Or does it mean that Daoist Dong has actually mastered the method of using Taiyi real fire without being weak, or even having to endure the pain of burning the body with the real fire?

They think that the second possibility is more likely. After all, Master Mingdong is a master of the Golden Immortal level, and it seems that such a big man and a monk with such strength can overcome some loopholes in the exercises. It is impossible.

After all, according to the thinking of these people, the bosses at the Jinxian level can already start to create their own martial arts and self-created exercises, so it is no problem to improve the exercises.

But no matter what, their hearts were also covered with a cloud.

After all, although the first possibility seems very unlikely to them, it is still possible after all. Since it is possible, they have to think about the consequences.

And this consequence is precisely what they cannot bear.

Because that would mean death.

It is a matter of life and death, even if it is a small possibility, it will make people hold the greatest vigilance.

Unfortunately, too many things that happen in this world conform to one principle, that is, good spirits do not work bad spirits.

What is the situation of Master Myeongdong? I am afraid that only Master Myeongdong knows best now.

Taiyi real fire was burning on him, but he didn't attack Chuhe immediately, not because he didn't want to, but because he was waiting for another chance.

If, at the beginning, Master Myeongdong thought that Chu He was only making a fool of himself by sneaking up on the Shensha flag, then now, Master Myeongdong has completely put away these thoughts.

Because, he found that the arm torn off by Chuhe could not be recovered!

This made Master Myeongdong horrified!

As a great power at the Golden Immortal level, not to mention his damaged arm, even if his entire physical body has become rotten, he still has a way to reshape his physical body!

Not to mention a mere arm?

It's just that when real Myeongdong tried to repair his arm, he was horrified to find that it couldn't be repaired!

It's as if, Chuhe didn't just tear off the forearm, but directly took that arm away from this world!

In other words, not only has he lost the shape of this arm, but he has also lost the soul of this arm.

Master Myeongdong has never seen such an incredible ability before, or even thought about it!

Chapter 524 Guess

What kind of ability is this! ?

It was the first time he encountered a power that Master Myeongdong didn't know about himself, and this power could really hurt him, which made him have to be cautious.

Even directly using Taiyi True Fire, this can be regarded as one of his strongest killing moves!

He wondered if Chuhe immersed himself in his body and did some tricks when he shot just now, so he thought about burning it directly with Taiyi real fire. B real fire burning.

The Taiyi real fire burned all over from his soul to his body, as if he was using his whole body as nourishment, burning continuously, but there was no abnormality in the burning.

And the intense pain brought by the Taiyi real fire was also endured by Master Mingdong.

This is the case with Taiyi True Fire, using itself as fuel, the stronger one's own cultivation is, the stronger the Taiyi True Fire that can burst out.

And after burning, it is inevitable that they will fall into weakness, even the real Myeongdong who has reached the level of Jinxian is no exception.

But he still propped up the real fire of Taiyi, because he had already begun to pay attention to the skeleton in front of him.

Before he made a move, he just looked at Chuhe.

The more I look at him, the more frightened I am!

At the beginning, Master Mingdong didn't take Chuhe seriously at all, but only regarded him as a powerful demon. After all, if he was a monk, he shouldn't be in the shape of a skeleton.

Moreover, Master Myeongdong is very familiar with the shape of human bones. Although the bone in front of him looks like a human bone, in fact, if you look carefully, you can still find a lot of differences.

That is to say, this bone does not belong to human beings, but the real Myeongdong does not know what kind it belongs to, because he has never seen it before.

After confirming that Chuhe's identity could not be human race, his vigilance increased again.

Approaching, if the rules are not complete today, if you want to reach the Golden Immortal, unless you use his method, it is simply impossible.

But this is not the case for some prehistoric alien species. According to the records, there are too many alien beasts in the prehistoric, as long as they are born, they will have the cultivation of immortals, and as long as they become adults, they can directly reach the level of golden immortals!

Those things, hardly disturbed by anything, can reach golden immortals as long as they can reach adulthood.

Could it be that the skeleton in front of him is also some prehistoric alien species?

In fact, Master Myeongdong also thought about whether the spirit on this skeleton could be a human being, but he quickly dismissed this possibility.

Because if a person possesses it, no matter what method is used, no matter how powerful the spirit is, there will be a strange feeling of incompatibility. This feeling cannot be erased simply by being strong.

As long as it is possessed by someone, then Master Myeongdong is confident that he will be able to see it.

But the skeleton in front of him is perfectly fused with the soul, which is a complete unity of god and form, without any weird or incompatible feeling, so this is definitely not possession.

And real person Mingdong's guess is indeed good, this is indeed not considered possession, because Chuhe was an external incarnation of refining from the beginning.

Up to now, the remains of the witch clan and the real body of Chuhe can act separately, just like two people. It is completely the method of incarnation outside the body, not a simple possession.

Naturally, there will be no flaws.

