Procrastinating and procrastinating with the idea that a dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor dao, this kind of behavior is really contemptible.

Being ridiculed by Master Songling like this, coupled with Shangxian's look on his face, he became more and more disappointed.

The real man Mingdong was furious, urged the six-petaled lotus, and flew tremblingly in front of the little monk, a terrifying coercion swept over the little monk.

"The Buddha said, who will go to hell if I don't go to hell? Since you are my Buddhist holy son, you should be prepared to sacrifice your life for righteousness. Don't let those stinky Taoist priests look down on us, let me go down and see what happened."

"Also, remember to call back after you go in. Don't be like that idiot of the Taoist school. A big living person goes in without even farting, which makes us Shangxian wait here for nothing."

The little monk could see it. With the posture of Master Mingdong, if he is not obedient and enters the barrier on his own initiative, then he will definitely be killed immediately.

Rather than being slapped to death by the furious real Myeongdong, he might as well go in obediently.

The enchantment is not ten dead and no life, maybe Mo BuFong really forgot to answer because he found some important clues to chase all the way.

Thinking of this, the little monk turned pale, said nothing more, and silently chanted "Amitabha".

Then he also plunged into the barrier.

This time, in order to avoid the situation of not answering like Mo Bufei.

As soon as the little monk entered, someone shouted outside.

"Little monk, what's going on inside the enchantment? What's the difference? Have you seen it?"

However, the strange thing is that the Master Mingdong gave him advice before he went in, telling him to remember to answer first, but everyone looked at the barrier, no matter how the monks outside asked, there was still no sound from inside.

When the matter developed to this point, everyone believed that there must be something wrong in the enchantment, otherwise, after the holy sons of Buddhism and Taoism entered, it would be impossible for no sound to come out.

This time, the crowd panicked.

"Damn, isn't there a great power locked in this enchantment?"

"It's really possible that the barrier has only two functions, either to protect the people inside, or to imprison the murderer inside."

"The two holy sons are at the level of immortals. They can't even make a sound when they go in. It can be seen that the strength of the one inside is so terrifying that it is unimaginable. Maybe there is a big Luo Jinxian imprisoned in Huaguo Mountain?"

Speaking of Da Luo Jinxian, it is really possible. After all, it is a bit underestimated to say that he is a Da Luo Jinxian based on Brother Hou's combat power. Brother Hou defeated 10 heavenly soldiers and generals by himself.

Let the gods and Buddhas of the gods do nothing to him, even if he is captured, no matter whether he is cut with a knife, an axe, or thunder and lightning, Brother Monkey will be safe and sound.

Even if he was burned in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun for seventy-seven and forty-nine days, he still failed to refine his body. Instead, he became a pair of piercing eyes. Even if the Buddha came personally, he could only be imprisoned in Wuzhishan Down.

It can be said that in the era when the great sages did not appear, Brother Monkey was the incarnation of immortality.

How could a mere Da Luo Jinxian achieve this kind of strength?

Many people have already retreated.

"Let's not provoke Da Luo Jinxian. If we offend him, we will all die. Besides, we have already entered two people. Da Luo Jinxian may have become impatient with our provocative behavior."

"Yes, it will be really miserable if you provoke people to anger at this time."

Don't talk about those monks, even Chuhe's heart is a little beating. After all, he is very familiar with Brother Hou, but this is only because he thinks that he is very familiar with Brother Hou.

Brother Hou has never known him. Thinking about it carefully, Brother Hou has set up such an enchantment for Huaguo Mountain, just because he doesn't want people to know where Huaguo Mountain is.

Moreover, two holy sons were sent in to check, but there was no news.

It really seemed that Monkey Brother was giving himself a warning in the dark. If he was annoyed, there might be serious consequences.

However, now that Huaguo Mountain has been discovered, Chuhe can't make the trip in vain. He has to meet Brother Monkey anyway, even if it's just to say a few words across the barrier.

Thinking of this, Chu He's heart sank, and he also flew slowly to the side of the barrier, and bowed respectfully towards the inside.

Regardless of whether Brother Hou can see it or not, his etiquette is still full.

Then Chuhe said very sincerely.

