case, your Buddhist sect will not have so many crooked Dharma protectors. "

Master Mingdong's words directly hit the monk's weakness in Xiaolin Temple. He was very ashamed and angry, but in the face of this huge difference in strength, he didn't dare to say anything harsh at all. He could only explain, "Senior I don’t know, the so-called laying down the butcher’s knife and becoming a Buddha immediately, those crooked ways may be crooked ways before joining Buddhism, but after joining Buddhism, how can they be considered crooked ways?”

"Since these evil sects and crooked ways have converted to our Buddha, they are monks. In time, they can also become Buddhas and save all sentient beings."

Master Mingdong laughed even more sarcastically, "Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha right away? Does it mean that as long as you kill more people and do more evil things, as long as you put down the butcher's knife and convert to your Buddhism, you can eliminate all sins and become a Buddha right away?" ?”

"That's right, no matter how evil a person was before, as long as he changes in an instant and devotes himself to goodness and takes refuge in my Buddha, then he is considered a disciple of Buddhism."

Immortal Mingdong suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha! What a Buddhist sect, what a good one to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"It's all fart!"

Master Myeongdong said another four words abruptly.

These four words directly made the little monk's face turn red.

But he still didn't dare to refute or swear.

I only heard Master Mingdong continue to say, "What do you mean by putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately? You Buddhists have such a big face, that you can forgive sins for others?"

"If a person kills hundreds of thousands of people, after he puts down the butcher knife, should the relatives of those people killed by him forgive him? Can those sins be eliminated directly? Or is there something else in your Buddhist sect? Can the relatives of those victims forgive such villains?"

Before the little monk could speak, Master Mingdong continued, "Oh, I see, you really have a solution, as long as you convert all the relatives of the victims to Buddhism, right?"

After the monk in Xiaolin Temple heard this, he was already furious and trembling all over.

He was a disciple of Buddhism in his previous life, and he even almost became the golden body of Arhat. He has a very strong sense of belonging to Buddhism, and he wholeheartedly agrees with Buddhism.

If it was about other things, he might not be so angry, and he would put on an eminent monk's demeanor, but these words that seemed to be merciless by Master Myeongdong made him extremely ugly.

The reason why he felt embarrassed was because he had no way to refute these words.

After holding back for a long time, I could only say the last sentence, "Senior misunderstood, our Buddhism only makes people wholeheartedly good, and only makes people learn to forgive. If those people have been living in hatred, what is the difference from living in hell? "

"Hmph! Forcing people to forgive their enemies is hell in itself, no, even hell can't do this kind of thing!"

After Master Mingdong finished speaking, he ignored the monk.

He really doesn't like these bald donkeys at all, it can even be said that he has a natural sense of resistance.

If he hadn't noticed the traces on the six-petaled lotus, perhaps he would have killed all these sanctimonious bald donkeys just now.

This is not a big deal for Master Mingdong. When he was the head teacher of the Taiyi Sect, he often confronted the Buddhist sects including Xiaolin Temple.

Moreover, during the period when he was the real person in charge, the Daoist sect flourished, and the Buddhist sect that was directly suppressed could not breathe. This was also because of his natural aversion to the Buddhist sect, the Daoist Master Mingdong, so he was merciless when he shot.

Regarding everything about Buddhism, Master Myeongdong felt that he was farting, and he didn't have any good feelings to say.

Even in this situation, he didn't directly deal with Chuhe, but first ridiculed the monk of Xiaolin Temple.

Seeing the way those monks dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, Master Mingdong just said in his heart, he is still a softie after all.

If at this time they dared to fight towards them with the attitude of being a scholar who can be killed but not humiliated, maybe they would change their attitudes a little bit, and maybe they would have a better impression of Buddhism.

But Master Mingdong has never met a person who dared to fight for the so-called Dharma in all these years. The so-called desperate is just a pretense. If there is a real danger of death, no one dares to do it.

It's just a group of hypocrites. They don't even dare to reveal their true thoughts and desires. How can such people go so far on the road?

With this thought in mind, Master Myeongdong stopped looking at the group of monks from Kobayashi Temple who seemed hopeless to him.

