Could it be have always underestimated Chuhe's strength! ?

Chapter 522 It's Too Late

Or, in fact, Chuhe has already reached the level of Jinxian! ?

Thinking of this possibility, everyone gasped!

Could it be that the Chu River... has reached the Golden Immortal...

They were all silently thinking about this possibility, but when they thought that it might be true, they felt as if they were being targeted by a poisonous snake, and they felt covered in cold sweat and felt a numb sense of fear.

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible...absolutely impossible!

Mo Bubu is the most unacceptable possibility, because it can only mean one thing, that is, he will definitely die this time!

In any case, real Myeongdong will kill Chuhe!

Mo Bu different's eyes are red, as long as Master Mingdong can do this, he can continue to kneel down and kowtow to Master Mingdong, even a hundred heads, a thousand heads!

Anyway, as long as the dignity is dropped, it is completely dropped, and it is impossible to pick it up.

"Tai Shang Zhi Zun!" Mo Bu Bu gritted his teeth and said, "Be careful, this person is very cunning, and the magic weapon in his hand is very powerful!"

Master Myeongdong was also extremely shocked. He looked at his arm, thinking about the horrible feeling just now, and felt as if he was dreaming.

In his opinion, it was a blow that he was determined to win. He never thought that Chuhe could stop it.

Of course, he also thought that the Chu River would block it, but it was like a chariot with the arms of a mantis, as that chariot, he naturally didn't think about how this little mantis would stop it.

He just knew that the mantis would not be caught without a fight, but that was all.

The wheels will still crush it after all, crushing any bugs that stand in front of the chariot into a pulp!

Mantis is like this, in the eyes of Master Mingdong, Chuhe is not much better than Mantis, it's all a fate.

But what Master Mingdong never expected was that the bug Chuhe could actually hurt himself! ?

Moreover, he directly tore his arm in half!

Unbelievable in his heart, at the same time, an unspeakable anger rose, the kind of anger after being slapped in the face by a bug.

You are nothing more than a bug, how dare you treat me like this! ?

There was even a raging flame burning on Myeongdong's body!

Not anger, but tangible, golden-looking flames!

The flame directly surrounded Master Mingdong, and when he looked at Chuhe, his eyes turned into a ball of flame, "You really angered me."

"I didn't expect that, as an ant, instead of standing there obediently waiting to die, you dared to attack me. You just didn't know how to live or die."

"I will let you live in endless purgatory and torture your soul until I die!"

"Do you want to know the deadline?" Master Myeongdong sneered, "It will be forever, because, I, will, be immortal!"

And Chuhe just sneered, "I don't want to know, because I already know."

Master Myeongdong's breath was suffocated.

I only heard Chuhe continue to say, "If you want to say the date of your death, then I can tell you now, that is today."

"Don't worry, I won't be as perverted as you, who will not let people die even if they die, and torture other people's souls. I don't have that much effort, and I don't have that much hatred. I will give you a happy, direct Let your soul fly away, and from now on, there will be no more of you in the world, and all traces related to you will disappear without a trace."

"I hate you, so I want to erase you."

From Chuhe's point of view, this guy is simply incomprehensible. As soon as he came up, he yelled at himself, and he was so arrogant, saying that he would torture his soul forever.

Chuhe was speechless in his heart.

With the strength of his current consciousness and the breadth of his soul, even if his physical body is really gone, the strength of his soul is comparable to those monks with spiritual bodies, and even stronger than those monks who specialize in cultivating spiritual bodies!

His soul has long been tempered by the prehistoric world, not to mention, in the deepest part of his soul, there is a space that seems to be the most prosperous and prehistoric.

Moreover, Chuhe has already confirmed that he can bring things out of that space, but it is limited by Chuhe's current state, the passage is too small, and Chuhe has no way to bring things out from it now. Too many good things.

But just like the little Golden Crow, the creatures inside can come out without restriction!

All these are Chuhe's confidence and Chuhe's hole cards.

And these hole cards, it is estimated that in this world, there will never be a second person to know.

The current real Myeongdong is just a mere golden immortal. For these monks, perhaps the golden immortal is already a very remarkable existence, even an existence that they dare not even think about.

Even the vast majority of them dare not imagine that they can reach this level.

And this realm is actually the same for Chuhe.

In his own sea of ​​consciousness world, he has seen all kinds of peerless powers that can pick up stars and moons, and even seen that kind of powerful creature that is almost as majestic as heaven and earth.

Such as Candle Dragon!

That kind of majesty has definitely reached the level of a quasi-sage!

Even Zhunsheng Chuhe has seen it. As for those golden immortals and Daluo Jinxian, they are just food in the mouth of such powerful creatures of the quasi-sage level.

