However, Aolai Country is not big, but no one found Huaguo Mountain, which shows a problem, Huaguo Mountain may be hidden intentionally.

As for who did it and what his purpose is, Chuhe doesn't know now, but the most urgent thing now is to go to Aolai country to have a look, he doesn't believe he can't find Huaguo Mountain.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know Huaguo Mountain, you lead the way, we are going to Aolai Country now."

"Why are you staring blankly, didn't you hear the order from the immortal?"

Seeing a gourd growl at him, even though the demon monkey has seen many things in the world, he was still taken aback.

And the six-petaled lotus and the gourd exuded an inexplicably powerful coercion. The monkey monster had never seen such a powerful existence in its thousands of years of life, and it couldn't help but secretly groaned.

Reincarnate as a human being in the next life, it is too difficult to be a demon.

"Shangxian, please follow me!"

The monkey monster swept away and flew towards the east at high speed, but its speed didn't seem to be leading the way, it was more like running away.

Chuhe followed closely behind. Seeing that Chuhe had received the news from Aolai Kingdom, the other monks felt that they could survive this time, so they stopped following.

However, there are still quite a few daring people who want to go and see the excitement, and see what kind of character the Great Sage Equaling Heaven that the Shang Immortal mentioned is like?

So, they just hesitated for a moment, and they all followed closely. Mo Bubu and the young monk looked at each other, and they all followed with wry smiles.

A group of people soon came to Aolai country. Aolai country is really too small, so many people don't know him and have never heard of the name of this country, so it's no wonder that others don't know this place.

However, it is such a small place, and the country with a radius of less than a hundred miles can fly back and forth in a short time for monks. No shadow of Huaguoshan was found at all.

Chuhe wondered, it didn't mean that there was a small island in the sea of ​​Aolai country, and the island was Huaguo Mountain, but looking around, the sea area around Aolai country was in a daze, and there was no shadow of any mountain at all.

This is strange, what is going on?

Just when Chuhe was wondering, he felt an inexplicable wave of life under his feet.He looked down at his feet, it was a vast expanse of sea water, with life fluctuations, but no signs of life could be seen.

What's even more amazing is that, even though it's sea water, not a single fish swims by, not even a small shrimp can be seen.Chu He thought for a moment, and finally laughed.

Well, it turned out that Huaguo Mountain was hidden in this place, and there was really nowhere to find it. It took no effort to get there, and now I am standing directly above Huaguo Mountain.

"Huaguo Mountain is just below."

As Chu He said calmly, a group of monks all stared wide-eyed, unable to believe it.

"Shangxian, could it be that my eyes are dazzled? What I see is a vast expanse of sea water, and there are no mountains at all."

"Yeah, there's no shadow of the mountain at all. What's going on here? Couldn't the Shangxian be lying to us?"

A monk kept rubbing his eyes, but he didn't find anything strange at all.

"Shangxian lied to you? You don't even look at yourself, do you really think of yourself as a person? It's clear that your knowledge is too shallow, and you don't see the tricks hidden here."

In order to flatter Chuhe, a monk praised Chuhe infinitely high, and also praised himself by the way.

"Hey, from your tone, you seem to have noticed the tricks here? Come on, ask this fellow Taoist to explain to everyone, where is Huaguo Mountain?"

Originally, he just wanted to make a comparison, but he didn't expect that the other party would hold on to him and insist on asking. He didn't see anything tricky at all, he just said it casually, but for the sake of face, he was still holding on.


"Why are you hesitating and haggling and can't tell? What are you pretending to do? Your morals are not as high as mine. I didn't see it. You really think you are like the Shangxian."

Seeing that the person who pretended to be compared was about to be disqualified from the stage.

Chu He smiled faintly.

He turned into an egret casually, and as soon as he let go, the egret galloped down. Everyone didn't understand what was going on, and they all stared at it with wide eyes.

Unexpectedly, the egret disappeared suddenly!

Chapter 539 The Mysterious Barrier

Watching the egret disappear, these monks thought they had seen a ghost.