Instead, he turned his gaze to Chuhe, "How about it? Have you considered it?"

Real Myeongdong smiled, but in fact the meaning in the words was like a knife and gun, which made people shudder, "I have given you six breaths of time, and this time is enough for you to think clearly."

After finishing speaking, Master Mingdong took a step forward, stood in front of Chuhe, and then stretched out his hand, "Hand over the real body of the Golden Crow, maybe I can let you go, pay attention, I said maybe, because I'm not sure if I'll kill you in the end."

"However, one thing is certain, that is, if you don't hand over the Golden Crow's real body now, then you will definitely die."

Master Mingdong still smiled when he said this, as if he was saying another thing that had nothing to do with him, "At least you still have a choice, but fate is in my hands."

"This can be regarded as looking at your face as a strong person after all, so I will give you a little dignity."

Chuhe is just looking at real man Myeongdong. If Chuhe is not a skeleton body now, maybe his expression will make real man Myeongdong furious.

In his heart, Chuhe looked at him like a fool.

Is there a fart for saying these words?

Do you really think that Jinxian is invincible?

In Chuhe's view, it's really ridiculous.

And Master Mingdong waited for a while and did not see Chuhe's response, so he became impatient, "If you don't want to be decent, then I will help you to be decent!"

Chapter 520 Do you want it?

When Master Mingdong said this, a powerful aura burst out suddenly and unexpectedly!

With an aura, it was as if the old heaven had come back to the world. The suffocating sense of oppression directly made the many decorations standing next to the real Myeongdong feel that they were imprisoned in an instant.

It was as if he had been thrown into a stone, unable to move, let alone breathe.

Even the movement of aura has become stagnant.

Almost in an instant, those monks who were not that powerful fell down like dumplings.

Without the operation of spiritual energy, naturally there is no way to control oneself and let oneself suspend in mid-air.

Most of these people fell straight down, even the monks from Xiaolin Temple over there.

Only a few people were struggling to support, and Mo Bubu and the young monk looked at each other, seeing unspeakable shock and fear in each other's eyes.

The power of Jinxian is so terrifying! ?

This is no longer simply explained by the fact that the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal has greater spiritual power than other monks.

This is completely another level of power, that is... a power that they can't even imagine!

And Mo Bubu and the little monk gradually couldn't hold on anymore, and began to retreat slowly.

As for the other monks who fell on the sea, they plunged directly into the vast ocean, and after falling into the ocean for an unknown period of time, they finally got rid of the control of this coercion a little bit, and began to be able to do so reluctantly. Manipulate some spiritual power.

And the monks who had recovered some abilities kept fleeing towards the distance.

They knew that they could no longer meddle in the subsequent battles, and even the onlookers might be directly killed by the aftermath!

Mo Bufei retreated almost a dozen miles!

Standing there, he could still feel the trembling, the majesty of that terror!

In the last life, Mo Bubu also saw the Golden Immortal, and knew the horror of this kind of monk. It is really a great power that can completely destroy a world.

It is also his lifelong pursuit!

Seeing Master Mingdong unscrupulously erupting his aura, the hatred for monk Mingdong disappeared in Mo Budong's eyes, and he didn't even dare to think about it in his heart, replaced by a kind of excitement.

An excitement that almost made his soul go out of his body!

Jinxian, this is Jinxian!

Sooner or later, I will also be able to reach the cultivation level of a golden immortal!

It's a long story, but in fact, this happened in an instant.

Immediately, there were almost no other people around Master Mingdong, only the skeleton Chuhe was left, standing opposite him, seemingly unaffected.

Everyone is amazed!

He was not affected! ?

Could it be... no!Impossible, his strength is absolutely impossible to reach the level of Jinxian, it is impossible for him not to be affected, he should just barely support it!

After all, they were the ones who could fight unarmed with the Jinwu real body just now, and they were much stronger than Mo BuFong. It seemed that it was not impossible for them to be able to endure the coercion of the real Myeongdong.

These people looked at Chu He who was standing motionless in front of Master Myeongdong, and quickly thought of an explanation.

However, this does not seem to explain anything.

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