When Master Myeongdong saw this scene, he was naturally very angry!

At this point, this bald donkey is still thinking about this! ?

And Master Myeongdong was also a little worried, even a little terrified.

Master Songling really didn't want any face at this time, he directly threatened Chuhe that if he wanted to survive, he would join Buddhism.

Although real Mingdong knew that Chuhe's character was absolutely rebellious, he couldn't guarantee how Chuhe would choose when he was doing this kind of multiple-choice question of life and death.

If it was me, how should I choose?

Master Mingdong stared at Chuhe, and he already had the answer in his heart.

If it was him, then he would directly choose to join Buddhism without hesitation.

Although it is a last resort, at least it is better than the soul flying away, and after joining Buddhism, maybe you can find a way to quit Buddhism, and you may not be able to regain your freedom from then on.

And joining Buddhism is just a stopgap measure.

But the current real Myeongdong only thinks that even expedient measures are not enough, and he has no idea!You must ask me for the city lord, otherwise, you and I will both die!

As long as Chuhe joins the Buddhist sect, it doesn't matter much, the next Master Songling will have to deal with is definitely his Daoist Mingdong.

And Master Mingdong couldn't just sit still, he rushed directly between the two of them, interrupting Master Songling's continued bewitching process.

"what are you doing!?"

Master Songling finally got angry.

In his opinion, he knows the truth and uses life and death as a threat to pry open a crack in Chuhe's heart. At this time, if he uses the Buddhist skills to preach, there is 80.00% certainty that he can really get rid of it. Huachu River.

In the end, all this was broken by real Myeongdong!

He couldn't help being angry.

Master Mingdong ignored him at all, but said to Chu Hedao, "Taoist Wuxiang, I heard that you also have a Taoist in your name. You must be a Taoist. Although you are a foreigner, my Taoist has always been a Taoist." There is no distinction between teaching and learning, and this should not be used to determine the level."

"Aren't many goblins also claiming to be Taoists?"

Master Mingdong's mouth was fast, and he spoke very anxiously, "What was just now was just a misunderstanding, you broke my arm, it's what I deserve, I swear, I will never worry about it again."

"The reason for the delay now is that I don't want to see you, who is also a Taoist, be reduced to a watchdog of Buddhism. I absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing!"

"As for the conflict between you and me, you can let it go for now. I can promise that I only need a small part of the Golden Crow's real body to adjust my body. I don't want anything else."

"And as long as you join hands with me, you will be the elder of the Taiyi Immortal Sect from now on, and everything in the Taiyi Immortal Sect can be controlled by you. From then on, it will not be a problem for us to form an alliance and dominate the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou!"

"My influence, plus your strength, from now on, this world is so big, you can go anywhere, and the world of great struggle is coming, don't you want to show your skills in it?"

Master Mingdong kept talking, trying to persuade Chuhe to deal with Master Songling with him.

He and Master Songling have already formed a chain of suspicion. Master Mingdong is unwilling to believe Master Songling, so Master Songling will definitely not be willing to believe Master Mingdong.

All three are worried that Chuhe will join forces with another person, just like the Three Kingdoms.

In the eyes of Master Mingdong and Master Songling, the three of them are of similar strength, and Chuhe's attitude is particularly important at this time.

At the beginning, Master Songling only focused on preaching, and wanted to subdue Chuhe as the guardian of the Buddhist sect, but he never considered whether Master Mingdong would be worried about it.

Now he wanted to go back on his word, he should have vented to Master Myeongdong beforehand, but it was already too late.

Both of them are now striving for Chuhe's support, making Chuhe, who should have been the target of their joint efforts, become an outsider instead.

This made Chuhe a little confused.

Chapter 531 Kunlun Great World

At the same time, Chuhe also finds it funny.

Why is there such a thing?

Is this kind of person really the boss of Jinxian?

How does it feel like playing house?

Maybe, maybe it's because they are the bosses of Jinxian, they think more about everything, and they think more complicated when they encounter this kind of thing, which leads to the current situation.

In fact, sometimes, this kind of thing has nothing to do with being smart or not, it's about human nature.

If these two people had trusted each other in the first place, this problem would never have arisen.

The question is, how can they trust each other since they were enemies at the beginning?

And under such circumstances, once you feel that you may be killed, even if it is only a [-]% possibility, who will rush to gamble?

Do you want to put your life in the hands of others?

This, they cannot do.

Almost no monk can do it.

And all of these, evolved to the end, naturally formed such a result now.

However, in order to win over Chuhe and let Chuhe stand on his side, the strategies used by the two are not the same at all.

At the beginning, Master Songling wanted to use Buddhist techniques to directly save Chuhe, but after failing, he began to threaten Chuhe again, threatening Chuhe with life and death.

But Master Myeongdong used benefits to seduce Chuhe.