So Mo Buwei thought about it carefully.

"The place where the egret disappeared just now has very slight ripples. It didn't disappear out of thin air, but it seemed to have entered some invisible place."

After being reminded by Mo BuTong, the little monk slapped his forehead and reacted immediately.

"It's an enchantment. Someone used an enchantment to hide Huaguo Mountain, and the way of hiding it was so ingenious that a group of us standing on top of it couldn't find any flaws."

Having said this, the little monk turned around and gave Chuhe a deep bow.

"Shangxian is really clever. I have lived here for generations, but I haven't discovered this secret. The Shangxian was able to discover this flaw as soon as he arrived, which is really admirable."

There was a smile on the corner of Chuhe's mouth. When this little monk was flattering, he had a dignified appearance, which made people feel comfortable, but there was no trace of flattery on his face, and he said it very cleverly.

Chuhe was very helpful to this kind of flattery, but he didn't reply the little monk's compliment. People deliberately want to hide Huahuaguo Mountain, and they don't want people to know.

The person who does this is probably Monkey Brother, but why does Monkey Brother do this?What is his purpose in doing this?

Hiding Huaguo Mountain from the outside world, is it to protect his disciples and grandchildren?Thinking about it, Brother Hou gathered 10 demons to fight against the Heavenly Court and angered the gods and generals. He might be worried that the Heavenly Court would retaliate, so Brother Monkey had no choice but to do so.

This further proves that Brother Monkey's existence is real, and he should be able to meet him this time.

"It's just that what is the nature of this enchantment and whether it is dangerous is still unknown."

Chuhe was thinking about it when Mo Budong spoke suddenly.

"Shangxian, I am willing to open the way and explore the reality of this enchantment for you."

Chu He nodded his head as a promise, and Mo Bu Buyi jumped up and flew down quickly. After a while, he disappeared into the air like an egret.

Seeing that the Holy Son of Taiyi Sect was so good at doing things, Master Songling finally managed to win another round.

"Have you seen that, when we are in danger, we Taoists are still willing to stand up, unlike you bunch of bald donkeys, who chant Amitabha Buddha on their lips, and do not know how much heart they have behind their backs. They are terribly afraid of death."

Reverend Mingdong was furious at being insulted, but Master Songling was right, and he was not easy to refute. He admitted in his heart that he was not forgiving.

"What kind of shit is standing up, isn't it just breaking the barrier, and making it look like you are going to die generously, what's so great about it?"

"Besides, even Shangxian doesn't understand the function of barriers. You rush down like fools, don't you think before doing things? Or do you not!"

"What are you talking about, you old bald donkey! Who are you saying has no brains? Say it again if you have the guts?"

Master Songling came to the real fire, Taiyi Immortal Gourd trembled violently, and was about to run away.

But Master Myeongdong is not afraid at all, the six-petal lotus is swaying and swaying, not retreating but advancing.

"Want to fight? Do you think this Arhat is afraid of you?"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Chuhe snorted coldly, grabbed a spirit treasure with one hand, and squeezed it hard.

The two have merged with Lingbao. Now that Lingbao is being tortured by Chuhe, they all empathize with each other and become miserable.

Seeing that the Taiyi Immortal Gourd was about to be crushed by Chuhe, Master Songling said in a panic.

"Shangxian spare my life, Xiaoxian will never dare again!"

"The poor monk provoked the god, sin, sin, please forgive me."

For Chuhe, it is a good thing that Master Mingdong and Master Songling are at odds. The two have just made their own weapon spirits. If they are extremely docile when they come up, Chuhe is not at ease, worrying that the two will conspire I'm planning to pit myself.

Seeing the two quarreling over trivial matters, Chuhe was actually very happy in his heart. It's just that quarrels belong to quarrels, but they must not fight.

When you fight, you touch your bottom line.

"You guys are addicted to talking, and bickering is enough, and you dare to fight in front of me! Don't take me seriously, and next time, I'll just let you die."