Seeing again the Jinxian who used other opportunistic ways to get promoted, Chuhe couldn't arouse too much interest in it, and it could even be said that he didn't have any awe at all.

Because this is not worthy of Chuhe's awe.

It is precisely because of this that when Chuhe looks at the real man Mingdong again, he just thinks he looks like an idiot.

It's like a million-dollar household, and a person who is worth tens of millions shows off his wealth.

You are still showing off your leather shoes of other brands, saying that these are famous brands, don't you?You can't afford it, can you?

Probably this level of stupidity.

Chuhe is generally not very polite to such idiots.

In Chuhe's view, people can be ignorant, because ignorance is not a sin, but people can't be stupid, because there is no cure for stupid.

Since there is no cure, the best way is to send him to the west.

Thinking of this, Chuhe shook his head instead.


Why do I always meet so many idiots?

Is this God punishing me?

Chuhe sighed.

And this scene was seen by Master Mingdong, and he grinned and said viciously, "You want to admit defeat and beg for mercy now? It's too late!"

Chapter 523

Real Myeongdong really proved that he is an idiot.

It's a pity that this insight is only here in Chuhe.

Others don't think so.

Although they were astonished that Chuhe had such a powerful force and could hurt the real man Mingdong, they still didn't want to believe that Chuhe's strength had reached Jinxian in the end, and they would rather believe that Chuhe was just relying on Lingbao Just strength.

After all, there are three spirit treasures around Chuhe's body.

They are the Shensha Banner, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, and the six-petal lotus.

These things, in this world, are also the most top-level spiritual treasures!

These are the top treasures of Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple among the top sects in this world!

But now, it's all in Chuhe's hands. In all fairness, they even feel that if they have so many spirit treasures, they should be able to compete with real Myeongdong.

It's just that even if they are fantasizing, they don't dare to think that they can beat real Myeongdong.

So naturally, they definitely don't think that Chuhe can beat real Myeongdong.

Everything is nothing more than the carelessness of Master Mingdong, and he missed it due to mental calculations or unintentional calculations.

No one thought that this was a serious injury to Master Myeongdong. After all, it was just a loss of an arm. Even if they lost an arm, it was not a big deal, and it could grow back at any time.

At their level, the physical body is actually not too important.

Unless it is those lunatics who plan to enter the Tao with martial arts, or even want to reach the peak through body training, no monk will care too much about his body, and even many monks do not practice the body at all. Poorly weak.

They naturally think that Master Myeongdong is the same, it's just an arm, it's not a serious injury, it's just a bit of embarrassment.

As for why Master Myeongdong still maintains the severed arm instead of directly letting the arm grow back, in the eyes of everyone, it's not that Master Myeongdong can't do it, but that he just wants to maintain this state.

Keep yourself angry, and after you kill Chuhe, your arm will naturally return to its original state.

The vast majority of people think so, but there are also a small number of people who see something unusual.

"Taiyi real fire..." Mo Bubu looked at the golden flame burning on Mingdong's real person, and muttered in his mouth, his eyes were a little dazed, "It turned out to be Taiyi real fire...he is really serious... "

Others may not know, but as long as they are members of Taiyimen, they will know what the golden flame burning on the real Myeongdong is.

Especially these senior Taiyimen, they realized something was wrong the moment the golden flame appeared.

This Taiyi True Fire is the exclusive inheritance of Taiyi Sect!

Moreover, the practice of Taiyi True Fire was not created by someone from their Taiyi Sect, but was passed down from the prehistoric era. According to rumors, it was created by a powerful monk who was well-known in the prehistoric period.

Then, for unknown reasons, it fell into the hands of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, and the Taiyi Immortal Sect also regarded the Taiyi True Fire as a top-secret inheritance. able to practice.

Moreover, it is said that the origin of the name of Taiyi Immortal Sect is closely related to Taiyi True Fire.

It can even be said that the origin of the name of Taiyi Immortal Sect is because of this Taiyi real fire!

This is definitely the most powerful method in the Taiyi Immortal Sect, but it is also the one that consumes the most and requires the most people. As long as you use the Taiyi True Fire, you must endure the pain of the real fire.

And after casting Taiyi True Fire, there will be a period of weakness.

Therefore, although some people from Taiyi Immortal Sect have learned this powerful Taiyi True Fire, in fact, no one will choose to use Taiyi True Fire unless it is the last moment to desperately fight!

But now Master Myeongdong just like this silently cast Taiyi True Fire, something that requires desperate efforts.

This must not confuse those who understand Taiyi True Fire.

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that Master Mingdong felt that Chuhe was difficult to deal with, so he had to fight Taiyi real fire to fight desperately.

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