Suddenly, Mo Butong's eyes shrank, and he shouted suddenly, "Supreme! Be careful, this person has a spiritual treasure in his hand, which is a black triangular flag. I don't know what it is called, but this person relies on Only this spirit treasure can protect oneself from being corroded by the Golden Crow True Fire, and even under the influence of this spirit treasure, the Golden Crow True Body can be subdued!"


Myeongdong real person Furui Wubo's eyes finally became deep.

No one thinks there are too many Lingbaos!

After all, there are countless spiritual treasures in this world. The spiritual treasures like the Taiyi Immortal Gourd can be obtained by real people in Mingdong, and they can only do so through the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

If he is a casual cultivator, even if he has cultivated to the realm of the Golden Immortal, he may not be able to have a spiritual treasure.

After all, not everyone can own this thing, even in the prehistoric times.

Any spirit treasure, as long as it can display its full strength, can at least rival the Golden Immortal!

Of course, only the Jinxian level can display the full power of Lingbao.

Master Mingdong looked at Chuhe without blinking, and then his eyes fell on the top of Chuhe's head.

It seems that just to verify what Mo Bubuyi said just now, a triangular black flag suddenly appeared above Chuhe's head, followed by the quaint temperament that almost came from the prehistoric era attached to it .

Master Myeongdong's eyes suddenly shrank.

Prehistoric Spirit Treasure! ?

He is almost certain that this spiritual treasure was formed during the prehistoric period, and must have been refined by a certain prehistoric power!

In fact, spirit treasures are also divided into high and low. In addition to the difference between congenital spirit treasures and acquired spirit treasures, they are also divided into ordinary spirit treasures and prehistoric spirit treasures.

The so-called prehistoric spirit treasures naturally refer to the spirit treasures that were formed in the prehistoric period, when the power was everywhere, not only in terms of quality and ability, but also much better than ordinary spirit treasures.

And it will also carry a prehistoric spirit.

This is because the heaven and earth in the prehistoric period was the most complete period with the most complete rules of the road, and the internal rules of the spirit treasures refined under that period were also the most complete.

Even one prehistoric spirit treasure is comparable to ten or eight ordinary post-prehistoric spirit treasures!

Master Myeongdong couldn't help but be moved.

He never expected that there would be such a harvest this time, it was simply a great opportunity!

It seems that this time, it's time for me to rise up!

His heart was roaring, and the heart lake, which had been unable to make any waves for a long time, became turbulent, and even wanted to surge out and submerge the Chu River directly.

"The virtuous live here..." Master Mingdong muttered these words, and then grinned, "Thank you for Xianbao, I will give you a happy one."

After finishing speaking, Master Mingdong took a step forward, and then his figure seemed to grow a little bigger in an instant, and he reached out and took it towards the triangular flag above Chuhe's head.

It seemed as if the Chu River didn't exist.

And while taking it, he said to Chuhe, "What is this thing called? Banner-shaped spiritual treasures are rare."

"Shensha Banner."

Chuhe opened his mouth, but sneered in his heart, "Do you want it?"

"Just say what you want, and I can consider whether to give you what you say."

"But you don't say take it directly." Chuhe paused at this point, "Then don't blame me for breaking your hand..."

Chapter 521 Underestimating Strength

Chu He's voice was cold and full of ice-cold, making people's hairs stand on end.

But Master Myeongdong didn't care.

He even laughed loudly, "Okay! At least he has some backbone compared to those bald donkeys... However, having backbone is a good thing, but sometimes it can be a bad thing."

"You succeeded in angering me, maybe, I want to take back what I just said."

Master Myeongdong's tone also became cold, "I don't think I should give you a good time, maybe you can beg for mercy, at least let me know your repentance, and then I will give you another chance to end it."

What he said was extremely arrogant, but no one felt strange when it was put into the mouth of Master Mingdong.

They just think that Chuhe is a little too overreaching.

Although you have already shown your strength, even though Mo Bufei and the monk from Xiaolin Temple just now can't do anything to you, and you even have to be manipulated by you.

However, these do not mean that you are invincible!

How dare you be so arrogant in the face of Jinxian?

Isn't this courting death?

"He dares to be so stubborn when he is about to die. It seems that there is a reason for this person to have only one skeleton left." Mo Bubu sarcastically said, "His body may have been destroyed long ago."

Someone immediately echoed, "It is said that people are valuable and have self-knowledge, but this guy doesn't have self-knowledge. What does that mean? He is not expensive, what is not expensive? Cheap!"