"In Xiachuhe, I come from the great world of Kunlun. I have long admired the great sage Equal to Heaven. I really want to meet the great sage. I beg the great sage to show mercy and give Xiaoxian this opportunity."

Seeing Chuhe's low profile, the monks were stunned. In their eyes, Chuhe's ability to easily defeat the two golden immortals was enough to prove his strength. At least this golden immortal was far ahead of the golden immortals. On the other hand, it might also be Da Luo Jinxian.

And Chuhe's respect for the Great Sage Equaling Heaven in his mouth is enough to prove that the strength of the Great Sage is far superior to that of Chuhe.

Chapter 541 I Must Enter the Barrier

It seems that their guess was right, but they never dreamed that this so-called Great Sage Equaling Heaven was really a Da Luo Jinxian?

In this era of incomplete avenues, how could someone be able to be a great Luo Jinxian?

After Chu He finished speaking, it took a long time to wait for any response from the barrier.

Chuhe was a little apprehensive, separated by a layer of enchantment, it was like separated by a layer of people's hearts, if he didn't speak inside, he could only guess what was going on inside.

There is no way, this is an unsolvable situation, in order to find out the intention inside.

As soon as Chuhe gritted his teeth, he could only continue talking.

"Great Sage, please believe that I don't have any hostility. I'm just a little fan who admires you very much. I heard many of your deeds in the Kunlun Great World. You fought bravely in the heavens, and all the gods and Buddhas couldn't do anything about you."

"You are the most invincible Daluo Jinxian in my heart. It is rare to come to Dongsheng Shenzhou once, and I think I will pay homage to you no matter what."

"I have no other intentions. I want to express my admiration. By the way, I would like to ask you about Xiaoyao Dao, because you are the one I admire the most among so many gods and Buddhas in your era, and also the one I envy the most. .”

When talking about flattery, Chuhe was not ambiguous at all, and he didn't even feel any shame, after all, what he said came from the bottom of his heart.

For Chuhe, Monkey King is the most well-known figure in the Kunlun Great World, almost none of them. Nezha and Yang Jian, who are as popular as him, are not as free and easy as he is, and they are not as happy as him. .

Chu He is stuck on a bottleneck, it is only one step away from Jinxian, it may take a long time for him to comprehend it by himself, but if he can get his guidance after talking with Brother Hou, he may be able to comprehend it soon reason.

This is a rare opportunity, and Chuhe doesn't want to miss it.

Moreover, in this era of spiritual recovery, if the Great Sage is still alive, it will be great news for Chuhe. After all, the Great Sage is a person who represents justice, who hates evil like hatred and regards death as home. Can keep the peace of the world.

After waiting for a long time again, although Chuhe had lowered his posture to the lowest level, there was still no response from the barrier.

To be honest, Chuhe was somewhat lost. Could it be that after returning from his trip to the West, the great sage has become so calm and secular, and doesn't want to contact the outside world?

What exactly did he go through that caused him to have such an almost autistic thought?

"I'm going in."

Chuhe's words stunned all the monks present.

Chu He put on such a low posture and didn't respond inside, which is enough to prove that the great sage inside doesn't want to see him. Now forcing in is tantamount to hitting the big man inside in the face, and forcibly breaking into his barrier is tantamount to courting death.

These monks were a little terrified, but they were most worried about Master Mingdong and Master Songling, because they were now the spirits of Chuhe.

If Chuhe insists on going his own way and insists on forcibly entering the barrier, then the two of them will definitely be brought in by Chuhe.

From the performance of Chuhe, we can know that the characters in it must be stronger than Chuhe. In this way, if Chuhe angered the great immortal and was directly slapped to death by the great immortal, then they would be as weapon spirits. Not much better.

They didn't expect that they would rather not have their bodies fused into spirits. They still thought they could just barely survive, but they didn't expect that they would die in this inexplicable barrier within an hour.

What's even more ridiculous is that even if you die in this barrier, no one in the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou can find it, and no one will find it.

Those who entered the enchantment would disappear as if they had disappeared out of thin air. People left their names, and geese left their voices, but they couldn't even leave anything behind.