Moreover, the moment Master Mingdong stepped forward, Master Songling's death threat had already vanished.

Because Master Songling's death threat was carried out on the basis that Master Myeongdong was on his side.

Master Songling didn't expect Master Mingdong to be so decisive.

He was naturally upset.

How do you say, I am also a monk, can I really attack you?

I am not some demon!

Master Songling thought so deep down in his heart, but he would not deny that if things really happened as he expected, then he might not mind killing Master Myeongdong...

Master Songling has no effect on Chuhe's threat now, and once it has no effect, and because of what he said to Chuhe before, Chuhe is likely to join hands with Master Mingdong to deal with him.

And by then, it might be over.

Ever since, Master Songling gave Reverend Mingdong a resentful look, and whether he wanted to or not, he offered his own price.

"Daoist Wuxiang, don't be fooled by this person. I think you know what kind of character he is. Otherwise, you wouldn't have broken one of his arms."

"Hmph! I'm aboveboard, it's better than your secret poking to save others."

Master Songling didn't want to argue with Master Mingdong, but continued to talk to Chuhe, "Daoist Wuxiang, if you are willing to join my Buddhist sect, you can be a registered disciple. You will not be forced to convert to Buddha, and my Xiaolin Temple will also give You have a great gift!"

Master Songling continued, "This great gift is that I can tell you about the next demon clan relic that will be born soon. There may be some inheritance there. Compared with the Nanhai Demon Palace, it is definitely much stronger!"

Master Mingdong's head jumped, and he quickly said, "Hehe, that's really a coincidence."

He turned his head to Chu Hedao, "I happen to know an ancient relic, and I originally planned to explore it after improving my cultivation and strength. Although I am already a golden immortal, the relic is from the prehistoric period. During the prehistoric period, there were also the highest existences there."

"So even if I am a golden immortal, I dare not enter rashly, but if I can join hands with you, Taoist Wuxiang, maybe we can explore this relic called Kunlun together..."

Originally, Chuhe wanted to continue watching the two play here.

But he didn't expect to hear his familiar name from the mouth of Master Myeongdong.

"Kunlun?" Chu He opened his mouth, "Where is it?"

Master Mingdong was overjoyed when he heard what Chuhe said, knowing that Chuhe had been persuaded.

He hurriedly said, "Taoist Wuxiang, if you want to know where it is, you just need to join hands with me to destroy this monk first. In the future, the two of us will go to explore together, and you don't have to worry that I will lie to you."

"Because we had a conflict just now because of a misunderstanding, it has already been proved that I can't do anything to you."

"We joined forces only for mutual benefit."

Master Mingdong was still talking, but was interrupted by Chuhe, "Is this Kunlun you are talking about in the small world of the earth?"

Master Myeongdong's complexion suddenly became stiff.

How did he know! ?

This matter is top secret, even he himself just found out not long ago.

In the extremely powerful Taiyi Immortal Sect in Dongsheng Shenzhou, naturally many forces and spies took advantage of the opportunity of the fusion between the worlds and went to the outside world one after another.

One of them went directly to the small world of the earth.

It's just that the current small world of the earth is no longer called the small world of the earth.

It's called the Kunlun Great World!

But Master Mingdong knew that the previous name of the Kunlun Great World was the Small Earth World, so he felt a little shocked.

Did Chuhe know from the beginning?

And judging from the words Chuhe said about the small world of the earth, Chuhe probably doesn't know the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in the small world of the earth now, so much so that even the name has changed, and it has become the big world of Kunlun .

Seeing Daoist Myeongdong's expression was uncertain, Chu He also knew that he was probably right.

From the very beginning of Kunlun on Earth, Chuhe felt that something was wrong, but after Master Mingdong talked about Kunlun, he naturally knew what was going on.

Seeing his expression now, Chuhe is naturally more sure in his heart.

Sure enough, Master Myeongdong sighed and said, "It turns out fellow daoists already know about it, but from what you said about that side of the world, it's not wrong to say that it's a small world of the earth, because it's true that the previous world It’s called the small world of the earth.”

"But just a few decades ago, that small world was renamed long ago, and it should be called the Kunlun Great World!"

"Renamed?" Chuhe was even more surprised.

The difference between the small world and the big world is not a literal difference. If the rules are not complete enough, and if they are not broad enough, they are absolutely not qualified to be called the big world.

That is to say, in the more than 100 years since I left, the earth has undergone earth-shaking changes again?

From the words of real Myeongdong, it seems that this is indeed the case.

And Master Mingdong has been observing Chuhe carefully all the time. After hearing Chuhe's attitude, he even had a bold guess.

Could it be that the Chu River comes from the Kunlun Great World?

Chapter 532 Arrogance

Thinking of this, Master Mingdong continued directly, "Fellow Daoist, I still know a lot about the Kunlun Great World, but it's a long story, why don't we settle the matter before us first?"

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