There is another reason why Master Myeongdong has been reluctant to make a move, which is the most important one.

That is, he didn't observe Chuhe carefully before because of disdain, but when he let go of the disdain in his heart and began to observe carefully, he found that he couldn't see through at all!

I can only see that Chuhe's whole body seems to be shrouded in a layer of hazy mist. If you look carefully, the mist is so thick that it even covers Chuhe's whole body.

This mist refers to the mist above the consciousness, and the eyes are still clean.

But the more he concentrated on looking at it, the more he was blocked by the strange mist that shrouded his consciousness.

Master Mingdong wanted to see some flaws in Chuhe, but this characteristic of Chuhe shocked him again.

What's more, Chuhe's whole body is like one body, there is no flaw at all to say, and he always has a feeling that as long as he makes a move, Chuhe can definitely stop him, and he will fight back mercilessly.

The end at that time will definitely not be better than before!

As a result, the scene stalemate in such a strange way.

Although Master Myeongdong broke out in anger, he never made a move, and Chuhe also stood there silent, as if waiting for Master Myeongdong to make a move.

The people below were dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Someone whispered, "What's going on? Why hasn't Taishang Zhizun made a move yet?

"I guess... I guess there is something to consider. The Supreme Elder is a power of the Jinxian level. How can we know what he is thinking?"

Some people also said, "It's probably waiting for Taoist Wuxiang to kneel down and kowtow to apologize. As long as you surrender and seal your spirit treasure obediently, you can escape death."

"What you said makes sense. In my opinion, it is very likely that the Taishang Supreme has a heart of love for talents. He doesn't want this person to die like that. After all, the world of great struggle is coming soon. If this time can make this innocent If Taoist joins our Taiyi Sect, the strength of our Taiyi Sect will be greatly increased!"

"After all, those bald donkeys can subdue those demons and heretics at will as Buddhist guardians, why can't our Taoist sect?"

What everyone says makes sense.

It's just that these principles are based on the fact that real Myeongdong is really stronger than Chuhe.

And as long as it's the other way around, as long as real Myeongdong doesn't have such a strong strength, even Chuhe's strength is the strongest.

Then all these speculations can only be nonsense.

Just like Mo Bufei who has been silent for a long time, he has already noticed something abnormal.

As a man in the second life, he has a lot more experience than these people, and in his previous life, he almost touched the threshold of the Golden Immortal, and he knows more about this realm than others.

In his opinion, the reason Mingdong Zhenren didn't make a move didn't seem to be because he was waiting for an apology from Chuhe, nor because he had any love for talents, but...but because he was afraid?

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Bubu felt as if he had been thrown into a hole in the ice.

Cold all over.

He gulped down a mouthful of spit, and was about to think of some solutions, but suddenly saw the sky brighten!

Chapter 525

This sudden bright light almost instantly attracted everyone's attention!

Even Daoist Mingdong and Chuhe in the Taiyi real fire slightly raised their heads to look at the western sky.

I saw a sudden burst of ten thousand trillion rays of light in the sky due to the west, a thing that looked like the sun, from far to near, and finally saw clearly what it was to hold things.

The monks of Xiaolin Temple were immediately overjoyed. They chanted the Buddha's name one by one, bowed to the west, put their hands together, and said, "Amitabha!"

It was none other than a huge peacock, and on the back of the peacock sat a barefoot monk in cassock.

This monk looks benevolent, with very big earlobes, no beard or hair, and there is a Buddha in his hand, as if he is chanting sutras there.

Daoist Mingdong was struggling and fell into a critical juncture. Seeing this monk coming, he was relieved.

Chuhe also looked at the monk with great interest.


This was the first time he saw Luo Han.

In Buddhism, the status of Arhat represents the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal. Even in Buddhism, Arhat is a very difficult achievement to achieve.

And as for wanting to become a bodhisattva or a Buddha, it is even more difficult.

Speaking of it, the way of practicing Buddhism is different from that of Taoism, but even if there are some small differences, it is not reflected at all, and it is difficult to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

Perhaps the Taoism is stronger, there are more exercises, and the way of cultivation is more acceptable.

But Buddhism has been contending with Taoism for many years. Since Buddhism was established by Yin Zhunti in the prehistoric period, Buddhism has been fighting against Taoism.

Although during this period, most of the time was suppressed and beaten by the Taoist sect, but after all, it was considered the top few powerful forces in the prehistoric world!

It has been passed down to the present, and it has spread throughout the entire Primordial Continent.

There are even here in Dongsheng Shenzhou. You must know that Dongsheng Shenzhou is the private land of Taoism.

And the arhat swaggered on the peacock and appeared directly above the crowd.

With benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes, he clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha!"

The monks of Xiaolin Temple below also bowed to the arhat with their hands clasped together.

"Farewell to Amitabha!" Master Mingdong suddenly shouted, "Why don't you hurry up and help me!?"

The person who came, this Mingdong real person knew, was Master Songling.

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