A group of people immediately laughed out loud, as if Chuhe had been taken down and became their prisoner.

But Master Mingdong didn't say a word, he keenly sensed something was wrong.

In his expectation, he should be able to take down the black Shensha flag by stretching out his hand, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get close to the top of Chuhe!

Obviously his hand was constantly extended under his urging, but the distance from the Shensha flag above Chuhe's head remained the same, neither getting closer nor further away.

Master Mingdong slightly put away his thoughts of underestimating Chuhe, but he still didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so arrogant, and you can be regarded as some arrogant capital." Master Mingdong said, "But if there are only these, it is not enough..."

As he said that, he was about to activate his own secret technique, planning to take the Shensha Banner first.

In his opinion, the reason why Chuhe is so strong is all because of the Shensha Banner.

After all, this is a prehistoric spiritual treasure!

He is enough for a monk to have the ability to fight against Jinxian, or to escape from Jinxian's hands!

It's no wonder that he can deal with the real body of the Golden Crow.

Although Master Myeongdong has not seen what the real body of the Golden Crow looks like until now, it does not prevent him from knowing the horror of the real body of the Golden Crow. If he faces the real body of the Golden Crow himself, although he is confident that he will be able to subdue a real body of the Golden Crow in the end. The Golden Crow's avatar of the dead thing, but there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the middle, and even he himself will be seriously injured in the end!

But Chuhe, a person who has not reached the realm of Jinxian, can directly take down the real body of the Golden Crow, which is somewhat unbelievable for Master Mingdong.

And it was only just now that he clearly knew that the reason why Chuhe was able to do this was all because of this Great Desolate Spirit Treasure God Sha Banner!

Now what Master Mingdong thinks is, as long as the godly flag in Chuhe's hand is taken down, wouldn't Chuhe be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered?

There will be absolutely no room for fighting back.

Therefore, Master Myeongdong did not intend to attack Chuhe directly at the beginning, it was completely unnecessary.

All you need is to attack the Shensha Banner, or gain control of the Shensha Banner.

As for the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the Buddhist six-petal lotus that were snatched by Chuhe, Master Mingdong didn't care at all.

Because Lingbao doesn't mean that it can be used as soon as you get it.

It also needs to be refined, and it needs to be constantly sacrificed to reach the point where it can be used reluctantly. Otherwise, it is like a young child wielding a heavy hammer. Let alone whether it can hurt others, the greater possibility is that it will hurt yourself. .

After thinking about these things clearly, Master Mingdong decided to cut through the mess quickly, and directly activated the secret method!

However, as soon as this secret method was activated, Master Mingdong suddenly felt a tightness in his heart, and a tingling pain in his temple. A dangerous feeling seemed to come to him in an instant.

It’s been too long since Master Myeongdong has felt this way. It’s been almost 10,000+ years since he stepped down as the head teacher of the Taiyi Gate. Starting from the position, I have never felt such an extremely dangerous feeling!

Didn't expect to experience it again this time?

This feeling was so long ago that Master Myeongdong even wondered if there was something wrong with him in the first place.

After all, all right, where is the danger around?

And because of this ten-thousandth second of hesitation, severe pain came directly from his arm!


There was a sound of breaking bones that everyone could hear.

The sound of broken bones made those people tremble, and even felt like their bones were broken.

And what erupted afterwards was the roar of real Myeongdong!


The real Myeongdong retreated while clutching his arms!

Everything happens between lightning and flint!

When everyone reacted, they saw Master Myeongdong retreat dozens of miles with only half of his arm in his arms!

And at the place where he was standing, Chuhe's figure appeared there, and in the hand of Chuhe's bone skeleton, there was still a forearm!

The fingers on the forearm were still trembling.

It is the forearm of the real Myeongdong!

what! ?

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, just thinking how could this be the case! ?

Blindfolded! ?Still dazzled! ?

Even those monks wiped their eyes, trying to calm down the uncontrollable tremor in their hearts.

But when I opened my eyes again, it was still the same.

Nothing has changed.

Mo Bubu was stunned, his whole body seemed to be petrified. is this possible! ?

How could this be the case! ? could he be so strong! ?

Mo Feiyu was completely sluggish, these few simple questions kept circling in his head, and he couldn't even let him do other thinking.

And the others were not much better, they were all directly shocked by the earth-shattering scene of Chuhe!

Who would have thought that Chuhe, a situation that everyone thought was certain to die, would be reversed by him?

And it was flipped by him in a way that no one could understand!

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