There was endless majesty in Chuhe's words. After saying this, Master Mingdong and Master Songlin dared not do anything again, honestly like children.

To be honest, for the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism, seeing their golden body Arhat and Taishang Patriarch being trained like a child, it is somewhat embarrassing.

Fortunately, the remaining prestige of the two is still there, and the disciples dare not make mistakes.

At this time, some people began to wonder.

"It's been a while since Mo Feifei went in, why didn't you reply?"

"Yeah, this kid didn't know to tell us what's going on inside the enchantment. This is too much. Don't you know that Shangxian is waiting?"

"Maybe he forgot. Let's call him twice and we'll know."

"Holy Son, what's going on inside, have you seen the Monkey King? Hurry up and send a message to the Immortal, it's not polite at all."

The little monk asked more enthusiastically, but there was still no response in the enchantment, as if Mo Bubuyi disappeared from here, no matter how much the little monk shouted, he couldn't get any response from him.

Seeing this situation, Master Myeongdong laughed a little!

"If you don't answer, it is likely that you have encountered some trouble. Could this kid die in it? I have already said that you don't use your brains for such a dangerous matter. You will be reckless when you go up, and you will lose a saint directly." My son, the Taoist sect is really generous, just like the one picked up by Bai."

For Master Mingdong, Chuhe just didn't want them to fight, but he didn't say that they wouldn't fight. Seeing such a good opportunity, how could he not mock Master Songling.

The dignified Taiyi Sect's holy son hastily broke into the barrier and has never been heard from again. I'm afraid it's bad luck. How can he be worthy of his temper if he doesn't make trouble at such a time.

"You old bald donkey will be addicted to your mouth, right? It's different, but my son of the Taiyi Sect is not the kind of idiot you said. He naturally has his own considerations in doing things."

"The reason why I didn't reply, maybe I was exploring the secret realm, and I will return to Shangxian after I find Brother Hou, unlike you who just wait by the side when encountering things, opportunities are always reserved for those who dare to try, do you understand? "

Master Songling said so, Master Mingdong also realized the seriousness of the matter, but Chuhe personally promised them that if what the two of them did satisfies him, Chuhe would consider letting them go and freeing them from Qiling , and set them free.

Chapter 540: The Great Sage Equaling Heaven Is The Great Luo Jinxian?

And now Shangxian is so eager to see the Monkey King, if it is really found by some holy son of the imperial medical school and brought to Shangxian, it will be a great achievement. He was released in advance, but he wants to be a tool spirit forever.

No, he is not reconciled.

Thinking of this, Master Mingdong didn't care about the majesty of Buddhism, so he yelled at the little monk. "You are my holy son of Buddhism, now is the time for you to contribute to Buddhism, go down and see what happened inside, don't let that kid from Taoism seize the opportunity, understand?"

Although the people in Mingdong said so, the little monk was beating in his heart. Mo Bubu was at the level of an immortal, and he had been in for a long time, but no matter how much he shouted, he didn't respond.

He didn't really believe it, since Mo Buyi went in, he was focused on finding the Monkey King.

He was probably trapped inside, or in some serious trouble, so he didn't have time, or couldn't respond to the outside words at all.

If you think about it this way, it must be very dangerous inside, and going in is basically equivalent to death, so he doesn't want to go in.

As if seeing the little monk's doubts, Master Songling began to mock.

"Shangxian, have you seen it? Let me tell you, they are a group of bald donkeys, all they think about is themselves, and they say auspicious words to save all living beings, but everyone has a hundred eyes."

"If there is no danger, you let him go up to grab the credit, they are faster than anyone else, but if they know that there is danger down there, whenever life-threatening situations happen, those Buddhists, they all cherish their lives very much. Unlike our Taiyi Sect, we sincerely do things for Shangxian."

Hearing this, Chuhe couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Master Songling's words.

These sanctimonious monks are better than anyone else if they are asked to pass on scriptures and chanting, but when they are really in danger, they become shrinking turtles.

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