It is a conversion to Buddhism.

Others watched, but no one laughed, and some even planned to convert directly to Buddhism.

And right here, a golden flame suddenly appeared and directly ignited the Taiyi Sect disciple who had converted to Buddhism.

Almost in an instant, the disciple didn't even have the chance to scream, he was directly turned into a burning man, and in the next moment, he was directly blown into powder by the wind.

This is the strength of Taiyi Zhenhuo!

This man was killed by real Myeongdong.

He looked at Master Songling with a gloomy look, and said in a low voice, "Use this low-handed method, hehe, you haven't changed at all in all these years."

And those people from the Taiyi Immortal Sect who were affected, when they heard what Master Mingdong said, and saw the tragic situation of that person just now, they were shocked for a moment, and then they suddenly woke up.

Just now... what happened just now?Why do I have an urge to become a monk?

Many people had such doubts in their hearts, and then they thought of what Master Songling said just now, and they couldn't help being terrified.

This is what they hate about Buddhism.

It is a bit too insidious.

Those ideas just now were not actually thought up by them at all, but Master Songling forced them on them through the means of Buddhism!

It is precisely because of those thoughts that they have the idea of ​​converting to Buddhism.

And as long as they convert to Buddhism, from now on, they can only become puppets of Buddhism!

Chapter 529

This kind of involuntary behavior is what they hate the most.

Many people even practice immortality and embark on the journey of Taoism just to get rid of the feeling of being involuntary. From then on, everything is their own decision, to be their own true master.

As for the Buddhists, if they spontaneously want to convert to Buddhism, then forget it, after all, it can be regarded as their own decision.

But just like just now, being directly manipulated by others to join Buddhism, and they still have to be grateful to others in their hearts, this is simply the saddest thing in their opinion.

Therefore, these people who reacted directly glared at Master Songling.

Although Master Songling is already a Jinxian, but what Master Songling did to them just now meant that he killed them directly!

They have enough reasons to be angry, but they can only stay in anger.

After all, they have no strength.

And this kind of powerless anger would not make Master Songling stop for a moment, he didn't look at these people at all, and he didn't think it was a pity.

These people, for the current Master Songling, it can be said that he has already looked down upon them.

All he really cares about is Chuhe.

Even the means he used just now were aimed at Chuhe.

As for those people being affected, it's just the aftermath.

If Master Songling really wanted to influence those people, it would be absolutely impossible for Master Mingdong to wake them up with just one sentence.

After Master Songling became an arhat of Buddhism, he had a deeper understanding of some Buddhist exercises, especially the one about degree of transformation.

It can be said that he has studied the most on this.

But when facing Chuhe, he still felt that something was missing.

In his opinion, Chuhe's strength is absolutely powerful, at least that brute force has at least the cultivation base of a golden immortal.

However, in Master Songling's eyes, Chuhe's soul must not be that powerful. After all, in Master Songling's eyes, Chuhe is just a foreign race.

In this world, the alien races have always been known for their brute force, while the soul is the talent of the human race.

Master Songling didn't know that Pangu's soul transformed the Taoist ancestor of the human race into the Sanqing at one time. If he knew, he would not only be surprised, but also feel reasonable.

After all, in his many years, he has seen countless alien races, and if those alien races want to obtain a powerful soul, they all need to transform into human form to practice without exception.

The human race seems to be a natural Taoist body.

And if they maintain their original body shape, it is almost impossible to go far above the soul, because only the human body can conceive the Sea of ​​Consciousness and Purple Mansion where the soul exists.

And other alien races don't have this thing, even if they have something similar, it will be much lower level, and it is simply impossible to cultivate a powerful soul.

Therefore, he can't say that he is [-]% sure about Duhua Chuhe, at least he thinks it is very promising. At least in his opinion, a seed can be planted in Chuhe's heart, a seed about Buddhism.

It only needs to be continuously catalyzed by oneself, then this seed will germinate, and sooner or later it will become a towering tree, and at that time, their Buddhist sect will naturally have an extra guardian of the Arhat realm!

This is not only a powerful subordinate for Master Songling, but also a boost for the entire Buddhist sect.

After all, this world of great controversy is coming, and whether Buddhism will rise or not depends on the next period of time!

However, the reality was slightly different from Master Songling's imagination. He originally thought that his words could at least plant a seed in Chuhe's heart, but Chuhe behaved as usual.

There was no slight change, not even a movement of the body.

Instead, he asked him back, "Are you finished?"

Master Songling was taken aback for a moment, he felt it carefully, and found that Chu River was indeed not affected.

Now it was Master Songling's turn to be shocked. He never expected that under such circumstances, Chuhe would not be affected at all?

Could it be that his spirit is also very powerful?


Master Songling's eyes fell on the triangular Shensha flag floating above Chuhe's head.

Or is it that this magic weapon blocked some of his own spiritual thoughts, so Chuhe was not affected?

After Master Songling thought of this possibility, he nodded silently.

It seemed that, as he had imagined, this spirit treasure was probably unusual.