Master Mingdong still panicked, and he said to Chuhe tremblingly: "Shangxian, please think twice, since the great power inside can set up such an advanced barrier, it is enough to prove that his strength is beyond our imagination."

"If you rush in rashly, in case you end up dead, at the critical moment when the Dao is about to recover, it would be a pity to lose your life in vain, and it's not worth it!"

Regarding the issue of life and death, Master Songling did not choose to quarrel with Myeongdong, but stood firmly on the side of Myeongdong.

He said very cooperatively: "Yes, Shangxian, why are you so persistent? The secret realm of the Kunlun Great World is about to open. If you want to find a good opportunity, you can go there for a break. The rules of the road there have already approached. Since it is perfect, it is constantly spreading outward, and the chances there are much higher than those in Dongsheng Shenzhou.”

"As a person who has been here, I have lived for countless years. After so many years, I have completely realized a truth, that is, only by being alive can there be infinite possibilities. You must cherish your life."

Chuhe knew that the reason why Master Mingdong and Master Songling persuaded him so much was because they were greedy for life and afraid of death, otherwise they would not have chosen to humiliate themselves as weapon spirits.

But he is different. His body is an extrajudicial incarnation, refined from the body of a great witch. Its hardness and strength are terrifyingly high. If Brother Hou doesn't kill him, he may not be able to destroy his incarnation outside the body.

Moreover, this is just an incarnation outside the body, not his true self, so if he loses it, he loses it, even if he dies, it is not himself who dies, so there is no psychological burden, and naturally there is nothing to be afraid of.

Besides, what if this is a barrier that blocks sound?

Maybe the reason why Mo Bufei and the little monk didn't reply was because he couldn't hear the shouts from outside, and he couldn't transmit his voice from inside the barrier, and this possibility was not small.

For Chuhe, he doesn't want to miss any small opportunity.

What's more, if he is only cowarded in front of a nodule whose effect is not clear, what qualifications does he have to say that he is the most carefree person in the world?

Not to mention having any qualifications to be the so-called Xiaoyao Dao.

This will also make Brother Hou look down on him. What if this is Brother Monkey's test for him?

Brother Hou, who is fearless and fearless, will never talk about the Way of Freedom with a timid person.

So no matter what, this enchantment Chuhe must enter.

"As a monk, you are so greedy for life and afraid of death. I might as well tell you that it is a good thing to cherish your life, but you will shrink back when you encounter danger. Even if you have peerless talents, you will definitely not be able to become a supreme existence."

"As for me, I hope that fellow daoists will encourage you, and I will enter the barrier first!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, he took a big step directly and stepped into the unknown barrier.

Immortal Mingdong and Master Songling were brought in by Chuhe before he could react. Seeing that the future was uncertain, both of them cursed the eighteen generations of Chuhe's ancestors in their hearts.

Chapter 542 Flower and Fruit Mountain Blessed Land

While everyone was stunned, Chuhe resolutely entered the barrier.

When his body touched the barrier, he only felt a cool touch, just like touching a horizontal surface, there was nothing unnatural about it.

After the whole body was completely passed through, Chuhe looked around, and the little monk was standing beside him waiting.

Seeing the little monk cowering and nervous, Chuhe knew that the boy must be afraid, and he has been guarding here since he came in.

Sure enough, the little monk immediately exclaimed when he saw Chuhe.

"Shangxian, why did you come in? I kept yelling inside. Don't come in, don't come in, but why do you still come in? This sister Jie has some evil ways, it seems that she can only enter but not exit."

"You said you can only enter, but not exit, so what should we do? This time we are finished!"

Master Myeongdong felt that something was wrong with the enchantment from the very beginning, and now he heard the little monk say so.

Looking at the enchantment wall, which he couldn't see clearly at all, he was very desperate.

Chuhe actually brought him into this kind of death without even discussing with him. Even as a spirit of Qi, he was very unwilling.

On the contrary, Master Song Ling was more free and easy, he said in a tone that was almost persuading himself.

"Hey, don't be so nervous. Since Shangxian is willing to risk himself, Shangxian must have a way to get out. We just need to do as Shangxian said. What do you think, Shangxian?"

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