At this time, the Master Mingdong suddenly said, "Master Songling, I know what you are thinking, hehe, I will tell you now that the spirit treasure is called the Shensha Banner, and it is a prehistoric spirit treasure!"

"You and I's six-petal lotus and Taiyi fairy gourd can only be regarded as junk in front of this spirit treasure. It can be said that whoever gets this spirit treasure will be directly invincible under the golden fairy realm. !"

"If you and I get it, we can directly reverse the luck of the two schools of Dongsheng Shenzhou Buddhism and Taoism for so many years, and even from now on in this world of great controversy, relying on this spirit treasure can kill the Quartet and reach the legendary The realm is not impossible."

When Master Mingdong said this, he actually smiled fascinatedly, and then continued, "I'm telling you this, just to tell you that as long as we join hands to kill this official, then this god evil flag will be yours!" Yes, and all the things on this guy, I don’t want them all, I only need some things on the Golden Crow’s real body..."

"You need this too, but most of it is still yours."

Master Mingdong paused when he said this, and then continued, "Why, do you still want to think about it?"

Master Songling shook his head, "Reverend Mingdong, the conditions you mentioned are indeed very attractive, but you want me to kill him now, but I can't do it. What evil has he done?"

"He is only for his own practice, but only for the pursuit of Dao, just like you and me, just like any monk, everyone has basically done what he did, if he deserves to die, then we should die too Woolen cloth?"

Hearing this, Master Myeongdong's forehead bulged with veins!

It's really hard to talk to this intersex person.

It's already this time, and you still want to pretend to be his master persona, who doesn't know what you are thinking in your heart?

But now Master Mingdong needed Master Songling again, and he didn't dare to do it easily, for fear of being taken advantage of by others.

So he could only look at Master Songling like this and pretend to be aggressive.

I only heard Master Songling continue to say, "Hey! So I can't agree to your request. I, Buddha, is merciful, and God has the virtue of loving life. If I can let him go, I will definitely not take his life."

After saying this, Master Songling looked at Chuhe, clasped his hands together and said, "I don't know Taoist Wuxiang, do you think what the poor monk said makes sense?"

"Reason?" Chuhe smiled, showing his big white teeth, and then spit out two words, "Shit!"

Chapter 530 I Don't Care

After hearing Chuhe's words, Master Mingdong, who was originally angry at Master Songling, suddenly beamed with joy!

What he is most worried about now is that Chuhe is moved by Master Songling, because in that case, he will be the most passive.

But now that Chuhe scolded directly, he was not worried anymore.

Regardless of looking at Master Songling again, he saw that Master Songling was still smiling, with a kind of resigned master demeanor.

When he heard what Chuhe said, he didn't say much, but continued, "Taoist Wuxiang, I think you have practiced endlessly. No matter what you say now, your cultivation is definitely not what you want to give up. .”

"I've basically said everything I said, and I really don't want to see you fall because of this, and I really think about you for your own good."

I don't know if Master Songling would have goosebumps when he said such words again, anyway, Chuhe only felt disgusted when he heard it.

A person who only met once, came up and said that he was sincerely for your own good, sincerely thinking about you, and he held a knife in his hand to your neck, and said that he wanted you to join the kidnappers in the robbery, and said You are only really good if you do this.

What would an ordinary person do when something like this really happened?

Simply mentally handicapped!

Chuhe didn't even bother to talk to Master Songling anymore, so he said impatiently, "Fart off, I'm still in a hurry here, and I don't have time to waste time with you two here."

Master Songling frowned, then shook his head and said, "Since you said that..."

"Now I can give you a choice, a way out, and a way of thinking."

Before Chuhe asked what is the way of life and what is the way of death, Master Songling has already started to explain to Chuhe.

It seemed that he also felt that Chuhe would never ask about life and death.

"The so-called dead end is the road you are walking on now. If you continue to be unruly, I will definitely not keep you, because you will definitely continue to do evil in the future. If I let you go, you will do evil in the future. Doesn’t that mean I have a share too?”

"Only killing you can be considered a good deed, but killing is still killing. I, Buddha, is merciful, and I don't want to kill, so I prepared a second way for you."

After finishing speaking, Master Songling looked up at Chuhe, as if his figure had also grown taller.

"The second way is to let you convert to the Buddha. Our Buddhism is very tolerant. Even if you are a foreigner, even if your hands are bloody, these are not problems. As long as you can devote yourself to the Buddha and the good, from then on, Rescue the world and spread the Dharma, and you can redeem the sins you committed before."

"Take refuge in my Buddha! Only by taking refuge in my Buddha will your hard-earned cultivation not disappear in vain. Only by taking refuge in my Buddha can you gain a new life. Only by taking refuge in my Buddha can you find your way." !"

"Take refuge in my Buddha! Take refuge in my Buddha!"

After Master Songling came to the back, the more he spoke, the more hurriedly he spoke, the more he felt like he had changed time, space and body shape, as if Master Songling had directly turned into a high and mighty Buddha.

And those monks who were affected once before were affected again.

And this time, it was even stronger than before.

Even Mo Bubushi unconsciously started to put his palms together, muttering in a low voice, "Take refuge in my Buddha, take refuge in my Buddha..."

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